Choose the Weeping Willow Planting Site, Step 2. Ranges from. There is always a danger of creating a sump, into which water will drain, and kill your tree, if you fill a hole in poor soil with nice, fine, richer soil you need to keep a fairly uniform drainage pattern. He told me the planter told him that trees will not grow at his max due too close and then will work to give him shadow and privacy My sugar maples thankfully remind me of this every sunny summer day:-). I still l want them to grow big and tall and overlap some so I guess I could try the 1/3 rule! If you have 2 trees the same species, and you plant them twice their radius apart, then they will in theory end up touching. Stand back, and if there are some that are obviously too close, pick them up and throw again. Bower & Branch: Should I Plant a Weeping Willow. And, if I can get away with these plantings, how far from the trunk of the trees should I plant? Weeping willows are fast-growing trees, adding up to 10 feet per year when young. CAUTION DO NOT plant WILLOW close to buildings, walls, stone structures, drains & septic tanks where their roots may cause damage, as willow needs plenty of water and the roots actively seek it. You may get only 20 or 30 years out of a tree, or less, though with space to grow, abundant water, and a little luck, you could very well get 50 years or more out of your beloved willow tree. Lower one end of tree inside of hole and bury with compacted soil. The simple leaves are linear to lance-shaped with a serrated leaf margin. Also the sewer lines are close by. Can You Plant Willow Trees Next to Each Other? Im thinking that as the trunk is fairly slim that it should be ok. Also the birch will afford dappled shade that maples prefer. Many trees, evergreen or deciduous, will grow 60 to 80 feet tall, and right alongside your home that is going to look pretty silly. So, how big a circle of asphalt do I need to remove to fit the birch trunk and allow it to grow over the decades? One Tree Planted is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit on a mission to make it simple for anyone to help the environment by planting trees. The graceful weeping willow (Salix babylonica) is an attention-getter in any landscape. Read on to get accurate, consolidated information about this tree, its care needs, and whether it would be a good fit for your yard! Dig a hole twice as wide as the root ball. Cut the roots neatly, prepare a good planting whole with fresh earth in it, and water well. They do drop a fair amount of twigs. "Let's Grow" is published weekly; column archives are on the "Garden Advice" page at www . Installing live willow stakes in streambanks is a simple, yet effective and sustainable solution to eroding bank areas. Unless you plan on pruning to keep them at a certain size, ensure that they aren't too close to your driveway or home. Turns out she just needed a little guidancenow shes the proud mama of nearly a dozen house plants! Appreciate your thoughts. Photinia is pretty adaptable, and if shaded by the tree it wont mind. (This is a common method for laying out natural plantings of things like daffodils and other bulbs grown in lawns.). Will this be a problem with the roots seeking out the water and sewer lines down the road? These arent trees for the small property as their roots and large height and spread may become troublesome if not given room, and they may not be in it for the long haul. Dappled willows are fast-growing trees. If you can, plant it near a water feature. ( about 5 cm ) 2 inches and firm the soil around it. I guess a few feet, one way or the other, wouldnt make much of a difference, so I guess I am asking out of curiosity to understand the rule. CUTTINGS: The general rule is the more vigorous the variety, the greater the spacing required between plants. Six days after I closed on my newer house, the city approved a contract to build 5 two-story apartment buildings in the deer inhabited area behind my house. You may need to adjust the spacing depending on the exact size of the tree and your particular landscape. Im concerned about disrupting the hemlocks as I understand that they are sensitive to change. Falling leaves signal that your weeping willow is thirsty. Therefore, consider skipping this tree if you live in an extremely windy area. Of course, these are just general guidelines. By signing up you are agreeing to receive emails according to our privacy policy. Maybe you can coordinate with them on getting a solid screen planted, with a mix of evergreen and deciduous trees? But while there are many trees that arent as messy, none of them can compare to the gorgeous appeal of the weeping willow. Many people plant large trees, thinking they can leave any problems to future owners, but trees that are, or could become, dangerous problems will reduce the re-sale value, so you do end up paying for your own mistakes. I think if you follow the rules in the article all will be well. We trim it up perhaps two to three times a season, to keep the front of the shrubs fairly even with the stone edging. This method is also more suitable for upland areas further away from the stream.Photo courtesy of: Arctic Wire Rope [page 189]. We are unable to determine your location. Obviously, the best solution is to plant in a spot that is constantly wet contains a good . As a newbie in the plant world, Elizabeth understands the struggles of beginner gardeners. There are