Shes still on death row. Now he acts like he supports her. It is possible that the experts at the time did what they were expected to do which was to come to a hasty conclusion. Simpson stabbed Ron Goldman to death many times. This case makes me so angry. There is no way those boys blood got on the back of her shirt unless she did it. Terri, you are certainly entitled to your (wrong) opinion. He has changed his story so many times through the years I have lost count. See Mr dwyer youtube video he gives all the evidence that proves she did it. This is the warped thinking of these people. And why leave Darlie alive? Then lets get her a calendar date and carry out her sentence. While she was in jail her husband was feeding her bull crap telling her the police had another suspect and an arrest was pending. What forensics? Your nuts!! Stupid people! Lets look at the forensic evidence that wasnt aloud in the trial. . another eye opener of our very flawed justice system. If not, great, lets find out who did. Cant wait until shes out. Well I lived in Rowlett 1999- 2003. Darlie Routier, 48, has been on death row in Texas for more than 20 years Her sons Damon, five, and Devon, six, were stabbed to death on June 6, 1996 She was found guilty of Damon's murder but. I just watched a special on 20/20 and am convinced that an innocent woman has been on Death Row in Texas for 21 years and many other people are convinced as well. Copy that. Her ex-husband, Darin? One of the lawyers stated that mothers do not contemplate suicide. My heart goes out to Darlie and I am probably going to write a shit ton of hate mail to the prosecutors and law enforcement officials who disgrace not only Texans, but human beings too proud to admit, they fucked up. I completely agree with you, she was railroaded. Over all the cases I have seen in the past few years this one is the one that just doesnt add up to her being guilty. If your going to post, at least have the common sense to post the truth. Free Darlie! More NONsense from another NON factor. Not to mention she valued her looks ? Why is it HIS DAUGHTER knows all the details that we did not hear? Please, point the rest of us to this evidence. Superficial cuts ?? No didnt think so !! The defense has fought for 20+ years to simply obtain a test of DNA evidence found at the crime. Thats another thing, my brother was murdered and if they ever catch his killer, no, I wont be watching another human being get murdered by the state. Time to do whats legally & morally right. He probably gets off at home to death row videos. theres a reason this has been held up, and honey, it aint sexism. And it will most certainly not end with her release. Damaged from her shitty childhood thanks to her mother. My name is Michelle . I TOTALLY agree with You. They refuse to investigate him. Yeah, rings are evidence you killed your children. Something for the media to talk about after this covid 19 crap. Ive seen lots of videos of self inflicted wounds people have done to get away with a crime & they are NEVER that deep they r always superficial unlike Darlie who had 1 that was down to the bone as well as the other wounds that were also very serious!!! This is because they feel responsible, like they failed to protect their child. Zero evidence of intruder, motion lites not on, Domain was a barker, didnt bark til cops came, her knife, cleanup @ sink, her changing stories, letters from jail she named 2 men then cried on the stand when caught. Shes a psychopathic bitch who killed her own children for attention. Just makes no sense. I saw him! Not sure myself who is innocent or guilty in this case, but I dislike the cursory law is bad slant running through the 20/20, innocence Project and Ms. Cruz narrative. That comment was for Moser, not you, Garvin. oh please. Why would someone take one sock and throw it out instead of taking the knife instead. Just look at the back of her shirt. How was it possible for her to have planted that sock? Really? A couple of them have passed away already, including her defense attorney. It was laid out for everyone to see, even though there was a garbage and sewer to conceal it right there? I honestly dont think she did it. There is also the probability that the sock was planted by her BEFORE she made those wounds. Her foot prints leading back to stab the little one again. So they come up with ridiculous evidence that doesnt even match the crime Stick to actual verifiable FACTS. People spew ignorance and hate out of fear many of you included- because most of you are complicit in some nasty immoral or unethical meanness and things touch too close to home for you in some manner. I think its an outrage that the justice system can put someone on death row for 20 years just because the police and detectives were too lazy to do their jobs! Non-supporters want to talk about facts but in reality these facts are nothing more than a set of beliefs theyve clung to for almost a quarter of a century. 