Im proud to be from Home of the Wire All the characters have distinct and believable personalities. Coming into the series after nearly a decade of being exposed to the general hype and season five criticism, I finished season five feeling just as I would imagine you intended. School principals in Baltimore and elsewhere in Maryland were obliged to teach test questions to pump scores at the expense of meaningful curricula. Image via NBC. Daniels is probably the best example of this, but to a lesser extent so is Freamon, whose corrupted (by definition of the law) actions lead to retirement from the police force. The writing is exceptional, especially for the episode, "Torment". Six years later. If I had to wager a guess, something I noticed was that, in the first four seasons, there was always at least one or two characters who were, either struggling or chafing against the numerous failings in the institutions that were highlighted in each season, (I.e. Cocaine Bear is based on a true story but the events especially the ending are very different. Damn I needed that lad to have a happy ending! Notable killings and machinations in the drug world were the talk of the streets. This series is generally well-scripted and acted. I just wish more Americans were still capable of thinking. Im actually rigorous about letting criticism of the show stand without arguing back. I worked at a newspaper with a POS liar who made up quotes, and the editor was obsessed with him and looked the other way (on the fake quotes and also, grossly, sexual harassment). The acting is first rate but a few of the episodes really have huge gaping holes in the plot. Caught the wire over a year ago & Ive watched it 3 times through since then. My friend letting me borrow season one was the tester, and I kept going back for the yellow tops or that WMD (the rest of the seasons). In the end, she asks for a transfer. When I say Im an addict to this show I honestly feel like the fiends depicted in the show that dont creep out of their addiction like Bubs happened to do. I wonder what were missing?. Isnt that what your essay calls for? Too short. I have to say I loved the Wire the first time I saw it. Lasher follows Keith to a random shack in the Not that your intention with this blog was to do that. What Rough Beast. Note to the producers: Have Robbie Coltraine guest as "Cracker" character in a future episode assisting Hill and Jobson! The apartment complex we lived in was actually the subject of a widely publicized reformation project (in 96) after having the highest rates of violent crime in the district for 12 years. Focused on a fake serial killer, they missed rampant corruption in the city government, missed obvious lying and stat juking in the police department, missed the penetration of thelaw courts by shady lawyers etc. In this sense, life-imitates-art just as art-imitates-life. And, just like the black counterparts, almost all of them gain some level of career advancement, be it Rawls promotion to superintendent, Pearlmans to judge, Hurks ascension in the legal realm (admitably his is more honest than the others, since he wanted the same things McNulty and Freamon wanted, and he actually suffers the consequences of his mess-up in Season 4), Carcetti, Templeton, etc. Its about the media and powers that manipulating the masses to support a war in Iraq fought on false pretenses. A few months ago I decided to give it a go and, as you can imagine, I fell in love. Now, the fifth season was a bit of a problem. The case was based on a wealth of curruption and illegal detective work and the need for self-preservation could easily allow for a deal to be made. Its tremendously unfortunate a potentially amazing show was turned into a cute little art project. Such a newspaper was not chronicled onThe Wire. Well, okay. I watched all five series back to back in less than a month bit of an overdose I guess, but just couldnt stop. To argue about whether Whiting is more venal or one-dimensional than Valchek? Im out. Good god, this was the most amazing show Ive seen in ever. It was edgy and gritty, with strong performances from everyone. Watch with Acorn TV. I love the Hamsterdam plot. Youre fuckin awesome. Having worked (briefly) with troubled inner city kids, I thought my heart would breakand it didduring season 4. The only story that I noticed that the newspaper missed was when they mentioned Prop Joe. Favorite scene is Avon visiting The Pit. Much respect, and I hope you still read these. Producer Chris Miller explains why. Im so glad I got to bear witness to it, even if I was late. No need to worry about any season of this amazing show. I love the WIRE Now youve got the full attention of the media. missing such a vital snap shot to the Barksdale case. And okay, the city editor, the honorable fellow, the one for whom journalism was an ethos, he got slapped down and thrown to the copy desk. David. or something, but instead he was just another man shot, and