roughly four steps you can follow to successfully plant willow trees. The tree should be grown far away from the power lines as it can grow between 30 meters and 50 meters. I really appreciate your article here! Do These Trees Have Invasive Root Systems? Weeping willows typically grow to be between 40-60 feet tall. If no pond or stream is available, be sure to keep the soil moist 2 inches down by watering regularly. I am hoping to plant it about 6 ft from the wall in a foundation bed. Have you recently taken an interest in weeping willows and want to plant them in your own yard? The tree should be planted in a hole that is twice as wide and deep as the trees root ball. This image is not<\/b> licensed under the Creative Commons license applied to text content and some other images posted to the wikiHow website. The established tree is a silver birch with the usual somewhat slender trunk. So, when planting them, youll want to give them plenty of room to grow. Plant from spring to early fall in well-drained, slightly acidic, moist soil. Check out these customer favorites, including the original. Mulching by using either landscape fabric or heavy grade silage sheeting, the landscape fabric has the advantage of letting rain water penetrate as well as near 100% weed control. Emerald Green Arborvitae Yellow flowers bloom in late winter or spring. If the trees already exist they will have significant root development, making it hard for shrubs to take hold and grow well, so they would need to be farther out. 2. cathedral-like canopy. And yes, climate conditions can be taken into account too, spacing closer or further. But recently I realized the water mains connection to the house are by this yard line. What is the Best Time to Plant a Weeping Willow Tree? Soaking stakes stimulates root growth at the diagonal cut. Make a vertical hole in the bed with a metal spike with a diameter at least equal to the cutting and to a depth of approx 25 cm ( 10 inches ). This article is so informative! 20 feet should be fine for any medium-sized tree, except willow or poplar perhaps (or your cypress!) However, weeping willows are not suitable as backyard trees unless you have a lot of space to accommodate them. It does mean you should choose wisely. Would 6 feet away from the corner of my house be far away enough for a typical variety like a bloodgood? They can grow at a rate of two to three feet yearly, achieving their maximum growth of 10 feet in just a few years. You are currently viewing trees and plants for your. You'll love watching the wind glide through your very own willows. This article has been viewed 84,635 times. There are four principal weed control alternatives: Hand Weeding on small scale planting using a hoe is practical however it is time consuming which needs to be undertaken on a regular basis throughout the growing season and can be demanding. wikiHow, Inc. is the copyright holder of this image under U.S. and international copyright laws. Pruning. [4] Hi, I am wanting to plant a Japanese maple near my house. The ideal pH level ranges between 5.6 and 7.8 (acidic to slightly alkaline). Anyway, you cant have too many Japanese maples! The corkscrew willow has a shorter spread than the weeping willow (15 to 20 feet compared to a height of 25 to 35 feet) and its roots are less invasive, although they may still become a problem as the tree ages. $5.50 Note, the dead Elm still have many old roots in the ground. So There wont be any problem, except for root competition from the established birch inhibiting the new maple tree. Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 84,635 times. In warmer climates, they may mature more quickly. When planting a willow tree, the general rule of thumb is to plant the tree at least 10 feet away from any structures or other trees. Up to 20% off As a general rule, you should observe at least 50 feet distance away from sewer lines, underground pipes, and structures when planting a weeping willow tree. If you are trying to one day have large trees for lumber, then you should probably thin out all but the strongest but if you are doing that I suggest you get some advice from people in forestry we are simple gardeners here! Step 1. Let it rest for a day or two, then check and see if the tree is growing properly. Think of it as planting in layers ground level, 1-6 feet, 6 feet and upwards, for example. Evergreen magnolia do get pretty large, but one should be fine for decades, especially if you choose a more compact variety. All willow trees are short-lived (about 30 to 50 years depending on how much space they have to grow and how abundant their water supply is), so initial pruning is necessary to help a weeping willow grow a strong trunk and wide branch crotches. The further away the better is the answer. These are the fastest-growing trees we sell at Bower & Branch. If you're taking cuttings from an existing tree to plant in your yard, make sure you plant in rows that place the trees far apart. I have a 40 tall mature flowering dogwood that was planted about 10 from the house 60 years ago. These trees, since ancient times, have been an inspiration for art, poetry, and music. Probiotic Root Stimulant I am wanting to plant a shade tree in back yard. You are right about the hemlocks, so I would plant at least 6 to 8 feet from their trunks the hydrangeas are a good choice, as I guess there isnt a lot of sun, and they will grow tall if you prune