By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. ("Nailed"), Later on, Jimmy begins his first consultations at the new Wexler McGill office, now finished and ready for business. Oh, uh, I lied to the government about Kim Wexler. Jimmy appears heroic and gets the media exposure that he was aiming for. He returns to the office to give the good news to Kim. No. One year later, he's got a pile of cash as big as a Volkswagen. Jimmy and Kim feel the apartment isn't safe and immediately go to a hotel to wait out the situation for a few days. It'd take him three hours. Because he was introduced Jimmy through Ignacio "Nacho" Varga, Jimmy's former client, he suspects that he may have been in on the plan. Heading home, he is mugged and beaten by the three youths who steal all the money he made. He takes the records to a nearby copy shop, where he creates doctored copies with the street number transposed into 1216. Despite this, Jimmy felt enough remorse to repair his mistake with his client by purposefully exposing his actions in a way that repaired the woman's friendships and presumably destroyed all of his own credibility with his clients in the process. ("I.F.T."). Jesse returns to Saul's office in a fit of rage, and brutally assaults him. EdAha. After several abortive consultations, Jimmy enjoys some small successes with some elderly clients, leading Kim to suggest he consider practicing elder law. Chuck, who had become a successful lawyer in Albuquerque, New Mexico, visited Jimmy in jail at the request of their mother. She knew all about him. And Agent Schrader and Agent Gomez and a whole lot of other people would still be alive. At the hearing, however, Saul decided to change tactics after learning that Kim had already confessed to everything that had happened in the lead-up to Howard Hamlin's (Patrick Fabian) death at the hands of Lalo Salamanca (Tony Dalton). All the lights worked. Here's your good turn, okay? Jimmy and Kim begin plotting against Howard. Stunned at first, she is amused when Jimmy successfully puts the move on Ken, a loudmouthed broker. He's concerned that Huell has gone missing and is wearing a bullet-proof vest. In Alburquerque, Francesca confronts her two stoner tenants over a clogged sink. Mike sits them down and tells them what is going to happen next: Howard's car is going to be driven several states away and abandoned next to the ocean, staged as a suicide; since the car was likely seen at the apartment before his disappearance, Jimmy and Kim are to tell the police that he showed up in a drug-addled stupor and left uneventfully. And then you are gonna tell me the whole story.Lalo. ("Chicanery"), Jimmy is given only a year's suspension in the aftermath of his legal battle with Chuck. You can't help it. They let Mike in and he lays down ground rules: He runs the business, Walt and Jesse cover production. It comes down to this In order to understand what I was thinking, you need to see Chuck through my eyes. ("Rebecca"). And I'm sorry, boys, but that's what you are. Saul is extremely connected to Walt, and the feds doing a deep dive on Walt opens up connections to Saul AND THEN even more dodgy shit that Saul was into. ("Crawl Space"), After finishing a cook, a laundry truck drops off Jesse at his car, which he now parks in the desert to avoid arousing DEA suspicion. And I'm telling you: I lied to my brother to make him feel better. Goodman, sit down and stay seated. Gene is affected by this last bit of news. As he is being booked, Gene overhears some cops in a nearby room watching one of his Saul Goodman commercials on YouTube. After getting our first major Better Call Saul-era glimpse at Saul Goodman in last week's episode, this week catches us up with the most elusive of Jimmy McGill's (Bob Odenkirk) alter egos . ("Piata"), Over the course of several months, Jimmy continues to use his "Saul Goodman" alias to sell burner phones to Albuquerque's criminals while at the same time continuing his PPD. Alone.Jimmy condemning his brother. They SHOULD have been in hiding; however the narrative somehow made them overconfident. Like, uh, Cicero connected. Look at you, you're a triple threat: great services, great products, and most of all, that face! My question now is Jack's gang is dead. Do I need to have watched Better Call Saul before El Camino? If he hadn't walked into my office that day, Walter White would've been dead or behind bars within a month. Regardless, Jimmy openly blames solely Howard for Chuck's death despite his own involvement, showing that he is unwilling to confront his own guilt. