(1996) The Lilly wave can be neutralised via pink or white noise generators connecting to the non-voltage A/C ground and neutral of the homes power grid. Experiments at Allan Memorials telemetry lab, he declared, would one day help governments keep tabs on people without their knowing.. That is crucial evidence that the Mind Control torturers are also working with scalar waves. Mental Health. The subject of the article, electronics engineer Leonard Kille, claimed his brain had been destroyed in mind-control experiments by CIA-sponsored psychiatrists Vernon Mark of Boston City Hospital and UCLAs Frank Ervin. (Possibly the reason for the attack on tobacco, nicotine is a super blood sugar regulator). In this interview, conducted as part of the World Economic Forums annual gathering in the Middle East of scientists, government and business, he tells us more about this growing field of research. Indeed, so fundamental are brainwaves to the internal workings of the mind, they have become the ultimate, legal definition drawing the line between life and death. Recalls Dr. Milton Zaret, a leading microwave scientist later recruited by Pandora, a code-named CIA project for the study of radio-frequency-directed brain response, The CIA inquired whether I thought electromagnetic radiation beamed at the brain from a distance could affect the way a person might act, and if microwaves could be used to facilitate brainwashing or to break down prisoners under investigation.. Under CIA auspices, Dr. Dietrich Beischer exposed approximately 7,000 naval crewmen to dangerous levels of microwaves at the Naval Aerospace Research Laboratory in Pensacola, Florida. It has been monitored via oscilloscopes connected to homes A/C ground and neutral of power lines. Explore our digital archive back to 1845, including articles by more than 150 Nobel Prize winners. WEF Says Its Time To Legalize Sex and Marriage With Animals To Promote Inclusion, Woody Harrelson Claims New World Order Has Turned America Into a Fascist Country, Germany Declares mRNA Jabs Are Deadliest Vaccines in History, Justin Bieber Cancels 2023 Tour Due to Severe COVID Jab Injury, Hunter Bidens Ukraine BioLab Partner Was Linked to Ghislaine Maxwell, on Deadly Clashes Erupt In ISIS Stronghold Of Fallujah, on CNN Forced To Halt All Future Trump-Russia Stories: No Exceptions, on Loud Bang Remains A Mystery For Town In New Zealand, on US Orders Russia To Close Consulate & Annexes, President Trump Says Adam Schiff Should Be Arrested For Treason, Robert De Niro: Trump Is Possibly Crazy In A Medical Sense, Rand Paul: Only Person Who Colluded With Russia Was Hillary Clinton, Snopes Now Have Power To Shadowban Conservative Facebook Users, FBI: Peter Strzok Worked For The CIA Under Obama, Top 10 VPNs That Support Liberty and Protect Your Privacy, Handover Of British Police To G4S Rolled Out Across UK, Democrat Rep. Jeff Merkley Files Injunction To Kill Kavanaugh Vote, Maxine Waters Tells Rep. Jim Jordan To Shut His Mouth As He Demands Answers From Dr Fauci, Petition To Fire Judge Who Let Child Rapist Walk Free Hits 70K Signatures, Police Given Power To Remotely Control Your Self Driving Car, Peter Daszak Confesses to Working for CIA: EcoHealth Alliance Is a Deep State Org, Deadly Clashes Erupt In ISIS Stronghold Of Fallujah, Unelected NY Gov. Earlier, a 1963 CIA-issued manual prepared on the study of Radio-Hypnotic Intra-Cerebral Control (RHIC) explained: When a part of your brain receives a tiny electrical impulse from outside sources, such as vision, hearing, etc., an emotion is producedanger at the sight of a gang of boys beating an old woman, for example. Frequency numbers, below, are in Hertz (cycles per second): 1 Hz -- Approx. The mind, calm and receptive, is focused on solving external problems or attaining a light meditative state. Required fields are marked *. As far as I am concerned, since the brain is the de facto center of decision for so many processes, any of them could be targeted. Use of the Lilly Wave can pretty much instal any brainwave pattern into the mind of any targeted human, such as the negative aspects already mentioned and also to create happiness, or the ability to control ones physical movements. 5G will increase the current 700 to 5.8 billion microwaves per second for cell phone and Wi-Fi data to tablets and laptops to pulsed microwaves of 24 to 90 billion microwaves per second. The great danger of the future, Delgado warned, is that we will have robotized human beings who are not aware that they have been robotized., Baffled by the cause and intent of the microwave saturation at the embassy in Moscow, officials of the American intelligence community consulted experts on the biological effects of the radiation. The potential of this technique is huge by that I mean the sheer number of applications, as well as the ethical use. All rights reserved. Psychologists have identified evidence of auditory hallucinations, delusional disorders or other mental illnesses in online communities supporting those who claim to be targeted.Individuals suffering from auditory hallucinations, delusional These brainwaves reflect a person's state of arousal and attention. The Scientist: John C. Lilly .goog-tooltip, In other words, theres a difference between ultrasound stimulation used for removing tissue, and ultrasound neuromodulation, which is aimed at controlling neuronal activity without damaging the tissue. The Los Angeles Riots are said to have been the first open test of its capacity to mass control anger and violent response from the mob. The theft was reported in hearings before the House subcommittee on DOD appropriations, chaired by Representative George Mahon (D-Texas). But in the long term, the public should have the potential benefits of a new technology explained to them in plain words, which is something that scientists are not necessarily good at. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Lined with sophisticated Staticot fabric woven from polyester/cotton with an ultra thin stainless The wi-fi clouds formed in close communities are another aspect of this platform that affects the blood molecules direct, and will transform your emotional state by definition of what frequency they transmit through the Smart system. When attempting to control neuronal activity by providing minute mechanical vibrations to a region of the brain, its important that the focus of the ultrasound, frequency and amplitude are properly tuned, or the brain can potentially be damaged. WebElectronic harassment, electromagnetic torture, or psychotronic torture is a conspiracy theory that malicious actors (often government agents or crime rings) make use of electromagnetic radiation (such as the microwave auditory effect), radar, and surveillance techniques to transmit sounds and thoughts into people's heads, affect people's bodies, Rubenstein, a man who lacked professional medical credentials, believed passionately in the political uses of mind control. Your email address will not be published. In simple terms, covert mind control. The State Department elected to keep the so-called Moscow Signal a secret from American Embassy employeesand studied the side-effects of the radiation instead. The two main ways that the technology is allegedly utilized is either through use of short-range direct microwave induction or piggybacking on signals transmitted over TV or radio waves and other carrier frequencies, and it is supposedly completely undetectable. So why are they hiding/deleting those files? Back in 1956, geophysicists R. E. Holzer and O. E. Deal, detected naturally occurring electromagnetic signals in the auditory range that were produced by thunderstorms. The patent for just such a death-ray device, according to officials of the McFarlane Corporation, an independent research and development firm, was pirated from them in 1965 by NASA. The communications are generated directly inside the human head without the need of any receiving electronic device. This is the middle one thats round, not slotted. Discover world-changing science. WebThe Defender works with scalar waves. WebMultifunctional radio frequency directed energy system - 7629918 SONY BRAIN WAVES MANIPULATION BY ULTRASOUND - 6729337 Communication and Control by Means of Brainwave and other Process causing Voltage changes that can be measured from the body - US6529773 Behavior Modification - US6239705 Stimulating the hypothalamus of cats and dogs with microwaves powerfully effected emotions. Either way, our job is to find something that is beneficial to humanity. Full Range Electromagnetic Spectrometer is the only machine that will pick up the 5G transmitters which operate in a very narrow frequency range. sine-wave current could apparently be used safely for these limited schedules of stimulation. Such rays from satellites are fed from the memories of computers that have stored massive data about every human on earth, and their languages. Ultrasound neuromodulation is something that definitely works, but that we still dont understand. I am also convinced that human nature is such that if something can be done, it will be done. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. It is strange that the ELF and ULF ranges are classified or 10 MHz controlled frequencies. The communications are generated directly inside the human head without the need of any receiving electronic device. I can see the day coming where a scientist will be able to control what a person sees in their minds eye, by sending the right waves to the right place in their brain. The mind, calm and receptive, is focused on solving external problems or attaining a light meditative state. Meditation or Exercise. Thats why its most commonly recommended for reducing stress. The researchers monitored the brainwaves of 120 healthy men and women while a Nokia 6110 cell phoneone of the most popular cell phones in the worldwas strapped to their head. It has been monitored via oscilloscopes connected to homes A/C ground and neutral of power lines. "The results show sensitivity to low-level radiation to a subtle degree. Related: "Report suggests alleged Marathon bombing mastermind was 'hearing voices'". "We didn't suspect any effect on EEG [after switching off the phone]. I would rather have a fair society leading the dance than some rogue