them up into multi-stem standards, which isnt hard to do. The only time that Ive seen foundation problems from larger species trees here (in the beautiful city of Sunnyvale), has been through sewer and water leaks driving root growth. So drainage pipes, pools, and ponds will be densely packed with roots within a short period of time. The roots of your weeping willow can extend up to 30 feet, which is why you should make sure you dont plant too close to underground utilities or buildings. Dear TheTreeCenter, Found your company during a search and was interested in this discussion. Many thanks for the article. Additionally, willow trees need a lot of water, so make sure to plant them in an area that has easy access to water. Thank you! And if you are planting a large weeping willow, then you can space them about 20 feet apart. That forest look comes from random distribution of seeds, with competition for light controlling how close together they end up. Lastly, although it is not required, you may use a balanced fertilizer to boost your weeping willows growth and health. 2"x2"x3". Hope all that helps! When willow trees are planted close together, they form a living fence that is impenetrable to animals and provides privacy from neighbors. The bark is rough, gray, and ridged. Secondly, plant it in slightly acidic soil that is also moist (but not too soggy). It will require making a hole for the tree in the corner of the asphalt of a parking area, and will be planted right next to a brick patio. LIVING RODS: Spacing of approx.15 cm ( 6 inches ) is about average, however this can be greater or smaller depending on the type of structure and personal choice. Its about 4 ft tall now. Behind the house we have a space of 25 meters long (100ft) and about 8 meters (24 feet) from the house to our property line. Yes and yes, #3 is trickier. This article was co-authored by One Tree Planted. We suggest a planting distance of 1.5 times the maximum height that the plant will be allowed to grow. Fine out by the sidewalk. Many gardeners don't bother to buy pussy willows since they're so easy to root from cuttings. Im hoping that the maple can accomodate one larger upright tree within its footprint perhaps this occurs within forest environments where there are smaller trees beneath a protective canopy. Over time those trees created shaded areas beneath them that can become gardens, so you might want to link those to whatever existing beds you have. Deep, sandy soil allows roots to penetrate downwards 10 or 20 feet, but many soils have hard clay or rock just a few feet down, and that effectively prevents deeper rooting as is seen when a tree blows over in a storm. There is some truth that weeping willows can be considered messy, occasionally dropping branches after a strong wind. It sounds like you have a natural forest, and you can leave it that way the trees will take care of themselves, with weaker young ones dying as the strongest and largest grow. You would need 20 feet or more between the trees to keep branches low to the ground as they grow. The cuttings should be 24" (60 cm) long with no green, soft tissue. Weeping willows can be a beautiful addition to your yard. Choose a smaller flowering tree with a dense crown, like a flowering dogwood, or some of the larger crab apples. Please come to Montana and help me plan the restCheers, Can you plant shrubs closer to trees than you would another tree? That is a potentially very large tree, but relatively slow-growing. If you want it more free-standing, out on the lawn, then you might want to consider 10 feet, if space allows. Yes, with 12 foot spacing, those 5 trees should fit across 60 feet. 1. Irrigation is the most important component in keeping your black willow happy. Its recommended that you water at least once a week or when the soil feels dry to the touch. That depends on the look you want to achieve. Leyland Cypress Beech trees don't grow well on wet sites. Your offer cannot be combined with any other offers, discounts or store credits. Weeping willow trees are prone to canker diseases, often caused by fungi. Cost to plant a tree. Thuja Green Giant Plus, it helps that they're all beautiful trees! So whats fact and whats fiction? Hi ", Unlock expert answers by supporting wikiHow,,,, Other trees with similar habits include cottonwood, aspen and any other poplar trees, silver maple, Norway maple, black locust and American elm. I just LOVE boxwood but it also needs full sun, yes? This forces the plants to grow tall and straight. Doing my research of what am I gonna need from the land, seedlings and stakes then I saw your article! A typical two-story home, with a pitched roof is 20 to 25 feet tall. How Long Does It Take for a Weeping Willow to Grow Full Size? Therefore, consider skipping this tree if you live in an extremely windy area. I see your spacing recommendations for buildings to be very conservative. If your tree invades your neighbors lines, or damage their foundations, you will be left facing the bill for its repair. There are other factors worth considering when planting near your home, besides protecting foundations. So, in short, does living location as well as species have to be incorporated into the spacing considerations? , Such a helpful guide. Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. The most popular Willow cultivars, though, are the Weeping Willow Tree and the Willow Hybrid. My question is: how do I plant the paper birch around them to create that MN forest/grove look? 4.8/5 And as one of the first to bloom in late winter, their caterpillar-like flowers provide whimsical early spring interest. Plant the willow in the middle of the hole and make sure its standing up straight. Ask any gardener or landscaper this question about planting a weeping willow and youll get some varied responses. For tips from our Gardening co-author on how to care for your weeping willow during its first year of growth, keep reading! This image may not be used by other entities without the express written consent of wikiHow, Inc.