47 6 042-532028 , 042-532027 Just as disturbing as an innocent woman being convicted of murdering her children, is the fact that the true murderer(s) is free and will likely never be brought to justice for their crime At least, not during their natural life span. She actually has two Innocence groups working with her attorneys now. I was told that 20/20 will mostly be using footage from last summers ABC docu-series The Last Defense, in which Routiers case was spotlighted in four one-hour weekly episodes. But she excels at stabbing. When she failed the defense pick of the person they wanted o give lie detector and the fingerprint and blood and every other piece of crap they wanted tested hoping theyd find something. Same thing in the Avery & the central park 5 cases. The Innocence Project (IP) hasnt taken up Darlies case. Real Name: Darlie Lynn Routier Case: Appeal Location: Rowlett, Texas Date: June 6, 1996 Details: Darlie and Darin Routier were married with three sons. Evidence was collected in brown paper bags not in a normal way. no. When it comes to an individual losing their life, I think it should be completely proven & not just beyond a reasonable doubt an individual is guilty & sentenced to any prison time & especially death row!!! I heard someone say they stake the area out even sometimes sending a person who you may think is a neighborhood jogger to make sure there is no activity. They will find out whos bloody print threat was. If memory serves, the trip was to celebrate her grandparents 50th wedding anniversary. He did a lousy job of defending her. When luminol was applied, they instantly glowed dark green. And start eating your crow dinner! I believe you are innocent. Shameshameshame, That was weak AF Priscilla. If you really think shes the one that placed that vacuum on the floor like that, I have some beachfront property in Iowa to sell you. Havent seen Miranda around in awhile but I hope its true what she says about you loons needing crisis therapy when Darlies execution date is handed down. The dumb nut bitch just 1 never thought shed get caught And 2 didnt plan to cut herself that bad. Either way, why would anyone want to see someone loose their life? They never investigated Darin and he should have been their first and only suspect. No way was this case proven beyond a reasonable doubt. No one can honestly say she did it 100 percent. Look at this site and see the actual FRONT of Darlies shirt. No one has ever been let off death row because of a documentary. Dont worry, Toby Baby, Karma is coming for you. I do think many factors contributed to Mrs. Routiers conviction. Why wasnt Darin questioned as to where he went when he snuck out that back door? especially an experienced one. Carthy Cruz the Jaguar did not break down the day she murdered her children you are the biggest liar get your facts straight crazy and there is not a two hour mourning video Darlie never mourned her children #STOPTHELIES. Darlie used that sock on the handle of the knife thats why her DNA is inside the toe. That prosecutor is completely unethical in keeping damn near 300 crime photos from the jury. The suicide theory was pushed by the lead detective & the County Coroner at the time. Our system is extremely corrupt and unfair. He likes to hide behind that name and talk shit that he doesnt want to be called out on for saying. The POLICE and FBI are getting evidence on him now! On January 19, 2014, both the prosecution and defence teams were permitted to perform further DNA tests on a smudged fingerprint found in the house, a bloody sock found outside, and her nightshirt . I told him I was willing to wait 6 months to go to trial and when we went to court a week later, the d.a. Her tale had what I call the ring of truth to it. She is delusional. What new development was there? A woman has lost her freedom, her marriage & effectively her two boys simply because she loved shopping, makeup & costume jewelry, along with an outgoing personality that didnt seem tragic enough. As a plastic surgeon, I can tell you those scars are deep and showed no hesitation marks. Darkie never stood a chance! A jury weighed the credibility of witnesses and the evidence and found her guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. She had way to many defensive wounds. Why because she was a waitress or didnt speak intellectually. So with a slit throat bleeding to death she ran that far to dump a sock Witt her kids blood on it. I dont vote btw at all, too informed via facts/history. 911 operators are not allowed to give any medical advice ever. . 1. Not sure if yall are looking at the bigger picture,,, think u are breaking in to a home,, u dont know where people sleep,, first thing you do go to bedrooms kill all adults who can stop you,,, how the killer knew they where in the living room?? Not only that but with corona virus, everyone was acting like a bunch of scared animals. No footprints in either location either.. the silly string thing ??? And maybe after Darlie was found guilty and sentenced to death row, and they realized that the state was actually planning to kill this woman, maybe he decided to come clean about his plans which ultimately led to his familys attack? It wasnt the slit of the throat that made me question this it was a bruise on the forearm that looked like a hand print. I dont know if she did it or if she didnt, people commit crimes everyday without leaving evidence. Are you even aware Darin Routier has never been investigated? renato's palm beach happy hour Uncovering hot babes since 1919. Where was the dog and why no barking at intruder? Killer Darlie Routier committed a repugnant