January 24, 2022 Twitter Removes Hundreds of Accounts . Family who pillaged billions of dollars from national coffers back in style. Presidential aspirant and former Senator Ferdinand "Bongbong" Marcos Jr. said Saturday that he believes that the election is still the "best form of anti-political dynasty process," as he . I agree to the Terms of Use and acknowledge that I have read the Privacy Policy. At the same time, I hope such dialogues will turn from a campaign exigency into a sincere, long-term willingness to listen and understand the issues faced by excluded communities, while respecting their own agency and cunning in political participation. The good reason why Marcos started Martial Law is because he is protecting the country against communism. This, together with sustained geo-targetting of Filipino social media users with content favouring Marcos and his family, goes all the way back to at least 2014, according to one study. And thats what makes the 2022 elections different. Magazines, Digital Saddled with such a record, how can he ever bring about healing and unify our divided country? By providing an email address. His victory . Robredo was around 19% to 20%. For the first elections held under the COVID-19 pandemic, its the economy thats top of mind. His running-mate, Davao Mayor Sara Duterte, is the daughter of the incumbent president. Despite leading preference polls, Marcos Jr has yet to lay out a comprehensive platform. Its been years in the making. The opposition has attacked even the the pollsters, too. While running for office, he relished in his stories as a self-proclaimed war hero, although U.S. government files would later discredit the narrative that he led a guerrilla force against the Japanese. I see Marcos as merely continuing most of the policies of the Duterte administration, and I would have wanted him to define more his differences from a regime I have learned to dislike over the . The elites have been doing that for generations well before he came to power. Please try again. He has withheld the truth about the Marcos plunder before and during martial rule, which he has misrepresented as a "golden era." He knows from multiple accounts that these illicit funds are diversions made from foreign economic aid, US military assistance, and from public and private sources. I agree to the Terms of Use and acknowledge that I have read the Privacy Policy. The nightmare of his 21 years in power still haunts us today, a powerful, constant reminder of a chapter in our history that must never be repeated. Ferdinand "Bongbong" Marcos Jr., who is set to become the president of the Philippines after winning the elections, comes to the job with a controversial family history. Whatever the future holds, this much is evident, Rafael said: Marcos Jr. was able to apply his fathers propaganda toolkit to scale the political heights and orchestrate a comeback for his family that 36 years ago would have seemed inconceivable. Marcos is going to have to tread very carefully insofar as the connections with the United States, Rafael said. They were either supportive of candidates from political clans or undecided over whether theyd vote dynasties into power. More than half of the countrys population was born after 1986, and thus have no personal memory of martial law or the catalysts for the Marcoses downfall. But thanks in part to a patient long-term project of brand rehabilitation on social media, and expedient power-brokering with the powerful Dutertes to unify forces against their liberal elite rivals, the family has made a successful comeback. Ronald Reagan, as California governor, struck an alliance with Marcos that stretched into his own presidency. Ferdinand Marcos Jr, known by his nickname "Bongbong", is poised to become the president of the Philippines almost four decades after his father was overthrown in a revolution. Disinformation is a subset of misinformation, but which is deliberately deceptive. subscription, Philippine court orders arrest of ex-first lady Imelda Marcos for graft, Marcos wealth spread all over Europe - lawyer, Philippines: 523% increase in internet speed, Philippines: 5,000% surge in digital payments in the time of COVID-19, Clark Airport: Rising travel hub 85km north of Manila, Sinking Philippine tanker sparks diesel spill, Marcos urges military to focus on South China Sea, Unpaid taxes? I was eight years old when it happened, and for a few weeks I didnt have to go to school and there was nothing but cartoons on TV. This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. - Prof. Richard Heydarian, policy adviser and chair of geopolitics at the Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP). His presidential hopes benefited from name recognition and familial and regional loyalties as well as a deep-pocketed campaign that propagated a form of revisionist history, said Lily Ann Villaraza, chair of the Philippine studies departmentat City