This would, strangely enough, coincide with the existence of a low-mass Higgs Boson, and recent findings at CERN seem to indicate that this may (READ: may) be the case. Copyright 2011-2021 Stranger Dimensions. I had nothing better to do. John Razimus: If you have a compelling story and you remain anonymous, the internet will magnify it. That of course makes the conspiracy even bigger, because he's working on some high level stuff. "He" was born on this board and other paranormal boards. So far I have run across about seven. I am on my way home after getting an IBM 5100 computer system from the year 1975. Private investigator Mike Lynch found no registry evidence, past or present, of any individual named John Titor. We don't know what his voice sounds like. Many of his other theories about the computer panic in the future, had striking similarities to the Y2K panic that had taken place before the previous New Year. He also predicted a civil war in the US between the city people who wanted the government security measures and the rural people who wanted to keep their liberties. I'm telling you now -- you're not John Titor. Some people will never get it. This civil war, according to Titor, would end in 2015 with a brief but intense World War III. Oliver Williams, John Titor archivist on The Moore Showon April 5, 2012: He claimed to be part of a military group whose job it was to go back to the year 1975 and get a small personal computer -- it was actually one of the first portable computers made, and it was in Rochester, Minnesota. Bread vs WORD of God - in John 6, John 1, Deut 8 - is symbolism used in Last Supper. One legendary hoax captivated fans of the supernatural and the paranormal like few others. Emmanuel Kant claimed the three fundamental problems of metaphysics are: Does God exist? John Titor was a mysterious individual who said he was from the year 2036, making his way around the radio and internet forum circuit in the late 90s and into the new millennium. He'd grown up in Florida, and experienced both a domestic conflict in the form of civil war ("There is a Civil War in the United States that starts in 2005," he wrote), followed by a worldwide nuclear war in 2015. The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo. On November 2, 2000, an individual using the forum username TimeTravel_0 posted at the Time Travel Institute (TTI), in a thread titled Time-travel Paradoxes! Latest Forums Comments Challenges Galleries Gear. Play Titanic: Adventure Out of Time Online. Titor's story was engaging because it was just close enough to be plausible: he was looking for a computer that had actually existed, his predictions were pertinent to cultural concerns in mid-'90s America, his had this fabulous story and grainy photographs to support his story. Aucune ide, qu'est ce qui nous prouve que c'est un fake ? Titor refers to the exchange as "N Day". . When his true identity was confirmed as Dana Lee Stern Sr., he was blacklisted from popular media and book sales dropped to nothing. He also warned fellow forum posters about the increasing threat of CreutzfeldtJakob disease, a fatal, incurable, prion disease that causes rapid degeneration of the nervous system, and is transmitted through beef products. For example, In JT's timeline, Obama won in 2005, but since JT traveled, he merged in with another time line. The most immediate of Titor's predictions were of an upcoming civil war in the United States having to do with "order and rights". It seemed that, despite the chaos and conflict, things chugged on. He was assigned to a governmental time-travel project, and sent back to 1975 to retrieve an IBM 5100 computer, which he said was needed to debug various legacy computer programs in 2036 a possible reference to the UNIX year 2038 problem. [10], In 2009, a report by John Hughston of the Hoax Hunter website named Larry Haber, a Florida entertainment lawyer, as the CEO of the foundation. Il portale della scienza oscura. You melt. According to police, he mixed a cocktail of LSD, ecstasy, and nitrous oxide into spring-loaded syringes and injected his victims in their necks before having his way with them. If I am wrong, then everything I have said that might possibly have made you think about your world in a different way is suddenly discredited. Alexandria Alexis: A Victorian Time Traveler? alors oui SI l'histoire est vrai il ya pleins de titor effectivement cest un peux un scenario a la fringe. Got to admit it's interesting reading, but totally bogus. by bpj Sat Jan 28, 2023 10:06 am, Powered by phpBB Forum Software phpBB Limited. Il n'en tait donc pas sa premire visite sur ce genre de chat et de forum, sans doute est-ce mme l que lui est venue l'ide du canular. It would have been nice had any of you actually bothered reading his "story". I'd heard a C2C show about Titor and it was very interesting. This civil conflict that he characterized as "having a Waco type event every month that steadily gets worse"[8] would be "pretty much at everyone's doorstep" and erupt by 2008. and then -- lo and behold -- he disappeared! Pamela Moore, in an Above Top Secret forum post from August 4, 2009: You would not believe how many people write to me and tell me they are John. Its easy to pick and choose the statements made by Titor that might align