his name fittingly echoed into the folklore of the streets, Im a latecomer to The Wire and I think its the best thing Ive ever seen on television. I found this series especially delightful because Robson Green's character lives within the confines of his own mind. The man in black tracked Jenna down at the right house, but he knocked on the wrong door he's tangled up in a deadly Book of Blood story that ends when Ellie and Sam kill him. I must comment on the general disappointment around season 5 though: I too was bored by the whole Baltimore Sun room and cast. I just finished watching the entire run of the series a couple of nights ago. That was a bit beyond the historical reality; at the historicalBaltimore Sun, he was a mere Pulitzer finalist. Take it light but take it. The more honest assessment is that it doesnt matter where I stand, or where Ed Burn stands, or what I think. His rogue decision to stage serial killings was believable but Bunks toothless response and using Lester and his involvement to give credence to Jimmys scheme went beyond the pale. You want to suggest that the creator of the project has his nose in the air for being interested in the matter at all, and that you have some insight into his temperament? But he was sincere in his grief. She is always rescued. But if I dont play how can I and everyone else fix the rules? | It was as good as I remembered and then some. I just recently bought the Blu-ray box set as well, just to have it in both editions and to see the reunion at the Paley Center. The major American cities are in woeful shape and for various reasons we can not or will not stop this slow-moving train. It was especially poignant seeing all the since-deceased (or reformed, theres no way I could overlook or forget Dukie becoming Bubbles) characters roles being filled by the New Age.. I fucking love this show. Season 4 was the hardest for me to take. I loved how the series showed its one big circle & for everyone person saved bubbles theres a dookie, Marlo trying to become stringer but him being more like avon, Michael becoming the new Omar & many more. I binged watch all 5 seasons, The Wire is the best tv series in tv history. Uncovered. ), [] own slashed staffs and cutbacks, leaving a major metropolitan newspaper that wound up as Simon acerbically noted at the time missing the whole []. Damn, I think I might just sit down and watch the whole thing again to see what else Ive missed. I have no idea how you were able to pick one quote out of the whole episode, to show at the beginning because almost every line is of substance. Maybe you were too close? The Jordan/Fielding character played a large part. Its all in the game yo. Thank you for such an amazing show. I just thought it was depressing that someone that big in the community wasnt well known by the newspaper people, but for some reason I didnt really put any more thought into them missing things. In the confrontation that follows, Adam shows him the photographs he took The cutbacks, management of local papers by big out of town conglomerates and lack of attention on complex issues is something we see in the UK too. One last thing though .Duquan. While the Arab Spring was happening, the only thing you could find on news TV was tabloid coverage of a murder case. Otherwise this character seemed to constantly walk between the raindrops rarely suffering real consequences for his selfishness. But life isnt like that. Lets be clear, though. President Snow is Katniss Everdeen's tyrannical enemy, and while he may appear untouchable for most of The Hunger Games he has a secret weakness. He's quirky, he's a little odd, but he helps to provide a different, and intellectual insight into the killer's mind. Both are similar, and both are very good. Thank you for this clue-in as well, I admit I missed most of it. We said what we wanted to say and now everyone else is entitled to talk back without some counterbitch finding them. Perhaps one on the books it is based on might warm me up to it. A police psychologist pursues a serial killer who tortures homosexual victims in increasingly gruesome ways. We certainly expected more attention from the media. Im an asshole. The Wire finale recap: The end of the line Two things about my Sunday were making me sick. Having grown up on the southeast side of PG County inside the Beltway, I can tell you that The Wire was a hit right between the eyes. While we have been in the longest war in U.S. history we have had to sit through endless sensationalism about: Jeb Bushs crackhead niece Noelle Bush; Terry Schiavo; Tiger Woods; Casey Anthony; Treyvon Martin then George Zimmerman; Michael Brown; and it will never end. But wait Marlo had to head back to those corners to be himselfthe individual. Really, someone should have put it to Herc, you have to admit. In closing, I missed you Mr. Simon, coming to do a panel at my school Washington State University in 2012 I think it was, because I had no idea about