16. a#scroll-up { background-color: #5812ff; } According to the wiki page, Fire Lord Sozin was 82 when Azulon was born. In Season 2, Aang reconnected with Bumi, who became King of Omashu and joined the Order of the White Lotus with Iroh, the former heir of Fire Lord Ozai. Wan Shi Tong | As I was doing so, I discovered that both Sozin and his son Azulon were unnaturally old. 1. Crimes Roku is greatly disturbed by this, telling Sozin that the four nations are meant to be kept separate and that he should not think of this again. [4] For at least the first few decades of his life, Sozin also treasured his friendship with Roku; despite his royal status, he consistently treated Roku as an equal until their friendship fell apart over his imperialistic ambitions. Fire Lord Ozai (The Last Airbender) | Ty Lee | 1 History 1.1 Legacy 2 Relatives 3 Trivia 4 References Sozin's father ruled in an era of peace,2 while the Fire Nation experienced a period of industrialization and great prosperity. Conquer the world just like his father, Sozin (failed). Could he be the only surviving child? When his first-born son, Iroh, lost his only son in the Siege of Ba Sing Se, Ozai tried to usurp Iroh's birthright, stating that his children are alive. Azulon's cold treatment of Ozai inadvertantly led to not only his own death at Ozai's hands, but also Ozai's dysfunctional and controlling relationship with his own family. Chaejin | the importance of the dragons and the sun. Numerous monuments were constructed in reverence of himself, and the imperialist regime enforced various forms of propaganda that established Sozin as a higher, benevolent being. In fact, wasn't it said that Sozin had Azulon after his former friend Avatar Roku died. a#back-top:before { background-color: #5812ff; } With Roku gone, and the great comet returning, the timing was perfect to change the world. If you are going to edit a lot, then make yourself a user and login. Southern Raiders | Sozin began the tradition of hunting dragons, the original firebenders. Sozin began the tradition of hunting dragons, the original firebenders. I recently made a post predicting the unconfirmed ages of characters Iroh and Ozai. The theory provides many more details to back up the claim, which is honestly quite plausible. Twelve years after Roku had died, Sozin used the power of a comet to enhance the power of his firebender army and launched a genocidal attack on the Air Nomads in an attempt to kill Aang, the new Avatar, and halt the Avatar cycle. Sozin's official portrait features firebending soldiers, a scroll in his hand, and a comet, signifying his military buildup and the beginning of the Hundred Year War, the many . Concept: Zuko has the pictures of Sozin, Azulon and Ozai removed from the palace gallery. He was a firebendingprodigy since childhood, and as prince, led the Fire Nation to victory in many glorious military campaigns, including the conquest of the Hu Xin Provinces and the Battle of Garsai. Mok | Directions To Decatur Texas, At the wedding, Sozin commented that the Fire Nation was going through a period of great prosperity and told Roku that together, the two of them could spread it to the world by expanding the empire. https://images.app.goo.gl/dS4X7j4f7WzjuvC3A. Department of Tourism and Geography, mail:cactus@ase.ro;daniel.bulin@yahoo.com. [18] Fire Nation schools taught that he died peacefully in his sleep, an old and successful man, though in Sozin's own last testament he reminisced about how his younger years used to be "brighter". On the day of his son's birth, Sozin would have been 82 years old. Avatar Extras state that people in the Avatar universe believe that the power granted from Sozin's comet is what allowed Sozin to live as long as he did. [23] Additionally, Sozin ordered that the Dragonbone Catacombs be sealed off so that all Fire Nation history recorded before his reign would be erased from the national conscience, making it appear as if Fire Nation history began with himself. 8 hours ago Reply. Liling | He spent the last years of his life hunting the new Avatar in vain. Grasping in An American Tail: The Treasure of Manhattan Island, Dieter Reinhardt in Blade II, Viceroy in Star Trek: Nemesis, Slade in Teen Titans, Bane and Rumor in The Batman, Kago in Tarzan II, Sheriff Collie Entragian in Desperation, Warhok in Kim Possible, Clay Morrow in Sons of Anarchy, The Lich in Adventure Time, Nicola in Bunraku, the Stabbington Brothers in Tangled, Nino in Drive, Xibalba in The Book of Life, Armaggon in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012), Bular in Trollhunters and the Podest in Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio. Ming-Hua | Sozin, Azulon and, Ozaiall of them never saw beyond their own desire for power and control over all the four nations. When he helped Roku tame an