Are we going to be the greediest generation?, Kotlikoffs point is that boomers are simply going to have to sacrifice some of the old age benefits they believe (based on political rhetoric and misleading government accounting) they have prefunded and earned for themselves or theyll crush their own children and grandchildren and the economy.We all feel entitled because the way the bookkeeping is set up makes us feel entitled, Kotlikoff said. Posted Jun 3, 2013 by Martin Armstrong. "I think this is the greediest generation." The problem, Simpson explained, is the "polarized" country we live in, and the media that . Fortunately, in 1996 the Chief Actuary of Canada reported that the Plan could not be sustained as it was. We hated our parents as children. Neither can I. She also tells it like it is! But for nearly one third of people (31%) it is a "state public event" while for another 31% it is a memorial day for all former Soviet people. We recommended that the benchmark for the aged pension be tied to average weekly earnings again with the adjustment being phased in over 15 years. [12][13][14] After the Stock Market crashed, this generation experienced profound economic and social turmoil. The sad truth is that there are not nearly enough `bridges to nowhere' in the budget to close the fiscal gap. [25] Living members of this generation are either in their 90s or are centenarians. They endured the Holodomor famine, which killed millions. And have seen a lot of consensus leaning towards the "baby boomers are the greediest generation in history" mentality and noticing that the majority of baby boomer generation can afford homes that cost half-a-million-plus homes, retirement, and other seemingly basic luxuries that most of the "middle class" see as unobtainable due to the middle . In Canada, the situation is distinctly worse because the birth rate in Canada is much lower than in the U.S., which means the burden on working people supporting the health care costs of aging boomers will be proportionately much higher than in America. Climate changes all the time it cant be our fault! runs the excuses of the first. One member of this generation, Hirohito, would become Emperor in 1926, when Japan was already one of the great powers. To add insult to injury, you label us "greedy" for calling bullshit on your incompetence. Camarillo, Alberto M. (1 October 1971). I grew up in the shadow of what Tom Brokaw called " The Greatest Generation .". "We had the greatest generation -- I think this is the greediest generation," he said. For example, firered posted on 11/11/10 at 05:54 PM EST: This situation was neither created nor perpetuated by the `Baby Boomer' generation. . The average Australian feels they are treading water or going backwards. Simpson's remark became the basis for a caustic anonymous rebuke that was widely circulated on the internet: Alan Simpson, Senator from Wyoming, Co-Chair of Obama's deficit commission, calls senior citizens "the Greediest Generation" as he compared Social Security to a Milk Cow with 310 million teats. "I am writing a book now called The Greediest Generation: Why the Boomers are Screwing Themselves, Their Children, and The Planet.""I started studying tax and social welfare policy and I realized that my generation is squeezing the welfare state so that we get all the benefits and the younger generations pay the taxes. The brilliant Harvard professor, Niall Ferguson, describes the traditional intergenerational compact as our most important social contract and one that is being broken in Western economies. We are called the Sandwich Generation for a reason, because weve found ourselves serving, and in many cases, supporting our parents, our children, and even our grandchildren. Commentary: Baby boomers out, 'cuspers' in. [24] The last member of this generation to be elected president was George H. W. Bush (19891993), and as of 2023 the last surviving president from this generation is Jimmy Carter (19771981). Getting overall spending under control inevitably means spending less on Medicare and Social Security. Generation term in their 1991 book Generations: The History of America's Future.[6]. Why shouldnt he try? But the fact remains that health care costs are going to explode as the boomers age and the boomers are OK with that, because were the ones that will collect. The International Monetary Fund recently computed a similar sized fiscal gap. At what age did you retire from your pathetic political career, and how much are you receiving in annual retirement benefits from the American taxpayers? [2], A Message from the Public Trustees, fromA Summary of the 2013 Annual Reports, Social Security and Medicare Boards of Trustees, as read 7 July 2014. Critiques about generations often begin by noting the lack of agreement around birth years. Both health care systems will crash and burn. Nye then supposedly called him out in an open letter that has circulated in forwarded emails.But this isnt the first time the greediest generation rumor has circulated. Its more a matter of degree than sustainability. In 1998, former news anchor Tom Brokaw wrote a book calledThe Greatest Generation. Yet, the fact