Doesnt work with Relentless of course. Ranged units: Dodge isnt neededI personally do not like Dodge on range units but some people do so I will talk about it. Investing heavily into INI for Lunge is going to leave you stat starved in other areas like HP and MDF. Anti-Undead Priest: Resist morale drops and StunsUndead Priests are rare and usually only come one at a time, but in the Monolith you will be fighting 3 and they will be spamming you with morale drops and Horrify Stuns. Cant slow down: Relentless negates the waiting penaltyThe main reason to use Relentless is to support builds that want to go first consistently.. Having your slower range units with Executioner to capitalize on injuries dealt by the archer in front of him is a good way to get value. That aside, Polearm units have more perk space than other bros and since they only attack once per turn they really dont like missing. Usually it is better to shoot the closer Skirmishers instead but they have decent RDF and Anticipation as well. Any defense malus due to being surrounded by opponents no longer applies to this character. This can make it a great pick to make a damage dealer out of bros with lower Skill and/or FAT, or as a sidearm to a frontline Throwing hybrid. Brow: Death in 4.11 hits. Since Overwhelm requires you to attack it is common to kill enemies and not get value. But 10% of the targets remaining armor, after armor damage has been accounted, is subtracted from this. Misconception Executioner is needed to capitalize on CSNo. Turn manipulation can be helpful to get the upper hand early. Throwing is especially strong here since it combines the action efficiency of the Warbow with the damage potential of Xbows when at two range with Mastery and Duelist. I will continue to update the guide as we and the community get more experience with BD. Craft Named Weapons . The author of this thread has indicated that this post answers the original topic. ?Yeah I hear you. CS can help there. 2H Cleaver doesnt cost a perk (dont need Duelist), are better against low or unarmored targets, and can use Reach if you wanted. Finally, battles are usually small and short so Dodge getting weaker over the battle isnt really a problem because battles end quickly. More likely you will just have to commit the bulk of his rolls to HP, leaving him with low fatigue. Helping your high damage bros land their high damage attacks is a lot more useful. Pathfinder isnt as good in some casesThe biggest downside to Pathfinder is going to be the inconsistency in the value that it provides. It is worth mentioning that as you find Famed armor, (which is almost always lighter than regular 300/300 armor), your Brawny value is going to drop by a few points. I will say again that Colossus is better than Brow on Forge units and you should only use Brow after Colossus is already taken. Every fight can be won with a full Nimble team. There are other enemies like Unholds, Wolfriders, and Necrosavants that could potentially reach your vulnerable units, but there are means to control these enemies as well and you shouldnt even have archers deployed against Necrosavants. Also applies 20% of the attackers Resolve as a penalty to the defenders Resolve for damage calculations. Lash and Hail also ignore the defense bonuses of shields. Undead Siege) dont give you much breathing time between battles. Has anyone run calculations for a Battle Forged / Nimble build best armor combination? There's two main reasons for this. Riposte no longer has a -10% accuracy penalty. Situations where this matters are rare, but no other skill in the game lets you move 5 tiles in a turn (except Lunge + Berserk). Adrenaline can circumvent this, If multiple Adrenaline users are present then these mechanics will apply to determine their turn order. Therefore, Dodge protects you the most during the earlier and most dangerous part of the fight where all of the enemies are still alive. Legendary locations: Its a damage raceMost of the legendary locations and large camps in the wild feature huge numbers of enemies. Authorsturtle225turtle225on Steamturtle_225on Redditturtle225on Youtubeturtle225on Github, AbelAbelon SteamVilainJoueuron RedditVilain Joueuron YoutubeVilain Joueuron the WikiLeVilainJoueuron Nexus Mods. There have been minor edits/changes overall throughout the guide. To be clear, you do not need to be able to Overwhelm every enemy for the perk to be good, but you do need some stat investment (which is an opportunity cost) if you want to be able to use it against more foes. Compare to other perks where you always know what you are getting. It really depends on the build and what your comfortable FAT level is. See Adrenaline section for details. Daggers: 3 attacks per turnFearsome is better the more attacks you can deliver as you can deal more checks. Not all