Our Constitution is being dismantled before our eyes, but this will be one stand we'll make and keep encouranging others to do the same. This is harassment, I am no threat. We've tossed two surveys in the recycle bin. I am in the middle of this ACS thing now and refusing to answer. In July, I started to receive visits. As one responder put it, if you only want to know the number of people, then what does race have to do with it? Documents received by the couple from the bureau also tell the couple that they are legally obligated to. Get every bit of info on that person I can (don't forget to do a criminal search) and call them and start asking them questions they will find offensive and question them about their personal life from what I find out about them. 5) Arrest criminals from Acorn and stop our tax dollars from funding Acorn and other criminal organizations like them. Amazing. They wanted to know how much we made, where we made it (we're self employed)but the scary part was that they ALREADY KNEW WHAT WE HAD MADE. Wow. Due to a likely technicality, I received this, with the wrong address. Now the latest. When I saw the personal and invasive nature of recent Census, I was irate. So glad I came across this website while researching whether or not I had to respond to this stupid ACS I just got in the mail. The name of the Census Bureau survey is provided in one or more of the following ways: Your participation is critical. Do not give them your info! In what may be a coincidence, they often seem to call shortly after we arrive home and there is a vehicle marked "census" in the neighborhood. I'm so glad I'm not alone. He argued that he had been singled out for prosecution because he participated in a public protest of the census. They have came to my door unannounced on many occations. At the moment, I am pretty furious with the current political band of thieves and third world dictators "wannabes" in power. Click Update Preferences to ensure the changes are applied. They are discussing tax records with our neighbors? After spending almost an hour answering questions the first time the census take came to my house, they start calling me on Sunday afternoon -- enough is enough! These statistics deliver valuable information for local officials and organizations who provide resources and services to your community. I worked as an enumerator for the 2000 Census. Within Are You in a Survey? From (original) Poster 188: Knock on wood, the phone calls seem to have stopped. Your response to the 2020 Census cannot replace your answers to these other surveys. I just moved to a suburb outside of Detroit after years of living there, and its strange but I also got 'grilled' the last time it came around. and see what they make of that. And it is supposed to be maintained private otherwise the census worker can go to prison or be fined or both. Follow-up can occur in-person, via mail, or by telephone. The misinformation spewed from people here is laughable. You can also contact your local Regional Office. At first, I completed the survey, sealed it in the envelope, and then did not send it. The law does not say you have to answer their questions (so don't). I hung up. The ability of our federal government to properly train temporary, and permanent, employees in PII and cyber security are not well represented in recent historical accounts. I feel like that in itself is an invasion of my privacy. I told them there is a problem if they are not getting their mail. The letter accompanying the census form indicates it's used to decide how many representatives each state has in congress, and how much money my 'neighborhood' receives from the government. Eventually, a Census Bureau worker begins calling the home in an effort to elicit answers. I asked who he was and he attempted to open the screen door. Washington and California residents have filed a proposed class action in which they object to being asked to participate in the American Community Survey, which enquires about certain demographic details more specific than those central to the decennial Census. Be transparent about what you are asking of them, what you will do with their . You may be visited by someone from the Census Bureau working on one of our surveys. The right to privacy is also inherent in many amendments to the Bill of Rights, such as the 3rd, the 4th, search and seizure and the 5th, self incrimination limit. You fill it out and keep it moving- we don't want to. At least they are working instead of collecting welfare checks. The regional offices are responsible for all data collection, data dissemination, and geographic operations under a new service area boundary. And you all sound sober and mature, not the lunatic fringe at all. That resulted in a letter from the director assuring me of privacy, etc. OK anon75478: Then you won't mind answering these question will you? I walked over to my neighbors later that evening and they told me that she did not come by to see them, but she was very persistent about getting the birth dates, ages, place of employment, phone numbers. After four or five visits with three notices taped to the door over two weeks, they seem to have given up. Find out how we keep that promise and our legal obligation to you. They only get idle threats. There is an actual law on the books, but that law has never been applied. Thank goodness for this web site. Since then, they have called three or four times and stopped by multiple times. Section (d) authorizes every 10 years starting 1985. This is due to lack of security for any personal information you provide. And to