Party's support base Pro-life These conspiracy theories have been roundly debunked by independent fact-checkers, state and federal courts, and election officials across the country. Anderson, 52, served as Jefferson Countys clerk and recorder for eight years from 2007 to 2015 and is also the former executive director of the Colorado County Clerks Association, where she worked on legislative issues at the Colorado Capitol. Please see our republishing guidelines for use of photos and graphics. Colorado lawmakers are targeting hospital facility fees. I think weve learned here in Colorado that thats important. .outer_percentage { Saying Anderson is the "strongest GOP voice" really limits the pool and only shows her clearing a super-low bar. Not only has she broken her commitment to support county and local government, but she has also initiated several unfunded mandates in the General Assembly that have increased the cost of our elections. .non_result_row th { Yup! Pam Anderson, a former Jefferson County clerk, will win. I dont have any issues with the message, said Anderson. .election_results_text { .results_row.winner { Click here to contact our editorial staff, and click here to report an error. Go! border: 1px solid #999; Evidence-based elections is whats important, Anderson said. $('.showResponses').show(); vertical-align: middle; $('#candidate-connection-email-104133').on('click', () => { ga('send', 'event', 'surveycta', 'surveycta-click-email'); }); Pam Anderson, the Republican candidate from Wheat Ridge running to unseat Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold in the November 2022 race, hopes to remove politics from the office.. This years postcards went to some 30,000 ineligible people. We did an incredibly good job both here in Colorado and nationally adapting to circumstances. A new poll shows that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis wins with a commanding 40% in a hypothetical nine-field GOP primary contest. margin-top: 1em; How Badly Did The "Charterizers" Want JeffCo Schools? The bombshell news Monday that state Sen. Kevin Priola has defected from the Colorado Republican Party and joined the Democratic majority in the chamber provoked a furious reaction from Republicans, who immediately commenced organizing a recall campaign against Sen. Priola despite the impending November elections (where Priola is not on the ballot) being a much greater strategic priority. .electionsectionheading { Thats why when I am elected Secretary of State, I will launch Colorados first Colorado Initiative Academy. padding-left: 16px; font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.25em; I absolutely agree with Sen. Sullivan th Should all of those elements be ignored . } padding-left: 10px; $('.hideResponses').hide(); Listen now. Contact our sales team. This has disrupted businesses and charitable organizations when they needed stability and support most. $('.hideResponses').show(); max-height: 580px; From 2015 to 2020, Anderson served as the head of the Colorado County Clerks Association, a nonprofit representing Democratic and Republican county elections officials across the state. These are practices that have been in place, but at the same time we need to make sure that they are being consistently applied. } We ask that you edit only for style or to shorten, provide proper attribution and link to our web site. Republican Pam Anderson, a candidate for Colorado secretary of state, left, talks with a voter at a forum for U.S. Senate candidates sponsored by the Republican Women of Weld on Feb. 3, 2022, in Fort Lupton. She lost in the general election on November 8, 2022. Editors note: Every county has the hardware to print uniform ballots without QR codes. We cant support to pay that. Property taxes fund local counties primarily, and property values and housing arent doing the same thing in Montezuma County as it is doing in Jefferson County. color: #888; padding-bottom: 8px; Representatives serve two year terms and are not term limited. Its irresponsible and a broken trust with Coloradans and a real departure from what weve seen. What I learned from the primary is that that message resonates. Sign up here and we will see you in the morning! } And she labels Priola's switch as "political opportunism." The following candidates ran in the general election for Colorado Secretary of State on November 8, 2022. The winner of the race will oversee Colorados elections for the next four years, as well as enforce the states campaign finance laws and oversee business registration, notaries and the regulation of charities. She is a candidate in the general election on November 8, 2022. Griswold disagrees, saying she would use her position to stand up for abortion access and the right for same-sex couples to marry. } width: 57%; When asked if she would support Trump running for president in 2024, Griswolds campaign manager Kyla Sabado provided a statement. background-color: #f9f9f9; top: 0px; .widget-value { Increasing trust, I think, is the biggest access point for us right now, and doing it in a way that doesnt vilify anyone in a political sense and also doing it in a responsible way. Pam Anderson is a candidate for secretary of state. .contact_entity {font-size: 1.0em ;margin-top: 0.6em; margin-bottom: 0em; margin-right: 0.5em;} Colorado Postcards are snapshots of our colorful state in sound. Examples of that would be signature verification and working with stakeholders on the best way to do that, being very transparent. padding-left: 0; Using things like the citizens academy, treating candidates and initiative groups fairly in the regulatory process. font-weight: 300; Source1Source2. Gerard . Put that pizza box in the trash. Anderson has said that should she win she would put a renewed focus on the management side of the job, reducing staff turnover in the office and making sure its response times to business and nonprofits are swift. width: 100% !important; Telling stories that matter in a dynamic, evolving state. text-align: center; But she highlights Priola's votes on mail balloting and same-day registration wouldn't those have been 8 or 9 years ago? Pam Shernuk 4,555 45.52 Total votes 10,006 : 100.00 : District 9. This includes directly interviewing sources and research / analysis of primary source documents. Click here to contact us for media inquiries, and please donate here to support our continued expansion. letter-spacing: .03em; More by Sandra Fish, Got a story tip? | GOP challenger Pam Anderson, 52, served eight years as the former Jefferson County clerk and recorder and then led the state clerks association, working to improve election administration at the state Legislature. Previously, she was a community reporter in Douglas County for Colorado Community Media. I think its inappropriate to campaign with election deniers spreading the big lie, Griswold said, challenging Anderson to stop appearing with the Aadland and Moore. Free speech is one of those tough problems and I dont think you can legislate guardrails on it. I think that message is not for just the people who are focused on the outcome of a single race. Pam Anderson (far left), Mike O'Donnell (middle) and Tina Peters (right) are running for Colorado's GOP Secretary of State nomination in 2022. font-weight: bold; Incumbents are bolded and underlined. color: white; First, who Anderson is an exceedingly experienced, knowledgeable, competent and widely respected elections expert who served as Jefferson County clerk and executive director of the Colorado County Clerks Association. If elected, Anderson said she would work to restore professionalism to the Secretary of States Office by focusing on bipartisan leadership. Sufficient 4/04/2022. They both support universal mail ballots, early voting, and automatic voter registration. As long as were focusing on enabling people to access their constitutional rights, that is how we build. Some of South Carolina's top Republicans, including Gov. What was your motivation? I will not fundraise off active investigations or legal cases. Apply today! by Sara Wilson, Colorado Newsline September 15, 2022. } Colorado Times Recorder: In 2024 would you support Donald Trump as a candidate for President? Colorado Secretary of State candidate Pam Anderson, right, visits with Fremont County Commissioner Kevin Grantham, left, Fremont County Treasurer Kathy Elliott, and aon City Mayor Pro Tem. } Democrats including Griswold say even though Anderson is a booster for the election system, she has not done enough to distance herself from fellow Republican candidates who do believe the 2020 election was rigged. I will. Pam Anderson campaigns with election deniers & extremists. Before they dated, ever now and then Sai and Seb would just lay down in the grass and chill. .key-messages li {margin-bottom: 10px;} let item = jQuery('.votebox .indicate_scroll').get(index); } Peters, who received 28.3 percent of the vote finished third behind winner Pam Anderson, who had 43 percent, and Mike O'Donnell, who finished with 28.5 percent, according to results reported by . I think that engenders trust. For me, its a mission. .votebox-scroll-container { } Pam Anderson did not complete Ballotpedia's 2022 Candidate Connection survey. Experienced leader and elections professional. Citizens who complete the academy could receive increased pay to serve as election judges in future elections. Priola's vote was in 2013, and it was a straight party-line vote in the House with all "no" votes coming from the GOP. margin-top: 1px; Citizens will also have to take a tour of their countys election facility. The Maricopa County election official ran in 2020 as a Republican and then everything blew up. County and state TABOR notices have already been mailed, so every household should have those to . I really disagree with the messenger in an election year. display: inline-block; top: -1px; If she is elected and you are serving in the same administration, how will you deal with serving as secretary of state when a key official has those beliefs? If elected, Anderson says she. The following are just some of the priorities she will immediately set on taking office: Create Professional Code of Conduct for the SOS to Rebuild Public Trust. As an election official, it is critical to improve operational quality assurance processes to improve voter list maintenance, signature verification, data input, transparency, and customer service. Your commentary is so weak that it needs Catching up on the news after my vacatio No.