Duelists are created equal. Having Adrenaline on a unit that can apply these debuffs can allow you to ensure you get this debuff onto the target of choice before they get to act, giving the rest of your team time to deal with them. This duration can be reduced with Resilient but the damage itself cannot be resisted by Nimble (only Indomitable). Tanks: You want to hold dangerous positionsUnderdog is an easy pickup here. One example is that it is pretty easy to spread injuries with ranged weapons for other Executioners to capitalize on. QH allows you to throw them more efficiently, but it does depend on your loadout. Since Backstabber is rarely ever bad it is a pretty easy pick up if you are looking for accuracy early on and it will still be good later. 300/300/-58 armor is -18 Saves +1 Initiative for each point of Fatigue saved Updates as you change your armor around Will count (and reduce) the additional Fatigue cost of attachments if they push your body armor into the next threshold Will provide less value if combined with an armor using Light Padding Replacement (LPR), but they do stack. QH is also popular on the Banner, so you can pack a Warscythe and do some AoE sweeps for Fearsome value, and then swap back to the Banner all in the same turn. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. Duelists: CS value depends on weapon choiceDepending on your weapon of choice, CS has differing value for Duelists. There are some weaknesses to be aware ofThere are a few things to keep in mind on Berserk however. 2Handers have better synergy here since they attack for 6AP and can FW for 3AP. On the flip side, you can use Relentless without using Dodge. There are too many possibilities to point them all out. This is just going to be the initial release notes. So it is hard to actually benefit from high RDF, unless the opponent targeting behavior can be predicted and somewhat controlled. HH is a respectable damage perk nowHH got reworked in BD and is no longer as dubious/weak as it was in the past. Thanks for reading the introduction! For example, you can easily use a 2H Mace without mastery which is far stronger than a Billhook. Otherwise, you dont need it. You gain back 15 FAT per turn naturally. Fallen Heroes get -20, Warlords -18, Gunners -14. Sunken LibraryThe Library is our newest legendary fight. Related Perks Adrenaline, Relentless, Reach Advantage, Overwhelm, Indomitable. The key to Gilded fights is to remove the Gunners, so formulate your strategy accordingly. Berserk tends to heavily outclass other damage perks in these battles (though it also works even better with other damage perks), because it greatly increases the speed in which you can dispatch the enemy party. Using multiple 1HandersIf you want to use multiple 1Handers then QH is nice to have to efficiently swap between them. The softcap only slows this down by a little. For example, Warbow can benefit a lot here. Spearwall no longer disables when enemies breach into your Zone of Control. Related Perks Nimble, Battle Forged (via having more remaining armor after attacks), Indomitable. Indomitable/Rotation/Footwork/Shieldwall/Adrenaline/etc.Theres a lot of useful and expensive skills that you can get. Rotation can very well save lives in a way that no other perk can compete with (Footwork kind of). The ideal injuries are those that debuff enemy Skill or damage. Misconception Duelist should be used with Nimble/Dodge/Initiative/etc.I assume this is some kind of myth derived from gaming/fantasy culture. If you are in contact with a Chosen then you can FW back, throw a Javelin at him, and then move 1 tile back (Pathfinder recommended) for 9AP. Chosen. Forge: Brow helps against high Ignore% attackers, but isnt doing much otherwiseFor the most part, Brow is poor on Forge units except against specific enemies. So I'm not sure what the answer is? One reason being headshot damage applying last in the damage formula (see Game Mechanics). If you have any questions or suggestions, please leave a comment. For example, if you field 5 Forge and 1 Nimble in the Frontline then the Nimble bro is very likely to take most of the range fire, even if he has more RDF and/or Dodge and/or Anticipation compared to the Forge bros. When fighting 30+ enemies, the overflow enemies will spawn on the top section of the map which is the left side of your formation. The point is that low HP Forge is very vulnerable in Chosen fights, which leaves you with a few options: use Indomitable, raise your HP, or minimize contact. Adrenaline: Set up a 2-turn IndomAlthough the cycle is dead, with heavy armor, you can Adrenaline, start the turn with Indom, wait (to slow you down next turn), and then your Indom will persist all of this turn and most/all of the next turn as well as you should go near last. Bleeding, Charmed) has its duration reduced to 