with things that could happen in our future, or things we may have avoided. Alexandria Alexis: A Victorian Time Traveler? In his posts John Titor often entertained, enraged, frightened and belittled those who engaged him in mostly one-sided conversation. During one of his "Open Time Lines" segments, in which anyone could dial in with their own stories, Bell read a letter from a man claiming to be from the future -- which naturally came in by fax. are the originals posts still available somewhere in the internet or have they been removed? It all goes back to that 2.5% worldline divergence. I will be happy to post pictures of the unit.. Next time, just appreciate the story for its creativity and hard work, don't just bash anything that somehow conflicts with your closed-mind. Larry Haber in an interview withFade to Black Radio on January 4, 2014: I know that Kay is working on a film. Little shifts and changes in the timeline, perhaps brought on by Titors presence itself. It's simple and free. Well, time to run him thru the BS ometer. Mods? A forum community dedicated to survivalists and enthusiasts. I more than likely will find out later. Pilih minimal 3 channel. John Titor II, in a post on his blog: John Titor II is more than a pseudonym, I lived that life. Who Is John Titor? Titors comments about breakthroughs in high-energy physics almost certainly point toward CERN, who in 2013 announced the discovery of the Higgs boson. I accept all known physical laws, and just change the point of view. Is It Okay To Travel Faster Than Light, Now? When questioned about them by an online subscriber, Titor also expressed an interest in mysteries such as UFOs, which he claimed remained unexplained in his time. In December 2016, John Titors true identity (Dana Lee Stern Sr.) was exposed via YouTube. This is our future. As with many alleged time travelers from the future, John Titor came with a load of predictions about the world to come. None of us do. I received it in September of 2016. And in each parallel time line, things will be altered by a fraction. I'm very conservative scientifically. I read his posts..they are straight plagarism from a book called "Alas, babylon" that came out in the late 50's. Will it still be fairly lawful for me to own and use handguns when are beginning your time travel adventures? Fiction - or non-fiction. I cant believe this moron is even being debated over. John Razimus: I stopped researching when I got these emails from Arthur Haber in 2011. Normally I do not speak of her out of respect. In 2009, an investigation came up with a likely suspect, an entertainment lawyer from Florida, though the claims were never proven. This excerpt from 2/21/2001 regarding how their Civil War began. I am on my way home after getting an IBM 5100 computer system from the year 1975. Why didnt you stop in this year first and by [sic] one.Well I have a good question for you in 2036 do you still use toliet [sic] paper to wipe your ass. He claimed to be a time traveler from the year 2036. My time machine is a stationary mass, temporal displacement unit manufactured by General Electric. An album with a record inside and a CD with some songs on it but Im keeping what was on it secret because I am not really sure why he sent those to me. Il va peut-tre falloir attendre encore un peu davantage pour voir ce dernier se concrtiser (et surtout se montrer), car le studio uvrant sur ce dfi fascinant n'a hlas pas que cela en tte. People were going to my LinkedIn page and calling the people that I worked for. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. At the end was a song written, but it was not the secret song. Tous droits rservs. Reply . Matheny believes his group stopped the Titor experiment before the Art Bell posts. As for the previous message, I don't see any relevance between any of Atkin's thoughts, even though John claims to be FROM the future and even came into contact with his younger self who was born in 1998. It is also thought that parallel worldlines that appear to be the same end at different times. February 15, 2001, Post2Post Art Bell Forum. Pohlman pled guilty in 2013 and was sentenced to 75 months in prison. by bpj Sat Jan 28, 2023 3:48 am, Post Tradues em contexto de "appeal from an" en ingls-portugus da Reverso Context : In this respect, the Titor story may be unique in terms of broad appeal from an originally limited medium, an Internet discussion board. Computer technology and software get MUCH better.. Thats a hard one to unwrap (you can read more about his machine here), but it is curious that Stephen Hawking seemingly changed his mind about the nature of black holes and Hawking Radiation not long after Titor showed up. John Titor: It's comforting to know miracles still occur in the future as well as the distant past. After the war, Omaha, Nebraska would be the new U.S. capital. I did the background check. But again, we must remember that these arent necessarily predictions. Theyre statements made from the point of view of an alleged time traveler, one who often spoke of worldline divergence, and never seemed to tell the full story. Of course, Titor didnt mention the 2008 Olympics specifically he stated in no uncertain terms that, after 2004, no Olympics took place at all, due to the civil and world wars. Addeddate 