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! months from now, best case scenario, I'm managing a Cinnabon in Omaha. Patiently waiting for Chuck to wake up, Jimmy confronts and chastises him over stealing Kim's laurels. Yeah, you do. Now someone's given you the keys to the school bus and I am not going to let you drive it off a cliff.Chuck. As they prepare to execute him, Jimmy is rescued by Mike who was tracking Jimmy and kills five of the six gangsters. His money laundering efforts would very likely be found out which would place him in a conspiracy. Speaking of Walt, Cranston returned in a flashback to one of the final scenes he shared with Odenkirk, when Saul and Walt stayed together in hiding while waiting to be given new identities near the end of Breaking Bad. And that's why I fight for you, Albuquerque! Jimmy also finally shows remorse for what he did to Chuck and for causing his suicide, the guilt of which Jimmy had previously ignored and buried. After several years on the run, hiding as Gene Takavic, Saul Goodman is finally arrested and charged with an endless list of crimes after helping to build Walter White's criminal . Sneaking into Chuck's house under the cover of family ties, Jimmy carefully removes documents containing the address of Mesa Verde's proposed site for a new branch: 1261 Rosella Drive, Scottsdale, Arizona. Chuck was shown to despise his brother for his manipulative and delinquent ways, and took every opportunity to sabotage him in order to prevent him from becoming a successful lawyer, as he knew that Jimmy would always be a conman and resort to unethical measures to get his way. Later, after Skyler's unsuccessful attempt to buy the car wash from Bogdan for money laundering purposes, Saul touts a nail salon as the best way to launder money as he meets with Walt and Skyler at the condo. Jesse and Mike are ready to dismiss the final venue, Vamanos Pests, but Walt demurs, declaring it's perfect. You didn't get it. PRIVACY SOLD HERE" on the store windows. I mean, they'll smile at you, they'll pat you on the head but they are never ever letting you in. However, metaphorically speaking, Jimmy does put an end to the Saul Goodman alias that caused so much harm, meaning that you could argue Saul Goodman is indeed dead. ("Magic Man"). With the Tiburn searching nearby, Jimmy is filled with renewed purpose, dons one of Mike's space blankets and begins walking down the road to draw the man out for Mike. However, on his way home, Jimmy is ambushed by a gang who are after the money. A subreddit for the Breaking Bad spinoff "better Call Saul" starring Bob Odenkirk. ("Smoke"). Emotionally torn after hearing about Kim, he finds another phone booth and makes a collect call to a business called Palm Coast Sprinklers in Titusville, Florida, where Kim works using the alias "Viktor St. That's crazy.Gene. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Jimmy then goes to see Caldera and is told that their contact is also not interested in the job. I will fix this. Let me tell you something. However, Chuck deduces exactly what Jimmy has done and openly accuses him when Jimmy and Kim come to pick up the files. He goes downstairs in his apartment and collects a package, which contains a Swing Master machine. At one point, Saul says, "Victims' families would be great, but I'll take anyone on the ground who suffered emotionally." Saul gives Mike a fake address to keep him away for some hours and then drives Walt to meet Jesse at the arcade. It was over. It's who you are. During the period of his law license suspension, Jimmy's side business caused him to inadvertently become involved in the Albuquerque drug business as an associate of Mike Ehrmantraut and a legal representative for Lalo Salamanca, with Jimmy subsequently receiving a lot more criminals seeking his services as a result of him being Lalo's lawyer. She does, however, offer a counter proposal: she will start a solo practice for herself and share an office with him. What exactly is Saul wanted for? After being recognized by Jeff, Gene panicked to the point that he called Ed Galbraith to give him a new identity again, but decided at the last minute to fix it himself rather than going through with the extraction, indicating that he has retained some of his old self and has finally had enough of running and living in fear. Gene briefly checks out the sort of flamboyant outfit that he would've worn as Saul before putting it back, suggesting that Gene has decided to hang up his past for good and move on from being Saul Goodman and truly embrace his new life as Gene Takavic, though still holding on to memories of his past life as a con man. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. The letters are part of a plan to help Huell, since they all demand his release. Kuby says that he's doing everything he can to find Jesse. Privately, Saul tells Jesse that he'll have to remain in police custody pending a toxicology report on Brock, but that it might be just as well because someone tried to kill Walt in his own home. From here on out, I'm mister low profile. Watching helplessly as the kid is pulled out and arrested, Gene's old instincts flare up and he suddenly shouts at the boy to say nothing and hire a lawyer. Saul then calls Walt to inform him of the situation, and after a conversation with Walt, Jesse is saddened and guilt-ridden but nonetheless comes to terms with Saul's reasoning. Theres a diagram floating around that breaks down all the crimes we see and know about in breaking bad its really good and spells out exactly the laws hes broken. I wasn't there when it was sold. No, he's not gay. It's a cruel world, Walt. He wouldn't have any way of knowing all of that. Embrace it. How to react to a students panic attack in an oral exam? Saul asks Oakley what Kim's situation is now that she has disclosed the details of Howard's murder to the authorities. Walt refuses and angrily rebukes Saul for even thinking of that. There was likely more than enough to tie Saul to a conspiracy on multiple counts and the only reason he wasn't caught was that no entity was investigating him closely enough. She meets with a public defender named Grant and accepts twenty pending felony cases pro bono. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Fortunately, the nurse determines that she keeps making a simple typo and Gene is able to leave. But it would take too much away from the finale if they had a dual man hunt going on. Jimmy has repeatedly shown worry for Kim, as seen by his reaction to some of her decisions that have likely been influenced by his own behavior, such as quitting her job at Schweikart and Cokely and her confidently conspiring to embark on a warpath against Howard for insulting them both by destroying his legal career to obtain their share of the Sandpiper Crossing settlement. He drives off while humming "Smoke on the Water," as Marco did during their scam sprees together. James McGill, Esquire!Jimmy serving Sandpiper Crossing with a summons written on toilet paper. He also accepts a job from Jesse, using Jesses half of the earnings to purchase his aunts house at a dramatically lowered price strong-arming Jesses parents and attorney with a potential lawsuit over the undisclosed meth lab Jesse was running out of the basement. When Jesse refuses, Saul has Huell pickpocket it from Jesse. Judge Samantha SmallMr. Walt doesn't recognize their significance until Saul says that Gus gloated about Hector's family line ending and later told Jesse that Hector killed someone close to him. So call your lawyers right now and tell them I said that! For Lalo it would be free reign on Saul Goodman. Jimmy must figure out how to recoup money spent on his remaining television commercial slots. Hi. He loved me in his own way. When Saul advises they pull out of the meth business, Walt snaps back that he's broke. You know, pull on your heartstrings. He says that his biggest regret is allowing his former business partners to take over the company he co-founded and profit off his discoveries. Before this, Jimmy was a low-level reprobate in his home town of Cicero with no serious ambitions or direction in life, wasting away his days with debauchery, bar tricks and small-time scams with his buddy Marco. Saul Goodman (Bob Odenkirk) doesn't return to Albuquerque in a hail of gunfire but rather as a prisoner of the state. The guy is so broke, he can't pay his own mortgage. Til next time.Jimmy. But y-you're up to your ears in Mesa Verde. Jimmy and Kim visit HHM where a memorial service for Howard is taking place. He tries to bid Francesca goodbye, but she unceremoniously hangs up on him. He finally outs himself as crooked in front of his elderly clients, which both vindicates Irene and cancels the Sandpiper settlement. As he struggles to open the packaging to the phone, however, he spills the contents of the shoebox. Jimmy sees Howard's body being stuffed in the old refrigerator while Mike's men wheel a new one into the apartment. He then rummages around for a VHS tape inside a shoebox, which plays his TV ads from back in the days when he was still a lawyer. The two eventually make their way to a truck stop where Victor and Tyrus Kitt pick up Jimmy and Mike. Jeff drives Alfred to his home, a large house in an affluent neighborhood. He made sure that Ernie heard