state without any respect for human or animal life. A veteran researcher in government-sponsored mind control programs, Land had founded the Scientific Engineering Institute (SEI) on behalf of the CIA. Most of the waking hours of the human adults are spent in the beta state. Although a cell phone is much less powerful than TMS, the question still remains: Could the electrical signals coming from a phone affect certain brainwaves operating in resonance with cell phone transmission frequencies? border: none !important; Are they already using it? However, it is imperative to understand that if the wave is not bi-phasic it will result in damage to the brains neurons and cause what is termed, brain damage. Alpha waves are generally regarded as an indicator of reduced mental effort, "cortical idling" or mind wandering. The truth is that we still dont know how the process works. Product Description. Modern warfare strategy against the populations coordinated by the Bilderberg Steering Committee "The significance of the research," he explained, is that although the cell phone power is low, "electromagnetic radiation can nevertheless have an effect on mental behavior when transmitting at the proper frequency." 4G Wi-Fi At 2.45GHz Damages Fertility, 5G At Between 30-300GHz Will Do What? This time though, the control would be literal. Children absorb some 60% more microwave energy due to their moisture content and thus electromagnetic conductivity is greater than that of an adult. Electromagnetic wavelengths transmit long/short/FM wavelength radio waves, and TV/telephone/wireless signals or energies. ARPAs Robert O. Becker foresaw in the experiment obvious applications in covert operations. Becker imagined a barrage of voices driving an enemy insane, and post-hypnotic suggestion radioed to a programmed assassin, directing him to kill. All do it invisibly over thousands of miles. 5) Widen the splayed banana plug tip by inserting a knife of thin screwdriver into the gaps, and stick into the ground jack on your electrical outlet. Cell phones in talk mode seem to be particularly well-tuned to frequencies that affect brainwave activity. Because of the 5G platform, which is made up of small cell antennas everywhere, they will launch an unnatural and round the clock millimetre, milli-wave and microwave radiation transmission, that is far more potent than anything previously experienced from the electromagnetic spectrum. The increased alpha wave activity was greatest in brain tissue directly beneath to the cell phone, strengthening the case that the phone was responsible for the observed effect. WebRadio Wave Manipulation/Control Radifonokinesis Capabilities Users can manipulate radio waves and frequencies as well as things that use radio waves, such as AM and FM waves, TV radio waves/frequencies as well as waves/frequencies from cell phones, AM or FM radio, radar, and so on. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. The effect of an exploding sugar crystal is quite damaging to the mind and brain, it creates extreme confusion, dizziness, and also a state best described as lack of awareness, or apathy. Mind Matters is edited by Jonah Lehrer, the science writer behind the blog The Frontal Cortex and the book Proust was a Neuroscientist. Meditation or Exercise. Alpha waves are generally regarded as an indicator of reduced mental effort, "cortical idling" or mind wandering. With the roll out of 5Git will be much worse. 18, Copyright 2022 NEWSPUNCH, LLC. Officially scalar waves are denied by ignorant physicists but in secret they are used, for example in the HAARP facility." Mind Control: How EEG Devices Will Read Your Brain Waves And Change Your World The Invention That's Making Mind Reading Easier Than Ever By Betsy Isaacson Nov 20, 2012, 10:13 AM EST True facts: Every time you have a thought or feeling, your brain produces weak but distinct electrical signals corresponding to that thought or feeling. text-align: right !important; document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); You can unsubscribe any time. Thats the ethical battleground that Antoine Jerusalem, a professor of engineering science at Oxford University, finds himself in as he researches the potential of ultrasound technology to tackle neurological diseases and disorders. She denied it; he flew into rages. And if you find a way to make somebody better, then you most likely also know how to do the contrary. Global Alert by Alex Constantine. The communications are generated directly inside the human head without the need of any receiving electronic device. } 5G is a system formed with full Legal protection. You Will Eat Bugs and Be Happy UK School Kids to Eat Mealworms as Part of Great Reset Rollout, Pride Event Targeted at Children Features Satanists Performing Unbaptisms on Kids, by Sean Adl-Tabatabai in Sponsored Lined with sophisticated Staticot fabric woven from polyester/cotton with an ultra thin stainless Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Man Hallucinates, Says Microwaves Are Murdering Him, reported the March 21, 1979 edition of the Los Angeles Herald The Lilly Wave called a balanced bidirectional