remains that the boomers, as a generation, made promises that they knew (or should have known) could not be kept. 1995 - 2023 by Snopes Media Group Inc. My Social Security payments, and those of millions of other Americans, were safely tucked away in an interest bearing account for decades until you political pukes decided to raid the account and give OUR money to a bunch of zero ambition losers in return for votes, thus bankrupting the system and turning Social Security into a Ponzi scheme that would have made Bernie Madoff proud 4. Obviously, Shakespeare had it wrong. Instead, the finger prints of the so-called `greatest generation' are all over it. There are many conscientious, generous boomers, just as there were many wretched, greedy louses among Brokaws greatest generation. [17] Tom Brokaw and others extol this generation for supporting and fighting World War II. I, and millions of other Americans, have been paying income taxes our entire lives, and now you propose to increase our taxes yet again. [35] By the end of the war, 5 million Germans were dead, including civilians. And the day is fast approaching when we will be held responsible for the financial debacle ahead of us. Over 9 in 10 (91%) of this age group are registered to vote and 90% voted in the 2000 presidential election. The book says that the Treasury Department commissioned a study by two economists of the United States' long-term liabilities, for inclusion in the 2004 federal budget. Even today arguing against taxes is a good way for politicians at any level of government, and in every jurisdiction, to get elected, from Tea baggers in America to Mayor Rob Ford in Toronto. So please, do not visit the sins of the father upon their children. We were suitably embarrassed that old people were eating cat food or scavenging garbage cans for food, so we reallocated resources to the elderly. Real Estate Agent with Equity Fifty Five Realty, LLC. One of them attributed the greediest generation quote to Dick Durbin and the follow-up letter to an Illinois woman named Patty Nye. "Hey Dick, let's get a few things straight!! This career politician's comments illustrates the entire . As a baby boomer myself, I can be blunt: We boomers won't be remembered as the "Greatest Generation." By 2010, it had exploded to 345 times blue-collar pay. Dick Durbin, a Senator from Illinois calls senior citizens the Greediest Generation as he compared "Social Security " to a Milk Cow with 310 million teats. Herb Stein, once the chairman of President Nixons Council of Economic Advisors, had a saying: Things that cant go on will stop. What he should have said was, Things that cant go on will stop too late. When the U.S. Treasury bond bubble bursts, we could see a financial collapse that makes 2008 look tame. He must have thought I was about to rip off his head and spit down his . He said, First shoot the lawyers. He should have said, First shoot the accountants.. But, of course, Congress would not have had all that lovely money to spend, and would have either had to curtail then-current spending, or raise taxes, or some combination of the two. We are the greediest generation. We have systematically taken more out of our economy and society than we have put back, looting it for our comfort, convenience, and self-indulgence. In some respects we became a spoiled generation. Excuse me but my parents did not save for retirement so my husband and I have carried the burden. Elder followed 167 individuals born in California between 1920 and 1921 and "traced the impact of Depression and wartime experiences from the early years to middle age. For modern Russians, the conflict continues to provide the population with a nationalistic rallying call. Durbin, a Senator from Illinois calls senior citizens the Greediest Generation as he compared "Social Security " to a Milk Cow with 310 million teats. Sure, Kotlikoff was trying to attract attention. Not surprisingly, many of the debt commission's draft proposals to cut the debt by nearly $4 trillion by 2020 from raising the retirement age to 69 by 2075 to bringing in $1 trillion more in tax revenue have won strong opposition from liberals and conservatives alike. The baby boomers who have controlled this country since the 1980s are a selfish, entitled generation. The dole, refugees, single parents and foreign aid are not the problem. As a group, we baby boomers have made no comparable sacrifice. But whats worse, and indicative of how the boomers have managed things, is what happened to the money collected by the Social Security Administration (SSA) intended to (partially) fund Social Security pensions. Now, with those hormones fading, we've popularized Viagra. But the overall impact of the boomers on our society and our economy, as a generation, is that we took what we wanted without regard to what it would cost others, and without thinking about how it would affect the future, either our own, or more particularly our childrens. From a generational standpoint, this kind of evens out, because the civil servants that are retiring are, themselves, boomers. In 1980, a typical American CEOs pay was 42 times that of an average blue-collar workers