poster 201: the survey is much more intrusive than asking how many people live in your household. I then hung up. I received the ACS form yesterday and read it through just to see the questions. anon 77369: It is incorrect to say that you are required to respond. They think that if they exert a little authority, show you a badge, write a stern letter, that you will be too afraid to tell them that they have no right to subject you to this. Then I asked the census taker her birth date, and I again got no answer. They are not better people, more deserving, more intelligent, more experienced they didn't know "how" things were going to work out they just knew they would. I also mentioned that unless a US Marshal from the Justice Department accompanied him, I would simply ignore him and would call the police if further harassed. I was mailed two ACS forms which I promptly threw in the trash because of the personal nature of the questions. I may answer the door this time, but my attitude is going to be that I won't allow this to cause me any more stress than deciding what toppings I want on my pizza. It is simply nobodys business. Salesforce. Protect your privacy. I tried to assure her that this indeed was not a prank but she was too busy being rude and just kept talking, finally telling me to call my senator, which I did. So when/if I get a visit, I can inform them of this. I have received two of them so far in January 2010 and I am ignoring both. Well they stopped today. I started to take the survey and the more I saw the more upset I got. welfare etc. By the way, the is a new grassroots site that is just starting called Town Roots. this person got in the building somehow! "the point that seems most lost here is that households chosen for ACS are just part of a statistical sample that is representative of the country as a whole". When I mentioned the threat of a fine to the last caller she seemed horrified that I would accuse her of that and went out of the way to state that she didn't bring it up. No reason to be rude to someone doing their job. They even sent me a Federal Express package telling me how important the information they still wanted to collect was. Mind your own business. We don't have a home phone but I imagine the reps will get hold of our cell numbers? We did not return the census, and received continuous letters and threats. Thanks to all of you for your comments. This summer I sold my house and tried to cancel my FEMA flood insurance. According to some accounts, those recipients who chose not to return the form and did not respond to phone calls or private visits appeared to be hassled the least. Back in 2003 or so we also received a very long census questionnaire, with information I did not want to publish. I guess I now have a 20 percent chance of getting a Census visitor next. One of the three enumerators did canvass my neighbors and got hold of one of them, who tried to call me and advised the census people were looking for me (I did not return the voicemail). Well it's now the middle of July and another census worker left her callback info on the door and has since started calling the number on the "for sale" sign at the property. 241, 250, of all the rights of the citizen, few are of greater importance or more essential to his peace and happiness than the right of personal security, and that involves, not merely protection of his person from assault, but exemption of his private affairs, books, and papers from inspection and scrutiny of others. Who knows what other "enemy" nations also have it. I hung up immediately and called the sheriff. A tactic that is used too frequently in our society as a means of control. Outraged in Maryland. I won't either. me. so the census workers who say, "if you haven't done anything wrong, just answer," well, people who are doing wrong things don't care about america -- they work for the government. God bless you for creating this site! The Census Bureau does not hire temporary workers to collect data for the American Community Survey. I don't see what the big deal is. what the hell??? I also ignored the mailed survey. I very much doubt. The Census Bureau has several policies to ensure the data we collect is protected and your privacy is respected. Firm, clear refusal. All I can think of is that every time one of us gives in and allows this servant to go unchallenged, then they get bolder, prouder, and we get used to it and then we are eventually abused by them. She left. Don't fill out anything if you don't want the public to know some of your private information. Active resistance is the order of the day. --Lazarus. Poster 209: I believe that it is better to clearly refuse up front. So be it. Has anyone really admittedly shown that proof that they got fined? It is SBO-1 (Survey for Business Owner and Self Employed) and states that it is mandatory per Title 13 USC. You must honor a recipient's opt-out request within 10 business days. A third "live" call, and I told the caller again that I'd sent it (the Census) in and that I would report this call as harassment. I am currently working for the Census as an enumerator. I have contacted all of my federal and state Representatives and it is time they passed a census privacy act. This is Government out of control. I filled out my census. lets hope this isn't all to simply mark people who do and do not comply. Im not and if their track record is any benchmark, nobody should. Whom do I contact if I have additional questions, recommendations, or issues? I started my business for 75 cents. She offered me her badge and supervisors number. And so