it, right? Wrap it all up in your natural charisma, and bam you belong on TV! Okay? Just as she raises the revolver and is about the shoot the person answering the door, Mike appears from behind and disarms her, forcing her into the house. At Kim's instigation, Jimmy cons Craig and Betsy Kettleman into believing they have grounds for a lawsuit against Howard. The visitor proves to be Lalo who refuses to let Kim leave and demands to know again what happened in the desert while Mike covers Jimmy and Kim with his sniper rifle from across the street. An unresponsive Kim just kisses Jimmy and drives away, leaving Jimmy confused. You can't conceive of what I'm capable of! I mean, Frank What's the point, Frank?Gene distracting Frank by discussing his tragic backstory, partly based on real events. Seeing his old colleagues talking about the recent changes only serve to fuel the dilemma. You asshole! Yea he was Walters attorney, not accomplice (officially that is) there was and is nothing that could be traced back to Saul that wasnt protected by attorney client privilege. He was listening to jazz. Jimmy is given an appeal hearing to reinstate his law license, and at Kim's suggestion reads the letter that Chuck left him. Not even given a reason as too why he was not hired for a multi-million dollar case he brought to HHM in a silver plater, Jimmy angrily turns down the deal and leaves. A shot at big money. Even if I had undeniable proof that the Cartel, Gus, Walt, Jack's neo-nazi crew and so on are gone, I wouldn't be sure about staying. Huell asks Jimmy why legitimate lawyers would commit crimes and Jimmy makes an unconvincing argument about committing a wrong to accomplish a greater good. ("Fun and Games"). We'll be seeing a lot of each other. He crosses paths with Kim, who is also doing mail rounds. So stop apologizing and accept it. Jimmy also produced fake IDs for his classmates in high school ("Nailed"). In 1993, Jimmy is delivering mail at HHM and talks to his co-workers about a betting pool for the Academy Awards he has organized. Anything that gets the DEA's panties in this big a bunch, you're onto something special. Walt returns Jesses half of the deal's money, coldly informing both of them that he has now accepted Guss offer and will be cutting Jesse out of the business. Jimmy is sent to prison in Colorado, his sentence now at 86 years. Here's what I know: These three young men, near honors students all, were feeling their oats one Saturday night, and they just went a little bananas. The neo-Nazis would have been a minor threat, if a threat at all - They have $69 million, they are holding Jesse hostage to make meth for them and they have killed two federal agents. However, Kim is less than pleased when Jimmy offers her advice to scam one of her clients into accepting a deal, though she eventually goes through with it. asks Walt: he's already convinced, and so is Jesse. In the garbage room, the door (only being able to open from the outside) shuts, locking Gene inside while he throws the garbage in the dumpster. So, I called the phone company. After months of hiding in Omaha, buried under a thick mustache and thicker glasses, Gene dips his toe back into the grifter life after being recognized by dim-witted taxi driver Jeff (Don Harvey . Boy, that phone, huh? James Morgan "Jimmy" McGill, better known by his professional alias and business moniker Saul Goodman, is an Irish-American criminal defense lawyer, scam artist, and convicted criminal who is serving an 86-year sentence at ADX Montrose. Inside, Buddy tells Gene that he can't go through with the scam on the cancer-stricken mark, explaining that his own father had cancer. Howard challenges Jimmy to a bout, and Jimmy declines, but then changes his mind and enters the ring. Brief return to the Saul persona and becoming Jimmy again, after Heisenberg's real identity is finally exposed, having previously been convinced by Kim to trust Saul as a lawyer, Lalo's promise that he will be back for answers, Characters from Breaking Bad in Better Call Saul, A large number of clients as a public defender at the courthouse, including three teenagers, Jimmy's nickname Saul Goodman, as well as his role as a problem fixing lawyer, is a play on the phrase "It's all good, man", pronounced in the vernacular "S'all good, man". Chuck is stunned and tells Jimmy he has just admitted to a felony. Despite the necessity of keeping a low profile, there's still a lot inside of Gene that craves some of his old life back, as shown when he marked "S.G. was here" on a wall or when he shouted to a shoplifter to get a lawyer. My brother My brother is dead. Jimmy is shown