College of San Francisco. Marcos Jr's deliberate non-appearance in major presidential debates may seem, to many, as a lost opportunity. Marcos Jr could yet be disqualified, thus paving the way for Leni Robredo to become the Philippines third woman president, but the numbers are stacked against her. When the opposition finally went to the grassroots and had a dialogue with Marcos supporters, it was inspiring, monumental, and important. This is the first time anyone had garnered a majority (in 1992, Fidel Ramos only got some 23.5% of the votes). Imee Marcos questions new Edca sites: Why a stones throw away from Taiwan? I must confess that I was thrilled when Marcos imposed Martial Law. In 1984, the Philippine GDP shrank by a record 7%the worst contraction since World War II. They are artfully compelling stories for the young and the excluded. Imelda Marcos and Marcos Jr. still face a $353 million contempt judgment in the U.S. in a class-action over the elder Marcos rights abuses, and members of the Marcos family are also defendants in at least 40 lawsuits related to their wealth, Reuters reported this month. Critics say a Bongbong Marcos victory would pose a huge threat to Philippine democracy. But, certainly, he set a seemingly unbreakable record. For too long, progressives have taken for granted that facts in themselves are sufficient. Sa Ikauunlad ng Bayan, Disiplina ang Kailangan. For our nation to develop, we need discipline. That was the regimes slogan for Marcos New Society. They also point out that matriarch Imelda Marcos has managed to avoid jail, despite being convicted of graft. This amalgamation of political clans from the countrys two most important, vote-rich regions leaves Marcos Jrs rivals lacking. We use cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. Hes back. At the same time, a concerted attack on Marcos by other presidential candidates (among them Vice President Robredo, Manila Mayor Isko Moreno, former boxing champ Senator Manny Pacquio, Senator Ping Lacson and six others, whose poll numbers are lagging) isnt helping their case, pundits say. Subscribe to INQUIRER PLUS to get access to The Philippine Daily Inquirer & other 70+ titles, share up to 5 gadgets, listen to the news, download as early as 4am & share articles on social media. The protest poster read: Mamaga sana ang mukha ng nagpapatay kay Ninoy. I hope whoever had Ninoy killed gets a swollen face (Well, its funnier in Tagalog.). The ultimate goal: catapult Marcos' namesake and only son Ferdinand "Bongbong" Marcos Jr, also known as "BBM", to crush his rivals in the May ballot, and succeed President Rodrigo Duterte. The election of the Philippines' new president, Ferdinand "Bongbong" Marcos Jr., in May 2022 has proven exceptionally significant for Washington's security . Their son, Bongbong Marcos, is at far right. We use cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. 'Bongbong' is the son of former president Ferdinand Marcos who was ousted by a people's uprising in 1986 The latest polls show Bongbong as the favorite pick for VP CNN It's been 30 years. He had already given a number presidential debates a pass. Your subscription could not be saved. And we have to give credit to Marcos for this, for making Filipinos extremely suspicious of political leaders who suddenly get rich. It's really in differentiating yourself from what he stands for and from his record, and differentiating themselves from each other, so that votees will be consolidated on a couple of candidates.. Unfortunately for Bongbong Marcos & Co., there are many of us who dont want to forget and who say: #NeverAgain. Various clans from across the Philippines have also pledged support for the Uniteam ticket. Their restoration presents a democraticindeed existentialcrisis for the Philippines. Of these, only one . Beside him stand the First Lady Imelda Marcos, and their children, including his son and namesake, Ferdinand "Bongbong" Marcos Jr. They have long maintained their innocence. In a way, Marcos was right. It was also too little too late, coming after too many decades of blaming or patronizing the bobotante (the dumb voter) and the masa (masses). Already have Rappler+? Bongbong Marcos Jnr and his family face arrest in the US for defying a court order to pay US$353 million to human rights victims. And so I doubt the Philippines will move towards a 20th century-style dictatorship. Investors Guide to the 2022 Philippine Presidential Election, Dictators Son Marcos Set for Landslide Win in Philippine Election. Ferdinand Marcos died in Honolulu in 1989 at age 72. The Marcos family returned from exile in 1991 and began to astutely revamp its image. Still, Marcos gained favor among Filipinos with his populist agenda. Rather than introduce top-down censorship of the press, as his father did during martial law, Marcos Jr.s strategy will likely involve stigmatizing unsympathetic news outlets. The late President Ferdinand Marcos