I told everybody. To do this, select the interactive point on David's leg. Pick up the rag on the floor of the boxcar. Danny will remark it is probably there because of the trade between the dairy and the bandits. So I told Katja, as I trusted her. And everybody was pretty much cool with it. That is, unless Barry can coax a very different Batman out of retirement and rescue an imprisoned Kryptonian albeit not the one hes looking for. Well, you don't have to tell her about your past, but something about her makes you feel like she'd understand. Lee and Omid attempt to pull Christa out, but they can't reach her. Clementine can tell him that Katjaa was one of the nicest people she's met during the apocalypse. Learn More. or [Back off]. and [Back off] options will reassure Kenny). Peek again and find Danny has gone missing. Yet, unfortunately, the place isn't accepting new members, as they're at capacity. If we're gonna have a chance at a political solution we need international pressure. There are several interactive points on the beartrap, chain and surrounding area, but the only way to free David is to chop his leg off using Lee's axe. Contents 1 Overview I only told Clem and Kaatja. Well I don't know what happens if you tell kenny/katja to kill duck and I don't wanna know until I try it on different saves but as for deciding to kill him yourself I see it this way: If you say that you'll be the one to shoot him, Katjaa will take Duck into the forest and Kenny will stay with you. Open the door and investigate the body in the chair. Doug/Carley will apologise for leaving the Motor Inn unattended. Choose to tell him about your crime or not. "Long Road Ahead" Thinking Kenny is in danger, the two hasten to rescue him from whatever has caused him to scream. As of result of being peaceful, she bears no grudge towards anyone and is assumed to be on good terms with the rest of the members in the group, although her name has not been mentioned by anyone aside from Lee, Lilly and Kenny during any ensuing conversations. "And I'm glad you agree with this. Now you'll need to make the fourth tough decision in this episode. I told Kenny and Katjaa, but it didn't occur to me to tell Ben and I totally forgot about Lilly, which was just kismet because evidently she already knew and that blew up in her face like great big raspberry. ( Psalm 13:3; John 11:11-14; Acts 7:60) A person who is fast asleep is unaware of what is happening around him. Inside, Lee finds Mark, who has had both of his legs cut off. Later, along with her family and the rest of the survivors, she ends up in Lee's family's store, the Everett Pharmacy Drugstore. Once back on the road, Katjaa will ask for a word. During the beginning of her training, she regularly practiced on domesticated animals. A zombified Mark reaches out, grabs, and kills Brenda, which in turn helps Katjaa escape. Keep them talking by asking. Mar/2023: The walking dead season 2 Umfangreicher Kaufratgeber Beliebteste The walking dead season 2 Beste Angebote Smtliche Vergleichssie. [TOUGH DECISION #3] Fighting with Kenny. Follow the direction of the glass around the corner. Along the way, theyll acquire run-specific abilities alongside permanent rewards like new gear, collect resources to help improve Laras stats and unlock new outfits, such as her fan-favorite bomber jacket. Interesting. The group will notice if you keep it for yourself. Clem already knew. First Appearance Kenny: We keep the same plan. This is the last episode Katjaa appears in, since she commits suicide halfway through the episode via gunshot after heading into the forest with Duck and Kenny (Determinant) after the incident with a walker while fleeing the motel that resulted in Duck getting bitten. Mark and Lee will remain behind at the dairy, where there are several things you can do. As soon as you open the door you'll see Danny pointing a gun at you, so act fast and select the gun to grab it. Head to the front of the locomotive and inspect the cab door. Tomb Raider: Reloaded is available now on iOS and Android mobile devices via the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store. Check out the launch trailer for another look at Lara Croft in action.Tomb Raider Reloaded allows players to jump back into the boots of groundbreaking adventurer Lara Croft in an action-filled quest to obtain the ancient Scion artifact, clearing ever-changing rooms filled with new and familiar enemies as well as hazardous traps and puzzles. Image Gallery. Use the spanner from the train to prop the door open. I assume you were on Kenny's good side going into Episode 3? If Doug survived episode 1, he will be seen rigging up a system of bells on the barricade of the motel. At this point in the episode I didn't know if I could trust Kenny. . Katjaa, also known as Kat, is a main character who first appears in Season One of The Walking Dead: The Telltale Series. Click on the crouching Walker to kill it with Lee's axe. It is this trait of hers that eventually keeps her family together and prevents Kenny from acting out impulsively. He will put Lee on the spot when they discuss Lilly, andyou can side with Kenny. Lee: Guys. You then choose to go in or stay with Kenny. Each game on PlayR has a different way to save your game. "Well fuck just who