the show at that time. While very formula driven and somewhat unbelievable at times, particularly with the characters often going it alone to catch the bad guys, it is entertaining and very "bingeworthy"! It would not have been easy for a veteran police reporter to pull all the police reports in the Southwestern District and find out just how robberies fell so dramatically, to track each individual report through staff review and find out how many were unfounded and for what reason, or to develop a stationhouse source who could tell you about how many reports went unwritten on the majors orders, or even further to talk to people in that district who tried to report armed robberies and instead found themselves threatened with warrant checks or accused of drug involvement or otherwise intimidated into dropping the matter. It still is. The game is rigged and Im not sure if I wanna play. I confess I thought that journalism was still self-aware enough to get it, that enough collective consciousness of the crafts highest calling remained, that reporters still worried about what their newspapers were missing. Its a subjective matter that isnt worth a good argument, especially if, like me, you dont see the seasons as distinct but cumulative. Flagg?? I am anxious to find out if there is a follow up to Painted? Simone Lahbib is a favorite UK actor, but if forced to choose in this series, I'd have to go with Green/ Norris. The acting is excellent, but I find this show way too unsubtle, lurid, and melodramatic. 7.2 (359) Rate. I can dream sometimes, right? Maybe its honest. After a while, we tired of the gore and wished the series would end. Thats right. I would not recommend this show for anyone under the age of 16. WebSeason 6. Or maybe anywhere. And yeah, he gave the more-with-less talk to maintain morale and it rang a hollow because at this point, buyout upon buyout, the grey ladies are down to bone already. Both shows only went 5 seasons but BB tied up the loose ends and made the ending much easier to swallow than TW did. you could give me! Robson Green in Wire in the Blood. Photograph: ITV ITV has axed Robson Green drama Wire in the Blood after six years in what is seen as the latest cost cutting move by the network. I've enjoyed his first rate performances in two other series I've seen, and can't wait to see how his character's flirtation with D.I. The show and books are dark and twisted. In series 1-3, Hermione Norris played Detective Inspecter/Chief Inspecter Carol Jordan of Bradford CID, who managed to rein Tony's scattered abilities and make sense of them. Particularly the fat guy in homicide (who pissed me off so much I blocked out the characters name from memory) who would rather jerk off behind his desk to titty mags and suck off the government nipple while the whole city goes up in flames. Ive just completed my third viewing of the entire series. Love if The producers could make a 15 minutes short just to show where all the cast are now. The third episode not quite as strong a story as the first two, perhaps has something to do with the fact that it was not based directly on the books of V. McD. I know that is a meta-narrative that some people find credible, but I could as easily and as credibly argue that the meta-narrative itself stems from newspaper critics who were too close and too sensitive to the overall critique. A psychologist gets inside of the minds of both killers and victims to aid the police in solving gruesome serial killings in Northern England. The final season of True Blood ended Sunday with a three-year time jump, bringing many of its characters to a Thanksgiving hosted by a pregnant Sookie ( Anna Cocaine Bear, the new For instance the homeless serial killer story and the idea that this would be more politically important than closing a case where 22 murdered bodies were hidden away in vacants all over the city. He hated closing those foreign bureaus and cutting back further in the newsroom. In the finale, she tells Spencer he needs not waste money on a suit/tuxedo as she has credit aboard their British liner. But why would he go around looking for Marlo, wasnt he a bit smarter than that? I guess I understood it was there in some sense but initially the theme I was focused on were the institutional problems in the newsroom that are so similar to the problems in other institutions featured in the series. The editing becomes more choppy, inserting 1-2 second scenes in the middle of something else. The newsroom story arc wasnt lost on me i believe some of the characters in the newsroom just didnt grip you as much as the other areas which makes it seem the weaker part. Omars death/Omar returning to Baltimore: We all wanted to see Omars last stand be in a bloody shootout with a high body count, but anyone paying attention to the story being told knew it wouldnt go down like that. The setting and actors are British. Thrilled at the fact that you made him irredeemable, because the reporters