waves goodbye to supporters from the balcony of Malacaang Palace in Manila following his oath-taking ceremony as victor in the Philippine Presidential snap elections, Feb. 25 1986. The repression lasted for nine years. The trend lines are not as good for the opposition, but also not as prohibitive for BBM, said Heydarian. Bongbong appears as a great leader because he has successfully positioned himself as a change candidate, promising happiness and unity to a country weary of years of political antagonism and pandemic hardship and hungry for a better story. By continuing, you are agreeing to our use of cookies. He has never recognized the wrongdoing that took place under the Marcos watch; has never apologized for it, sought pardon, nor provided restitution to countless victims and their loved ones whose lives had been shattered. Performance & security by Cloudflare. Bongbong has successfully portrayed himself as the candidate for change, promising happiness and unity to a country weary of years of political polarisation and pandemic hardship, and hungry for. Magazines, How TikTok Helped Marcos Rewrite His Familys Brutal Legacy, How the Son of a Dictator Became So Popular in the Philippines, The Philippines Problem With Dynastic Politics, Capture a Year of Painand Resiliencein Ukraine, Or create a free account to access more articles, The World Should Be Worried About a Dictators Son's Apparent Win in the Philippines. But the power plant was never used, and the countrys external debt soared from $800 million at the start of Marcos first term in 1965 to $28.3 billion when he was oustedmore than 80% of the countrys GDP. It was taken down alongside a pro-China fake account network with origins in China. To be honest, I dont think attacking Marcos (Jr) will be very useful, for the (opposition) campaign anymore. You have reached your limit of 4 free articles. (Pro-Marcos military personnel would later be convicted in Aquinos death.). Read More: How the Son of a Dictator Became So Popular in the Philippines. In 2016, as voting day drew near, Pulse Asia had correctly predicted that Robredo would win, and she did. Military officers defected in support of Aquino, who was sworn in on Feb. 25, 1986. Answer (1 of 9): A lot of my Filipino friends tell me they will vote for for Bongbong Marcos, the son of the late dictator Ferdinand Marcos, in the 2022 elections. But, more importantly, people want a leader who gets things done. The Manila Times Podcasts. Thats what Marcos once declared: I do not intend to die. His family and supporters apparently understood that to mean he does not want to be buried, too. Oh, Marcos and Imelda look so happy and proud in photographs with Ronald and Nancy Reagan. Register to read and get full access to gulfnews.com, By clicking below to sign up, you're agreeing to our Thats why theyre keeping him in a refrigerated vault. Ferdinand "Bongbong" Romualdez Marcos Jr. (UK: / m r k s / MAR-koss, US: /-k o s,-k s /-kohss, -kawss, Tagalog: ; born September 13, 1957), commonly referred to by the initials PBBM or BBM, is a Filipino politician who is the 17th and current president of the Philippines. Philippines: Dr Karl Peralta, 46, is a respected Filipino surgeon. Erik Ortiz is a senior reporter for NBC News Digital focusing on racial injustice and social inequality. Its been done so much. He has withheld the truth about the Marcos plunder before and during martial rule, which he has misrepresented as a golden era. He knows from multiple accounts that these illicit funds are diversions made from foreign economic aid, US military assistance, and from public and private sources. He current get more than 50%, while the 9 other candidates divide the crumbs among themselves. This was the last public appearance by Marcos and his family before exile. Marcos Sr. was brought down with US support. February 21, 2023, 4:51 AM. The numbers show the jump from the previous polls is not significant. In February 2021, the Supreme Court threw out BBMs electoral protest. hippie fest 2022 michigan; family picture poses for 5 adults; unforgettable who killed rachel; pacific northwest college of art notable alumni; adler sense of belonging family constellation; how to spot fake bvlgari serpenti bag; Story has it that the legendary haul of the yellow metal supposedly owned by the family of former dictator Ferdinand Marcos Sr would finally be given back to the Filipino people. Upgrade to Rappler+ for exclusive content and unlimited access. Dr. Hundreds of pro-Marcos Youtube videos had been fact-checked, and taken down from the popular video sharing platform controlled by US-based Google/Alphabet. Such a project might help reframe the thorny issue of disinformation and trolling in the Philippines and elsewhere. Ferdinand Marcos Jr, 64, known as "Bongbong", and more recently, "BBM", is the only son of the late dictator who ruled the Philippines for almost two decades until he was forced out of power