pay. When expanded it provides a list of search options that will switch the search inputs to match the current selection. Stalin's scorched earth policy left its western regions in a state of devastation worsened by the advancing German army. A 2012 study by Harvard University[5]said that estimates of unfunded public liabilities could range as high as $4.4 trillion. [18] Subsidized by the G.I. The Baby boomer generation after WWII basically are most people's parents around here. I think she is a little ticked off! August, 2010.". Baby Boomers: The Greediest Generation. You may opt-out by. The only way out is to reduce spending. [1] They were shaped by the Great Depression and were the primary generation composing the enlisted forces in World War II. [40] Surviving veterans visit the Yasukuni Shrine to pay tribute to their fallen comrades.[41]. But Simpson said that while every interest group that testified before his committee agreed that the mounting federal debt is a national tragedy, they would then talk about why government funding to their area of interest shouldn't be touched. Democratic Sen. Dick Durbin defended the filibuster, claiming getting rid of it "would be the end of the Senate as it was originally . [33] Queen Elizabeth II, a member of this generation who lived through World War II, echoed much of the same. Our . There is no growth in real wages and inflation is at record lows. And Itll hurt economic growth runs the second. Few of us realize it, but with our acquiescence, Uncle Sam has spent decades running the worlds largest Ponzi scheme, taking ever-larger sums from each young generation and handing them to the old in the form of Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid benefits. And since the biggest voting block of the last 30 years and more has clearly been the boomers, the fault is ours. And you can take that to the bank, you miserable son of a bitch. The story goes Durbin compared Social Security to "a milk cow with 310 million teats" and called senior citizens the greediest generation ever for their reliance on it. Credit:Louie Douvis. Yet Mother Nature wont be put off; she always gets paid. With boomers about to retire, I'm afraid that national priorities will be focused even more powerfully on the elderly rather than the young -- because it's the elderly who wield political clout. Op-Ed Columnist E-mail:, In practice, though, all of this money has been spent by Congress, and the SSA has been left with worthless IOUs. No matter how one labels receipts and payments, the fiscal gap remains the same. The hot issue of the moment is Social Security, and the newest entitlement program is a prescription drug benefit for the elderly. That's 11 times our official national debt and also greater than our total net worth, meaning that in some sense we're bankrupt. You know em too. ! Higher taxes are not the answer as they will threaten the very investment and jobs growth we so desperately need and disadvantage the young. But, he added, if the boomers insist on getting theirs, were going to take everybody down, including ourselves., This is a BETA experience. We provide a Senior's Health Card, which excludes from its means test any untaxed income from superannuation. That, at any rate, is what the boomers have done across most jurisdictions in North America, including Canada, for the past 30-40 years. This is a short review of the . The memory of their service provokes guilt as well as pride. But we boomers need to resist the narcissistic impulse to ladle out more resources for ourselves. By my estimates, the annual cost of health care, per person, by age, remains reasonably steady (with some noticeable blips, as for men at around age 40) until around age 55, at which point health care costs start going up almost exponentially. Many have argued that this is not the case, but look at what happens if the SSA decides to cash in these so-called assets. Returning German veterans found their country carved up into four zones of occupation; later becoming West Germany and East Germany. The Greediest Generation. The Greediest Generation Report this post Richard Worzel, C.F.A. Unlike the Western allies and the Soviet Union, Germany did not honor its veterans, as the association with Nazism continues in contemporary Germany today. "Just vicious. Finance,, viewed 7 July 2014. Today, former Soviet states celebrate an annual Victory Day. Dick Durbin, a Senator from Illinois calls senior citizens the Greediest Generation as he compared "Social Security " to a Milk Cow with 310 million teats. How much money have you earned from the American taxpayers during your pathetic 50-year political career? Join the debate: Rinder sadly has to dismiss a woman's case despite being the victim.Broadcast on 12/01/18Email your name and a . In that book he said, it is, I believe, the greatest generation any society has ever produced. He argued that these men and women fought not for fame and recognition, but because it was the right thing to do.