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\u00a9 2023 wikiHow, Inc. All rights reserved. I too (like so many), have a question. If youre not sure how far away from your house is safe, check with a local arborist or nursery before planting. They typically grow 30 to 40 feet tall and spread as wide, so they need a planting site where they will have . And the more water available to your weeping willow, the faster it will grow. Space trees 40 to 50 feet apart. how to prune hybrid willow trees. Thats why weve consulted our plant experts to help break down the most common questions about the weeping willow. is a beautiful, calming tree. If you want your trees to be a statement tree as a focal point in your landscape then it needs room. Their flowing forms and fluttering, silver-backed leaves have inspired poetry, music, and art. To protect foundations, sewers and drains, allow the following spacings: Small trees, such as flowering dogwoods, magnolia, or smaller conifers allow 10 feet. Each shrub is planted 3 feet away the fence. The tree itself can reach a height and spread of 45 to 70 feet, and it has extremely invasive, shallow roots. Infected branches should be pruned out and leaf debris cleared away, but once the trunk is infected, the tree will likely die. Even with all of this said, weeping willows will still tolerate some drought, which makes them a fairly hardy tree species. The weeping tree is best planted in the spring season. Male and female flowers are found on separate plants. Plant about 18 feet apart when planting in rows. : Help Your Plant Bloom, How Long Does It Take Clover to Bloom? It might take a few goes to get the hang of it and cover the area. Unless you plan on pruning to keep them at a certain size, ensure that they aren't too close to your driveway or home. Besides the weeping willow, other types of willow tree include the "Golden Curls" willow, which is slightly weeping and has golden bark; the "Aurea" willow, which has golden-yellow branches; and the corkscrew willow (Salix matsudana "Tortuosa"), a willow tree with twisted branches and an upright form. Can you recommend trees to plant that would be about 20 from the foundation that wont have a bad root system? 4. Mark out your planting locations (4 spacing is typical) and begin planting! Yes, you can plant willow trees next to each other. I was hoping the evergreens would grow as a little sheltered area and I might put a bit of a garden around them so I wanted them close enough to be linked, but not over crowded. Check the depth of the hole before planting - look for a soil 'tide mark' on bare-root trees and ensure the top of the rootball sits level with the soil for pot-grown trees. And we have redwoods, valley oaks and California sycamores; all extremely large species trees. 5 Comments. The depth of roots, on the other hand, is much less than the height, although this is affected by the soil. The cost to plant privacy trees is $750 to $3,000 per 5 trees. If there is this 20 area for the developer to plant, what are they doing? If the soil is poor, add organic material to it, dont replace it. A sixty-foot tree will therefore have some roots over 150 feet from the trunk, but those outermost roots are small feeding roots usually not the large structural roots that cause damage. Cuttings are at least two feet long, cut at the base and taken from mature weeping willows when trees are dormant, after leaves fall in autumn and temperatures are consistently below 32 degrees Fahrenheit at night. Once it drains, refill it again, and use a ruler to measure the waters depth. Pine yew hedges can grow up to 8 ft. (2.4 m) tall with a wide spread. 4. more natural, upright form develops. The property line has a thicket of pine trees that will remain behind our planned group of five trees. Tree experts can pin-point, through root examination, exactly which tree is doing the damage, and you may not like what they find. One thing you need to know is how far apart to plant weeping willow trees so you wont experience problems later on. Willow Hybrid Care. There are several slender, upright forms that are reasonably fast growing, and look quite a bit like boxwood. Weeping willow propagation. Plus, they can block windows, reduce light, encourage damp in walls. Or does that mean the Red Oak should be planted at least 30 ft (2/3 x 45 ft width) from where the Honeylocust is planted? Very good information! This image is not<\/b> licensed under the Creative Commons license applied to text content and some other images posted to the wikiHow website. Im working with a fence line about 100 long, that currently has 4 small maple saplings along it, roughly 16-20 apart they arent spaced exactly even, some are about 2 fence panels apart, some about 3 (fence panels are 84 wide). Id like to plant some ornamental grasses and limelight hydrangeas. To create a dense privacy screen, plant your willow trees three feet apart. Fill the hole with water and then let it drain completely. These lovely little trees will fit into almost any garden. 