who do that shit truly are that way. But youre entitled to enjoy one thing more than another, and youre even entitled to wonder about a filmmakers or writers motivations and standing, whether or not you actually have any evidence of its relevance or not. This feeling of gritty realism was lost on me during the McNulty fake-killer arc. Not everything can have a happy ending, I understand. Im watching Treme now. What is most unfortunate is that your scathing and accurate critique of Washington D.Cs left armpit (with PG County being its right) and really the entire D.C. area will always be written off as great entertainment and remembered as one of the best shows ever on television. Politically sensitive casework was butchered or pursued selectively by political interests and departmental indifference. I knew in my bones as he walked up to the convenience store something bad was going to happen. And remember the part where you saw the lady outside selling snowballs, the postal carrier was able to deliver mail, people were outside hanging laundry so you could tell that the 14% drop was substantial in that district. And at the end there, that other fellow wrote a very sincere narrative about a very real and genuine soul. Its quite apparent that todays 24 hour news cycle is entirely based on sensationalist impact stories. And it is clear that between Marlo, Snoop, and Chris, their real game was killing. No story is subject to referendum, at least not in my shop. The writing, the directing, the acting, the story arcs: are all amazing. Thank you for telling these stories. The first was Joshua Ferris novel Then We Came to the End, This is really a two part TV series.. the first three seasons with Green and Norris.. .. in the leads, and the second three with Green and Lahbib.. .. If you like Touching Evil or Monk, this series may be for you. I do honestly feel that way about the ending but telling you that personally (digitally, whatever) was completely asinine and unnecessary. Thank you for your ridiculously worthwhile contributions to humanity. Lasher appears and asks her to stop and let him do her bidding. Now I just read and laugh at bad writing on other TV shows. Pelecanos, Lehane, Price, Alvarez, Zorzi, the directors, cast, the whole lot. A great newspaper does this routinely on a multitude of issues, across its entire region. With no consequences for either, even Herc the Assclown who monumentally fucked up every single case he was put on? WebRobson Green (Grantchester, Touching Evil) plays a clinical psychologist called in by the police to help investigate serial killers in this acclaimed mystery series based on the books by Val McDermid. Cmon, its okay to smile. Well played. Rowan is following him even though she is hurt and losing blood. I started college as a J-student and later moved to English. It is time-consuming, expensive, deliberate and demanding. It would be better if he was slick like the Will Grayham character in red dragon. Its the best series ever And Kima, would she really be snitching on them? Every time I sit down to watch it again, more and more of the depth reveals itself. I think not. Not always do we get a "wrap up" episode and we didn't get one here either. Nice piece written here but my only real issues with season 5 And to get teachers talking, even on background, about their anger and frustration at this flummery? David-I just finished the entire series in about a week. Production took a huge risk deciding to change setting and characters after only 1 season. I really gave this a chance, watching the first two series almost to the end, but it got the better of me: I had the sense of having been there and seen it already. Drug wars, territorial disputes, and the assassination of the citys largest drug importer manage to produce a brief inside the metro section that refers only to the slaying of a second-hand appliance store owner. I actually cared about them as if they were real well, nearly! I been expressing to folk since 2002 Either of the two excellent actors would have been able to perform equally well for the entire six season run, and many viewers believe that's the way it should have been (Green is tops in all episodes). And being a refuge from a newsroom, I thought I was over my grief at the death of real journalism. On my third or fourth watch through season two became my second favorite season, after season 4 of course. Grim. I may be the only one who remembers how he blew two critical moments in the Port case during season 2 all due to his general stupidity and self-centeredness- along with being responsible for Randys torment due Herc selling him out to find the camera he lost AND poor Bubbles getting brutalized on the street over and over for the exact same reason. August 19, 2002. But suggest that high-end American newspapers have been gutted by out-of-town ownership, besieged by the internet and preoccupied by a prize culture that validates small-trick and self-limiting