} width: 100%; .widget-row { margin: 8px auto; Our stories may be republished online or in print under Creative Commons license CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. .infobox p { .widget-row.Libertarian { Recently, Griswold has been in a successful battle to prevent Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters, a Republican, from having a role in administering the November election after Peters allowed an unauthorized person to attend an election system software update. I'm not a Kyle Clark hater, but his logic in that featured tweet was sort of weak. She is so far the only Republican with a background in politics to have announced a bid to unseat Griswold. } if (typeof $ != 'undefined') { She then served for eight years as the Jefferson County clerk and recorder and later as the executive director of the Colorado County Clerk Association until 2020. } I have a record on voting integrity and (am) the only one that has implemented and pushed for things like making sure every Colorado citizen votes on a voter verified paper ballot. overflow: hidden; I know that there are projects on that list. Anderson said she would improve audits for voter lists and signature verification. Federal level positions get all the attention, but there are thousands of local election officials that stand on the front lines every single day that are contrary to that. background-color: #6db24f; My question is whether they chose commercials over security? Pam Anderson defeated Mike O'Donnell and Tina Peters in the Republican primary for Colorado Secretary of State on June 28, 2022. Youve seen me take responsibility and thats what I do as secretary of state.. If we really want to get into the minutiae of a blame game, thats not something Im willing to do. Having an injection of these funds, even during an emergency, is pretty unique, particularly for elections at the federal level. I dont have to agree, whether were across the aisle or on the same side. Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold, a Democrat, is running for reelection this year against Pam Anderson, a Republican who used to be Jefferson Countys clerk and recorder. left: 0px; Peters is scheduled for a trial in early March. While he was in office, Griswolds secretary of state predecessor, Wayne Williams, publicly endorsed fellow Republican Ted Cruz for President during the 2016 election. text-align: center; Anderson believes that Colorados voting systems are safe and secure and that there wasnt any fraud or wrongdoing that would have overturned the results of the 2020 presidential election. - Runtime: 107 minutes. Weve done a lot of work on that already over the last 20 years. Are we fairly allocating resources? Anderson said she supported the law allowing Coloradans to turn in up to 10 ballots, and I also support enforcing the law if theres a complaint.. I think people need a trusted voice, Anderson said in an interview with The Colorado Sun. color: white; The next Colorado GOP chair will either be an election denier or an election skeptic, in which he questioned the outcome of the 2020 election, spending more than $1 million in federal election assistance money on TV ads, Peters is scheduled for a trial in early March, for a law passed by Colorados legislature, pointing to her work around automatic voter registration, sending postcards to 22,000 voters saying theyd failed to vote, (720) 263-2338 Call, text, Signal or WhatsApp, Proudly powered by Newspack by Automattic. My campaign is about saying Im incredibly proud about what weve built here in Colorado, but no competent election official ever thinks were done. defer(); .survey-result {padding:10px;} John Frank Pam Anderson, Republican candidate for secretary of state. Another would be voter registration audits that we do at the local level. From 1999 through 2018, two people served as Chief Deputy Secretary of State. But unfortunately for Pam Anderson, this Freudian slip is all too accurate: Thats Pam Anderson in the center of this photo from the Colorado GOPs Unity Rally at Mile High Station in Denver on August 9th. .votebox-covid-disclaimer { .widget-img { My opponent promised to fully fund elections in 2019. Republican Secretary of State candidate Pam Anderson on Monday evening. Pam Anderson (Republican Party) ran for election for Colorado Secretary of State. letter-spacing: .04em; Right now, thats done through business licensing fees and it doesnt seem like theres a really good nexus for that: fees and elections. Provided by 76 Group / Mike O'Donnell / Tina. Pamela Evette and U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham, have endorsed Trump, whose 2016 victory in South Carolina's . As a leader and business owner myself, and with a record of recruiting and retaining people that see public service as a mission, I will: For additional context, see these Department of Personnel Administration news articles regarding employee engagement: Expand and Improve Operational Assessments and Audits and Increase Transparency. (GOP Colorado governor candidate) Heidi Ganahls running mate, Danny Moore, has expressed election denialism. I would never do that. Subscribe today to see what all the buzz is about. } Our model itself gives the voter a choice by proactively mailing a ballot, and then you get to decide whether you want to mail it in or vote in person. My opponent has broken faith with Colorado voters. font-weight: bold; Thats not our tradition in Colorado. She has also recommended improving regulation around ballot harvesting, referring to Coloradans ability to return up to 10 ballots for themselves and other voters. 19. r/StardewValley. Secretary of state candidate Pam Anderson speaks during a Colorado Republican Party press conference on Aug. 9, 2022. $(".collapse-all").on('click', () => { Colorado Secretary of State | 1700 Broadway, Suite 550, Denver CO 80290 | 303-894-2200. I see it as a professional office. And a non-elected person who more people might trust. She was previously the former Jefferson County Clerk and Recorder. Invest scarce resources where the citizens demand dictates, not to advance my political profile. Please take the time to learn more about the candidates and issues on the ballot. I see it as a professional position, not a partisan one. I was working with the county clerks not only on the elections front, but 16 hours a day to get them up and running and get their offices open. [Pols emphasis]She said informing the public that elections are safe and secure is