to be willing to resort to even more extreme measures to get his way such as threatening three teenage thieves with death if they interfere with his drop phone service and feigning remorse for his brother's death simply to get reinstated as a lawyer and gleefully mocking the panel afterwards to Kim. With the police watching Saul's movements, and Jesse out of the business, Walt volunteers to retrieve it. Saul says the pest crew, run by a man named Ira, runs a burglary operation on the side and knows how to keep secrets. In one of his most famous scams, he would find the most slippery patches of ice every winter, stage a fall, and earn himself a fair amount of money, which earned him the nickname "Slippin' Jimmy" ("Uno"). Some fuel canisters, it's enough for three or four days. Saul suggests Walt 'put Jesse out to pasture' but Walt rules this out immediately, telling Saul to never hand out this idea again ("Rabid Dog"), The next day, Saul meets Walt at the car wash. ("Nacho"). Jimmy hit rock bottom when a particularly sordid incident lead to his arrest, but a dismayed Chuck was able to get him off the hook for all the charges. Once out of the house, however, Kim makes it clear that she knows Chuck was telling the truth. Poof! His microwave, his stereo, his lights dishwasher, all the kitchen stuff everything eletric is back there. Jimmy's relationship with his older brother Chuck was one of the primary catalysts for his transformation into a criminal lawyer. I don't know, a couple of years? Jimmy's new job is boring because of a lack of customers and is told that he can't transfer to another store because of a lack of positions. He removes Alfred's wallet from his jacket and takes out all of his state, credit, and banking cards, snapping photos of their front and back. JimmyYou'dyou'd blame yourself. You broke the rules. When Jesse arrives, he is aggressively patted down by Saul's bodyguard, Huell, until Saul interrupts. You know, years ago, I bought a Betamax. What took her so long?! Mike says this is enough. Really its 50/50 if the cops are even after him or have anything that would stick. I'm Saul Goodman. It amused me. No longer intimidated by Walt, Saul then leaves for his new life in Nebraska.. Jack Welker's gang raids Marie Schrader's house and finds Jesse Pinkman's confession tape. Better Call Saul is available to watch in full on AMC+ now. Arriving home with Kim, they find Howard outside who reveals that he believed Chuck committed suicide. Turned out to be a complete waste of time and money.Mike. So please get back in your truck, go back to the house, and finish the job!Gene's rant to Buddy over not going through with scamming a mark due to their illness, showing Gene's transformation from a scared Cinnabon manager to a dirty, unapologetic criminal. No shit! Although Howard figured out early that Jimmy and Kim were behind the elaborate plot, other people who know Jimmy, such as Clifford Main and Richard Schweikart (who are both aware of Jimmy's less-than-honest lifestyle and cons), can't believe that he would do such thing and truly believe that Howard simply is a drug addict or, at the very least, delusional. It is revealed in a flashback that he used the nickname initially as an alias while performing scams alongside, For the first four seasons and season 6A of, Jimmy is the only character who appears in every episode of, Jimmy has more appearances than any other character in the. Chuck's death sends Jimmy into a depressive mood, unable to even approve the obituary written by Howard. Remember, he had those giant bags of money he was throwing away and the police knew it was drug money. I am done.Jimmy. I guess he could learn some of it if he paid attention to the news from New Mexico, but an easy way of explaining that away is to say he wouldn't want to arrouse suspicion about his ties to that area. I'd be a a ghost. However, Jimmy becomes visibly conflicted at seeing how upset Fred's parents are and has an explosive confrontation with Howard over his behavior in the courthouse. Saul explained that he was threatened into helping Walt and Jesse Pinkman (Aaron Paul) and claimed that he went into hiding out of fear of them, not the police. Jimmy goes to meet Ira to collect his proceeds from the Hummel figurine sale and is surprised that it is more than he expected. As Kim meets with Cliff Main at an outdoor caf, Jimmy disguises himself as Howard and takes Howard's car while Howard is visiting his therapist. Well, folks, we've finally made it - the moment "Better Call Saul" fans have been waiting for - The end of an era. 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