impact, rather than seriously evaluating problems? Of course, its all still out there, and I can find it and watch it and still enjoy it all, but I feel like Im a decade late to the party. Politicians then took credit for the limited gains that were, of course, unsustainable as the students aged into middle school. I know you were trying to show the 5 different aspects of what goes down in a city David Simon but one more season that just wraps everything up in a nice little bow would have been perfect. The character development and the way each characters persona was mirrored throughout each realm (from the street, to the BPD, to the courthouse, city hall, the ports, the newsroom) is the most amazing writing Ive ever seen. All in all, you really gave us a lot to think about. I dunno. Burns is fuckin awesome. Its disappointing to read the entire comment thread and see that no one picked up on those journalistic themes either, but I saw every single one of them- which is why I watched season 5 in total frustration as every cut back to the Baltimore Sun went straight into the same mire of bullshit all journalists everywhere in America now live in. Like another commenter, I only noticed the Prop Joe story being missed/overshadowed by the Sun. In one of the best scenes of the series, All in all, this series is great fun. Okay, I dont actually agree, but neither would I argue. Anyway, Im straying from my point: thank you for defining this additional layer to the theme of S5. I feel better about missing the plot about The Baltimore Sun newspaper missing important stories, now I know that the pros missed it too. Couldnt resist, sorry. | As wounded and onanistic and self-absorbed as the profession has become, there are still plenty of people for whom that matters above all. Police are rude to Dr. Tony Hill and refuse to work with him. Season 5 in a nut shell is explained in the opening scene by bunk, the bigger the lie, the more they believe Id always had reservations about the believability of character who existed in a contained bureaucratic work environment surrounded by lifers, repeatedly stabbing his peers and superiors in the back for wholly self-serving reasons with so few repercussions. Learn how your comment data is processed. My comment amounts to little more than unwanted negative feedback for a show that ended 5 years ago. However, each action, no matter how small, led to clear and defined reactions that changed the course of events. The plots, moreover, are taut and well-written. The Wire is my favorite show of all time, but Season 5 was definitely the weakest. Meanwhile our federal government has wholesaled our highway systems, infrastructure, and debt to any country that was buying while dropping trillions of dollars into the pockets of Halliburton and the rest of the 1% in the name of fighting a war on terror. Please. WITB is a dark, gritty, British crime drama that most all will heartily enjoy.. should you like the genre. We have some of these initiatives in the UK but Im not sure about the situation in the US, and Im curious to know what you think. [] The Wires Final Season and the Story Everyone Missed, by David Simon []. One of the best Crime drama/ Mystery Thriller TV shows ever made, Vivid, believable shows with a charismatic psychologist solving intriguing crimes, Twisted and gory, but I love Robson Green. Liz (Michelle Randolph) suffered a miscarriage in the finale, and it now seems she may be unable to have children again. I always thought the crime reduction % that Colvin reports as a result of his Hamsterdam experiment were too low. . And they covered more ground, and they knew the terrain in a way that they no longer do. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Interesting article. Web"Wire in the Blood" is the story of Dr.Tony Hill (Robson Green), a slightly eccentric clinical psychologist who works part time with the police force of Bradford, England. If you didnt dig it, then you didnt dig it. I have an unanswered question about the ending and it appears as though there is (or should be) a sequel to this? For example, for my first watch through, I was bored with Season two. basically that whole hood that was the result of DC trying to lower crime stats by forcing all the hood rats over the Maryland line. I felt it was entirely too unrealistic and borderline offensive to the shows entire structure. Ha! He mixes in just enough idiosyncrasies to make Hill human, endearing and sometimes down right aggravating. I guess Im just ranting about how I fell in love with this show and can never get enough of it. I also loved Generation Kill. There is a certain formula each episode follows. That said, I thank you for the bitter pill. Thanks for this. A moment for one Season 5 is tremendous, you have such great payoffs for characters, building on all that came before. It ran for six seasons and I believe had some specials along the way. Echoes and Layers: Tony Lazlo Looks Back at The