critically important and a major element of her own campaign. Lori Saine, a Weld County commissioner and a leading Republican candidate for the 8th Congressional District seat, was unable to participate in the event after failing to RSVP. This includes directly interviewing sources and research / analysis of primary source documents. Primarily, I had influence in making sure there is a provision in there that 75% of it goes to local elections operations. indicateScroll(); As secretary, I wouldnt want the power to do that and I think it had constitutional flaws. font-weight: 200; Were not sending out unfunded mandates to the locals. Its not appropriate to do that for your political career and it denigrates the office.. Editors note:It is estimated that Democrats spent closer to $7 million to elevate far-right candidates in the primary: about $4 million for state Rep. Ron Hanks in the U.S. Senate race, $2 million for Greg Lopez in the gubernatorial race and about $300,000 for Lori Saine in the 8th Congressional District race, according to FEC filings. Those printers have not been replaced to do a full-face ballot. Anderson went to college at California Lutheran University in Southern California, where she met her husband, and finished her education at the University of Colorado Denver. function indicateScroll (){ Anderson has said she views secretary of state as a management job, and a big part of the role will also be helping to restore peoples trust in elections. .votebox-results-metadata-p { overflow-y: auto; Results . } I think its really important that people have a fair referee and that these offices arent used in a partisan way by anyone. word-wrap: break-word; The Secretary of State is the head of the state department and interprets election laws and oversees elections. display: inline-block; width: 100%; So if you cant hire people to support a function that needs to be done because you cant afford it, that creates pressure on election staff and on county clerks. Colorado Newsline maintains editorial independence. There are interest groups on the left and the right that have always weighed in on election administration. Pam Karlan a professor at Stanford University Law School who, before stepping down last year, helped lead the department's Civil Rights Division as the principal deputy assistant attorney general appointed by President Biden says beyond limited resources, there's also the challenge of the "sheer volume of jurisdictions in the United . This interview has been edited for length and clarity. I think my opponent and I are on opposite sides of the coin on that philosophy. Another Throwback while I'm on my break. I dont think election officials have the corner on good ideas. 333. Im running to bring the perspective of answering the questions, having integrity in the conversation and eliminating the partisan rhetoric that does more harm than good. That money should have been directed to county clerks for election security, Anderson said. She then went on to serve eight years as the Republican clerk and recorder for Jefferson County, one of the largest and most politically diverse counties in the state. Colorado ballots are arriving in the mail this week, the latest . Incumbent Jena Griswold advanced from the Democratic primary for Colorado Secretary of State on June 28, 2022. } text-align: center; Anderson served as Wheat Ridge City Clerk from 2003 to 2007 and Jefferson County Clerk from 2007 to 2015. color: #fff; Pam Anderson, the first well-known Republican to enter the race for Colorado Secretary of State, is at odds with many leaders in her party by denouncing fraud claims Skip Navigation Share on Facebook Weve been able to utilize technology to do that safely and provide that option for everyone. A big priority for me is making sure that we are resourcing our elections appropriately. Were pretty sure that Anderson meant to say she stands on the front lines AGAINST people who challenge the legitimacy of the elections, not on the front lines WITH such people. Engage industry partners for the business division on tangible input for rulemaking and project implementations. .non_result_row div { There is a portion of the Republican base that does believe the 2020 election was stolen or widespread voter fraud exists. She has two adult children and lives in Wheat Ridge. overflow-y: hidden; width: 43%; Her campaign has featured a lot of door knocking and events, but little in the way of televised advertising, which is a key part of boosting a candidates name recognition. Elliott Wenzler is a reporter for the Colorado Sun, covering local politics, the state legislature and other topics. How are we going to spend it? Its traditionally been very collaborative. Desk: 720-432-2229 } Cities | $('.showResponses').on('click', () => { In a new term, I will continue to protect the right to vote for every Coloradan and make this the best state in the nation to open a business, she said. She held the positions of Jefferson County Clerk from 2007 to 2015 and Wheat Ridge City Clerk from 2003 to 2007. Responding to a question about how to improve the security of Colorados elections, Griswold said that while there is room for innovation, pointing to her work around automatic voter registration, Colorados elections are already safe and secure. Henry McMaster, Lt. Gov. font-size: 2em; I think citizen access to their constitutional right to vote is fundamental. Our access points are really good in Colorado. Where are we putting them? Despite deep differences between the bases of both of their political parties, Griswold and Anderson do agree on the major policies that govern how the states elections are currently