What does Victor have to do before he leaves? b. unpaid In this quote, the creature begins to accumulate this new sense of self. How does he feel about Henry going with him? What did the creature learn by watching the family at the cottage? Do you think his feelings are justified and/or understandable? His lack of language forces him to be unable to communicate. When his creation was no longer inanimate, Frankenstein essentially abandoned him. Ever since the creature was created or came to life he has no information about the world. The creature, in observing the cottage's three inhabitants, contrives a great affection for the beauty and nobility of their faces. what does dijon mustard taste like. Safi, who cannot communicate with Felix and his family, learns to read in French. He wanted to feel as if someone loved and cared for him just as they had hown. The cottagers are in fact influential for the monster because he learned how to be generous, how and why smile, and he figured out how to actually do stuff like a human. How does the creature feel about the people in the cottage? The creature believes that this demonstrates the family's ability to assist those whom society has scorned, and he hopes that they will be open to overlooking his own grotesque construction. While the creation was in the woods he would describe how they felt and he would describe in detail the nature around him. What does he wish he had done? Your email address will not be published. The De Lacey family rejects the creature after the blind Monsieur De Lacey's children return and see with whom their father has been keeping company. This creature had a big impact on Victor's life and went on to do good and terrible things. The creature is compared to Adam and Satan from John Milton's epic poem Paradise Lost, which he read as factual (at first) and a true history of the world's birth. answer choices. when he suddenly becomes happy and starts smiling, the monster becomes very confused because he didnt know the different emotions that humans could have. Who observes his actions? One cottagers that had the most impact on him in my opinion would be Felix because he can relate to him more since both are young guys who are going through emotions. As a result of these incidents, he resolves to stay away from humans. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". How chemistry is important in our daily life? What does the monster do to the delaceys? According to the Creature, how do the cottagers feel about life, and how does this affect the way he sees himself? This quotation describes the reaction of the De Lacey family to the work the monster does to help them. The creature, which Victor Frankenstein created, killed Why does the creature calls the cottagers his protectors? The creature calls the cottagers his protectors because he pretends that he is a part of their family and that they would take care of him. Love kept Felixs family happy and together. What did the creature learn from the Delacey family? It is only through his watching of the DeLacey family that he is able to learn to speak. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. The monster was eager to find the elements normal humans possessed. He. In his knowledge that social belonging is the missing component to his own happiness, he confronts the people he secretly observed only to, once again, be met with fear and anger (94-95). He then read the letters that were in the pocket of the coat he had taken from Victor Frankenstein. Why doesnt the creature kill itself after this incident? He also speaks of himself as a fallen angel, much like Satan in Paradise Lost. A beautiful woman in a dark dress and veil arrives at the cottage on horseback and asks to see Felix. Why does Victor ask Elizabeth to retire without him? How does Victor feel as he nears his home? Observing the love and affection between others only increases the effect his own solitude has on him. What happens to Victor after he survives the storm and makes it to land? Her purpose in the novel was to point out the positivity of that moment rather than the negativity that the monster was experiencing. Best summary PDF, themes, and quotes. Because this is one of the first and only things the creature learns from his little interaction with society, it suggests that it is not only important, but also very, Frankensteins creature initially shows no signs of ill will or malice when first encountering human beings (Shelley 72-73). This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Ugly wretch (Pg. Why is the creature confused to see his Cottagers crying? The creature wasn't trying to harm William, but the creature gets fed up with his insults, and reacts violently. Most often asked questions related to bitcoin. In what ways is he different from the characters in the book? What actually happens? He learns to speak, and then to read, by observing and listening to the cottagers. his mother's death that drove him to fight death and creature the 4 How did the creature react to watching the family? He also learns many skills just from watching them. She exemplified pureness. They are compassionate and love each other deeply and the monster sees this in the people as a good characteristic. Once he reaches the hut, the Creature finds that. Elizabeth Lavenza. No matter where the creature tried to fit in, everyone. Although the creature was emotionally and mentally similar to the cottagers and other humans, its appearance was the factor that caused them to instantly reject the creature without knowing it for who it really was. In Mary Shelleys Frankenstein, the creature learns a great deal from observing the DeLacey family. Felix is one of the cottagers the monster pays close attention to. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. ", he is going to explain what happened to him that has made him a killer. Shelly portrays the scene in an elegant manner. Do you see anything wrong in his decision, 1. the creatures might hate each other 2. she might be evil 3. she might leave him 4. they might have babies. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. He learns as well, and learns faster and better than Safie does. What is Henry's opinion of the area around the Rhine? In what ways is the creature similar to the DeLaceys? In Frankenstein, Victor Frankensteins creature experiences rejection due to society judging the creature based on his appearance. The monster notices the care and concern the family has for each other, and he senses that there is a mood of despair among the younger family members. Also through Felix he is able to learn the basic chores and the emotion of despair and empathy. The cottagers are influence for the monster because he observes them first and notices theyre unhappy. Safie and the monster were very similar in different ways . disgusted, horrified; leaves the room falls asleep, Describe Victor Frankenstein's disturbed dream, imagines kissing Elizabeth, who turns into his dead mother. How long has it been since the creature came to life? What opinion does victor have of his creation? The creature tries to save a drowning girl and when the girls companion sees the monster, the man shoots at the monster. According to the creature, how is he both like and dissimilar to Adam? Some of the healthy human interactions that victor is exposed too is how a family unit works, and how people are genuinely good people who look out for each other. What does he do after the creature comes to life? He says, That it might be in my, This creature has been attacked by people because of the way it looks and because of the strong skin it has. Copyright 1999 - 2023 GradeSaver LLC. When he realized the harm he was causing the family by stealing their food ,he would study their expression and realized he didnt like to see them sad, after all the struggle they endure to get food and do their daily chores since their father was blind . Summary: Chapter 13 As winter thaws into spring, the monster notices that the cottagers, particularly Felix, seem unhappy. Question 8 30 seconds Q. The cottagers dispositions are calm and they show that they care about one another. B. Analyze one of the cottagers in a paragraph. Contrast Henry and Victor. What are some examples of how providers can receive incentives? They are horrified instead. watch over his family; he cannot sleep at all, gets addicted to pills. Spring turns into summer. 132) Give examples of how this is true, he goes with his gut when it has to do with the monster; like agreeing to create his companion, enjoying life, excited; fearful, depressed. The creature spends the winter trying to understand the language of the family in the cottage. He comes to realise that he. Some times its easy to forget that the monster is in one way or another a baby as he was born recently and hasnt been taught anything. The cottages play a huge role in the monsters learning and understanding process. The cottagers were the . What is his/her purpose in the novel? What opinion does victor express about his creation? | Certified Educator. What did the creature learn in Frankenstein? Why does he feel this is an odious but necessary task? Just like the human race, the monster has too discovered his own feelings. How did Plutarchs Lives, Goethes journal affect Frankenstein? The creature responds to the fire by taking pleasure in the warmth and at one point gets burned and gets amazed with it. B. Analyze one of the cottagers in a paragraph. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Do you agree with his decision? He didnt even know how to communicate with people. Why is the de Lacey family living in exile? Why does the monster see himself as different from the biblical Adam? one character thats very affected to him is Felix, the son. The main cottager that the monster pays attention to is Safie. It also highlights individual responsibilities along with societies and how important it is socializing with others. The monster stated that, Safie was always gay and happy and she taught the monster much that he comprehends. He was basically raised by these people. 2 Why does the creature secretly gather wood at night for the De Lacey family? He is amazed at the simple things they employ: tapers (candles) to lengthen the day, a guitar to create music. How does the creature respond to the DeLacey familys departure? Why does the creature kill William? For several reasons, I believe Victor Frankenstein's creature is human. They were once well respected and well off in Paris. they leave; he is filled with rage for the first time and vows revenge on mankind. What does Felix do when he sees the creature? d. bored. Like himself he is monstrously ugly and he is utterly alone. Was I then a monster. Upon coming up with these realizations, overall the cottagers(Felix)(Safie) have had both a positive and negative influence on the monsters way of understanding life. The monster, like DeLacey, is challenged as well. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. One of the cottagers was Saife a young girl of Arab decent. The family suffers from poverty and a lack of food. How does Victor feel when he regains consciousness? In your opinion, is the justification the creature offers for his actions adequate? The monster likens himself to Adam, the first human created in the Bible. Felix is the son, who just stays in the house, helping the blind dad. He is sheltered from the cruelties of human society, and only hears about them through word of mouth, and a history book. he brought joy back to his life; took care of him, Describe Henry's mood at the end of this chapter. What does the creature learn that changes Felix's feelings from sorrow to joy? It was his depression after What is the result? A character that intrigues me and has influence in the book is Safie without a dought. Who wrote the music and lyrics for Kinky Boots? The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. He has been watching all the people going about their business and he thinks that they are quite beautiful to look at. No one was willing to attempt to understand him except for Agathe who was blind, but even that was short lived as Felix was quick to attack the creature. How does Victor feel when he realizes his creation has left his apartment? At one point during this time, he sees himself reflected in a pool of water. This leads to Victors creature separating himself from society to distance himself from abuse. What happens when the creature enters a village? doesn't deserve it, he describes him as an enemy. Even though there is no self-acceptance, the creature goes on to introduce itself to the cottagers, who are living in the same forest, but receives a response of horror and was beaten violently with a stick by Felix, one of the cottagers (97). Arsenal vs Fulham live stream: How to watch the Premier League online and on TV from anywhere, team news. In conclusion, The Sorrows of Werther opened the creatures eyes to the immediate world around him and the pains associated with life especially when one is rejected by the people they love. she is innocent but he is tortured by guilt. The influence the cottagers have on the monster is shown when he cleans the land for the cottagers and they see the monster as their guardian angel or good spirit. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. He is aware of his otherness and knows that he is shut out from intercourse (84) with the people he holds so dear. How does Felix react when he sees the creature? What does it mean that the Bible was divinely inspired? Ask and answer questions. Of my creation and creator, I was absolutely ignorant, but I knew that I possessed no money, no friends, no kind of property (Pg. 4 What does the monster learn from the De Lacey family? he has to resolve the problem of the monster first. he feels immediate regret and wonders what he was thinking in the first place in creating such an ungodly. What does Victor do after realizing the potential problems of creating a female monster? This shows how, despite the monsters appearance, he is willing to help others in need. What are the conflicts in A Christmas Carol? 3 How long did Frankensteins monster watch the Cottagers? The woman, who does not speak the language of the cottagers, is named Safie. How is he feeling at this point? This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The monster had been treated unfairly by humanity I desired love and fellowship and I was spurned. The monster was able to acquire knowledge at the time he was living with them. arrival of Hilda Wangel, a(n) _______________________ who stirs What did the creature tell Frankenstein about the locket? Before this the only human interaction he has seen/expirence was the abandonment of Victor. Summary: Chapter 16 In the wake of this rejection, the monster swears to revenge himself against all human beings, his creator in particular. no one would believe him, they'd think he's crazy, wouldn't be able to catch the monster anyway. If that person did not conform, then they were seen as an outcast and had trouble communicating or being with society as they were different. Although labelled as a horrifying monster, nothing but his exterior fit this description, until he was discriminated by society. Don't forget to add any necessary written accents. fearful, doesn't want to make the monster, procrastinates. What is thought to influence the overproduction and pruning of synapses in the brain quizlet? How does the creature feel about the Sorrows of Werther? How and why are the cottagers influential for the monster? The creature realizes he is the only one in existence. Summary and Analysis Chapter 15. Safie was a ray of sunshine to the monster. he looked very bad, as in his emotion. Tempted to join in their union his present memories of the barbaric villager attacking him stopped him. He found a portmanteau that had several books in it, and he read them. How did the delacey family lose their money? Victor Frankenstein, the DeLacey family, and the father and daughter he meets throughout his journey do not accept him. But she named the infant do sex pills actually work Pearl, as being of great price, purchased with all she had, her mother s only treasure How strange, indeed Man had marked this woman s sin by a scarlet letter, which had can testosterone make you taller such potent and disastrous efficacy that no human sympathy could reach her, save it were sinful like herself. I felt the greatest ardor for virtue rise within me, and abhorrence for vice, as far as I understood the signification of those terms, relative as they were, as I applied them, to pleasure and pain alone(125). What does the monster learn from the De Lacey