erupting volcano, he used a technique to redirect heat, cooling the lava. Cookie Notice Iroh said he admires his brothers ruthlessness at one point. After the comet passed, he had a son, Prince Azulon. Azulon was supposedly born after Roku's death, and we've seen how old Sozin and Roku were at that time. Clean Light Portable Air Purifier, Bucharest University of Economic Studies Faculty of Business and Tourism (formerly Commerce) #featured-slider .slider-read-more-button { background-color: #5812ff; } Even so, Ozai actually had the shortest Fire Lord rule ever. Full Name Combustion Man | Evil-doer Azulon, outraged, ordered Ozai to murder Zuko to see how it feels to lose his son. I assume that Ozai's marriage to the granddaughter of Avatar Roku, Ursa, was arranged and there wasn't much romance in their relationship. Ooh, thats a cool headcanon! Search Works That guy is never older than 82 years old. As the first and possibly only son of the Fire Lord, Azulon was born in 0 AG. He was also the father-in-law of Ursa and the son of Sozin. Age [1] Afterward, Sozin's views of family also seemed to have changed, as he fueled rivalries by favoring Azulon over another relative.[10]. N'T born ruthless, but was raised that way and the two engaged in a recounting. Voiced by As the first and possibly only son of the Fire Lord, Azulon was born in 0 AG. Add to Favourites. According to "Avatar Extras" an early script of the premiere episode included a friendly duel between Avatar Roku and Sozin when they were younger, similar to the one shown in ". Still a head scratcher. Chin the Conqueror | were actually regressive older to. Clean Light Portable Air Purifier, So. Roku spared his life because of their past friendship but warned him never to move forward with his plans again, or it would result in his "permanent end.". Don't forget history writing in the Fire Nation is very shady, So there might have been sons and daugthers who died or killed by Sozin but never see the light in the history books. He was the second oldest known living character during the original series at 112 years old , after Guru Pathik who was 150 years old. . Sozin was the ruler of the Fire Nation from 58 BG until his death in 20 AG, and the instigator of the Hundred Year War. Methods Of Addressing Conflict Within A Team, About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers [16] However, Sozin failed, as Aang had run away from the air temples some time before. Ozai probably had a massive inferiority complex which caused him to overcompensate. When Zaheer met with Korra in the spirit world, he mentioned Sozin as an example of abusive tyrants who damaged the world for their selfish ambitions when defending his desire to eliminate all world leaders, as Sozin's desire for expansion caused the near extinction of an entire culture. .recentcomments a{display:inline !important;padding:0 !important;margin:0 !important;} .widget-title span { border-bottom: 2px solid #5812ff; } . By a huge stroke of luck, he however stumbled on a very old dragon who had been hiding on the top of the Si Wong Rock in . Yet we see this Szene: https://images.app.goo.gl/dS4X7j4f7WzjuvC3A The guy on top is Sozin who watches his son Azulon train. It is also possible that Sozin's father was mentioned once in ". The Fire Lord even willingly ignored old customs of respect for the Avatar and happily hugged Roku just like in their youth. Azulon was obsessed with power, and never stopped trying to attain more, even as an old man. Or they probably died at the war front against the Earth Kingdom? Hiroshi Sato, Red Lotus Ozai, Azulon, and Sozin all tried looking themselves with no luck. Yakone | Circus Trainer | .post .entry-title a:hover, .page .entry-title a:hover { color: #5812ff; } Yun | Alias Born shortly after the beginning of the Hundred Year War, Azulon was a frightening man who demanded perfection. And Poor Zuko, so desperate for things to go back to normal just searches anyway. When he helps Roku tame an erupting volcano, he uses a technique to redirect heat, cooling the lava. It is unknown who Sozin's wife was. How old is King Bumi in Avatar? I wasted the remainder of my life searching in vain. Noatak | The source of Zuko's family's dysfunction is with the Azulon favored Iroh over Ozai leading to antagonism between the two brothers. Xin Fu | By this statement, Sozin gave him a gift: the headpiece worn by the Crown Prince of the Fire Nation, hoping that he was at least allowed to have that. Give Back Sentence, [4], Sozin began to make the first moves of his imperialistic goals by claiming uninhabited islands near the Fire Nation, which nonetheless inflamed international tensions. He was 95 when he was assassinated, but he was still powerful despite his advanced age. He spent the last years of his life hunting the new Avatar in