[1]. Nothing substantive has been done since then, despite clear evidence that we needed to act. In July, Baby Boomers should vote for posterity and not for themselves. Because we arent saving, we arent investing. Now the people who made those promises are long gone from office, or at the very least, approaching retirement. "[5] The initials G.I. The term "Swing Generation" has also been used to describe the cohort due to the popularity of the era's music. There is a good chance that members of Generation Q will spend their entire adult lives digging out from the deficits that we the "Greediest Generation," epitomized by George W. Bush are leaving them. In fact, Simpson, who called Social Security "300 million tits on a cow," says his critics are members of the "greediest generation." Simpson told the hometown rag, the Casper Star-Tribune: "I've never had any nastier mail or [been in By Paul Walker. Following the war, this generation produced children at an unprecedented level. We have a scheme where support for the older generations and other extravagances were legislated based on the assumption of continuing revenue from an unprecedented investment boom in resources. Laurence J. Kotlikoff is a professor of economics at Boston University, author of Jimmy Stewart Is Dead, and president of Economic Security Planning, Inc. Adolf Hitler then rose to power, and many of this generation joined organizations such as the Hitler Youth. Op-Ed: Placating 'The Greediest Generation' The Social Security Administration will not make cost-of-living adjustments for seniors this year. Here's a response in a letter from PATTY NYE from Illinois . 1. Generation and the World War II generation, is the Western demographic cohort following the Lost Generation and preceding the Silent Generation.The generation is generally defined as people born from 1901 to 1927. Tony Shepherd is a businessman and a former head of the Commission of Audit. The predominant emotion the holiday provokes among Russians (59% of respondents) is national pride, while 18% said "sorrow" and 21% said "both". As we've aged, age discrimination has become a basis for lawsuits, and the most litigated right has become the right to die. The author Laurence J. Kotlikoff affirms that on of the major characteristics of Baby Boomers is greed. Somehow, I think that the fear of Puffin's censors was that Dahl's books might be too relevant, rather than too little. In a profanity-laced letter sent last month, Simpson attacked the group as a bunch of "greedy geezers" and demanded they "read the damn report." Several news . [31], In Britain, this generation came of age, like most of the western world, during a period of economic hardship as a result of the Great Depression. Generation" was first used in 1971 by Alberto M. Camarillo in an article for the academic journal Aztln: A Journal of Chicano Studies, titled "Research note on Chicano community leaders: the GI generation. Senator Dick Durbin, a Democrat from Illinois, for calling seniors the greediest generation for their use of Social Security. "I think this is the greediest generation." Where to begin. No country that invests this little can expect to grow or see its workers real wages rise. The Great Depression also greatly influenced literature and witnessed the advent of comic books, which were popular with members of this generation with such characters as Doc Savage, The Shadow, Superman and Batman. The Wall Street Journal. Because you idiots mismanaged other parts of the economy to such an extent that you need to steal money from Medicare to pay the bills 6. By Nicholas D. Kristof. Alan Simpson, the Senator from Wyoming, calls senior citizens the 'Greediest Generation' as he compared "Social Security" to a Milk Cow with 310 million teats. But the sad and sorry state of Social Security must still be placed at the feet of the boomers because we have had effective control of the U.S. government for decades, and have found it easier not to make the hard decisions about funding Social Security properly. Former U.S. Sen. Alan Simpson, a Republican from Wyoming, actually made the milk cow-Social Security comparison in a 2010 email to a group of older women critical of his proposals to reform the program. "The Greatest Generation" got its name from a book by the same name. This article is more than 10 years old. I wanted to know . The incendiary headline was written by Kotlikoff, not a Forbes editor looking to gin up some extra page views. Returning veterans found their country occupied and received little support or respect. In its latter years, this generation was introduced to continued technological advancements such as mobile phones and the Internet. To provide the population with a nationalistic rallying call generation term in their 90s or are centenarians businessman. States celebrate an annual Victory day letter from Patty Nye changes all the time cant..., generous boomers, the fault is ours been left with worthless IOUs was about to rip off his and! Not save for retirement so my husband and I have carried the burden spending less on Medicare Social. Things that cant go on will stop too late them attributed the generation! That are retiring are, themselves, boomers typical American the greediest generation pay was 42 that... 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