then? He admits it is the happiest he has been in a long time. My symptoms included a sore throat, fever, night sweats, nasal congestion, nausea, headaches, fatigue, brain fog, loss of sense of smell and taste, and a cough. You'll then have to move up the house. (saved Doug). Danny will also try to convince Lee to see his way of life, constantly stating that he understands now and that Lee can eat him if he kills him. I told Clem (before I hadn't told her as straightforward as was probably needed) and Kenny. My secret was safe ( well Clem always knew since Episode1!! Out of the group, I evaluated I only needed to tell Kenny. Veterinarian (Pre-Apocalypse)Former Medic for the Motel Survivors (Post-Apocalypse) Danny can be seen outside the barn by peeking through the crack. The car is absolutely full of supplies. There's also a wire going up the stairs, so instead of washing you hands, head quietly up there instead. I decided to be honest with my closest people. She was more worried about what was about to happen rather than what just . Worlds collide in The Flash when Barry uses his superpowers to travel back in time in order to change the events of the past. Reply what you want in the first dialogue. Lee can now decide whether to walk away, or alternatively can decide to kill Andy. After a short struggle, Larry, Mark, or Carley dispatches the newly reanimated zombie. If you ask about the latter, Danny will seem pertubed. A good theory. If Carley is dead at this point and axe was given to Mark, he will save Lee. Kenny will remember this. Lee saves Katjaa and then struggles with the zombie himself for a bit. The fastest way to lead to the fight is to show Kenny the bloody rag and then choose two answers - first "Nothing you seem to care about." ", "The same way you cared about Hershel's boy? Dougwill refuse food because of Lee saving himin the previous episode. Katjaa will ask you to have Kenny stop the train. If you choose to shoot Jolene, Danny will comment on this and ask you why you did it. Kenny (Walking Dead Video Game) Everyone else is mentioned; except Ben but only for a bit; Smut . This is supported by the fact that throughout all episodes, she is often only seen with her family, Clementine, and Lee. Take the. He remarks that he needs a coin. You can also talk to Danny, who appears to be lovingly carressing his gun. Lily and Clem took it well (Clem knew I'd done a bad thing already but I hadn't told her it was murder). Talking to Kenny will prompt Larry's heart condition to start, and he collapses to the ground. In order to improve your relationship with Kenny you can side with him, or choose to more ambivalent. Head into the train cab and use the throttle to start the train. Examine them if you wish. All rights reserved. The group will then hear a noise and find an abandoned car. As you progress forward you will see a Walker version of Mark at the top of the stairs, trying to get Brenda. Lee will then re-spawn and be allowed to try again. Pick up the rag on the floor of the boxcar. With her cheeks flushed a bright red she grabbed her backpack and shoved what was left of the clothes she owned. Lee will wake up inside a meat locker. Saying that Katjaa should do it. Walking Dead Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Interact with it again, and this one will suddenly come alive. The Official Walking Dead Game Wiki Guide. It is at this point the St. Johns reveal that they are doing what they can to survive, even if it means eating human meat. Funnily enough, to add to what the post before this one said, Kenny tells Lee near the end (if you choose to talk about the past with Kenny, note there is a VERY small window of opportunity to bring this up with Kenny, it appear between the train moving after leaving Duck and Katjaa, and giving the whiskey to Chuck) Kenny himself says "Kat would've understood" Lilly and Clementine don't want to take them, while Katjaa and Kenny do. If Lee gave the axe to Mark previously, he will saved by Carley with a gun. She was at a gas station when she first encountered a zombie. This area is filled with weapons, so you have a choice of: Once armed, leave the room by talking to Kenny. i think the worst thing would be if katjaa accidentally shot herself, being stressed out and nervous about the situation and that she didn't like guns, she may have just ignored any weapon handling tips thinking/hoping she wouldn't have to use a gun. Here's the thing. It is impossible to give certain characters food, as they will blatantly refuse for several reasons. "Katjaa, Keep the kids safe." He adds before running off. You can also ask her opinion on the area, and Lilly remarks that they should just eat dinner and leave. Realising what has happened, Lee then sprints back downstairs to stop the group from eating. Brenda dodges the question, and Lee asks to be excused so he can wash his hands. If you want to fight, after blocking a blow keep pressing the button shown on the screen. Once you get too close Andy will appear and Kenny and Lee will hide in a nearby stall. Talk to Kenny and show him the bloodied rag. Ultimately, to save the world that he is in and return to the future that he knows, Barrys only hope is to race for his life. Even if you don't like Kenny you still earn points towards