vain. Freedom Fighters (Jet) | Additionally, when Sozin wanted to eliminate the Fire Nation's ancient history to legitimize his policies, he chose not to destroy the historical corridors of the Dragonbone Catacombs but to simply seal them, believing that he could still learn from the past. He was the son of Fire Lord Sozin and was Fire Lord before Ozai. I am an admin of this site. `` [ their ] loyalty is to [ their ] loyalty is to [ their ] Nation first Sozin the! [1], During his early life, the Fire Nation experienced an era of industrialization and great prosperity, and trade flourished. Kalau kamu lihat kilas balik di Avatar: The Last Airbender pun Ozai ada di ibu kota saat Iroh mencoba menembus Ba Sing Se.. Dari tiga musim Avatar: The Last Airbender Ozai hampir selalu ada di ibu kota, dan baru memimpin langsung armada balon terbang di penghujung seri.. Baca Juga: Ini 8 Fakta Appa, Hewan Besar Teman Sejati Avatar Aang! Ru | Biyu | Azulon warmly greeted Ursa before telling her the reason for his presence. Alias And technically, its not impossible that Zoryu lived over 200 years (albeit still extremely unlikely and, personally, something I doubt). Silent Weapons Red Dead Redemption 2, Aiwei, Daofei He is the instigator of the Hundred-Year War and the Fire Lord before his son Azulon. .main-small-navigation ul > .current_page_item, .main-small-navigation ul > .current-menu-item { background: #5812ff; } Tokuga | Zuko vs Azula [5/5]-Sozins Comet Part 3 - Into the Inferno. Did Azulon just have Ozai a lot later or what? Melissa And Doug Wholesale, This led to the dragons' near-extinction. Azulon was a firebending prodigy, and was personally trained by his father. Avatar: The Last Airbender turned Aang and Zuko from enemies to friends in Season 3. He was voiced by the late Walker Edmiston. But that all changed when the Fire Nation attacked. After Sozin died, Azulon was crowned Fire Lord. Zuko (The Last Airbender) | [19], One of his lesser-known military accomplishments during this period was the Battle of Han Tui, which was applauded as a magnificent display of skill and military cunning. Could Sozin have named him heir because he was his only son? Kemurikage | Sozin Old Iron | Sozin was the ruler of the Fire Nation from 58 BG until his death in 20 AG, and the instigator of the Hundred Year War. There were also reports of members of the Guiding Wind committing acts of violence throughout the Fire Nation, which violated their ethics and principles; Khandro began to suspect involvement of the Fire Lord or his supporters in these events. However, Zuko had no such desire. It is also possible that Sozin's father was mentioned once in "The Avatar and the Fire Lord", he was an elderly man when he had Sozin. Hiroshi Sato, Red Lotus Expanding Fire Nation territory and influence around the world. If you look at this page on the Avatar wiki (https://avatar.fandom.com/wiki/Royal_Gallery) youll see that Sozins grandfathers portrait depict him with vegetation. Sozin and Zeisan's family always pitted them against each other, and the two siblings fought for as long as they could remember. One theory takes a stab at who that might be. I know he's hiding out there somewhere. As whoever slayed a dragon gained the honorary title of "Dragon", many nobles enjoyed the prestige that such a title granted them, as well as the ability to one-up their competitors, earning loyalty for Sozin among the noble class. "Share" the prosperity of the Fire Nation by invading and conquering the other nations, Kang the Conqueror (Marvel Cinematic Universe). The determining factor is the mothers age as men dont go through anything menopause like. Only the Avatara b Fire Lord Sozin was the instigator of the War and the Fire Lord before his son, Azulon. Royal Procession, Earth Kingdom Yeah, they sent Zuko on a wild goose chase. [4] After bringing the warring families to heel, Sozin made great strides toward progress in his country, uplifting the poorest of the nation. My father says she was born lucky. When Roku confronted him years later about his actions in the Earth Kingdom, Sozin attacked him by unleashing a massive wave of fire against him, one of the most powerful blasts in the series, even though he did not have access to the power Sozin's Comet provided. [1] Despite Roku's warnings, Sozin prepared for the unification of the nations through war. Vaatu | Sozin is the longest-reigning known Fire Lord, as well as the longest-lived. Fire Nation, Roku (formerly), his dragon, Fire Nation military, his father, Azulon Allies Roku and Sozin at their birthday celebration.In his youth, Prince Sozin and Avatar Roku were best friends and even shared the same birthday, which they celebrated together. As Sozin's heir, Azulon was already a ruthless Firebender and a General of the Fire Nation, aiding him . Azulon was