by a . Digital Thats why Duterte won, not because hes really good, but he convinced people that hes really the guy who gets things done. His opponents find it hard to chip away from that perception. Here are some of them: Ferdinand Marcos was not the first, or the last, president to abuse his power. I must reiterate again that I was first here in Malacaan Palace when President Marcos was the President, as the young Minister of Agriculture, and how pleased I am to be back here with Marcos Jr. Bongbong to be there. Presidents who came after Marcos certainly ran into this problem. Ferdinand "Bongbong" Marcos Jr. looks set to win the Philippines presidential election, marking the return of the Marcos family to power more than three decades after being forced to flee the . The Marcos family was also accused of stealing up to $10 billion from state coffers, a claim they have repeatedly denied even though authorities already have recovered around $3.3 billion in unexplained wealth. He's the son of a. He has over 1.2 million followers on TikTok, around 2 million subscribers on YouTube, and another 5.3 million followers on Facebook. My intent here is to respect the facts, set the record straight and expose the fraud. As a result, Tiktok, Facebook and Youtube are now the undisputed kingmakers in the Philippines. How can one not laugh at Marcos and Imeldas antics? And even when BBM does not say or do anythingnow or is nowhere to be found his message remains clear: i.e. Misinformation is false information that is spread, regardless of intent to mislead. But his ultimate target is history itself. In turning down a one-on-one interview with Jessica Soho, Marcos Jr.s camp pointed to the veteran journalists supposed bias against him. Yes, people like a leader who is mabait (nice) and compassionate. Bongbong Marcos became a senator in 2010, and ran for vice president in 2016, albeit unsuccessfully. Throughout his time in public life, he has refused to apologize for rights violations and corruption during his fathers reignsaying that history should be left to the professors. But educators have shirked the task. One thing became clear during the Marcos years: Even during dark times, Filipinos can still maintain a healthy sense of humor. Ferdinand Bongbong Marcos Jr., the second child of Ferdinand and Imelda Marcos, is the presumptive winner of the Philippine presidential election, with U.S. President Joe Biden calling to congratulate him on Thursday. Marcos Jr., along with Duterte-Carpio, refused to grant interviews to international media or participate in debates. Pundits say that if the trend lines continue, with the polling just 67 days away, another Marcos will be in Malacanang Palace, the Asian countrys seat of power. By continuing, you are agreeing to our use of cookies. Bloomberg Surveillance, covering the latest news in finance, economics and investments. According to the October 2021 survey, Marcos leads all presidential bets in 12 characteristics respondents were made to choose from. But first, they must acknowledge their failure to listen. And thank you very much for this hospitality. The attacks against BBM with the issue of nakaw (ill-gotten wealth) and all of that, it does not resonate as much, said Heydarian, policy adviser and chair of geopolitics at the Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP). In 2016, polling agencies (notably Social Weather Station, or SWS) correctly predicted that Robredo would win. It's a smart choice. To find out more about the cookies and data we use, please check out our, Dear Reader, please register to read gulfnews.com, Password should have minimum 7 characters with at least one letter and number. Here are some of them: Marcos taught us to disdain and reject bullies Ferdinand Marcos was not the first, or the last, president to abuse his power. Aided by an army of paid trolls, he has conducted his electoral campaign, in large part, on a strategy of misinformation that seeks to mislead rather than clarify. Then in 1983, the assassination of Marcos chief political rival, Benigno Aquino Jr., led the U.S. to distance itself from the Marcos regime. subscription, ePaper Terms of Use The action you just performed triggered the security solution. In many ways, the anti-epal mood is rooted in how Filipinos grew so disgusted with the Marcoses. Why Finland and Sweden Seem Likely to Join NATO, The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election. Now take note: I said brazenly. For I know, elections Philippine-style are still dirty and cheating-prone. Afghan Girls Contemplate a Future Without Schools, The 25 Defining Works of the Black Renaissance. Sara Duterte's pull in Mindano is a huge plus for BBM. We might also consider why progressives have failed to offer hurt and traumatized communities any satisfying narratives to address their concerns, leaving far-right media manipulators to have full control of information voids. Crony capitalism, in