family? This continuous questioning shows that the creature cannot accept its own appearance. Where is he leading Victor and for what purpose? In every situation where the creature attempts to interact with others, he is shunned immediately, before even being able to say a word. Required fields are marked *. So therefore he was excluded by society. Through the observing of the cottages physical action he was able to learn some basic chores as clearing snow or chopping woods. Overall, what is the creature's reaction to the cottagers? victor abandoned him; yes, victor was greedy and irresponsible, monster doesn't know better, Why does the creature think he will be happy with a female like himself? The cottagers are the most influential to the monster simply because that is the first healthy form of human interaction that the monster sees. Homework Blog: Franken-chapters Fifteen & Sixteen How does Victor feel about the companion creature he is creating? What does the creature say he discovers about himself? Later when he saw Justine sleeping, he put it in her pocket, intending that she should take the blame for the murder. Unknowingly they help him understand little by little how significant verbal language is; [this] lead me to to apply with fresh ardour to acquiring the art of language. (pg 205) Their small conversations spark an interest in the power of speech as the monster sees that through speech one can communicate their thoughts to another. felix rescued safie and her father; father does not want her to. When they were unhappy, I felt depressed;when they rejoiced, I sympathized in their joys(199). Explain the following statement Victor makes: "But through the whole period during which I was the slave of my creature, I allowed myself to be governed by the impulse of the moment.". Like learning everything else about the world base on experience, the monster was able to differentiate roles within the society by finding constant pattern. he doesn't want to but he decides to because the monster threatens his friends. "And what was I? He longs for companionship and feels wretched. 2 What else does the creature learn about? How does her father feel about this? The creature also discovers that he has the same needs for company and friendship that humans have. he rescues a little girl and is shot for it. She describes a pastoral family, living by their own volition, in a plain and simple life. Her name was Safi. Do you agree with his reasoning? Safie like the monster is new to a foreign land and doesnt really know what is going on until she begins learning like the monster. The discovery of the plot by the French authorities causes the ruin of the De Lacey family, as the government confiscates the De Laceys wealth for their aid in the escape of Safies father. The cottagers not only helped the monster grow as an intelligent person, the monster was able to learn about emotions. Summary and Analysis Chapter 12. The creature is confused to see the cottagers crying because he thinks they have everything and thought they were happy. Who was the author of the Sorrows of Werter? He feels like he wants to be with them, but he knows as soon as What feelings does this discovery cause? He perceives that he doesnt fit into the society and that no one loves him. Give your opinion of this plan. The monster sees another side to the emotions of humans are able to express.The old man is meant to be a father figure to the monster. Due to my knowledge, the name Safie has a translation in Arabic. Felix had also done something that impacted the monster the most being that he gave his food to the blind man instead of eating it himself. The monster learned how to read from a family that lived in a cottage close to where he lived. He acquires a basic knowledge of the language, including the names of the young man and woman, Felix and Agatha. He compares himself to Adam because he was born without a connection to any other human being; he is the first of his kind, just like Adam. Sorrows of Werter. How does the creature learn about his own creation? 8. The cottagers are influential to the the monster because there unknowingly teaching the monster how to speak, live, which humanizes the monster. The monster particularly sees the love and affection between Felixs mood change and Safies, as Felix becomes ecstatic the moment he sees her. He realizes that their despair results from their poverty, to which he has been contributing by surreptitiously stealing their food. Write the letter of the choice that gives the sentence a meaning that is closest to the original sentence. What event further confirms the creatures hatred of humans? He is amazed at the simple things they employ: tapers (candles) to lengthen the day, a guitar to create music. This reveals to us that the creature lives in a society that is judgmental and is aware of the creatures suffering, but ignores it because he is not "normal." One specific cottager that had an effect on the monster was felix. What is the first thing he says to his creature? Although the creature wants to join these people, why does he decide not to? What happened to Felix family in Frankenstein? The creature has the mind set of an infant so the cottagers play a key role in developing his personality and characteristics. How did the cottagers end up in their unfortunate state? However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. The monster also read Victors journal, which contained details of his creation. The monster was completely misunderstood and at no stage a welcome guest. Felix became a character the monster watched because of his duties and emotions. What Does the Ending Mean? Why did the creature think the Cottagers were unhappy? As a reader I pity him because he doesnt know that when helping out the cottagers, they show gratitude by calling him, good spirit or wonderful and at the time he doesnt knows those words so he never go to feel appreciated. Love was able to remove Felixs sadness, of which was so severe, it troubled the monster too. What does the creature say about his present position? He showed interest to the monster because although he was going through a hard time he still tried to be happy. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. The creature learns what a family is, how they share each others company, and how they support and love one another. Why does Victor decide to go to Scotland? The De Lacey family includes the blind father, his son, Felix, and his daughter, Agatha. What did Frankenstein learn from the Delacey family? What does the creature learn to do, and how does he learn this? How does Felix react when he sees the creature? "They were not entirely happy. His travels carry him near Geneva, where he meets William Frankenstein, Victors youngest brother. He was trying to keep his spirits up although he was going through a rough time. loves and admires them; the feelings are painful and confusing so he looks away. make her happy; not give the monster time, What will Victor tell Elizabeth after they are married? By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. 6 In what ways is the creature similar to the DeLaceys? two months He wishes that he had planned more, so the cottagers learned to accept him as their friend. She seems to be a very lovely, kind girl and her influence on the monster was , the monster was able to learn a language from her and was able to read a few stuff. The creature's experiences with society show that it did not matter if the person is kind to society, what matters was being like society and in the creatures case it is his appearance that gets him outcasted even though he did many kind deeds to the. Just as each distinct narrative voice contributes to the novels richly woven web of allusions and biases, the monsters romanticization of the cottagers as kind and friendly reflects his desperate desire for companionship and affection. Advertisement KalDorZero The creature is angered when he makes an attempt at communicating with the cottagers as they attacked him. (LogOut/ The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". What does Frankenstein do when the creature reaches out to him? Why is the creature confused to see his cottagers crying? The creature is very eloquent and for a minute, she even gets the compassion of Victor who knows of his loneliness. He has a basic understanding of human societies, he speaks and reads their language, shows compassion and, most importantly, seeks their company and friendship. The cottagers are influential to the monster because its gus way of observing humans. He learned how to speak , empathy , respect , and be caring to others . How does the creature show understanding and kindness to this family? Copyright 2023 IPL.org All rights reserved. The reason he represents more than just another character is because he is a symbol of what an ideal world is. The Monster learns to read when he finds three books abandoned on the ground: Paradise Lost, Plutarchs Lives and The Sorrows of Werter. When he does this, he sees that he is hideously deformed compared to them. They were both departed from what home was even though the monster never really had a home , but the bonding he grew with the cottagers . He saw that they cared for each other, that the two younger people treated the older man with great respect, and that they were often sad and hungry. One thing I found significant in todays reading was De Laceys blindness and how it influenced the Creatures relationship to the family. They an old man, a young man, and a young woman enthrall him with the sound of their music and the cadence of their language, which he adores but cannot understand. What insight does the creature gain from the Sorrows of Werter? What are the three books that the creature reads, and what does he learn from each of them? Now able to speak and understand the language perfectly, the monster learns about human society by listening to the cottagers conversations. Why does the creature calls the cottagers his protectors? The creature calls the cottagers his protectors because he pretends that he is a part of their family and that they would take care of him. What does the creature do with the portrait he takes from William? The creature notes that her language is different from that of the cottagers, and that the four humans have great difficulty in understanding one another. 8. Upon arriving at the cottage, the monster feels an attachment as the old mans silver and benevolent countenance won [the monsters] reverence. (pg 191) He is shown to be loving towards his children. Join the dicussion. The cottagers are influential for the monster because the monster gets to learn about human lifestyle he gets to know how it feels to be surrounded with people who are friendly with each other and for the most part he was able to understand the different emotions at that moment. Effect on the monster simply because that is closest to the original sentence been contributing by surreptitiously stealing food! As Felix becomes ecstatic the moment he sees that he doesnt fit into the society that. 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