pulse pair found by John Cunningham Lilly is a carrier waveform that bypasses the minds subconscious defence systems. Create your free account or Sign in to continue. RF-mind-control testing became a military prioritya simple, pulsed microwave beam outperformed drugs, ECT, torture and brain surgery as a means of behavior modification. Man Hallucinates, Says Microwaves Are Murdering Him, reported the March 21, 1979 edition of the Los Angeles Herald Examiner. In simple terms, covert mind control. Deep breathing and closed-eye visualization techniques that mindfulness Controlling the brain with sound waves: how does it work? WebA radio wave is made up of two components, an electric field (the e-field) and a magnetic field. Thanks for reading Scientific American. Electromagnetic wavelengths transmit long/short/FM wavelength radio waves, and TV/telephone/wireless signals or energies. There are no safety checks at all carried out on the 5G platform. With each sweep, the subject heard the radio frequency sound for a few seconds and reported it. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. Then they discovered that they could use these same waves on human beings. It can be used to transmit mind control via ultrasonic (1 10 MHz) and electromagnetic wavelengths (600m to 1e-15m). With this technology they can create many different physiological and neurological effects to the body by shifting frequencies. Brainwaves change with a healthy person's conscious and unconscious mental activity and state of arousal. The purpose, the directive stated, was the enhancement of a subjects mental and physical performance., In 1965, the Department of Defense (DOD) discovered that the American embassy in Moscow was being purposely irradiated by the Russians with massive levels of microwaves. But scientists are also looking at the spinal cord and peripheral nervous systems. Frey concluded that the brain is a powerful receiver of electromagnetic rays, and the vocabulary of RF noises could be expanded by modulating the pulse of the charge, which would be perceived by the subject as originating from within or slightly behind the head. Active Denial technology frequencies are included in the 5G platform. The 5G Zion Manipulation Platform And How It Works Lined with sophisticated Staticot fabric woven from polyester/cotton with an ultra thin stainless Although the test subjects had been sleep-deprived the night before, they could not fall asleep for nearly one hour after the phone had been operating without their knowledge. Ground-Breaking 5G Tech Created In Tel Aviv In 1934 Doctors E. L. Chaffee and R. U. One of the many difficulties is to know for sure that we are indeed controlling neurons with these sound waves, as opposed to damaging them. Microscopic studies of brains stimulated with this balanced pulse pair showed that there was no injury of the neuronal networks from this kind Waveform of stimulating current : pulse pairs of current resulting from quasi-differentiation, with passive electrical elements, of a rectangular pulse. 5G & the Pineal Gland Aluminium, Glyphosate, Fluoride & Wi-Fi, Further Study After years of secret experiments, the U.S. government has achieved its goal: Breaking and entering American minds at will. WebThe microwave auditory effect, also known as the microwave hearing effect or the Frey effect, consists of the human perception of audible clicks, or even speech, induced by pulsed or modulated radio frequencies. Alpha waves are generally regarded as an indicator of reduced mental effort, "cortical idling" or mind wandering. The Lilly Wave was found by John C Lilly and is, in most cases, completely misunderstood as to its usage to affect the thoughts and behaviour of humans.[1]. Although this research shows that cell phone transmissions can affect a person's brainwaves with persistent effects on behavior, Horne does not feel there is any need for concern that cell phones are damaging. The Lilly Wave called a balanced bidirectional pulse pair found by John Cunningham Lilly is a carrier waveform that bypasses the minds subconscious defence systems. Alpha waves are generally regarded as an indicator of reduced mental effort, "cortical idling" or mind wandering. A computer controlled the phone's transmissions in a double-blind experimental design, which meant that neither the test subject nor researchers knew whether the cell phone was transmitting or idle while EEG data were collected. beginning of brain waves 6.66 Hz -- Theta brain waves 7.85 Hz -- Alpha brain waves 15.7 Hz -- Beta brain waves 30-30.56 Hz --- Government VLF stations 32-33 Hz -- Government VLF Used to transmit mind control via ultrasonic ( 1 10 MHz ) and electromagnetic wavelengths transmit long/short/FM wavelength waves! Hz -- Approx that if something can be done, it will be worse... Person 's conscious and unconscious mental activity and state of arousal reducing stress for. The option to opt-out of these cookies may affect your browsing experience waves on human beings him reported... Process works these cookies may affect your browsing experience done, it will stored. 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