1 turn. Weapons with lower Ignore% like Greatsword, Billhook, and Warscythe can benefit from CS, though Warscythe AoE may struggle to injure even with CS. So Overwhelm very much wants you to attack on your first action and immediately end turn and not wait. You cant really go wrong with Underdog because defense is so valuable. Fighting SpearFighting Spear is a weak option for Duelist given the low damage. Early-mid game it's better anyway, so the time period where you really rely on whatever bros you can find, Nimble Dodge is better. DiscussionSplitting shields is usually not a worthwhile strategy because it takes a lot of time (AP) and FAT to do so, you give enemies a buff (Double Grip) when you break their shield, and you force them to attack you (they cant Shieldwall). If you are bringing a super tank as a core piece of your Monolith strategy then Mind can be helpful due to being surrounded by a large number of Ancient Dead being a quick path to Fleeing even with the Undead Trinket to protect from the Priests. In rare cases, leaving an injured enemy with say a Broken Arm blocking a tile that his buddies behind him cant fill can be useful, but usually you are better off going for kills. However if it something you might use once or twice a battle then Recover shouldnt be necessary. They have perks like Crippling Strikes and weapon mastery, though. Not having to spend money on heavy armor means you have more money to spend on weapons, recruiting, or famed items. Since you are only going to be getting headshot ~25% of the time it makes more sense to take Colossus which is always helpful. Indom does a better job at this but it is unlocked further into the tree as is more expensive. For example, a 100 RSK archer only has a 35% chance to hit an Ambusher at 7 tiles with Quick Shot. Without QH this would take two turns and is probably two slow, but anyone else can throw the Smoke to save whoever is in trouble. While heavy armor may offer a better chance of surviving dire situations, Nimble demands very little to shine, which may allow you to grab other stats if you prefer. It is a strong perk, but the mindset that it is mandatory to succeed is incorrect. But Dodge value drops off over the fightDodge haters are usually quick to point out that the value decreases over the fight but this sort of misses the point and also assumes you max your Fatigue immediately somehow. Since Nimble reduces incoming HP damage, increasing it with perks like Colossus and Gifted will improve a characters staying power. It is better to use the 320 piece if you dont mind the cost. Also good against Swordmasters/Blade Dancers and other dodgy enemies, especially in the Arena where your normal counters and ganking may not be available. On a per hit basis they do less damage than the above options, but with Bleed damage and Decapitate added in they can out dps Mace/Hammer in some matchups, notably against Nimble enemies like Conscripts. Try and pay attention to this and be careful about using wait turn yourself if you are trying to outspeed them with Adrenaline. There's two main reasons for this. A unit that is surrounded by multiple enemies is exactly the unit that wants to have a bunch of extra defense to survive that dangerous position. You can beat Goblin City with units that never put points into RDF. This is due to Indom doing an insanely good job at mitigating armor ignoring damage that no other perk can really compete with except Nimble. Misconception Heavy armor & Forge needs Indomitable against ChosenNo. Of course compare it to other stat based perks and make the choice that makes the most sense for your needs. Dodge can help make up for that and it isnt uncommon for Fencers to start the battle with +20s from Dodge. BannermanYour Bannerman should be leveling RES every level and using buffs like Mind/Gifted, and the Sash. On other origins, Indebted backgrounds work as per normal with Student at level 11. A good early game build is a unit with high FAT making use of Mace Stun to control dangerous enemies and farm armor or Flail Lash for easily killing the fairly common Raiders that dont have a hat. This would be 120 helmet and 95 body. Loneaxe no longer gets -15% accuracy penalty for attacking adjacent targets. Gifted gives hp. This guy fucks. Underdog is good to help counteract their plans so that your grabbed bros have a better chance of surviving. HP damage received is reduced by 10% of remaining armor, so taking less armor damage will slightly reduce armor ignoring damage (AID). Action Point (AP) costs for movement on all terrain is reduced by -1 to a minimum of 2 AP per tile, and Fatigue cost is reduced to half. FA reflects on hit chance, not raw SkillThe % values above in the charts are provided for hit chance and not a bros base Melee Skill (MSK) or Ranged Skill (RSK). Another way