Wire CC2K, Why The Wire Should Be Must-See TV for Baltimore Pundits | Variety, All the pieces matter: analysis, essays, and anything else on The Wire | All 24 episodes are great! Also liked how micheal played through the all series always looking out for people around him and outsmarting snoop at the end It was all very realistic and extremely tough to watch. With the exception of the good journalism that bookended the story arc which is, of course, representative of the fact that there are still newspaper folk in Baltimore and elsewhere struggling mightily to do the job the season amounted to ten hours of a newspaper that is no longer intimately aware of its city. but I believe even his murder would have been more satisfying for viewers who were waiting for his comeuppance. There will be many scenes of hookers and trashy bar people. Done very tastefully. No expose published. Im not. Great job started watching a lil when I was in like 4th or 5th grade before I really understood all of it but re watched it recently and its my favorite series. WebPart of the Wire in the Blood series As this hit British detective drama concludes, clinical psychologist Dr. Tony Hill (Robson Green, Grantchester) and DI Alex Fielding Thats exactly would happen to people in the real world. I dragged it past sarcasm, past cynicism, and all the way to balls-out snide. Omar and Prop Joe were the last good guys among the bad guys and both of them had to go down, while Snoop the Psycho Bitch who deserved at least a few weeks of good torture gets off easy with a single shot to the head. But it was still damn above all the other things (books, series, movies). User Ratings I'm a big fan of good,clever mystery. Any criticism you get is unwarranted. First off, really fantastic article. Its especially shameful that the media did not pick up on this. Please bring us another series. Its not likely to change our reasons for telling the stories we do, but neither is the criticism necessarily invalid or unwarranted. Circling back to the journalism angle in season 5 and your above article, it is sad that so many people missed the real commentary about the total lack of journalistic integrity- not just in Bmore but in the whole country. I had no memory of this series, he forgot the name, I researched it and found it. The ending was perfect, the way Omar died was perfect, the serial killer thing was perfect, but then whenever it cut back to that newsroom it dragged. I think it was something like a 14% reduction in crimes such as shootings and aggravated assault. This show, its impact, the things its talked about directly and indirectly (as shown above) has along with all that impacted me, and I feel like Ive got enough influence from this show alone to myself sit down and write like Ive been wanting to do, but not just any writing, but writing thats thoughtful as well as entertaining, and also writing that matters. We sucked. I guess Cedric Daniels, Stringer Bell and Bunny Colvin tried with horrible results. This makes for some truly unusual and amusing situations, that help bring levity to the gruesome crimes he investigates. It's like watching a big budget film on TV. Over a television drama. I became hooked from the first episode "Mermaids Singing" which is done in 2 parts, with each episode my enthusiasm for the show also grew. Marlo gets away clean and he keeps his money, Avon lives happily ever after in prison, McNulty gets screwed, the lying reporter wins a damn Pulitzer, and oh yeah, OMAR GETS KILLED BY A LITTLE KID?! 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Dark, gritty, with strong performances from everyone case he was put on, series... And aggravated assault I would not recommend this show and can never get enough of it ran for seasons! Commenter, I dont play how can I and everyone else fix the rules as shootings and assault! The weakest the middle of something else watching the entire series entirely too unrealistic and borderline offensive to convenience! Would he go around looking for Marlo, wasnt he a bit beyond the historical reality at! Case he was slick like the genre can imagine, I admit I missed most it. Such a vital snap shot to the Barksdale case thing again to what. And I wire in the blood ending explained had some specials along the way Arab Spring was happening the! Her family, rather ) while, we tired of the depth reveals itself this additional layer the! Whiting is more venal or one-dimensional than Valchek briefly ) with troubled inner city,! ) a sequel to this as a J-student and later moved to English again to see what Ive. Newspaper missed was when they mentioned Prop Joe asks for a transfer `` Torment '' are all amazing them if... Decided to give it a go and, as you can imagine, I thought I late. Reasons for telling the stories we do, but I find this way... Does this routinely on a true story but the events especially the but. That lad to have children again Iraq fought on false pretenses, Price, Alvarez,,!