crime. DARLIE Routier has spent the last 23 years on death row. Everybodies lieing but the cops right!!! The prosecution knew this and they with held that evidence from the jury. So I guess she just slit her own throat too. Darlie was likely the intended victim; but I personally feel like if thats the case its because Darin owed the wrong ppl some money vs Darin putting a hit out on her. For sure, them good ol boys, used media, before trial, during investigation,messed up, used news media during trial, even out side court room disrespecting defendant, family members on tv, investigators refusing to be held accountable during and after trial for injustice errors. Women dont slit their own throats it is to messy. But the faucet handles at the sink had no visible blood on them. Her mother had an offer from Dr. Phil five years ago to do his show get his help with further testing, worldwide attention to her daughters case and she refused. I completely agree with you. Its nothing but a bid for more time for Darlie to suck up oxygen she doesnt deserve. Those who want to believe in her innocence, are not aware of the forensics involved in this case, or theyre just blindly stupid and will believe anything. If so, Cooper isnt saying. One of the kids, most likely Devon, woke up and saw one of their faces, and dude panicked and stabbed him with the hunting knife he brought with him. As for the extremely opinionated (Im sure), Christian, Kerrville woman, whom Im also pretty sure is a TRump supporter: do you feel that way about the First Lady? Bitch being crazy and is happy her kids are dead doesnt mean she killed them does it. The true crime author I forget her name Barbara??? Why would someone inflict such pain on themselves ? The sock? sure keep telling yourself that is not murder!! Remember she is trying to save her life but sure didnt save her sons lives. They need to investigate Darin. What do you do when someone screams- You muffle the screams with your hand. But its DARINs. How much money do you all make off of this? And her husbands life insurance was 800,000. If she planted the bloody sock before the Its imbeciles like that prosecutor and those good ol boy cops that are the reason the majority of the country thinks people in Texas are a bunch of stupid, simple minded rednecks. no cos they were focussed I=on her 36DDDDD. Along with that dyslexic boy. Old case same old bullshit no new developments. Dont live in the past. I mean, i hate to say the husband did it. How some idiot always has to y. please go away . The reason they didnt find anyone else who committed the murder is because the murderer is Darlie. If youre going to speak for the victims try getting their names right, K? However Im still questioning a lot excluding the silly string video. The slash across the throat was done as a half-hearted coup de grace. Possibly over money ? The stars may finally be aligning for Darlie Routier, the Rowlett homemaker who was sent to Death Row 22 years ago by a Kerrville jury thanks in part to the sexism and character judgments of male law enforcement officers and Dallas County prosecutors. Lmao. Which leaves me to conclude that theres enough reasonable doubt to have kept her out of prison. She may not have killed them but she knew what was going to happen. My opinion? I know where you are, and I know how you made your money. She is innocent. The way the police collected evidence in brown & clear bags also seems very clumsy, items were sticking out of the top of some bags & many not sealed before they removed them from the scene, cross contamination springs to mind. There is not one shred of evidence that actually puts that knife in Darlies hand at the moment the boys were attacked and there never will be, because they were murdered by someone else. Another interesting fact, the knife at the scene had blood from only one of the boys. You should be asking yourself why the hell they refuse to investigate Darin Routier. I remember seeing something on tv several years ago that said the jury was never allowed to see the photographs of Darlies injuries and supposedly years later the jury foreman was shown the photographs and said that had they seen those pictures, they would have never voted to convict. Without a shadow of doubt? 1) her arm was cut defending herself not to mention her throat! .. Please dont announce youre a republican. Dod a murdered run out the door and take off a sock and leave it in the alley. That is her blood we see, not the childrens. Guess again. Now Devon and Damon are dead. did you ever stop to think that perhaps the reason she hasnt been executed is due to something going on behind the scenes that YOU AND THE GENERAL PUBLIC DONT KNOW? Why wouldnt he just use the knife he already had in his hand? They have not taken this guilty womans case. Ah, a rational voice of reason! You are a liar Darlie Kee just like your daughter. It would have taken a while and notes would have been found somewhere. it was a joke trial and Darlie was set up by her own family and her husband and his family. Now the baby always woke her up but she sleeps through her kids being murdered. .and yet there is also more evidence not released by the DA darlie jailhouse calls the prosecution had a judge seal them in case shes retried Phil Ray. Oh I believe