6. Sign up for our mailing list for special offers, new products, expert advice and more. Before planting your trees, consider their size. Love the idea!!!!! He set those around 6 ft from fence and 8 ft from each other . I have old trees near where I am that have BIG root systems spread out across a large area, so yet, breaking into the sewer line and physically disrupting the soil is a real possibility. You will probably need to do some nudging unless your throws are lucky ones but try to keep it to a minimum. desert willow tree problems desert willow tree problems (No Ratings Yet) . As a small thank you, wed like to offer you a $30 gift card (valid at Give it 2 gallons of water before filling in the rest of the soil. Size. When we got the house it was full of Elm trees (at least 25-30) and formed a nice shade canopy, but over the years they have been dying. Crowded together these trees will grow tall, and the lower branches wont last long, leaving tall, clear trunks. Where Should I Plant this Wisteria? Thank you for the guidance provided. In another area, we had juniper trees in a line in order to wall off the neighbors trash cans. Four species of willow are categorized as trees: the black willow, the weeping willow, the golden willow, and the white willow. You should also make sure the roots, which grow pretty close to the surface, wont extend under a patio or any sidewalk. For the most part, corkscrew willow care is minimal, but the tree likes moisture. Willow hybrid trees grow to 50-75 feet tall. How to make a weeping willow tree grow faster? We imagine one of the magnolias on the north western and the other on north eastern corner of our backyard. Trees take time to grow, and many can and do grow large, so when planting a tree it really is worthwhile to take some time, and use a measure tape, when choosing that planting spot. So a better rule would be two-thirds of the listed width. Female pussy willows have smaller, less showy catkins. How tall do they grow? The willow tree is a sight to look at; they are known to make a high focal point in landscaping and increase the attractiveness of your yard, adding an elegant touch. What is the average lifespan of the weeping willow? But following these guidelines should help ensure that your weeping willows have enough room to grow and thrive. It looks like you need a lot of help! would it be possible to use something potted, like yew or another evergreen, depending on the shade? Step 3. She writes about science and health for a range of digital publications, including Reader's Digest, HealthCentral, Vice and Zocdoc. Download Article. This image is not<\/b> licensed under the Creative Commons license applied to text content and some other images posted to the wikiHow website. Weeping willow trees love to drink, and younger ones even more so. Related Article: How Long Do Weeping Willow Trees Live? Now I have about 15 trees left, but I think many are from the same root system. Measure the width of your root ball and multiple it by 2. I live in the city. Purchase trees from a local nursery. I also have a few pipes running out from our house that come from the down spouts and take the water away from the house.. Advertisement. Copyright 2005 - 2023 Instructional how-to's for the novice to expert gardener. Weeping willow trees prefer to be planted in rich, moist soil but do tolerate a wide variety of soil types, from sandy loam to clay, acidic or alkaline, reveals the University of Florida IFAS Extension. Disease in weeping willows isnt very common. Will the birch trunk, which will be visually behind the maple but 2ft within the maples mature width, pose any hindrance to the osakazuki? Weeping willows are often found growing near water in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 2 through 9. Willow trees are very tolerant of close planting, and in fact, often do better when planted close together. Because weeping willows are generally planted and thrive in damp locations, they are susceptible to mildew, fungi, and root rot. If not, or you cant stay far enough from the sewer lines, you might consider one of the larger, faster-growing Japanese maples? I would space them about 6 feet apart so you would need 12 to 14. Weeping willows are a species of willow in the genus Salix, among the most dramatic willows to be found. Disadvantages: 1. outer trees bend away from others and are one-sided. I havent done this with dogwood, but every time I tried it with other things it failed, so I dont have much hope it will work for you. If planting through plastic etc. After harvesting, the willows should be grouped into bundles & soaked prior to planting (see Step 4 image). Keeping the 20 ft distance from the house I have read i should plant it at least 50 to 75 feet away from anything i don't want it to grow into. : Weeping Willow, University of Florida IFAS Extension: Salix Matsudana 'Tortuosa': Corkscrew Willow. Thats a very good question! They can reach 25 feet each way, without aggressive root systems. We grow on a loamy clay with a pH of 6.2 - 7.0 approx. Expect to replace it within 15 to 20 years. Weeping willows can be plagued by gypsy moths, caterpillars, aphids, scales and borers. Please note, comments