2019-12-27 16:05:27 Identifier For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. He's somebody who jumped on the bandwagon. People spend more time talking because life is more centered on the community. Pamela Moore to Titor scholar Mike Sauve in January 2017: I thought he was just contracted for legal things in the entertainment area. Will time travel ever be possible? by jason Fri Jan 27, 2023 11:28 am, Post Time travel occurs as a result of traveling between those lines. Peut-tre s'agit-il mme d'un tudiant dans le domaine des sciences ou d'un ingnieur, curieux de mettre l'preuve la crdulit de ses lecteurs ou, qui sait, d'un tudiant en sociologie pour qui ce canular constituerait une sorte d'exprience. Telling you about impending place crashes or other disasters (provided I could give you exact dates and times) may save lives at one point but cause cascading changes that take others at a later point. Register Log in Alexander's Chat Logs Threads 41 Messages 348 noter que, bien qu'aucun "John Titor" n en 1998 n'habite actuellement en Floride, la vracit de son rcit n'en est pas pour autant compromise : il y a fort parier que le nom "John Titor" n'est qu'un pseudonyme, puisqu'il a plusieurs reprises mentionn qu'il ne souhaitait pas attirer l'attention des mdias sur sa famille ni sur son jeune alter ego. They were coming out of the woodwork, they were not affiliated with us at all. Pamela Moore, in a 2009 interview with John Razimus: Larry said he doesn't have a brother named John. As a result of the many conflicts, no, there were no official Olympics after 2004. 40 ans il est nat en 1998, John Titor 19 ans en 2018, 35 ans il est nat en 2003, John Titor 15 ans en 2018, 30 ans Il est nat en 2008, John Titor 10 ans en 2018, 25 ans il est nat en 2013, John Titor 5 ans en 2018. I'm just taking the next step. And yet, like Doc Brown in Back to the Future Part III, he left us with a bit of hope that, despite the failings of his own time, we could still change our future for the better: When the day comes for my prediction to be realized it will either happen or not. Titor's purpose in traveling back to the past was apparently to retrieve an IBM 5100, one of the first portable computers. Though shrouded by forum avatars, his specific instructions on what he was here to accomplish, and what society would look like in his version of the future, kicked off a frenzy of investigation, speculation, and deception that has lasted for nearly two decades. Though, of course, had he succeeded in his plan as hed said, they never would have, would they? Along with many, many questions. Titor claimed he had traveled to 1975 to pick up an IBM 5100 computer and only stopped by in the year 2000 over what he called "personal reasons." En dfinitive, le dpart de Titor laisse beaucoup de questions en suspend. John Titor, in a fax to Art Bell, read on Coast to Coast in July 1998 (condensed): John Razimus, researcher and "hoax hunter": I was a huge Art Bell fan in the '90s. Which is about as satisfying an end to a guest as you could have. I don't really know if he is representing anyone real or not. After that, he was never heard from . John Titor time travel discussion. Thinking back to Bostrom's and Tipler's posthuman simulations of the universe, if we were ever, In 1996, Cyberflix published a PC adventure game called Titanic: Adventure Out of Time. thank you! John Titor, in an Art Bell forum post from January 30, 2001: Traveling through time is tricky business. Editor-in-chief of Stranger Dimensions. It's really hard to explain, but it was a lot of fun. For fun, I enjoy swimming, playing cards, reading, playing games on the net and talking with people who live in other countries. I work for a large software company have no profit motive. Titor himself never spoke to the public. J'aimerai savoir ce qu'il a fait pour viter une tel guerre d'ailleurs. It was pretty heinous harassment, so I just backed off the whole thing. He says because there is some kind of UNIX reading failure. Time Travel Institute was bought out by someone and I believe they still have their Titor posts up. But some of the lines can spontaneously come to an end, independent of the others. This makes his predictions non-falsifiable, since believers can say that the events were averted by Titor's postings. He claimed to be a time traveler from the year 2036. Is Earth Destined to Become a Galactic Tourist Attraction? Joseph Matheny: Pam, I think, is a true believer. This world line and Titor's are almost exactly alike. Last month, researchers in Geneva, Switzerland, working in conjunction with CERN, shot some neutrinos 730 km (454 miles) all the. Copyright 2011-2021 Stranger Dimensions. I was just about to give up hope on anyone knowing who Tipler or Kerr was on this worldline. That didn't stop a man named Marlin Pohlman from trying to patent it in 2004. Marlin Pohlman, during his 2013 trial (via The Oregonian): [I patented the time machine because] I had to do something while I was going through chemo [for Hodgkin's lymphoma about 2002]. As a result of the war, the United States would split into five regions based on various factors and differing military objectives. He told me in a chat not an email. As such, his descriptions have been interpreted as predictions and compared with