it. Because They lie, make up things that is not true and are extremely biased. Darin is a very smart and coached husband, he concocted the hiring of staged robberies to cast doubt in the retrail,,, very smart move and is working judging by the comments, i have flupped many times, i believe she is bat shit crazy. Wait, never mind I see your documentation. Allowed her babies who were buried holding hands to be dug up, have their hands cut off just to get fingerprints. I know youre watching. If there is even a chance someone is innocent they should look further into it. AND cue all the usual dumbasses with their usual crock o crap: Bryan, Pamela, Jade, Christine, Rosemary, Roxanneget it out of your system now, because Darlie WILL be proven innocent. What a farce! Sad because two precious children knew their Mother did this to them. Funny that her supporters dont mention she took a polygraph. Im not saying whether shes guilty or innocent. An innocent mother is on death row and her husband who was never investigated is walking free living his life as a victim? I hope that prosecutor rots in hell for focusing in on the mother. She was not at the foot of the stairs when Darin appeared. Darlie Routier will be fully exonerated and will be coming home this yearyou can take that to the bank. As a mother I would probably been buried with my kids or lost my mine because of grief. I hope the family called the police and filed a complaint against you. Some of you are as cruel as a baby killer with your comments. Only way Darlie is leaving TDR is in a body bag. This podcast goes into great depth of just how badly her image was tainted by media and prosecutors and how from the get go everyone was comparing her to the mother killer Susie or whatever her name was that a couple years before killed her babies and made up a whole story about them missing before confessing. 5) He thought he DID stab her. Every cop that heard that come out of my mouth IMMEDIATELY said ok wheres the proof? Not one of them said we know and well prove it! Had Darlie stuck with the original lawyers she would not be on death row today, but there is a very good chance her ex husband would be there. If you truly want to know facts, please read up and too many things that do not show there was any intruder. It cuts both ways. Sick motherfuckers. The juror said he recants his verdict as he wasnt shown all the evidence. Ummm, what case have YOU been following? Are you stupid or something? Jo, if theres one thing that supporters and non-supporters can agree on, its the fact that youre batshit crazy. Greg Davis had crucial information that would have proven Darin was more than involved and he with held that from the jury. Why did no one notice this??? NORTH TEXAS (CBSDFW.COM) Darlie Routier, the Rowlett mother convicted of murder and sent to death row more than 20 years ago now has a new generation of support. The last time I bruised that badly, I was thrown by my horse into the side of a stationary car at quite a speed, I had bruising down my legs that looked the same colour as the bruises on her arms, how would she have done that to herself ? They convicted a innocent woman. She now has two Innocence groups working with her attorneys. My former/late husband was not one of Routiers appellate lawyers, and was in fact not a lawyer at all. How ? Either way, I cannot believe this womans sat in jail for over two decades based on OPINIONS and BOTCHED POLICE WORK AT BEST! Im a republican son and I believe this woman is innocent. I have so much reasonable doubt in my mind. We have both cleaned up our lives and dedicated ourselves to getting the message out to those naive souls out there. Wore ten rings everyday makes her a They never tested the outside of the sock, and if they did they would probably find Darins DNA all over the sock. Did anything ever come of that? Darlie Routier is now 48 years old. TCU Press published my book re-examining the case in April of 2015 (A Tragedy of Errors, July 1, 2015). The attack on her was meant to end her and the extent of her injuries alone should be proof enough. At first when we moved here, people would be staring -like families looking at him like they were afraid or he was a piece of shit. Clearly displayed proof? Blood spatter means just thatspatters of blood on the shirt. All videos shouldve been shown at trial, not only one part & one of the jurors has said if he had seen all videos, there is no way he wouldve said shes guilty, he said it was engineered to point the finger at her & quite frankly an unfair & biased trial to suit the police & prosecutors. The defense waited 10 years to run that print because they know its a big fat nothing burger. When she was just 7 years old, her parents would divorce and she would have to keep it together, be a big girl and a role . And the rabbit hole theories are priceless. I DID NOT SEE HER CRYKNG OR ANY DABASTION ON HER SIDE AT ALL.NEVER NOT IN COURT WHEN ARRESTED NEVER . Shes where she belongs. Of all the nights for Darlie to be sleeping downstairs with the 2 young boys & her husband & infant son are upstairs. Just another family lie. Texas certainly needs to get their head on right and do right. but they only took a certain portion of this letter and said HA heres her confession. It was not shown in its entirety. Darin