Following the First World War, Germany was building up her passenger fleet from 'scratch' in an era of new developments. WebThe National Records of Scotland holds agreements and crew lists under the reference BT 3, covering 1867-1913, for Scottish ships only. It is said that ship repairers always complain that shipowners never give them long enough to complete annual overhauls. The 'Queens' experienced many difficulties when navigating the Solent due to yacht manoeuvres. Further details of available sources are described in: In 1747, following an Act of Parliament, a fund for the relief of disabled seamen was set up, using money taken from seamens wages. Queen Elizabeth leaving New York during her last voyage, 1968. Cunard retired Queen Mary in 1967 and Queen Elizabeth completed her final Atlantic crossing to New York on 5 November 1968. Like a Greek tragedy the tale of woe gathered force. The safety of the troops during these solo high-speed dashes across the Atlantic was not considered to be paramount in the minds of those at the top. In November 1942, the QUEEN ELIZABETH was involved in an incident that still remains the subject of much speculation. It was decided to steam her all the way and a Chinese crew was flownto Florida, along with workers from Mr Tung's own shipyard. There were only five dry docks in the world which could accommodate the Elizabeth. For almosr five years John Brown & Company had carried on a correspondence with the Clyde Navigation Trust dealing with the safe navigation of the liner on her one and only journey to the open sea. The cruiser HMAS CANBERRA had lowered a pinnace which was cruising calmly around collecting bags of mail from each. The UNITED STATES took the 'Blue Riband' on her maiden voyage. Between April 1941 and March 1945 the QUEEN ELIZABETH steamed 492,635 miles and carried 811,324 'passengers'. More than a year after the two 'Queens' had last met in New York, they sailed in company for the very first time in April 1941. To administer this fund, masters or owners of merchant ships had to keep a muster book, also known as a muster roll, which was filed at the port of arrival with the Seamens Fund Receivers. being transported (not for $100) in the QUEEN ELIZABETH who, in a burst of enthusiasm, said to one of the officers: "Say, why can't you British build a ship like this?" A temporary electrical fault had developed with the. Suddenly there was a crash of breaking timbers and No.552, on her own volition, started on her un-named journey towards the Clyde. each day in the QUEEN ELIZABETH's first-class restaurant. The QUEEN ELIZABETH had an unexpected stowaway in 1959. L.Sea. [21] Queen Elizabeth's engines were capable of driving her to speeds of over 32 knots. There are a small number of log books in BT 98 and BT 99. As an indication of the worsening European situation, the keel of the Royal Navy's newest battleship, HMS DUKE OF YORK, was laid on 5th May 1937 on the slipway adjoining the QUEEN ELIZABETH. The distance to be covered in a year would be about 145,000 nautical miles. In 1961 Cunard liners were to make 207 sailings to and from New York. The vessel was sold to Queen Ltd of Port Everglades on 19 July 1969. John Brown Image The queen is greeted by Sir Percy Bates of Cunard John Brown Image The front cover of the official launching booklet for the Queen Elizabeth Maritime History Archive holds approximately 70% of the crew lists and agreements for 1951-1976, but the records have not yet been indexed so contact them directly for search advice. All these quickly spread, fanned carried by the ample supply of air coming into the ship through the open shell doors. The continuing popularity of the ', The general assumption that the replacements for the ', Of all the strikes and disputes that hit the QUEEN ELIZABETH, the most catastrophic was the 42-day seamen's strike of May and June 1966. The QUEEN ELIZABETH arrived at Singapore three weeks after leaving New York for a seven-week conversion into a troopship with accommodation for 5,000 troops. dry dock at Southampton for annual overhaul. The remainder, lying on the harbour bed, was blown up as the wreck was a hazard to navigation. Running mate: Queen Mary. v3.0, except where otherwise stated, Merchant Navy ships records: crew lists, musters and log books, Friends of The National Steam locomotives delivered the steel plates, but lighter items were brought in by horse-drawn lorries. ", The promenade deck main square on the QUEEN ELIZABETH. CPO. [15] The names of Brown's shipyard employees were booked to local hotels in Southampton to give a false trail of information, and Captain John Townley was appointed as her first master. Sir Basil Smallpiece (Cunard's chairman since November 1965 when he succeeded Sir John Brocklebank) decided that the time had finally come for drastic, long-delayed surgery on the Cunard passenger fleet. It was controlled simply by the necessity to provide sufficient passenger accommodation and propulsion to operate a two-ship weekly express service across the North Atlantic. Over the next few months Mr C.Y. A few muster rolls survive in other record series. By using this site, you accept the use of cookies on your device. Lady Assistant Pursers were introduced on the Cunard liners after the, Second World War. On 1st January 1950 the Cunard Steamship Company took over its wholly-owned subsidiary, Cunard - White Star. The Mercantile Marine Act of 1850 required ships masters to also keep a log book to record events on board a ship, which included seamens conduct. The loyalty that she was given by her crew, the lifeblood of any ship, was reflected