She tells them Jackson is getting supplies and they are heading to The Bayou. However, reconciliation would not be easy, especially given Kol and Finn's past. With the Nightwalkers taken care of and Roman freed, Antoinette decided to leave New Orleans. Marcel chastised Elijah for never being upfront about his scheming and hostility like Klaus, and instead was always hiding behind his fancy suits. Hayley joins and Klaus demands her to return to the compound. Later, Klaus tells Elijah his plan but Elijah says they need to know where the stake is. Elijah idly stands by as Klaus inserts the dagger back into Kol's heart. Klaus then kidnaps Davina's friend he stays at his side, playing until Davina arrives. It was their mother Esther. Freya pulled Elijah aside to tell him about an idea she had to kill Lucien. "Depending, on my mood.". If Dahlia goes anywhere near the paintings she will be mortal. When they met the count, Elijah managed to convince the noble of their legitimacy and they pulled off their ruse, being welcomed into his court. Klaus tells Marcel, "The prodigal son has finally learned to hold his liquor." Elijah went with Hayley to get Hope and see if her blood would somehow be able to cure Lucien's bite. Hayley looks away as Elijah gently sticks the baby's finger with a pin to release a large drop of blood. He reminds him how the governor of New Orleans was desperate for their help in 1720. However, it failed to and Finn died after finally beginning to see the love and loyalty the family had. Elijah joined his family and allies in attacking the witches and trying to rescue the kids from the ritual. Elijah hopes it's not unpleasant. Elijah tells her he left them out because they no longer live in the French Quarter. It is later revealed however that the dagger has to remain in an Original to keep him dead. You'll never leave this city. Klaus said he had tried and broke down. In the fourth season, the Hollow used the magic from Elijah's sireline to resurrect herself. I only came to New Orleans to make sure you were safe. Elijah told his niece that he hated himself now, just as much as she hated him. Marcel remained steadfast in his refusal, preparing to kill them when a freed Klaus arrived, stabbing Marcel with Papa Tunde's blade. He allowed Hayley and Jackson to take Hope away. Elijah was later on restored to his body. Unfortunately, his actions result in the Prophecy coming true by the end of the third season. Elijah, stunned, asks him to elaborate. Sophie explains to Elijah that a werewolf named Hayley became pregnant during her encounters with Klaus. Although they succeeded in saving his soul while his body died in the sacrifice, the pendant was damaged in the struggle. Elijah understood, telling her it was the right thing to do, and he had even tried it once. It was our family's last hope, and now she's gone.Elijah about losing Hope in From a Cradle to a Grave. So if she uses her magic. Sometime later Elijah goes back to the compound. Rebekah explains her wish to becoming human, but Klaus teases his sister's wishes and Elijah said to his brother to come with a more compelling reason why he should have the cure. However, with the birth of his niece, his priorities have begun to shift from redeeming him to ensuring her safety. That night, Rebekah tried to kill Mikael as he slept to end his abuse of Niklaus but Elijah stopped her and considered killing his father himself. Elijah went on further to say that his secret of having killed Tatia haunted him, due to Klaus also having loved her and not knowing the truth. Elijah is a very captivating and handsome man, 5'11" in height, and has a lanky, yet muscular body. Elijah tells his father that if he thinks he would betray Klaus for his own father, then he's a fool without equal. Before he goes he says to Damon that Elena will never forgive him. Freya came up with a plan to put them all into a magical slumber, their lives being linked to Klaus' own, until Hayley could find a cure for Marcel's bite, Rebekah's hex, and the poison Freya had been cut with. Hope revealed that she knew she was dying and explained how she blamed herself for Hayley's death, even though she had tried to blame Elijah. Why do you wet your sponge before applying foundation? Elijah then gets a phone call from Rebekah. Forgive me. His devotion to his family exceeds his new-found love for Antoinette, causing him to abandon her. Klaus told him that he would allow Hayley to marry Jackson and alter the wolves into having the powers of hybrids. Klaus told her no and told her that if she turned every boy she fell in love with, the humans would cease to exist. Elijah asked her to come home but she refused, being too close to bringing Kol back. Elijah was enraged by the truth and compelled Aurora to see Klaus for the monster that he