Florida Gov. That is bad, but Trump is worse. Covid has not been much kinder to the 50 state governors than it has been to presidents. Its so bad here, today was the first day of school for us in Dade County, Im starting Sophomore year, and I have a runny nose, so I might have COVID. Biden is down to a RealClearPoliticsaverageof39.1 percentapproveand 56.4 percent disapprove. With Hispanics a top GOP target group DeSantis is underwater 28 percent to 33 percent(20 percent very unfavorable), but Trump is down38 percent to 52 percent (41 percent very unfavorable). But since Northam cant run again, the Democratic candidate, former Governor Terry McAuliffe, is in a tight race with wealthy businessman and Republican nominee Glenn Youngkin. The elections this fall and next will tell us a great deal about Covids impact on politics. Florida Politics Trump is on the defensive and faces a longfight and thatis not where Trump does well. First, a different Quinnipiac poll found that regardless of how few Floridians approve of his performance, his approval rating is still higher than Bidens in the state. Meanwhile, among the 10 states where governors have lost the least, seven governors are Democrats and only 3 are Republicans. There is nothing new to offer he has gone into repeats like some wheezy syndicated sitcom. Among independents, 60 percent approve and 23 percent disapprove. But his moderation has endeared him to voters in his home state of West Virginia: He has a +22 net approval rating in the R+36 state, for a chamber-leading PARS The state's previous highest daily toll of deaths was 272 on January 22. Most young women are not. The Covid States Project is a consortium of academics and pollsters who have been tracking the approval ratings of Americas governors throughout the pandemic. "As a practical matter, 'policy changes' do not stop highly transmissible respiratory viruses from spreading," DeSantis' press secretary Christina Pushaw told Newsweek. Our small but mighty team works tirelessly to bring you news on how coronavirus is affecting Tampa and surrounding areas. We're looking to expand for more bipartisan representation. Additionally, DeSantis' net approval is higher with Hispanic voters (62%-20%) than among the general public. Make no mistake, DeSantis is running, justin a highly calculated,surreptitious manner. Putting aside for the moment the fact that they are largely killing their own voters, Republican governors are suffering hits to their approval ratings, something no politician wants to see. Just a small uptick in fortunecould make Trump a two-time loser to Biden. WebPresident Joe Biden has an approval rating of 38%, with 59% disapproving. DeSantis ' approval rating plummeted as Florida's Covid-19 cases skyrocketed into 2021. Also, the AC at my school was broken, so it was hot as Hell. His worst result is Trafalgar, ata 35-60 percent deficit (Reuters and Quinnipiac are nearly identical at 36-58 and 35-58, respectively); his best is YouGov, at a43-53percent deficit. CLICK HERE to view Executive Summary with full poll results, including crosstabsfor age, gender, race, education level, income level and ideology. At the moment, however, Florida Republicans would choose DeSantis, despite Trump being a Sunshine State resident.. The pollsters report a 3.1% margin of error. Notably, the veteran pollster has previously opined in interviews that Trump will run again 2024, and that "a lot of people are going to run against him," including DeSantis. However, the far-right has taken hold of the Republican Party and turned everything from masks to vaccines into an assault on liberty. But both men say they are running for re-election in 2022 and both are in very bad shape for incumbent politicians. Meanwhile, the majority of other polls, past and more recent, still have the current governor in a comfortable lead. And he complains, Biden does, about everybody else. I mean arent both of there approval ratings dropping? Looking beyond polls at other metrics, DeSantis remains largely popular in Florida, with a solid approval rating of 58 percentthe highest among the elected officials Among all voters, 48 percent now approve of DeSantis' job performance and 48 percent disapprove, according to a new poll from the market research company Morning on Florida Gov. Democratic support for the governor dropped from 24 percent to 21 percent, with disapproval rising from 72 percent in July to 76 percent. underwhelming, but not **that** bad. Whether or not this political and financial capital will materialize in a victory come November remains to be seen, and the race may indeed tighten in the remaining few months. Kamala is an underwhelming candidate but she is better than Hillary in that she's a sitting VP and the establishment will just use her as a puppet. 