is mine. If you are thinking about filling this out, don't! I have been harassed day and night. Don't give in. It is widely known that in a five-year span the Bureau lost at least 672 laptops. And, if the above comments stated that he can find all the info on the internet, then by all means find it, and leave me alone. OK, we all agree that our rights have been violated. Good grief! I did not send it back, I received another and still did not fill it out. Thanks Mom, for teaching me a little Italian. Don't be rude to the people who are sent out to your house because you think you're too "special" to answer your census. she said go ahead i'll wait. all this while he was getting ready for work. Person 48. The American Community Survey (ACS) is an ongoing survey that provides data every year -- giving communities the current information they need to plan investments and services. Throw the thing in the garbage, leave on your answering machine for a few weeks, and slam the door in the face of anyone who comes by. She said she must have my name, home address which I gave. My 15 year old son was home at the time of the census worker stopping by. I had never heard of such a thing. My husband sent him away as we were eating. Bunch of grumpy anti social loners. "I'm afraid my trees are eating the elephants, now." Is the enemy offshore or some creep in a bloated Federal Dept we don't even need? He used to work for the gas company and has been in my house to light my pilot lights. No need to respond to the intrusive survey. Isn't this trespassing? how the hell does she know me and what i look like, she's never been to our door yet. Glad I found this thread! She was asking the questions again and I told her that I already filled out the form so there is no reason for me to fill it out again. I still am in my boxers since I just woke up and surely was not prepared for a slew of questions from this guy who was getting paid my tax money to invade my privacy). This scared him and on top of that, he did not know most of the answers to the questions. With enough people, we can make a change. We are so far from what our forefathers prayerfully constructed as a government that it will take a real miracle from heaven for a national revival now. The US Census Bureau did randomly select addresses across the country to receive the survey. Spending good taxpayer dollars on another social joke. If someone knows where in the constitution it states this, please share. He was shocked and said it was required by law. Not to mention that this information in the wrong hands can cause identity theft. We have received 3 demands from the Census Bureau. I hope this helps. I'll pay the fine if I have to, but I'm not going to let them bully me into submitting to their scare tactics. I was out in my yard and she was yelling at me from a distance. Opt Out Meaning Example We're starved after working all day on our house renovation. My blood pressure is through the roof right now after reading this survey. no one here is related etc., etc. Whose damn business is it if I own my house and whether I have a mortgage? This evidence should be used to justify resources to make improvements. For more information about completing a particular survey, you can search the Census Bureauslist of surveysand read more about what your options are for responding. Thus, if they want a specific task force to track illegals and tax invading americans, then so be it. Even the IRS does not ask such personal questions as to how our private lives are lived each day. Attempting to use scare tactics to get personal information - nice. The American Community Survey is an Orwellian overreach of federal powers that should be resisted by Americans. I am a law abiding American citizen, tax payer (working 2 jobs) and a registered voter, not a criminal or bum or illegal immigrant living off the tax payers. I have no idea about the ACS (or any of their personal questions). If you wish to independently confirm that the person at your door is a Census Bureau field representatives conducting a household survey = you can enter their name in the Census Bureausstaff searchwebsite, or contact theRegional Officefor your state. The Census Bureau would have to refer a case to the Dept of Justice, they have no power of their own. A month later I received the ACS questionnaire, and coincidentally(? For general questions, call 1-800-923-8282 or visit ask.census.gov to message our Customer Service Center. I never thought at age 47 that I would ever see our country go this far the the left. The Census Bureau will call, and then after the calls then they visit your home. Please confirm. If that's so, why is there a space for your name, date of birth and so much other identifying information that a blind man could identify the author of the answers. ACS was conducted vigorously and continuously during the presidency of George W. Bush. Just one question, what could the $1 billion could have been spent on other than conducting a poll? They must have found it because I heard no more but neither did I get an apology. I do believe that the census information is mostly kept private though after a period of years or decades, it may become public. A sympathizer to the Census said it was to help the government to function. Survey Design and Methods. They're people just like you are, Americans just like you are. Um, no they don't have the right to fine you. I just sent the supervisor who knocked on my door packing! I guess we'll just wait and see. I threw it away. I also feel for the ones who fought and died for us, who spit in their graves. Last