in the service given to her passengers who patronised the ship in vast numbers time and time again. Tonnage: 83,673. In mid Atlantic on 6th June she steamed 700 miles at an average of 30.43 knots, her fastest day's run since entering passenger service after the war. WebRMS Queen Elizabeth Passenger Lists 1947-1954 RMS Queen Elizabeth, World's Largest Liner. During a conference on board, the U.S. military was told how many men had been transported on each Sydney - Suez voyage. Rear Admiral Carruthers Joseph William. In writing to Cammell Laird, Sir Percy said that he was not entirely confident that it could deal with such a large ship and that in particular they might not be able to move the ship into their fitting-out basin. The certificate would then be given back to the seaman which is why they can be found in the personal collections of an individual or their family. WebScenes on the main podium prior the launching, the two Princesses are notable, especially Princess Elizabeth , our future Queen! The normal insurance market would not be able to provide cover for anything like the whole cost. We'd like to use additional cookies to remember your settings and understand how you use our services. These records, which collectively date from 1747 to the 1990s, can providebrief details of ships, the voyages they took and their crew. She would carry 1,800 students plus 800 cruise passengers on world-wide voyages. May 11 - 16 First time more than 10,000 persons had traveled on any ship (9,880 troops, 875 crew). This was a subsidiary of the giant Orient Overseas Line which would be the ship's actual owner and operator. This is the story of the ship from the planning stages of the late 1920s, her war operations, her amazingly successful passenger service of the late 1940s and 1950s, and her demise in the mid 1960s. Cunard White Star Tourist Class, January 1949. First Armored Infantry Division (15,125 troops, 863 crew). Then, with the same pair of gold scissors that Queen Mary had used to perform the launching ceremony of her namesake, she cut the red, white and blue ribbon which released the bottle of Empire wine to break, just in time, against the new ship's accelerating bow. How much more dignified it would have been to have broken the ship up in 1968. Not until the, Steam was raised on all boilers on 1st March. Townley and his hastily signed-on crew of four hundred Cunard personnel were told by a company representative before they left to pack for a voyage where they could be away from home for up to six months.[16]. This 'Glee Party', as it was known, then toured the vessel deck by deck. The QUEEN ELIZABETH slips away from John Brown's shipyard. BT 387 is arranged by ranges of ships names therefore you will need to browse the series. Despite the effectiveness of the new stabilisers to minimise rolling, nothing could be done to reduce the pitching. As a triumphant fanfare to the launch of the QUEEN ELIZABETH, the Mary captured the Blue Ribandin August 1938 with a speed of 31.69 knots, a record that would stand for fourteen years. Other than silt found in some inlets, there was very little evidence of the grounding. Search for ships registered at: In 1835, following the Merchant Shipping Act, muster books were replaced by similar records known as crew lists and agreements. Search for crew lists and agreements from 1951 to 1994 at: The National Archives search our 10% sample by ships number inBT 99. Their high speeds allowed them to outrun hazards, principally German U-boats, usually allowing them to travel outside a convoy. Shuttle crossing. The following day, 8th October, four hundred guests of the Cunard Company boarded the QUEEN ELIZABETH for the return passage to Southampton. Costing almost twice as much as the Mary, the French liner was also more lavish in her first-class apartments. This was simply a record of the total number of crew (known as a muster roll), but it evolved into what are known as crew lists and agreements. To find a crew list and agreement from 1855 onwards, you will need to know the ships official number. REINA DEL MAR PACIFIC STEAM NAVIGATION CO. After her launch the QUEEN ELIZABETH was towed round to the fitting-out berth where she would remain for the next sixteen months. Both fires were considered suspicious and detectives questioned 2,000 Thorneycroft workmen and some 400 crew. [22] Despite specifications similar to those of Queen Mary, Queen Elizabeth never held the Blue Riband, for Cunard White Star chairman Sir Percy Bates asked that the two ships do not try to compete against each other. The troops would board the, The safety of the troops during these solo high-speed dashes across the Atlantic was not considered to be paramount in the minds of those at the top. During the turnround in New York on her second G.I. From the outset the intention had been to operate a two-ship service on the North Atlantic. Captain Duncan Cameron, the Southampton pilot, was still on board. October 2 There was some talk of permanently flooding the bilge and allowing the Queen Elizabeth to rest on the bed of the Intracoastal Waterway in Ft. Lauderdale harbour (Port Everglades) and remain open, but the ship was forced to close in August 1970, after losing money and being declared a fire hazard. That evening the crew was paid off and just 193 were retained to take the Elizabeth on her delivery voyage to Fort Lauderdale. The 1966 strike cost Cunard an estimated 3.75 million in lost revenue and brought the total operating loss for the year to over 6 million. The QUEEN ELIZABETH berthed alongside the Ocean Terminal, at Southampton, taking on bunkers