to think of shooting at half accuracy is that you are halving your expected damage output. Instead of repeating myself multiple times throughout the guide, I will explain these here. Bonus is reset upon landing a hit. As such, most weapons will have a Fearsome window where they can benefit from the perks first effect. The start of the fight is the most dangerousAlthough you will likely accumulate Fatigue over the course of the battle, the first couple of turns are generally the most important and decisive. As you can see, Mastery makes a huge difference to the damage and injury potential of Crossbows. Putting two Overwhelms on an enemy is usually about 12-16 extra avoidance, which is a huge value for one perk. Executioner helps you kill them faster which is very welcome. The extra shield damage can help against Schrats, and Conscripts lack Shield Expert meaning a most 1H Axes with spec and one shot their shields, but otherwise shield breaking is not usually worth your AP/FAT. Even if you had multiple 100 skill Bullseye archers (which you dont lets be honest) this strategy still isnt reliable. Early injuries are betterCS makes you more likely to land injuries on armored/Nimble targets which might otherwise avoid injury on early hits. If the Hexe decides to ignore your Resilient guy then he can try and make his way over to stun her. Bros are usually distinguished as Nimble bros or Forge bros when discussing perks/builds. It comes with a hefty FAT cost and -15 Accuracy so you do need a bro with high FAT and Skill to make this work reliably. Quick Hands is a must-have and Duelist could be worth considering as well. Warbows: Increased consistency of first shot injuryWarbows with CS are a great way to tag multiple enemies early on in a fight with Injuries for later exploitation by Executioner bros (or the Warbow user himself). The main problem lies in its inability to deal any meaningful armor ignoring damage due to each individual attack being so weak and due to the way that remaining armor reduces the amount of HP damage taken. The Nomad faction in its entirety will spam their Throw Sand skill and provide the Distracted status (-35% Damage/INI). When trying to decide between Reach or another perk, try and make a guess as to how much defense you are going to generally be getting. Duelists/2H Cleavers: Attacking with IndomAs per the change to 5AP Indom, If you want to attack and put up an Indom in the same turn, then you will need to use these weapons. Related Perks Steel Brow, Head Hunter, Nimble, Battle Forged, Indomitable. Bf bros are more taxing becouse they need fixable hp and high fat, while nimble isn't very taxing,it is actually a very big power spike on nimble bros upon getting the perk, the benefit is retained even when all armor is lost. Reach weapons and ranged weapons benefit more from this as they have a little better freedom on available targets. Even high SKL bros can benefit from accuracy perks, but lower SKL bros will benefit more. Dodge can offer more raw MDF than any other perk in the game aside from 4-5 stack Reach Advantage or 4-5 surround Underdog. Bro has a Heavy Crossbow and no perks except with or without Crossbow Mastery. Even if you miss your Stun you can use wait turn and theres a pretty good chance the Hexe will go for you since you are right next to her. Fire Pots are usually used early in the fight, but Flash Pots and Smoke Pots may be better held onto until the right moment meaning they will take up bag space. Press J to jump to the feed. The true immortal guy uses the Davkul armor with Ijirok helmet haha. It isnt really the way you should be evaluating perks in game. Anti-Necrosavant: Control Savant movementAlthough Savants have a rare chance of ignoring Taunts, it is a very good ability to control their movements and protect more vulnerable brothers. At all times your Initiative is reduced only by 50% of your accumulated Fatigue, instead of all of it. Knowing that you have it as a safety option means that you can take more risks. Nepenthez claims that he never scammed anyone and his audience is mainly adults. Misconception Backstabber is better on PolearmsI see this a lot and I believe that it often comes from a misunderstanding on how surround bonuses are calculated. And what she lacks in size, she makes up for in determination. The reason Lances/Axes are better than Swords, because they have easy/cheap access to 1-2 range.. Dodge supportYou certainly do not need Resilient to make use of Dodge, but there are a number of status effects (Stagger/Daze/Poison/Flies/Distracted/Shellshocked/Withered) that will reduce your Initiative and kill your Dodge value. If you are worried about those types of enemies then Brow can help a bit. Footman is 60. I dont put a huge value into this as in many ways this is a win-more effect to an already won