census I was harassed for a while because I refused to answer the long winded privacy invading Community Survey. Today I received a notice in the mail from the Census Bureau Director, Robert M. Groves, advising me that next week I'll receive a 2010 Census form in the mail and would I fill it out and mail it in promptly. Where does the boundary lie with these obsessive idiots? The government is over stepping it's boundaries with such personal questions. Beyond principle, I work in the defense of our nation as a senior leader and have good reason to be concerned. I grabbed the handle and slammed the door shut. BTW my survey went into the guinea pig cage, it will come out the same it went in: crap. I do not think I should have to give out that kind of information. The decennial census, officially titled the Census of Population and Housing, orDecennial Census, is the most well-known operation of the Census Bureau and is used to count the number of persons living in the United States. What is the ACS (American Community Survey)? We are still Americans and do not need to share personal information against our will. I have yet to fill one out. How can I verify that a mailing is legitimate and from the US Census Bureau? Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. And my financial business is my business, provided I pay my bills and taxes which I do. why are they taking polls for illegals? don't let them take our rights away even more than they already have. I feel empowered. The oath means something to us and I for one am going to continue to tell them to stick it where the Sun Does Not Shine! I don't think they are even aware of how intrusive this is. They have all the information they need from the IRS. I love hearing this we live in the greatest country. I will fill in my name, address, and very few pieces of information. I refused to answer these as these are not required. Thanks, people, for your informative and oftentimes humorous posts here. Yet, he also said that the American Community Survey is continuing. (This is about 10:02 a.m. which is very early in my world since I work from noon till 9 p.m. Subscribe to our newsletter and learn something new every day. Millions of dollars wasted! Without the enjoyment of this right, all others would lose half their value. [The bracketed words added for clarification], Interstate Commerce Commission v. Brimson, 154 U.S. 447, 479 (May 26, 1894). The 24-page survey, which can be found on the Bureau's website, is sent out to about 2.5% of the American population to collect statistical information for city planning. We pay as much tax as a so called socialist country about 40 percent, but get nothing in return. I've been through one round of the no-response ordeal back in '08 and everything turned out just fine. He gave his name and the number of people living here and refused to answer anything else. Please meet, call write your congressperson to recommend that they sign on to this legislation, and get rid of this ridiculous intrusion of government into your private and personal affairs. Now there was the random insanely long, for one out of four, which I think is totally unfair. Be advised that no matter how intensive your efforts become, nor what kind of fine, penalty, prosecution or imprisonment you may wish to threaten, I, as a free American citizen, will not allow any agency of this government to demand, under penalty of law, that I disclose private and personal information about the members of my household. 1. Thirty-six states and the District of Columbia allow parents to opt-out on behalf of their children. I will comply when they 1) remove the millions of illegals from U.S. soil, 2)oust criminals who do not even pay their taxes from political power positions, 3) listen to the will of their constituency and remember we are a "representative republic" not a "Banana Republic" 4) stop plotting the demise of American citizens with their plans for a Eugenicists health care plan. --Paul. There are free opt-outs for caregivers and those with a deceased relative. What is the legal authority for conducting this survey? THE American Community Survey may be the most important government function you've never heard of, and it's in trouble. Some hypothesize that the Census Bureau will not take legal action against, or pursue fines for, noncompliance with the ACS because doing so would likely attract much negative media attention. In addition to conducting the decennial census count, the Census Bureau oversees surveys that collect information from households, businesses, schools, hospitals, and more. This data is critical for government programs, policies, and decision-making. ) or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. When are they going to get the hint and stop? Remember, it is Congress that is the creator of federal law, and the enumerator of penalties for violations of the law, not the U.S. Census Bureau. Irs does not ask such personal questions you must honor a recipient & # ;... Our house renovation will you the 2000 Census argued that he had been singled out for because... Slammed the door shut Bureau did randomly select addresses across the country to receive the survey then they! And taxes which I gave working on one of our cell numbers area boundary I should have give. No answer and he attempted to open the screen door as an enumerator the! Was harassed for a while because I heard no more but neither did I get an apology Census next! Worker can go to prison or be fined or both she know me and what I look like, 's. 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