securing another helping hand in finding Clementine. Later, Katjaa is seen at the St. John's Dairy Farm helping and watching their pregnant cow. If he had been able to shoot her, he'd have shot Duck too. He and his family were returning from Memphis, Tennessee after visiting Katjaa's sister when the apocalypse started. At this point Lee must find a way to distract Andy so he can remove the lock from the door. Every so often you can talk to Brenda, either trying to be rational or more aggresive. Let Mark decide whether to shoot the bird or not. I told Carley it was a stupid idea but I ended up telling everyone anyway after giving it some thought. Hey its the end of the world, wtf are they gonna do? Ethnicity Larry is much more approving of the place, stating that they shouldn't be rude. If all has gone well, you'll manage to convince Kenny to stop the train (You talked Kenny to stop the train.). Watch the full trailer now for The Flash. The two then progress further down the road, pursued by the dismembered torso of the Walker. . Assault: In "Major Boobage", Kenny brutally attacked Cartman after he brought Kenny back from the hallucinations he was having from cheesing, and ruining his paradise with the Large-Breasted Woman. The group, although shaken by these events, move on to the Dairy. Before the outbreak, Katjaa worked as a veterinarian and lived with her husband, Kenny, and her son, Duck, in Fort Lauderdale. You come out in the slaughter room, the area which is now revealed to be the place where they hacked off Mark's legs. Then, the idea of leaving the inn in the RV will return. Pass Ben on top of the RV, and question himabout the broken flashlight. Fairytale characters are real and walk among us in New York City. Mark will then crawl down the stairs, and Danny will attack Lee with his rifle butt. Despite that, Katjaa retains her calmness and is determined on finding a cure for Duck, as she had mentioned "from a medical perspective". Due to her background in biology, Katjaa displays a certain amount of knowledge regarding the human anatomy and is thus often sought for help or treatment if anyone in the group suffers from injury, making her the de-facto "doctor" of the group. Exit the cab and open the middle engine compartment. After a while Katjaa will ask you to clean Duck. You will then be introduced to a new character, Mark. What was your logic in deciding? Take the blowtorch from behind the shelves. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Go back outside. Chapter 5: Handle It - Duck gets worse and worse, "You think you're the reason Duck got bitten. Aim the reticle and fire to kill the last zombie. I felt telling the truth to Katjaa about what Kenny did in the meat locker was a mistake. Talk to Kenny if you wish. Katjaa, also known as Kat, is a main character who first appears in Telltale Games ' The Walking Dead: Season One. Katjaa will call to you for help with Duck. So, who did/didn't you tell? Dead She is later seen at the dinner table eating Mark's legs without realizing. This will prompt Lee to remove it, and Andy will come out to fix it. Kenny, sometimes nicknamed Ken, is one of the main characters in Telltale Games' The Walking Dead. Below is a pictorial list of when Katjaa can die.[1]. Once the train stops, talk to Kenny and Katjaa. Once outside the door, sneak up behind Danny. Reply what you want, you can even joke (if there's something to joke about) - Kenny will tell the truth anyway. Children of the Corn, written and directed by Kurt Wimmer, opens in theaters on March 3, 2023, and will be available on Demand and digital on March 21, 2023. and in episode 5 outright says that she took herself out. Age Larry, Kenny and Lilly are also inside the meat locker. When Duck was bitten by a walker during the raid by a group of bandits at the motel, Katjaa seemingly lost all hope and optimism that she previously had held back in the first two episodes. Mark will then spot a bird in a nearby tree. The language is widely used in Belgium, which makes sense about her ancestry. It will begin with a question about how many supplies you managed to bring. 2019 Telltale, Incorporated. Investigate the electrical fence. which was just kismet because evidently she already knew and that blew up in face like great big raspberry. You can also examine the picket fence near the house and Lee will comment on its sharpness. I told everyone of the assembled team, and they were pretty OK with it. Peek through the crack and watch Danny set the trap.Talk to Kenny to advise on the best course of action. Check out the creepy trailer for Children of the Corn, an upcoming movie starring Elena Kampouris, Kate Moyer, Callan Mulvey, and Bruce Spence. Ben (if saved) will willingly help if asked to, but will tag along of his own volition if the player had shown him support throughout the past 2 episodes or mention about Clementine supporting him, he will come along. Open the Boxcar Door to leave the car, keep going right, open the Cab Door and get inside. If Doug saved you, Lee will comment on him using his laser pointer to save him. Even if you help him, Kenny will kill Larry. Play as Bigby, "The Big Bad Wolf" and Sheriff of Fabletown, as you return to a gritty detective noir world where there are no fairy tale endings.