historical events since 2001. Scientists Continue Doing Weird Things With Video Games, Engineered Arts Unveils Ameca, the Most Advanced Humanoid Robot. John Titor apologists will say thanks to John Titor there wasn't a disaster. Could this, in fact, be evidence that worldlines do end? On March 24, 2001 John Titor shared his final message. Pamela Moore, John Titor contact, to Titor scholar Mike Sauve in January 2017: Everyone thinks I started out asking John too many detailed questions when he came in 2000. Washington, D.C. and Jacksonville, Florida are specifically mentioned as being hit. Menurut Titor, itu adalah mesin waktu pertama dari jenisnya, yang diproduksi dan dibuat oleh perusahaan raksasa General Electric pada 2034. That's the end of it. 3 - No system of welfare exists. John Titor II, in an interview with Daniel Hunt on November 14, 2016: Lots of people call themselves John Titor. I was at my girlfriend's house in Hollywood, we were just really into watching sci-fi together, finding things and watching them together, she found a DVD set of Steins;Gate. This is an updated version, with a new look at some of Titors more intriguing predictions and quotes, involving our potential future and the alleged time travelers own worldline. I put this guy in the same catagory as Maitraya. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Afin de prvenir toute accusation de trucages aprs coup au cas o ses prdictions se rvleraient exactes, un copyright fut achet pour les crits du mystrieux voyageur temporel. The Everett-Wheeler model of quantum physics, also known as the many worlds theory, he said, was the correct explanation of the universe. Physicist Frank Tipler, in an interview with Omnimagazine from October 1994: I don't think [I'm a crackpot]. Perhaps whoever he was he never told anyone else. He was assigned to a governmental time-travel project, and sent back to 1975 to retrieve an IBM 5100 computer, which he said was needed to debug various legacy computer programs in 2036 - a possible reference to the UNIX . True to his word, he never posted again. Le nom "Titor" est probablement driv du terme "Time Traveler" tandis que "John", un des prnoms les plus courants aux tats-Unis, est l'exemple mme du nom banal : le nom "John Doe" n'est-il pas utilis pour dsigner ceux dont l'identit est inconnue, en anglais ? I turn those questions of metaphysics into problems of physics, and solve them, answering yes, yes, yes. ago However, in 2004, Hawking revised his theory, bringing it in line with Titors comments on the nature of Hawking radiation. Militias were in the news a lot: Oklahoma City, Waco, Ruby Ridge, all that stuff was going on, there were congressional hearings, et cetera, so that whole civil war thing was a big subject. New Paranormal Surveys And Who Thinks Time Travel Is Possible? Who was John Titor? Pg. Le dpart de John Titor, en mars 2001, ne marqua pas la fin de l'affaire. I don't know her in person, but I feel compelled to do my part in protecting her on whatever level, because of my participation in discussing John Titor. I don't question whether or not -- I do the work that I'm hired to do. There's a Japanese anime that I liked. Author Wonders If Some Missing People May Have Slipped Through Time, TikTok Time Traveler Says Were About to Find a Cloned Earth. A new copy now sells for over $600 on Amazon. Unfortunately, we have not solved string theory yet either but (n-10) seems to be the best working model we have in 2036. The United States of America endures a second civil war, killing millio Show more Shop. When I got those emails it proved to me beyond a shadow of a doubt that Morey -- or multiple Habers -- made it for fun. We're allready over nearing the top of fossil fuel production, and the reserves left in the ground won't last too long (though that's been exclaimed for the last fifty years or so). There were people who were having conversations as John Titor and we don't know who they were. Speaking of crazy readinghow many of you have run across people who claimed to be one of the two witnesses. Come along for the ride! He's a realistic as most of the eschatologies I see around these parts. Thats always the most interesting, anyway. Ive covered the IBM 5100 portable computer in a separate article, but suffice it to say that Titor mentioned a hidden functionality within the computer that really did turn out to exist. Pamela Moore, to Titor scholar Mike Sauve in January 2017: I have to say he does seem a little different than the John I spoke to. Some of the original posts have been taken down, but theyve been archived. Il n'a, aucun moment, cherch obtenir quelque chose de ses interlocuteurs, que ce soit des informations personnelles ou de l'argent. Wilderness Survival, Hiking and Camping Forum. John Titor himself said that time runs parallel. People on the forum also began pointing out the similarities in his predictions to popular time travel movies of the time. [4] At that time the name "John Titor" was not being used. These posts were left on Internet forums from Nov 2000 - Mar 2001. John Titor, in an Art Bell forum post from March 24, 2001 (condensed): Joseph Matheny: We achieved what we said we wanted to achieve. Pamela's existence as the primary contact put her at the center of many Titor conspiracy