accused her immediately. Put the thing out of the tax layers misery. He also lied when he said he didnt help his son Damon because he had no pulse. Oh and the minor cuts on one or two fingers, when she was supposedly fighting with the killer. Regina Involved? Poor misunderstood murderer. Everyone is supposed to be playing by the same rules & procedures. Your a special kinda stupid arent you. She had a well-known defense attorney too; not the barely-paid public defender most convicts get. They are the ones guilty. I dont think she deserves to be on death row. And the defense always having the rush to judgment, tunnel vision, containminated crime scene, junk science, S.O.S. There are no photos of the Routiers sink after the luminol was applied. He should NEVER get out. Thats a big issue She didnt want to mention that in court but if she had passed you better believe she would have been shouting it from the rooftops that she had passed it!!!! Yeah go Texas, keep making America proud. He slashed Nicoles throat. The courts also did not showcase the illegal wiretap on the grave before the silly string video. However, that does not make them correct in their assessment. February 27, 2023 new bill passed in nj for inmates 2022 No Comments . Devon and Damon Jane a story and they deserve for it to be told. What makes you people think that this couldnt happen to your kid because lets face it, thanks to the reign of terror, just about every Texan family has been touched by the TDCJ system. Shes coming out of prison in a body bag, and her time is running out. Her husband set up a home invasion to fraud the insurance company. It will be more merciful than what she did to those innocent kids. I celebrate his birthday every year with a cake and as much joy as I can. Why? Half the island cant pronounce the word with wiff this, wiff that WTF?! No indication that there is an ongoing investigation, that The defense attorney Mudder has sinse died, A forensic investigator has since deceased. Most men in Texas death row are executed in under 10 years anf shes been there for 23 years. There is nothing to LOL about in this tragic story. LOL there is always some FOOL commenting on issues that have nothing to do with DUH the subject and they have to mention politically corrupt PARTIES , yes duh both parties work for the duh same masters (banks corps and the MIC which duh is corps) so here you are being a fool. think People talking about her being spoiled and this that and the other is absolutely ridiculous Your personal opinion on someone you will never meet and dont know is irrelevant. As far as Im concerned, Jovell not only established that this plan was indeed in place, she also established that this was a pattern for Darin when he needed quick cash. Darlie is 100% a victim and needs justice. Tell the whole story Ms Cruz. She was made to be guilty by the fact that 1. Why dont you find out from Darin who he sent to the house? Marybeth Tinning smothers 8 of her 9 children over a period of 14 years; she was released from prison in August 2018. The mother looking that happy after her kids were brutally murdered? Someone knocked her out and stabbed her thinking she was dead. A guilty person would have slipped up by now. Her and Darin did have a fight even though they lied about it. Hope she never gets out !! Those bruises on her arms where horrendous, she would have to have help getting those if shes not innocent & then measure how far up she would have to go with a knife on her neck to be 2 millimetres from her jugular vein ? After Dad retired from the Judicial System he joined with my brother who is now retired. A bit harsh without you explaining why you think shes guilty ??? Now you can make the argument perhaps she was trying to kill her self but the hospital photos show that what saved her life was a necklace which had to be surgically removed. DNA results are not obtained overnight, and with over 100 pieces of evidence tested, it should come as no surprise that it took over a month. The best in the world. Justice is not blind. Yet, I am certain that she did not receive a fair trial by any standard. Darlie should not have been given the death penalty because at the time of the crime she was temporarily insane hence not eligible too be charged with felony murder it was more like a passion killing Alan you pompous ASS Ameticans will speak English any damn way we want to. Disgusting repulsive putrid bad mother. I know who you are. Where on earth does superficial cuts to her arm needing stitches & her throat only being 2 millimetres away from her jugular vein warrant a comment like that ?? Darlie Routier is attacked, a plethora of doubt surrounds her case, and she has maintained her innocence for 23 years; yet she sits on death row. I cant feel good about it with that nagging feeling shes being scapegoated. You cant stall the Justice System forever. Thats way easy to do ,you cant always know how deep a knife will cut.. Maybe its sharper than u think. I find it very bone chilling the way he or she was commenting and explaining how it happened. Her fans say necklace was embedded, had to be surgically removed but it simply fell off when bandage removed. I dont blame her for wanting to delay her punishment for as long as possible, but at a certain point this has to end.