was, which soon after led to her rejecting Klaus when he tried to take her with them. Elijah wanted Caroline's daughters to transfer it to him instead, and then wanted Klaus to kill him, seeing himself as a better option to save both Hope and Klaus. Mikael tells him that he'll forgive his sentimental affections for his brother, but says that Klaus is an abomination and that they must be erased from existence. Klaus told him that Silas would torment him, until he has the cure. Elijah, like his younger brother Kol, is believed to be famous amongst the witches around the world. Monique responds by casting a spell that places names all over his body. Elijah screams at Cami. Elijah looked on helplessly as Marcel stormed away before silently drinking by himself in guilt over the actions he took, only to be comforted by Hayley. Elijah in general is a very emotionally hardened character and has difficulty at times handling and accepting certain emotions. Back in his physical body, Elijah broke down crying as the agony of all of his past deeds came rushing back to him, including his failure to save Hayley. Elijah allows Klaus to feed from him to heal. Soon after, The Strix arrived to rescue their captive leader. They talk about how Klaus will do anything to protect baby Hope. To use against Dahlia. Elijah was the first member of the Original Family to make their first appearance in a present day episode. Elijah, Klaus and Hayley talk about their next plan. They grew more desperate to find her after she captured Freya to lure them to her. Dahlia in Josephine's body interrupts their breakfast. Some familiar faces are poised to drop by including Jeremy Gilbert and Matt Donovan. Elijah is getting ready for something while they talk about Freya. Elijah then headed back to Mystic Falls to bring Rebekah with him to New Orleans, and tried to convince Rebekah to come with him but Rebekah wouldn't saying she didn't owe Klaus anything and walked away. Elijah looked on with guilt but Freya told him it had to be done. She explained that she had met him before, decades ago, in the thirties, and didn't tell him because their families were enemies. He asks what happened and she says she killed Francesca while she looked her in the eye and begged for her life while she tore her apart. Elijah then begins his search for a missing Hayley, He finds Hayley with Eve interrogating Celeste. Elijah then tells he thinks she looks lovely, He then touches her birth mark and she covers it with her hand. To use her magic to make the infirmary a magic free zone. Unknown to them, Elijah's consciousness had been pulled into a Chambre de Chasse, along with Klaus, much to the brothers' mutual agitation. When Elijah demanded the truth, he learned compulsion, which forced her to tell him what she knew. It is presumed Diego also tried other tactics which also failed miserably against Elijah. Fans are wondering if Hopes father Klaus is dead or alive. He demands to know what happened and Hayley retaliates, walking forwards yelling "as if you didn't know." He looks at his hand and sees blood. They found The Hollow's servants in the middle of their ritual with the captive children, using the spell to claim more power for themselves. Elijah tries to calm down Marcel and tells him, he doesn't like to either but tells him that Davina will die either way. Once she arrives at the Mikaelson Mansion, she learns from Hayley that Elijah is nowhere to be found. She tried to defend herself but was no match and was killed. Vincent hesitantly invited Elijah inside his home to tell him more about the Hollow, and how it had haunted the city for a very long time, always trying to reach out to the living world in violent patterns of four. However, every vampire in his sireline remained dead. In Season Three, of The Originals, when Elijah learns from Klaus (who learned it from Lucien Castle; the first vampire his half-brother ever sired) that the remaining Original Vampires will fall in one year, unlike his half-brother at first, he realizes that Lucien may be right about the prophecy, he also joins forces with Klaus and Freya to try to stop the prophecy. Lucien told Elijah that he would make his revenge against their family last a long time before fleeing. Esther used the rest of her blood as part of the spell used to bind Klaus' werewolf side, which resulted in Klaus' werewolf gene being dormant. He asks Gia for help in playing her violin. However, while Mikael was hard on all his children, he was hardest on Niklaus, whom he saw as weak. Elijah tried to convince her otherwise, knowing it would be too dangerous but Rebekah ignored his wishes. She used her magic to swipe at him, slashing him repeatedly. Elijah told her to get home as quickly as possible before Freya sent him back to New Orleans. Dominic promised that if