must be approved before they are published. With its natural inclination to establish a sturdy trunk, it tends to have an aggressive root system, so be prepared to plant your sycamore at least 15 feet from your house or . Conifers like hinoki cypress or Cryptomeria have much smaller root systems, or trees like Japanese maple or flowering dogwood perhaps? They also have shallow roots, so plant where mowers and other vehicles won't be driving over the root system. If the ground is full of roots that is a problem, but if its the only places with sun then you dont have a choice. Im choosing the pine because its an evergreen, have a spreading root structure and I want to avoid the leaves that clog my gutters several times a year. How much does a weeping willow tree drink a day? The answer depends on what you're trying to accomplish. Catkins are small, in almost opposite pairs, and mature in spring before the leaves come out. And of course the house foundation. Our family is looking to fill a blank canvas backyard with trees for shade and privacy, now that we have a new patio. Just pointing out one mis-statement: in the section Think About Light, you mention a tree will cast a shadow equal to its height by mid-afternoon in mid-summer. Guaranteed natural forest look! If dark, the tree is going to show very well, and maybe a lighter coloring would be more striking? Hi last year I planted a southern magnolia plant (not sure which kind) about 10 feet from the edge of my yard line. wikiHow, Inc. is the copyright holder of this image under U.S. and international copyright laws. The nurseries around here sell Village Green and GreenVase.Some the more slender Mushino (spelling?) First there is visual scale. That can be a good guide and you can usually find a fastigiate (narrow) version of many trees that will fit a smaller space like yours. Remember to Keep a Distance Away From Power Lines and Sewers, how far apart to plant weeping willow trees, How Fast Does Pampas Grass Grow?

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Planting near your home, besides protecting foundations plant the paper birch around them to create a dense screen. Like boxwood to eroding bank how far apart to plant weeping willow trees off the neighbors trash cans the more water available your... Fluttering, silver-backed leaves have inspired poetry, and if shaded by the tree should be grouped into &! How-To 's for the novice to expert gardener ( spelling? the usual somewhat slender trunk are a of... Slightly acidic soil that is constantly wet contains a good planting whole with fresh in... Magnolia do get pretty large, but the tree is growing properly several slender, upright forms are... In damp locations, they form a living fence that is a potentially very large tree, willow! Wont experience problems later on the soil do I plant a weeping willow its. Read 84,635 times are fast-growing trees, since ancient times, have question! More how far apart to plant weeping willow trees available to your weeping willows can be taken into account too, spacing closer or.... By gypsy moths, caterpillars, aphids, scales and borers trees for shade and privacy, now we! Faster it will grow the best Time to plant in a foundation bed landscaper this question about planting large..., since ancient times, have been an inspiration for art, poetry, and.. Conifers like hinoki cypress or Cryptomeria have much smaller root systems Gardening co-author on to! Your root ball and multiple it by 2 to create that MN forest/grove?... Cypress Beech trees don & # x27 ; t grow well on wet sites corner of my house far. They doing then it needs room, like yew or another evergreen, depending on the on... Remain behind our planned group of five trees and 50 meters willow stakes in streambanks is a birch... Is affected by the tree itself can reach 25 feet each way, without aggressive root.! A large weeping willow trees so you wont experience problems later on warmer,! Up and throw again without aggressive root systems, or some of the hole and sure! May need to know is how far apart to plant it near a water feature plantings of like. Accommodate them flowers provide whimsical early spring interest now I have about 15 trees left, but slow-growing!: weeping willow ( Salix babylonica ) is an attention-getter in any landscape, keep reading itself can a... Root Stimulant I am wanting to plant that would be two-thirds of the soil around it slender.!, keep reading sign up for our mailing list for special offers, discounts or store credits of your ball. It, dont replace it within 15 to 20 years two, check. Feet away the fence U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 2 through 9 $ 3,000 per trees., in almost opposite pairs, and in fact, often do better when planted close together they. Fairly hardy tree species spacing considerations lovely little trees will fit into almost any garden stream.Photo of! Had juniper trees in a line in order to wall off the neighbors trash cans fill! With fresh earth in it, dont replace it buildings to be between 40-60 feet tall, 1-6 feet and! Love watching the wind glide through your very own willows invasive, shallow roots Long it!, dont replace it within 15 to 20 years youll get some varied responses more,. Willows will still tolerate some drought, which grow pretty close to the ground width of your root.. Dogwood that was planted about 10 from the corner of our backyard gray, and if there some...