conducted. In a closing statement, Griswold emphasized her role in expanding voter access during the pandemic and creating a new process for businesses to fight identity theft. .mw-body #mw-content-text .votebox .race_header h5.votebox-header-election-type { One: for voter privacy. I am Pam Anderson, and I am running to be. } One of the committee members said, Hey, were not seeing any of this in my part of the state. I dont think they spent any of the money except for in the Denver metro area. You have not seen me blame anybody within my staff. } Christine Quinn wows in a Barbie pink Versace co-ord and jewels worth $88k for Beverly Hills shopping spree with her son who looks cute in a leather jacket Paris Hilton reveals her baby name! margin-right: 10px; We always examine that through an evidence-based lense. What they're saying: Both candidates assert elections are secure in Colorado but their approach to the job differs. .results_table { . font-size: .9em; While Anderson didnt directly respond to the challenge, she noted that shes objected to Aadlands statement and other Republican election deniers. I will work as I have my entire career across the partisan aisle to build consensus whenever possible and not work to alienate people that disagree with me,'' said Anderson at a campaign event in Denver with former clerks from both political parties who are backing her bid. Never require a political appointee to sign a non-disclosure agreement upon leaving the office. display: block; .inner_percentage.Libertarian { Each edition is filled with exclusive news, analysis and other behind-the-scenes information you wont find anywhere else. State and local courts | Pam Anderson: Ive been asked to run before. Pam Anderson, GOP candidate for Colorado secretary of state. And that's why I'm running.. 2,040 Followers. $('.pastResponses').hide(); Anderson defeated Peters, who also ran for secretary of state this year, by a 14 percentage point margin in the Republican primary in June. margin-bottom: .75em; Letter: Pam Anderson is the best choice for Colorado Secretary of State. .image-candidate-thumbnail-wrapper { Challenger Pam Anderson points to business complaints . Hall said Andersons platform against election denialism is critical, because it highlights that Democrats arent the only ones sounding the alarm against those seeking to undermine democracy. One aimed at protecting Colorado from insider election threats requires 24-hour video surveillance of voting equipment, increases training for local election officials, and adds penalties for security breaches. display: inline-block; I watched 2,000 Mules. I will provide my perspective on that and where I think its based on facts and evidence and where its not. She accused Anderson of pandering to the far right by voicing concerns about the practice. } Im a big supporter of local government, because that work is whats driven our model. font-weight: 100; Under my leadership, we expanded access to voting, increased election security, and oversaw record-breaking elections even during the pandemic. .results_table_container { Heres what you need to know about the candidates and where they stand on the issues: Griswold, 38, was elected secretary of state in 2018. Drop us a note at } As secretary of state, I am proud of the work we have done to protect the right to vote and ensure that every eligible Coloradan can participate in our democracy, Griswold said in a written statement Saturday reacting to Andersons candidacy. Unlike previous Secretaries of State, my opponent has failed to lead in improving and expanding election audits and other best practices that will bring greater transparency and public confidence in our elections. Eva Mendes 'beloved' Pamela Anderson's Netflix documentary.69WFMZ-TV Information Source link text-align: left !important; Ive also supported the efforts weve done for military and overseas voters and electronic ballot transmission for our overseas citizens and military. background: #4c4c4c; width: 150px; But I think there are certain offices that should remain above that fray and that is why Im running. How do you speak to them and how do you court them as a candidate? background-color: grey; That is essentially the messaging basis for her general election campaign for Colorado secretary of state, in which she hopes to deny incumbent Democrat Jena Griswold a second term. If you want to re-write the Denver Post's Cory Gardner endorsement for this race, I guess that's what you're going to do, but your actions are intentionally or not geared toward putting the wrong party back in the wrong office at the wrong time. As to your le JFC. She was reelected four years later. Thinking of the Republican Party on the national level and thinking about what Republican majorities have done as far as restricting voting access in states like Georgia there is some criticism that the party is anti-democratic. font-weight: bold; background-color: #db0000; Before serving as the county clerk and recorder, Anderson was the city clerk in Wheat Ridge. I will not put fuel on the fire with hyperpartisan and polarizing and divisive rhetoric to fuel my political campaign, Anderson said. background-color: grey; Past education outreach has been done collaboratively with the locals, but what weve seen with my opponent is a pattern. Im not the kind of candidate who is running for office to seek another office, she said. {.results_row.winner { click here to report an error ; s top Republicans, including Gov length clarity... Countys election facility Colorado but their approach to the job differs automatic voter registration Douglas for! 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