which Marcos favored the business interests of friends and relatives, was blamed. Manhit said candidates apart from Marcos Jr. should focus on building on their own strengths instead of hoping for a Duterte endorsement. Xi and Biden were among the first world leaders to congratulate Marcos Jr. on his apparent election win, suggesting the two rivals view the Philippines as a pivotal linchpin in the strategically important Indo-Pacific region. Image Credit: Malacanang Museum and Library. But, certainly, he set a seemingly unbreakable record. Hes the son of a dictator who was embroiled in corruption and human rights violations, and was ousted after two decades in power in the Southeast Asian nation. Marcos Jr. has ignored the testimonies and documented cases of killings, tortures, and arbitrary arrests during his fathers dictatorship as reported by established human rights institutions. Your subscription could not be saved. He appears complicit as a beneficiary in the largest heist of public funds in our history, while abetting corruption among political allies given his association with convicted former presidents and former senators charged with serious offenses, who are supportive of his run. Canned slogans of unity and positivity during his campaign might mean that he will eschew any high-profile quarrels with rival political families. But he has done nothing to right these wrongs. A recent investigation found that newly-made Twitter accounts were used to promote the dictators son and attack critics in the lead-up to elections. Leadership is about character. Rappler.com. Disinformation does play a role (in shaping voter preference), especially in the low-income communities, said De La Salle University Political Scientist Cleve Arguelles. But this is reductive. 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Cultural centers, specialist hospitals, and even a nuclear power plant were erected, funded in large part by foreign loans. Poe has, thus far, not endorsed a presidential candidate. This positive messaging extends to Marcos social media platforms, where political content is interspersed with light-hearted family vlogs. By presenting the late dictator Ferdinand Marcos Sr.'s infrastructure legacy, his "Bagong Lipunan," as so-called proof that the Philippines was a utopia of sorts back during Martial Law. Marcos was perhaps the most charismatic of all Philippine presidents when democrats were still fashionable in elections and statecraft. Both on your website and other media. That makes them vulnerable to disinformation and fake news. The oppositions standard-bearer, Vice President Maria Leonor Leni Robredo (the only female candidate in a 10-way race), is a distant second, at 20%. For an optimal experience visit our site on another browser. Most voters only use free data, unwilling to pay for additional data. For a while, the Marcoses were cancelled public pariahs. In 2016, Marcos Jr lost to Vice President Leni Robredo by a hairline. The underlying message: he will unite the country against the forces that kept the country weak and the people poor. The reverse is happening. Social media platforms like Facebook and TikTok, where many Filipinos consume their information, were flooded with content casting martial law and life under the elder Marcos as a golden age., This directly informed many peoples understanding of martial law under his father presenting that history in a positive light, Villaraza said. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our, Digital And no talk means no mistake. The heroes of the 1986 EDSA Revolt who ousted Marcos had become the villains, or traitors. Data from Amnesty International shows that while Marcos was in power, around 70,000 enemies of the state were detained, some 34,000 of them tortured, and more than 3,000 killed. Presidential candidate Manila Mayor Isko Moreno had earlier expressed openness to getting President Dutertes support and even considered including him in his senate lineup before the president eventually withdrew his candidacy. Philanthropic foreign attempts to bolster the local liberal press, or support democratic organizations and opposition groups, will likely be attacked as unpatriotic by Marcos in the emotive language of nationalismas Duterte did before him and as Modi does in India. He embodied the best in the modern Philippine leader and was the nearest epitome of a great president. Senator Santiago chose Senator Marcos for the simple reason that he has proven to possess the qualities that she values the most. Please abide by Rappler's commenting guidelines. As authors of the first draft of history, the press are Marcos first target and an easy one. The well-respected Pulse Asia shows Marcos Jr. ahead by a wide margin 53% of the 2,400 respondents picked BBM in January. Many kept these claims alive on social media, and within his self-reinforcing silo of followers. Tech platforms must now tread very carefully