2018: DeSantis (R) +0.4 | 2014: Scott (R) +1.1. Based on a casual reading of the polls, Donald Trump looks to have smooth sailing to the Republican presidential nomination in 2024andthe chance to erase the stink of losing to Joe Bidenthathe so covets. Marginals and full cross-tabulation data are posted on theSuffolk University Political Research Centerwebsite: www.suffolk.edu/SUPRC. By comparison, just 43% gave a favorable response of any sort, with 27% rating DeSantis leadership as very favorable. Younger voters are poised to upend American politics. 1998 - 2023 Nexstar Media Inc. | All Rights Reserved. Abbotts approval rating among independents dropped from 41 percent to 38 percent. Just 37% rated the Florida economy as excellent or good, down 10 points from January. But, as the reporter goes on to clarify, the latest data comes with some caveats. Recent social media posts have claimed that the Governor has fallen behind his prospective Democratic opponent in the polls. Ron DeSantis leads former President Donald Trump among voters in their home state of Florida, according to the latest Suffolk University/USA TODAY Network poll of likely Florida midterm voters. So it is highly likely that DeSantis would fare a bit better among a likely voter sample," Fabrizio highlights in his response. This story first appeared at Florida Politics. [1] Data for Tables 1 and 2 comes from The Covid States Project Report #66: September 2021 update on executive approval, available at https://osf.io/dva5r/, governors would be the ones with the power. By the end of August, 51 percent disapproved. The survey methodology notes that samples "drawn from a known registered voter list in FL.". DeSantis. 2020: Trump (R) 51.2, Biden (D) 47.9. On August 30, the state reported 574 deaths. Most of these governors have opposed masking, schools being shut down, quarantines, vaccine mandates, and tolerated anti-vaxxers. On DeSantis' overall job performance, voters are divided with 47 percent approving and 45 percent disapproving of the way he's handling his job as governor. A March 21 study from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that mask mandates led to "statistically significant decreases in county-level daily COVID-19 case and death growth rates." Polling numbers are not the only problem for Trump. Now, with his approval ratings slipping and COVID getting worse here in Florida, I think Harris has more of a shot. Florida Gov. 1:48 Florida Gov. Among Republicans, 85 percent approve of the Governor while 10 percent disapprove. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. The margin of error is +/-4.4 percentage points at a 95% level of confidence. Select one or more years, states and race types, then click "Apply Filter" to see results. Table #1: 10 states where governors have suffered the largest losses in approval ratings during the pandemic.[1]. His side hobby is inserting himself into Republican primaries, where he has shown a marked inability to move GOP voters. Morning Consult noted that before Kabul fell to the Taliban, Biden still had a net-positive approval rating of 51%. This month, lets celebrate women like Marcy Kaptur, Feehery: Progressive DC government turning city into a dystopia, Budowsky: Mike Pence, democracy and the Republican Partys future, The Memo: Lightfoot is latest Democrat to fall to anger over crime, Why a DC crime bill is creating big problems for Democrats, Trump successfully chilled FBI from being willing to investigate anything related to him: Peter Strzok. Voters say they feel that economic conditions in Florida have gotten worse since January. By the end of August, 76 percent disapproveda 4 percent increase. Fifty-four percent of Florida voters approved of DeSantiss job in office from June 22 to July 1. Recent social media posts have claimed that incumbent Ron DeSantis has fallen behind Democrat Charlie Crist in the Florida governor race. Nearly half of voters polled this month said they were worse off than they were four years ago. Eighty-three percent of Republican voters in Florida approve of the job DeSantis is doing as governor, down from 87 percent in July. I can't find anything on RCP about Harris' approval ratings, much to my surprise. Simple: Trump is in trouble, and when you dig into the numbers his