Elijah handed over Vincent and Marcel, the Mikaelsons would be spared. Rebekah agrees because she hopes to end their quarrel. Later, when Damon and Alaric are captured by the werewolves, Elijah comes to the Salvatore Boarding House to find Alaric dead and Damon being tortured by Jules. Elijah searched with Kol, who tried to jog Elijah's memories with his old belongings during their search. Klaus eventually killed August, sparing the rest of his family, Greta, Antoinette, and Roman Sienna. Klaus told him they did it, Elijah said he helped build the city but it was all because of Klaus. Klaus joined him in his speech, telling the crowd that they should put aside any past grievances since the Mikaelsons would only be staying in New Orleans briefly. Express. Klaus brother Elijah appears in the trailer, however, Klaus is absent. In Don't It Just Break Your Heart, Elijah told Antoinette how much he enjoyed the feeling of sundown without a daylight ring, and how liberating it was. While Elijah could hold his own, he was being overwhelmed by Marcel's assault until Hayley arrived to help him. They hesitated a moment before nodding to one another, preparing themselves for their deaths. Elijah senses there is someone else there he leaves his sisters to see who it is. Klaus then asks, who Celeste even is. He has become utterly ruthless in defense of his family in their war against the Hollow, willing to kill and sacrifice innocent children, such as forcing Vincent to recreate the Harvest Ritual to help stop the Hollow by killing four innocent young girls. Klaus responds that she's the one who revealed Rebekah's betrayal. Klaus interrupts and tells Hayley to come back to the compound. When Rebekah arrives at the compound Rebekah tells Elijah and Klaus that Eva is trying to resurface. Rebekah makes Elijah admit that he likes Hayley. He has been shown to go to great lengths to make those that disrespect him suffer, such as Damon, Thierry, and Marcel. Elijah went to the cemetery where Vincent was being held captive by Strix members and saved him by extracting the heart of one of the ancient vampires. Elijah approaches her and tells her that she almost did and that in a thousand years, he can't recall a time when he felt so afraid. Francesca sees Elijah and tells him that she has already settle some of the disputes. More worried than ever. He knew he couldn't die from sunlight but wanted her to see just how serious he was. A few hours later Camille stabs Elijah to get it out. However, the finale cut to black before we could see their bodies fully disintegrate, leaving many to wonder just what happened to the OG vampires' souls. Concerned that his brother would use it on himself to free himself from being a vampire, Elijah tried to talk Finn down from doing anything rash. She saw Elijah and freaked out a little bit. He offers them the Moonstone, but when they try to grab it, he kills all the werewolves with amazing ease, causing Jules to flee without the moonstone. Not wanting to risk the news spreading to Mikael, Elijah and Klaus stepped down and watched while Tristan scarred Lucien. Elijah tells Josephine and her witches that Rebekah is now in Eva's body and Rebekah wasn't responsible for several witch children being dead and injured. He's challenging the gentry to duels as though they have any chance of a fair fight. However, a look from Klaus told Elijah that it was an act. Elijah's parents fled from Europe, with his older brother, Finn, and a few others after the supposed death of his older sister, Freya, from the plague while Esther was pregnant with Elijah. At the end of the episode Elijah is looking Davina's sketches which seem to suggest that something evil is coming. However, Lucien awoke from death, eventually transitioning into a vampire. Inside was Jackson's removed heart, pulled out by Tristan, who had both Hayley and the now deceased Jackson captive. Antoinette wanted to leave, worried that Klaus would pursue them but Elijah wasn't worried, knowing that when he renounced Klaus, he had broken his brother. In England, Elijah and Klaus were noblemen in the late 15th century. He gets a phone call from Klaus. Mikael then asks Elijah for his help to kill Klaus. Elijah saw his old self as miserable, and refused to be that again. Elijah tried to negotiate with him but after all his sacrifices Elijah decided to meet with him in a private room. Katherine arrived and tried to explain herself but Elijah's distrust of her made it hard for him to go along with her plans but she finally gave him the cure, proving herself to him and telling him that she truly did love him. Elijah was the one to love her the moment heard of her existence. In I Love You, Goodbye, Elijah, Cami and Hope head back to New Orleans. While waiting for their older sister Freya to show up for a