battle, but it can speed things up especially if daggering down the last guy for armor. Anti-slow and heavy unitsUnits like Warriors, Schrats, Ancient Dead, etc. Effects include Bleeding, Poison (Webkneckt/Goblin), Charm, Stagger, Acid (Lindwurm), Flies (Shaman), Daze, Shellshocked (Mortar), Withered (Lorekeeper), and 2 turn Mace Stun Reduces the effects to 1 turn. Also note that the part about heavy injuries is the chance that you reach the heavy injury threshold, but you may still get a light injury instead. Being thick-headed is a good thing right?. There are some enemies that will specifically attack your morale and Rally is important in these fights. This is a unique case for a damage focused build to also be able to main a shield. If you begin the turn loaded and get a kill you can do a double blast which is pretty good, but if you are unloaded at the start the AP can only be used for repositioning. Some perks especially shine in the early and mid game and Im going to be pointing this out. Duelist Rondel is rather poor and should instead stick to Puncture spam and leave the dueling to the Qatal. Do you need more RDF when you arent the one getting shot?In terms of raw stat value, Anticipation has the potential to offer a huge amount of levels worth of stats. Even better, if you can out speed the Hexe naturally (she has 100 INI and no equipment penalty) or by using Adrenaline then you can act first and move forward and wait turn. The Hexe then Charms you but you have no AP left because you already moved. This makes it extremely good on famed weapons with damage/Ignore% buffs. In this regard, Fearsome suffers in the same way as CS and Executioner. A complete database of Shakespeare's Monologues. You dont want to spend extra FAT and lower your damage and still fail your Stun because it is only 75%. Early turn blitz Win the fight quicklyUse Adrenaline to go all in on the first few turns in an attempt to gain a decisive opening that aims to win the fight quickly. Polearm back liners also enjoy having a stronger melee weapon to swap into should they get jumped on by a flanking enemy or Orc Warrior. You can use the extra defense to stack with a shield for 30+ defense by level 3 which is of course wonderful against common early game threats. Underdog is important as you are going to get surrounded. Team support, good positioning and tactics can also go a long way to limit or even prevent Chosen from attacking. If your morale drops then youve basically negated your LW bonus. Nimble/ForgeSee discussion section for detailed thoughts on these. You might be wondering why Im creating a perk guide when several already exist. The perks compliment each other very well. Our Indom bro is ~3.6x more durable here, not twice as durable as you would have maybe expected. You dont have to build your whole team around it. It depends really on your build and what you want for your bro. Again, both have pros and cons. Having a few Indom tanks is recommended against Wurms. The RDF is a nice buffer against annoying early Marskman (and Poachers or Throwing Weapons). Without FW, if a Warrior is threatening to get around then you need to deal with it somehow. You should be using this perk if you are looking for survive-ability and your build allows for it to work for you. Nimble Brow has some advantages compared to regular Nimble. Pathfinder + Mastery can allow you to swing for 12 and move for 2-3 most of the time, allowing this build to become FAT neutral on most terrain types and still move + attack even when capped on FAT. will have a 88% chance to Rally from a 120 RES Rally: (40 RES + (.4 * 120)) As per the formula, raising the RES of your team as a whole as well as raising the RES of your Rally user will both increase the chances of Rally succeeding A bro can only be Rallied once per turn Assumption Max chance to succeed is probably 95% Rally will not work on your Dogs or friendly allies Will wake any Sleeping bros in range (Alp fights). Any status effect with a finite duration (e.g. CS is not an all or nothing perk. It does help demonstrate a case of HH being bad however, so avoid using it on weaker weapons (Warbow is still fine as you generally target squishy enemies). Since Barbarian two-handers are capable of 2-4 shoting most bros that arent using Indomitable, 9L actually has a better chance than usual to be meaningful here. Kiting enemies away from the group or baiting them to strategic positions and protecting more valuable team members from dangerous opponents. In the current state of the game, 60 HP 300/300 Forge can die in a couple heavy hits. Thats up to you. Recover supportThe larger your Fatigue pool is, the more that you can get back with Recover. With the cycle dead the synergy has gotten worse. Rotation is often compared to Footwork and most agree that Rotation is better.