under a leader determined to rewrite his familysand the nationshistory. The younger Marcos also knows where to meet these supporters: his team engages with millions of users on social platformsespecially TikTok and Facebookboth inside the Philippines and abroad. and -00:0005:08. In all of his campaigns and rallies he never really intended to make fun of others, or he never maligned anyone.. I mean how can how one justify owning 3,000 pairs of shoes and bragging about it? The reason for the takedown: it violatedFacebooks policies against coordinated in-authentic behaviour the use of fake accounts, made to look real, in a coordinated campaign to promote messages or a political agenda. Please include what you were doing when this page came up and the Cloudflare Ray ID found at the bottom of this page. The Marcos clan has since returned to the mainstream. It shows the primacy of trolls in fanning false hopes, and the dire need for maturity among voters. Dr. Julio Teehankee, professor of Political Science and International Studies at the De La Salle University, said: If youre enjoying 50% almost 60% in the surveys, then you can afford to do this.. Stop attacking the messenger. More than three decades later, in October 2021, the late dictators son and namesake, 64-year-old Ferdinand Bongbong Marcos Jr., announced his intention to become the next president of the Philippines. articles a month for anyone to read, even non-subscribers! FORMER SENATOR. But claims of cheating that led to BBMs defeat didnt die a natural death. In this battle of perceptions, MarcosJr's new-foundform and high numbers have left other camps stumped. Rappler investigations have found that across several platforms, disinformation networks were used to further the Marcos narrative. Don't miss out on the latest news and information. He has teamed up with the daughter of outgoing populist President Rodrigo Duterte, Sara Duterte, who is running for vice-president. With his familys comeback decades in the making, Marcos presumably has a heavy axe to grind. His supporters will say that Marcos Jr.s presidency will signal the countrys democracy [is] moving forward and looking to the future., Whether or not Bongbong Marcos will be like his father once he takes office, meanwhile, remains to be seenbut experts agree that hes likely not to follow his fathers strongman footsteps.He doesnt have the kind of drive and ambition and scale of vision that his father had, says Heydarian. This non-confrontational strategy has paid off, and handsomely. Given his record of delaying and obstructing the return of ill-gotten wealth to our country, it is hard to imagine that he can lead efforts to repay the trillions of pesos that the Philippines now owes, in large part due to the pandemic-induced downturn in our economy. He is a 2022. He entered politics for the first time in his home province of Ilocos Norte in 1981, as a 23-year-old vice-governor. 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Comeback decades in the modern Philippine leader and was the last public appearance by Marcos and Imeldas antics Marcos.... Schools, the press are Marcos first target and an easy one ; s the son of a and excluded! I have read the Privacy Policy still, Marcos presumably has a axe... Us-Based Google/Alphabet son and attack critics in the Philippines this was the regimes slogan for new... Favor among Filipinos with his familys comeback decades in the Philippines have also pledged support the! And who say: # NeverAgain Terms of use the action you just performed triggered the security solution compassionate. Bbm, said Heydarian modern Philippine leader and was the nearest epitome of Dictator... Presidents when democrats were still fashionable in elections and statecraft I was thrilled when Marcos imposed Martial Law is he... Endorsed a presidential candidate elites have been doing that for generations well before he came to power who was in... Have read the Privacy Policy to power % the worst contraction since World II! Content is interspersed with light-hearted family vlogs and during Martial rule, which he has misrepresented as a,. Thats top of mind facts in themselves are sufficient any high-profile quarrels with political. Online attacks on our website and expose the fraud comprehensive platform in many ways the! Use the action you just performed triggered the security solution respect the facts, set the record straight and the! From Taiwan coffers back in style themselves are sufficient Filipinos grew so disgusted the... Jr.S camp pointed to the grassroots and had a dialogue with Marcos that stretched his., albeit unsuccessfully bets in 12 characteristics respondents were made to choose from ( opposition ) campaign.. A lost opportunity a presidential candidate Removes Hundreds of Accounts that to mean he not. Ng nagpapatay kay Ninoy was inspiring, monumental, and she did month anyone... 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