meeting. The two fought and Klaus broke Elijah's neck and tossed him aside. Later, Cami arrives and Elijah isn't happy about her presence and tells her Klaus doesn't want to talk to her, reminding her that she's in danger coming there. Elijah touches her, lays his forehead on hers. Elijah impaled him with a piece of wood, before telling him he wanted answers. He then went to France and became a piano player, where Klaus saw him from across the bar he was playing at. She tells him they wont be safe until Hope comes back. In An Old Friend Calls, Elijah listened to Klaus' nervousness that the members of his now severed sireline would come for him for revenge but Elijah told him to take solace that they had destroyed all of the white oak so his enemy's wouldn't be able to do any permanent damage, but even Elijah wasn't so sure of his own words. A fan-theory on the website Fansided is that in the fifth and final season of The Originals, Klaus or Elijah will sacrifice themselves to save Klauss daughter Hope. Elijah swore that if Marcel continued to get in the way of his little brother's redemption, he would deliver on him another kind of nightmare. When Elijah learned Klaus was being held captive by the ancestral spirit of Davina Claire, trying to sacrifice him to defeat the Hollow, Elijah offered himself up in his brother's stead. In What, Will, I, Have, Left, Elijah and Antoinette were visited by Antoinette's "mother", Greta Sienna. For weeks, Antoinette helped Elijah re-learn how to be a vampire. And Elijah tells him if Freya betrays them he will torture her. He didn't want to say goodbye and Elijah agreed, pulling out the white oak stake and snapping it in half. She then tells them that Klaus and Mikael will be her next victims. Elijah tells them Klaus will agree to their terms, he only needs more time. He goes to the cemetery to save Finn/Vincent. Elijah came running to join his mother as she grieved Henrik's death. Elena responds by stabbing herself. Elijah tells them all they have done is doubt Freya and they need to trust her. In the 21st century, Elijah rekindled his relationship with Katerina Petrova aka Katherine Pierce, before ending it to go to New Orleans to help Klaus. Elijah rolled up his cuffs and welcomed her to try and get it from him. Elijah then tells his siblings and Hayley that everything they were told by Sophie and the witches was a lie. You don't owe me anything. Elijah removed his daylight ring, proclaiming his love and devotion to Antoinette, wanting to show her that he was all in on their new life and was completely leaving his old one behind. He did study at the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art, so maybe that's where he picked it up? Later, Antoinette and Elijah played piano together and she told him about their families' bloody history and how she had fallen in love with Elijah when she first met him back in 1933, when he had helped her escape her family. Antoinette explained he had stalked her before, sometimes even brought her back to her family. When Elijah asked where she would go, she reminded him that he'd told her Shanghai was a nice place back when they first met in 1933. In City Beneath The Sea, at St. Louis Cathedral Elijah meets with Freya she tells him he needs to get Hope back immediately. Elijah then calls Rebekah and reveals to her that Klaus' former student, Marcel is still alive which Rebekah finds shocking. Elijah asks Klaus if he still remembers that Genevieve tortured their sister. Despite her impressive skill, she was no match for Elijah's power. He wants it to go away. Elijah then attacks Dahlia she uses her magic to throw him across the room. That's it, you heard it here first. He continued, This was never ever about a 'ship for me or for Klaus. Klaus then tells Rebekah that every thing he has done is to take back their empire which was taken from them by Marcel and that he has his empire and his new home and will live there while Rebekah and Elijah live in the Mikaelson Mansion and rot. Meanwhile, Monique and Abigail are still using their powers combined powers to channel the full strength of the ancestors, Elijah fights to get close enough to them to get the baby. He also reveals he had once cared for Katerina, but that it was a mistake he does not care to iterate. As Rebekah glares into the room, she spies her sleeping brother who, to Rebekah's surprise, opens his eyes and stares at her. Davina then arrives and is angry against all of them and attacks them forcing Klaus to turn into his Wolf form and makes Elijah choke out his blood from the victims he has fed on in his 1000 years as an Original Vampire. The trailer confirms that Hope survives after coming close to death in season five after she. They all go to the Warehouse District. Elijah meets with the wolves to discuss the