grip on the GOP nomination isgetting more tenuous. Most young men are single. Bidens approval numbers have collapsed, but Trump has barely benefited. In a list of most important issues, 33% of voters listed inflation/economy, far ahead of the second and third most-ranked issues of threats to democracy (13%) and abortion rights (11%). The veteran GOP operative was the pollster for Donald Trump's 2016 presidential campaign, and is a long-time friend of Trump allies Roger Stone and Paul Manafort, both of whom have been pardoned by Trump. The good news for Trump is that hestill has high approval numbers among Republicans and leads in allbut one of theGOP primaryballot tests. Everyone Practices Cancel Culture | Opinion, Deplatforming Free Speech is Dangerous | Opinion. WebAccording to a survey conducted in January 2023, around 22 percent of Americans had a very unfavorable view of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, while 27 percent of Americans hold a MELBOURNE, FL February 26, 2019 Gov. According to the market research company, 48 percent of all Union rep: Employees reporting illness after working on cleanup for East Zero-calorie sweetener popular in keto diets linked to strokes, heart attacks. "BREAKING: Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis' re-election chances are put in major jeopardy as a new poll of Florida voters shows that he's losing to Democrat Charlie Crist, who is at 48% of the vote compared to DeSantis' 47%," wrote OccupyDemocrats in a tweet that gathered nearly 100,000 interactions since June 22, 2022. 2018: DeSantis (R) +0.4|2014: Scott (R) +1.1, RCP Senate Map|Senate Polls|Generic Congressional Vote|RCP Governor Map|Governor Polls|All 2022 Polls, RCP Average:DeSantis +9.6RCP Ranking:Leans GOPKey 2022 Races:Senate|DeSantis vs. Crist, 2020:President|FL-7|FL-13|FL-15|FL-16|FL-262018:Governor|Senate|FL-7|FL-15|FL-16|FL-18|FL-26|FL-272016:President|Senate|FL-7|FL-13|FL-18|FL-262014:Governor|FL-2|FL-18|FL-262012:President|Senate|House2010:Governor|Senate|House2008:Pres|FL-8|FL-16|FL-21|FL-24|FL-25, All Florida Governor - DeSantis vs. Fried Polling Data. Crist, a Democratic Congressman and former Republican Governorrunningfor his old job, leads 57% to DeSantis 43% in a head-to-head matchup. Approval ticked down slightly from 25 percent to 24 percent. Ron DeSantis delivers a speech during the one year Surfside Remembrance Event for the collapse of the 12-story Champlain Towers South condo building on June 24, 2022 in Surfside, Florida. Other (albeit mostly older) polls still have the incumbent firmly in the lead as the Florida gubernatorial race heats up. He still has, as of September, a 60% approval rating as the Appendix shows. On August 31, the state reported 15,949 COVID-19 hospitalizationsa 653 percent increase. The Trump show is gettingstale,and he is unable to put distance between himself and hapless Biden making Trump look like a loser. By comparison, just 43% gave a favorable response of any sort, with 27% rating DeSantis leadership as very favorable. Among all voters, 48 percent now approve of DeSantis' job performance and 48 percent disapprove, according to a new poll from the market research company Morning Consult. Nikki Fried just came out in support of bringing kids to drag shows. Table #2: 10 states where governors have suffered the smallest losses in approval ratings during the pandemic. It is true that the public is far less interested in these hearings thanininflation and other domestic issues, but thatonly plays well for Trump if he takes advantage. One year into the Ukraine war What does the public think about American involvement in the world. Try looking in the mirror for once: Governor @RonDeSantisFL BLASTS Brandon for his abysmal approval ratings , "You want to know why your approval ratings are in the toilet? With universal name ID and a big initial lead,Trump should be unassailable. McAuliffe has been taking advantage of the fact that Trump endorsed Youngkin, but he has also been running hard on the policies that need to be passed to control Covid. Some have also suggested that Fabrizio's long-standing association with Trump also puts a question mark over the reliability of the poll. Normally, a28-point lead would be cause for celebration, but not for Trump. DeSantis favorable rating of 32% put him between two leading Democrats: Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer at 31%, and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi at 35%. Its new record for most new cases reported in a single day occurred