for her next voyage. She first entered service in February 1940 as a troopship in the Second World War, and it was not until October 1946 that she served in her intended role as an ocean liner. A barrier was then constructed around the hull to shut her off from the river and to prevent the Clyde-borne silt building up around and under the hull. Following his retirement, Sir James was in great demand as a lecturer and one day was telling some schoolchildren of the days when 2,000 lbs of bacon and 32,000 eggs were cooked for breakfast every day. The route between America and Europe had characteristics very different from others, said Colonel Bates. The world's three largest liners were together for the first and, as events were to prove, the last time. These had been floated down the Clyde in order to reduce the liner's weight and thus reduce her draught during that short critical journey. In September 1959 an announcement was made to the effect that an independent committee of three, headed by Lord Chandos, had been set up to examine the Cunard Company's proposals for replacing the 'Queens'. Mildenhall Wilfred Charles. This was the catalyst, but not the only cause, of the withdrawal of the two 'Queens'. Archive British Pathe film footage of the launch can be viewed by logging on to: < British Pathe The Queen launches the QUEEN ELIZABETH 1938 >, The QUEEN ELIZABETH enters the waters of the River Clyde, The crowds at John Brown's shipyard at the launch, The QUEEN ELIZABETH is towed round to the fitting-out basin at, John Brown's shipyard, following her successful launch. In late 1968, Queen Elizabeth was sold to the Elizabeth Corporation, with 15% of the company controlled by a group of Philadelphia businessmen and 85% retained by Cunard. I have recently uploaded three videos on to 'YouTube' about, Cunard Line QUEEN ELIZABETH of 1938, Part 1 [30 minutes], Cunard Line QUEEN ELIZABETH of 1938, Part 2 [30 minutes], Arrivals & DeparturesQueen Elizabeth Southampton 1950 [20 minutes], To view these, log on to 'You Tube', and enter into the search box. The name of this establishment so caught their fancy that the crew bars on all Cunard liners were subsequently named in its honour. A fortnight later, on 21st March 1940, the QUEEN MARY slipped quietly away: her work as a troop transport was about to begin. WebThe Cunard - White Star Liner QUEEN ELIZABETH 1938 - 1972 LIVERPOOL SHIPS ACCRA OF 1947 ELDER DEMPSTER LINES AUREOL ELDER DEMPSTER LINES BRITANNIC and GEORGIC CUNARD WHITE STAR CARINTHIA CUNARD LINE EMPRESS OF BRITAIN CANADIAN PACIFIC EMPRESS OF CANADA LOSS BY FIRE The whole affair turned into a spectacular fiasco as the 'Mary' was undercrewed and had to cross the equator twice without the benefit of air-conditioning. During two years of near neglect, deterioration had rapidly set in, especially in the fragile boiler tubes. The list was kept on board and then sent to the Register Office of Merchant Seamen, the central administration office of the Merchant Navy, on the ships return to Britain. The QUEEN ELIZABETH entering the King George V Dry Dock. Shuttle work in earnest. [9], The new ship improved upon the design of Queen Mary[10] with sufficient changes, including a reduction in the number of boilers to twelve instead of Queen Mary's twenty-four, that the designers could discard one funnel and increase deck, cargo and passenger space. This was not a record breaking passage, and not surpassing the time of her running mate, the Queen Mary, but on this occasion no special effort was made to accomplish that feat. Over a two-hour period engine revolutions were increased from 100 (17 knots) to 154 (26 knots). This, then, is the story of the QUEEN ELIZABETH, the world's largest liner. This meant that the crew had to re-sign on foreign-going Articles. Queen Elizabeth and Queen Mary were used as troop transports during the Second World War. WebLists can also include passengers who were family members of seamen. She was back in New York on 19th August to begin her regular G.I. Originally vetoing the idea of allowing her portrait to be hung in the ship when the liner was launched, Queen Elizabeth had now relented. With flight time cut from twelve to less than seven hours, the lure was irresistible. Only a little fuel remained after the transatlantic crossing, but a barge moved alongside to take it off as necessary. The passage time to Nassau would be 39 hours each way, giving passengers almost two full days there. The tender ROMSEY which had brought the officials out to the stricken ship made a solo attempt at pulling the liner off the mud, but the towline parted under the unequal strain. These essentially distinguished between ships sailing in waters around Britain (home) and those sailing further afield (foreign). During the first weekend of the war her newly erected forward funnel, resplendent in Cunard red and black, was hastily overpainted in grey. Official logs are found with the agreements and crew lists, where they survive. her summer overhaul in the King George V dry dock. After anchoring off Aruba the SEAWISE UNIVERSITY drifted, dragging her anchor, out to deep water. Our research into the RMS Laconia and SS Bergensfjord, the ships that brought two members of the Gjnvik family from Norway to the United States in the early 20th century, has helped us design our site for other genealogists. This, then toured the vessel deck by deck 'Blue Riband ' on her maiden voyage calmly collecting... Transatlantic crossing, but a barge moved alongside to take the ELIZABETH on her maiden voyage passengers almost two days! 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