deal they made with Klaus about Esther's moonlight ring spell for their pack. And Kol dies in Rebekah's lap. Elijah and Tristan discussed their similarities and differences, and the role Elijah played in Tristan's history. However, every vampire in his sireline remained dead. In the year 1821, Elijah had grown close to Klaus' ward, Marcellus, encouraging and teaching him. He then joined in the celebration, enjoying a peaceful night of happiness with his family. Elijah was first introduced when two vampires named Rose and Trevor called a person on Elijah's inner circle in the hope that he would come to meet them and pardon them because they were tired of constantly running from the Originals. They talked about Hope and how she had the rest of the family looking after her, and acknowledged that she was the very best of Klaus. Elijah appeals to her caring side, telling her that he'd help her control the magic that is consuming her life, promising that if she works with him, he would let her see his mother's book of spells. Though initially telling Finn that it was his own fault for being a threat to their family's very existence, he began to understand Finn's pain. They had become the very first vampires. Elijah visits Monique at the cemetery and tries to make deal with her to find Cleste Dubois help him stop her her, Monique doesn't trust him and says Celeste has the faith. If they found what represented them, they could escape the mind prison. In Catch Me If You Can, when the feud between Kol, Rebekah, and Klaus reached a breaking point with Rebekah drawing a dagger on Kol, Kol brought up Elijah in his fury. Unsure of Alaric's interruption, Alaric quickly writes to Damon that the dagger will kill him if he uses it. He is still accusing Klaus for Tim's death. While Klaus left, Elijah and the rest of the family gathered to celebrate Klaus' life. She asks what's next should she and Klaus hold their heads up and say they're ready to try again. In Rebirth, Hayley kills Francesca as a reaction for almost killing her baby. And she wants to be a true immortal. Katherine then appeared before Elijah and told him his sister is right about Klaus. While speaking with them and insulting them, Elijah remained bewildered by his identity, not believing that they'd met before. Is Elijah in season 5 of The Originals? He throws it forcefully toward Abigail, which impales her through the stomach and kills her, breaking the connection that she and Monique had to the ancestors, Monique quickly runs to grab the athame to finish the sacrifice herself. She refuses and Elijah tells her if she doesn't help. Once Klaus was gone, Elijah told them that there was something else they needed to discuss, and told them that he was going to die with Klaus, having fulfilled his life's goal of redeeming his brother. In the bayou, Elijah and Rebekah find Diego and the boys stopping them from finding the wolves. Klaus then tells Elijah to tell Sophie that they have a deal. Season 2: After Hayley and Klaus had to give up their daughter to protect her, Elijah and Hayley become estranged. She offered all of them new lives in new bodies, so they no longer had to be vampires. Later that year, Elijah is seen by both Rebekah and Genevieve, Rebekah asks if she is interested in Elijah but she confirms she is interested in Klaus, Rebekah then begins to talk of her older brother Kol who is also a bad boy and she would like him to. When Rebekah called, believing Esther had found her and the baby, Klaus insisted that Elijah go to their aid. Once he does, he thinks Elena is Katherine, calling her "Katerina". In the beginning, our family was human, a thousand years ago, now. In The Tale of Two Wolves, Elijah was told by Marcel that despite Freya and Davina's best efforts, they couldn't find a way to help Hope and that with her first transformation into a werewolf approaching, Hope's condition would worsen and she would die. Later, after learning it was Hope who had trapped them inside the chambre, Elijah asked Klaus what his relationship was like with Hope, trying to discern where his key could be hidden. Even before Hope was ready to be birthed, he was the first person to accept the baby. When Elijah returns to the dinner party, Damon says he doesn't have to protect John as per the deal between Elijah and Elena. Elijah asks if he let her get away and he says not exactly. Elijah tells Klaus that even though they don't know Freya. Her body becomes covered in cuts, and she coughs up blood before falling to the ground. Klaus however thinks the treaty will fail. Rebekah and Elijah are still in the bayou, looking for wolves. Hayley tells him she made Freya leave. Then, Finn claimed Elijah had always been jealous that Finn was the oldest and that Elijah had wanted the responsibilities of the eldest so he let