on August 10 with 56,610 newly reported cases. BREAKING: Democratic Florida frontrunner Charlie Crist is polling one point higher than Ron DeSantis.DeSantis can be DeFeated. DeSantis would hold up better against Agriculture CommissionerNikki Fried, the other major Democratrunningfor Governor, but is still losing according to this poll. Office of Public Affairs Two international studies have also determined that lockdowns potentially have saved millions of lives, Reuters reported on June 2020. "If you look at all the different policy responses around the world since the start of the pandemic, there is no correlation between COVID prevalence andmask mandates, lockdowns, curfews, vaccine passportsor even vaccination rate.". Montana, New York, Rhode Island, and Utah are excluded from these numbers because they changed governors during this period. Republicans only agree at 58 percent and that is without offering alternatives. DeSantis, an ardent supporter of former President Trump and a rising star in the GOP, has been predicted to be a contender for the Republican presidential nomination in 2024. Others, however, remained confident in DeSantis's win. . Please let us know if you're having issues with commenting. Crist himself is up against Nikki Fried, Florida's Agriculture Commissioner, in the Democratic primaries, though the odds are heavily skewed in his favor. Morning Consult surveyed 4,174 voters in Florida and 3,041 voters in Texas from Aug. 21 to 30, with margins of error from 1 to 3 percentage points. DeSantis is also leading the field in the 2022 race for governor, where he tops Democratic challenger Charlie Crist 48%-41%, as well as Independent Carmen Jackie Gimenez (3%) and Libertarian Hector Roos (1%), with 7% of voters undecided. It's a very serious addiction. Donald Trump trailing in a contest with another Republican is a sea change, said David Paleologos, director of the Suffolk University Political Research Center. As of September 2, Florida is ranked 20th among U.S. states with the highest vaccination rates. At least some of the claims around purported shifts in Florida's gubernatorial race appear to be referencing a private poll by Tony Fabrizio, a veteran GOP strategist and pollster. Fabrizio admits as much in responding to a Newsweek request for comment, in which he provided both the survey results for the poll mentioned above, as well as a more recent one. RCP Senate Map | Senate Polls | Generic Congressional Vote | RCP Governor Map | Governor Even his Republican numbers are not great,at 80 percent. Every little bit helps. Losing a re-election race or deciding not to run because you are likely to lose are not good ways to catapult yourself to your partys nomination. "'Cases'as in positive tests with mild to no symptomsaren't the main concern," Pushaw told Newsweek. Creative Loafings 2023 endorsements for Tampa City Council, mayor and charter amendments, Creative Loafing Tampa Bay is hiring a staff writer, Tampa Mayor Jane Castor is a shoe-in for re-election, so write someone else in, Scroll to read more Florida News articles. Governor Ron DeSantis had an approval rating of 50%, down from 58% in February of this year. The survey's findings have a margin of error of plus or minus 1 to 2 percentage points. According to the poll, Gov. Newsweek has reached out to DeSantis for comment. WebRon DeSantis (R) Bio | Campaign Site Florida Snapshot RCP: Average: Gillum +3.6 RCP Ranking: Toss Up Key 2018 Races: Senate | FL-7 | FL-13 | FL-16 | FL-18 | FL-25 FL-26 | FL Join half a million readers enjoying Newsweek's free newsletters. DeSantis polls 58 percent approve to just 15 percent disapprove. A number of left-leaning Twitter accounts have claimed that Crist has edged higher than DeSantis in recent polls. 1998 - 2023 Nexstar Media Inc. | All Rights Reserved. If this keeps up, they may pay the political price. First of all, the 1 percent lead is effectively negligible, given the poll's margin of error of +/- 2.9 percent. I wrote in this space in May that aDeSantis-Tim Scottticket would beable to knock out Trump and be a favorite to wipe out any Democratic ticket in 2024. The Supreme Court takes up student loan forgiveness Whats at stake? Echelonputs DeSantis ahead of Pence, 39 percent to 18 percent; innorecent poll is DeSantis behind. A new Harvard CAPS/Harris Poll released Friday exclusively to The Hill shows Trump leading DeSantis 46 percent to 23 percent. The mercurial rise of Ron DeSantis is the Democrats fault. Andall this when Trump is the only Republican really running. Subscribe