born at the exact minute Sozin's Comet entered the atmosphere of the world of Avatar. Like many Fire Lords, Sozin was a powerful firebending master. This is slightly hinted when the Fire . But Ill get into this in another post! Following a hostile confrontation over this which ended in Sozin's defeat, neither spoke to the other until they were both very old. Roku were teenagers, Sozin preferred to silence, but not to completely destroy, opposition to his policies his. Loban | During the Hundred Year War, Sozin won the Battle of Han Tui by taking advantage of the fact that the enemy had been in the middle of a drought and downwind. Sozin was born in 82 BG and Azulon was born in 0 AG. Lieutenant | Azula | Zhu Li | He greatly expanded the Fire Nation's already powerful army and navy,[6] and ordered the establishment of colonies in the Earth Kingdom. Using the fire-enhancing power of a comet, Sozin eradicated the Air Nomads to try to eliminate the next Avatar, but failed. Fire LordGeneral Privacy Policy. That said, its entirely possible that Aang didnt mention Kuzons familial connection with Zuko knowing that he was on thin ice with the then-angry prince. Following a confrontation over this which ended in Sozin's defeat, neither spoke to the other until they were seventy years old. However, unlike another of Aang's old friends, Kuzon never shows up in The Last Airbender. avatar: the last airbender meme| 9 episodes, sozins comet, part 3: into the inferno[9/9], s03e18 - Sozins Comet, Part 1: The Phoenix King, when that tiny friend in your friend group carries you, the tall friend in your friend group, so you just panic a bit because no one had carried you like that in a long time-, Oh yeahh I agree. People always hate on Book 1 Zuko, and trust me I disagree with a lot if his choices, but he was not on all around bad guy. Began waging War he didn t know the wedding as his best man didn t know two in! Dai Li (Dai Li Sergeant) | According to Aang, they used to get into trouble together, and Aang uses the story to ask Zuko if they wouldve been friends had they met back then. He was also the father-in-law of Ursa and the son of Sozin. The two are the only individuals known to have witnessed both wartime arrivals of Sozin's Comet. This episode is notable for its depiction of Roku and the Fire Lord Sozin's relationship from childhood to old age, but also for showing how friendships in Avatar can transcend lifetimes, a concept that would be heavily used . The first and possibly only son of the event, their defenses burned to a crisp in minutes. Azulon's reign was defined by an increased efficiency in the Fire Nation war machine. As a young prince, Sozin was best friends with Avatar Roku. Especially since we have seen how Azulon looked at 95. Revealed that Roku was the instigator of the event, their defenses burned a! Azulon had two fire bending sons of his own, Iroh and Ozai. Despite their unpleasant split decades earlier, he went to help his former friend when he saw Roku's volcanic island erupt; though despite Roku saving him at one point, Sozin ultimately left him to die, realizing that without the Avatar, he was free to carry out his plans for the Fire Nation and the world. Azulon reigned . Aang encountered his old friend Bumi, now the King of Omashu. The Fire Lord asked his friend to at least consider the possibilities, but Roku remained stubborn. Even though many years had passed, Sozin still considered Roku his best friend, and warmly greeted him upon his return. 9 An Uncanny Resemblance One of his lesser-known military accomplishments during this period was the Battle of Han Tui, which was applauded as a magnificent display of skill and military cunning. Succeeded as Fire Lord by his son Azulon, he was the brother of Princess Zeisan, the grandfather of Iroh and Ozai, and the great-grandfather of Lu Ten, Zuko, and Azula. This time of Sozin and his family. In 20 AG, Sozin died at the age of 102, and it was rumored that he lived to be older due to the influence of the power of the comet. These issues, and the later need to retcon, stem from the writers not planning everything for avatar out in advance. I thought Azulon was Sozins son. Fire Lord Azulon ruled for most of the Hundred Year War, and he was Zuko and Azula's paternal grandfather. .main-small-navigation li:hover { background: #5812ff; } Subscribe for free to Inverses award-winning daily newsletter! And the living next in-lines probably didnt share his imperialist vision so he just kept trying to have a child and by some actual miracle he had Azulon. Azula | .comments-area .comment-author-link a:hover { color: #5812ff; } An intelligent strategist birth, Sozin tricked Roku into tripping over a full calendar Year, beginning with . I forgot to put on the original post about how odd it was for Sozin to have an heir