Finn be neutralized so he could have them. While the flames drew closer, Elijah and Klaus searched for Kol while Rebekah brought the daggered Finn onboard a ship to flee from Europe. They tracked her down and took her hostage before Elijah called Tristan to threaten harm on Aurora and a meeting place to make an exchange: Aurora for the Serratura and Hayley, knowing Tristan wouldn't let his sister get hurt. The boy then argued with Klaus and he threw him down the stairs while Elijah tried to stop it. Ariane used a pool of water to see into Elijah's memories, seeing all of the pain he and his family had endured, and also the darkness that was still to come, giving him cryptic symbols. Elijah tells Hayley to marry Jackson but then pulls her close and starts to kiss her. Elijah could only watch his older brother died with his siblings surrounding him. When Finn arrived, he used his magic to hurt Elijah and knock out Oliver. Elijah begins to say that he will take Elena away from both Damon and John if Damon becomes a liability. Rebekah thanked him and hugged him, before hugging Elijah, knowing this would be the last time she saw her brothers. and that he wasn't part of the larger issues; the war between the sirelines. Throughout his long life, Elijah had several romantic relationships. potomac elementary school teachers; 3rd semester political science question paper Elijah grabbed her by the throat and accepted her ultimatum before being stopped by Marcel, who stole the charter. Elijah then asks Camille if she can find someone who works at the bar by the name of Jane-Anne Deveraux. Elijah awoke from his state, though still seeming to suffer a little from Esther's efforts. The spell was going to kill the unborn child inside Hayley by raising her body temperature. It's the werewolf Eve. They're celebrating to the new era-collaboration in the face of prohibition. While Elijah and Klaus are going to pay Davina a visit, Elijah tells Rebekah to babysit Hayley. Hayley scoffs at his request and asks him if he really thinks the baby will be safe there. He also acknowledged that Freya's pendant housing Finn's spirit had also been taken. In Dead Angels, while Klaus focused on recovering the white oak from Cami, Elijah sought to keep Aya distracted. Marcel joined in on the fight with his new allies and in the chaos of the battle, managed to sneak up behind Elijah and stake him. Klaus and Elijah go back to the Mikaelson Mansion to a warm welcome from Rebekah and a surprisingly warm one from Hayley, who simply tells Elijah to not make promises that he can't keep. Elena called Stefan and Matt and said that Elijah was with her. The next day Elijah enters Klaus' room and sees Lana and jokes of him sleeping with an enemy who is now their ally, Klaus tells Elijah they got tickets to The Opera House and asked him to tell Rebekah to bring Marcel with her. After The Hybrid Curse is broken and Klaus is delivered to the brink of death, Elijah walks up to his brother. Suddenly, he was plagued by visions of his mother's torture, including how she had ingrained his brain to keep himself clean so no one could see his violent vampire nature. Freya tells her story about Dahlia. Once they go to the church, they were starting to look for the same names that were on his body, he found the name Clara Summerlin who died of Influenza. He tells the witches to kill both Hayley and the baby, claiming he doesn't care either way. Elijah called Rebekah, and told her that neither of them is good without that child, Rebekah then asked when he would stop searching for Klaus' redemption. She then tells them Dahlia held her as her prisoner. he meets Hayley who asks him if has already forgiven her. Later, Elijah realized that Antoinette had known that he was Elijah Mikaelson the whole time. Elijah has taken up a position as a mentor for Marcel's new army. It was only when Davina put on a bracelet in her possession that she sent Mikael away, showing Elijah that she had brought back and was now in control of his father. Klaus, however, realized it was their brother Finn, much to Elijah's surprise. Elijah then begins to make a deal for Klaus' body with Elena, saying that he will not revive Klaus in her lifetime nor her children's, saying that it may teach him some manners. To prove it, Elijah admitted that he had murdered Tatia and hid that secret for a thousand years. Elijah was the third child and second son of Mikael and Esther. They were interrupted by the arrival of Tristan, who requested to speak to Elijah alone, saying that Elijah's sireline was at stake. As the third oldest of his siblings, Elijah is the eldest Original Vampire alive and the oldest Vampiric immortal in the world, now that Silas, Amara, Mikael, Finn are dead and Freya is mortal. 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