now to get the latest news delivered right to your inbox. Finally, DeSantis's popularity is also evident from the fact that he continues to draw in impressive sums of money from his supporters, raising more than $113 million during his re-election campaign cycle as of April. In the past month, Trump has mostly been in the low to mid-50s. DeSantis is even performing well with Democrats, garnering 46 percent approval versus 39 percent who disapprove. Rubios lead over Demings has shrunk from 49%-41% in January to 45%-41% today. THE HILL 1625 K STREET, NW SUITE 900 WASHINGTON DC 20006 | 202-628-8500 TEL | 202-628-8503 FAX. Fifty-one percent of Texas voters during that time approved of Abbotts performance. DeSantis has the momentum and is playing a disciplined long game. Ron DeSantis is one of the most popular governors in America*, according to a new poll conducted by Pulse Opinion Research for U.S. The results seem all the more startling considering the same pollster in June showed DeSantis with adouble-digit leadover either Democratic challenger. The public is not sympathetic tothe Capitol rioters of 2021, with68 percent disapproving, including majorities ofall demographic and ideological groups 58 percent amongRepublicans;52 percent think Trump had a lot or some responsibility, including majoritiesor pluralities of alldemographic groups; just 24 percent thinkhe had no responsibility. Ron DeSantis has raised more than $100 million for his reelection effort. RT IF YOU HOPE THAT DESANTIS LOSES IN NOVEMBER! Independents disapproval rose from 38 percent to 51 DeSantis has a 60% approval rating among men and 47% approval rating among women, the poll said. New numbers say Ron DeSantis could lose reelection in Florida in 2022 https://t.co/EO3zohCAyb. Senate sends bill nullifying Biden's ESG investing rule to president's desk, China, Belarus call for cease-fire, negotiations in Ukraine, Watch live: White House monkeypox response team holds briefing, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Now everyone has seen the Trump show. Nearly half of voters polled this month said "The most important objective is to alleviate the risk of severe illness, particularly hospitalizations, from COVID-19.". Whether these approval numbers will translate to electoral losses remains to be seen. Just 37% rated the Florida economy as excellent or good, down 10 points from January. DeSantis also leads all other potential Republican candidates. Another polling outfit shows Gov. Press J to jump to the feed. On July 1, the state reported 36 deaths. Your favorite tequila battle is back on 4/7/23! Losing a re-election race or deciding not to run because you are likely to lose are not good According to polling aggregator RealClearPolitics, DeSantis leads Crist by an average of 8.8 percent, and Fried by 13 percent, though it is worth noting that some of the polls it includes are dated to 2021, and the most recent one is from February 2022. Negative sentiment was less pronounced for DeSantis:Just 26 percent of independents viewed DeSantis very unfavorably, compared to 54 percent for Trump. His disapproval ratings also rose amongst Democrats and Republicans. Greg Abbott (R) have slipped in popularity since July, according to a survey from Morning Consult. As the Appendix to this article shows, the pandemic has taken its toll on almost everyone. Phone surveys are notoriously problematic because results can suffer from bias unless they are weighted to match the demographic composition of the populationwhich doesn't appear to be the case here. Independents gave Biden an approval rating of 41%, a two-point drop from a few weeks prior. DeSantis' approval rating plummeted as Florida's Covid-19 cases skyrocketed into 2021. One of the most popular Republican leaders, DeSantis has long been tipped to challenge Donald Trump in the Republican presidential primaries. DeSantis has faced opposition amongst school districts and businesses in his state. Follow him on Twitter@KNaughton711. However, Demings hasnt risen above 41% and still struggles with statewide name recognition, with 20% of likely midterm voters saying they have not heard of her and an additional 22% indicating that they have heard her name but have not formed an opinion. Helags Trump nationally and inprimary polling. Schools have reinstated mask mandates and businesses have required proof of vaccination despite his executive order and signed legislation banning both, respectively. but itd be super super close. 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