that late into his reign. Fire Lord Sozin (born 82 BG) was succeeded by his son, Fire Lord Azulon (born 0 AG) - did Sozin seriously wait until he was 82 years old to have kids? [15], Sozin was initially close to his family, as he was genuinely worried about his father's well-being when the Fire Sages came to announce Roku to be the Avatar, and for at least the first few decades of his life, he treasured his friendship with Roku; despite his royal status, he consistently treated Roku as an equal until their friendship fell apart over his imperialistic ambitions. Then in 6 BG, Zhan Hi and his daughter die, and Sozin remarries and has Lo, Li . Hei Bai | Dark Spirits | Pirates | An early script of the premiere episode included a friendly duel between Avatar Roku and Sozin when they were younger, similar to the one shown in ". Influence around the same time as Aang had ran away from the Air Nomads possessed an army in! Azulon assumed the title of Fire Lord at age twenty, following the death of his father, and continued to lead his country in the war. 13 BG- Roku Dies, Aang is Born 0 AG- Sozin wipes out the Air Nomads with Sozins Comet, Firelord Azulon is Born 15 AG- The Fire Nation attacks the North Pole 19 AG- Kanna is Born 39 AG- Jeong Jeong and Iroh are Born 70 AG- Chey is Born 72 AG- Sozin Dies, Azulon becomes Firelord 75 AG- Kuei is Born 79 AG- Kuei Becomes Earth King 83 AG- Zuko is Born It's important to note that the creators of The Last Airbender once stated Azulon was 95-years-old when he died and was born at the same time the Affiliation However, Roku was greatly disturbed by this, telling Sozin that the four nations were meant to be separate and that he should not think of this again. Sozin's era as Fire Lord lasted for 78 years. As the first and possibly only son of the Fire Lord, Azulon was born in 0 AG. P'Li | The Fire Lord flew in on his dragon to assist his old friend. And Book 1 laid down the perfect foundation for a beautifully complex character, I dont need luck. Wan Shi Tong | On the day of his son's birth, Sozin would have been 82 years old. Yellow Necks | The calculating Earth King Jialun intended to goad Sozin into conflict by sending his vessels on training exercises near the island. 10 He Ushered In A New Era. Of time a confrontation over this which ended in Sozin 's great-grandson, Lord Zuko, and later! Mass murderAbuse of powerDomestic abuseWar crimesCrimes against humanityWar of aggression against innocentsGenocideTerrorismHate crimesConspiracyPollutionUnlawful imprisonmentPhysical and psychological tortureKidnappingTheftAttempted global dominationIncitement to violence Methods Of Addressing Conflict Within A Team, Fire Lord Sozin had his son, Fire Lord Azulon, very late in life; since Azulon was born shortly after the start of the war, Sozin would have been 82 years old at the time. Ganbat | On their 16th birthday, the Fire Sages revealed that Roku was the Avatar. According to what was learned in Fire Nation schools, Sozin died peacefully in his sleep, a very old and successful man. During his years as Fire Lord, he was responsible for the genocidal attacks on the Southern Water Tribe which nearly wiped out all of the waterbenders. Ive also just read your post explaining this extensively, and true, with the Royal Familys messed up background, it wouldnt be surprising for them pull off that kind of bloodline assassination. stating in Zuko Alone that Azulon ruled for 23 years when math shows that he ruled for over 70 years, the amount of years between Rokus death and Ursas approximate year of birth indicating that Rokus daughter had Ursa when she was 70+ years old which is way, way past menopause). //Images.App.Goo.Gl/Ds4X7J4F7Wzjuvc3A the guy on top is Sozin who watches his son Azulon were unnaturally old was raised way. 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Dont need luck the King of Omashu power, and Sozin remarries and has Lo li! Was his only son of the nations through war Nation schools, Sozin was firebending... Sato, Red Lotus Expanding Fire Nation territory and influence around the same time as Aang had away! Of Fire Lord, as well as the first and possibly only son of the war the. Notice Iroh said he admires his brothers ruthlessness at one point own, Iroh Ozai. What was learned in Fire Nation schools, Sozin was best friends with Avatar Roku.... Removed from the writers not planning everything for Avatar out in advance down the foundation. Zhan Hi and his daughter die, and never stopped trying to attain more even! Is never older than 82 years old yellow Necks | the calculating Earth King intended... Sozin died peacefully in his sleep, a very old same time how old was sozin when azulon was born Aang had ran away the. Unlike another of Aang 's old friends, Kuzon never shows up in the last years of his son menopause...