theories. John Titor described a second Civil War in the United States, that would result in the fracturing of the country into five autonomous regions. He did, however, identify the John Titor Foundation, a for-profit company formed on September 16, 2003, with no office or address other than a rented post box in Kissimmee, Florida. Better upgrade those oldies to XP, LOL. Yes, John Titor claimed his time machine (pictures here) or "stationary mass, temporal displacement unit powered by two top . By altering the speed and direction of rotation you can travel both forward and backward in time.. Individual strengths of each president add to the office; 4. It was an exact duplicate of the November 2 post from the Time Travel Institute forums. Starlink Satellites Once Again Confused For UFOs Or Santa Claus? Check out the sister sub at r/Unexplained, Press J to jump to the feed. Can We Time Travel Using Computer Simulations? This meant our future wouldnt necessarily match up with his past, especially after his appearance on our timeline. He's an entertainment attorney. Pria itu, yang mengaku sebagai John Titor, mengklaim sebagai penjelajah waktu dari tahun 2036. John Titor, probably to lesser than most of the other "time travelers," didn't seem to have a strong enough grasp of history (or the present, for that matter) to concoct particularly compelling stories -- but Art had this fine skill of constructing drama from the little they said and pulling out just enough bits to make it fun. i really appreciate it, i became interested in John Titor story recently due to me being completely in love with the steins:gate series, when i discovered that John Titor and the time travel machine was an actual thing happened i looked up more about it but didn't find the original posts Visual-Impact0 8 mo. Dedicated to weird science, unexplained phenomena, and unusual matters of space and time since 2011. I dont want you to believe me, he wrote in one of his posts so many years ago. [1][2] Titor made numerous vague and specific predictions regarding calamitous events in 2004 and beyond, including a nuclear war. At the moment, none of this can be verified, but our current path of physics may surprise us, and the Many-worlds interpretation is considered a legitimate possibility. And the average life of those who remained returned to something more basic. Son objectivit a de plus t remise en question. John Razimus: It was a trailer to be sold to Hollywood. Le 27 avril 2018 05:23:02 Deadford a crit :Nous ne connaissons pas l'ge de John Titor mais en revanche nous savons qu'il a voyag depuis 2038 ce qui nous laisse penser qu'au moment o il a t envoy en 1975. le plus chelou cest que depuis le temps personne a vendu la mche du fake ! Ours, where Obama gets elected in 2009. Because John Titor would not approve. Each worldline is a single point that stretches outward infinitely. Perhaps they have some book rights, movie rights they've been sitting on? Foreign policy more consistent; 2. The functionality was likely unknown to the average consumer at the time of his posting, so its curious that he would have known such a detail, himself. Paul is right on the money. He claims he had travelled to 2000 FIRST so he could visit his family for personal reasons (perhaps his family was killed in the war and he wished to warn them?). John Razimus: Pamela Moore is an individual that immediately believed in it, started private messaging John Titor on the Art Bell forums, and all we know proof-wise is that [John Titor's lawyers] mailed her a copy of the John Titor book, and they signed it. Anyone can be anybody from the other side of a screen: a Nigerian prince pleading for money; a lonely housewife "catfishing" a romantic interest; or a 14-year-old girl posing as just about anyone. Sign up here for our daily Thrillist email and subscribe here for our YouTube channelto get your fix of the best in food/drink/fun. John Titor, in an Art Bell forum post from February 1, 2001: Titor's predictions were met with a healthy mix of skepticism and excitement on the Art Bell forums, with dozens of other readers asking hundreds of follow-up questions. I am a time traveler from the year 2036. And only by physics. Early messages tended to be short. John Titor was an alleged time traveler from the year 2036, who shared detailed information about his time machine, mission, and original timeline with forum users in the years 2000 and 2001. It was not signed by anyone. Le 27 avril 2018 05:11:14 ViriliteVraie98 a crit :Rpond aux questions au lieu de post des pav toutes les deux secondes nom de dieu, Le 27 avril 2018 05:20:33 [Capotes39] a crit :Personne ne me rpond. Were John Titors Predictions Based On Science Fiction? Anyway, that's my recollection. In the year 2000 a man calling himself John Titor logged onto an obscure internet discussion board and posted the following message: "Greetings. There was no basis for any monies to be paid by us since there were negligible profits from the book he referenced. Woah, I didnt know someone could comment on a post so old. The prelude to the invasion involved many public hearings on the possible presence of weapons of mass destruction, with Congress passing the Iraq Resolution in October of 2002. I was a consultant on the project, [but] it wasn't my project.