the number of households helped should be included in Table 3 row 3 (number of households helped) column a and row 3 column b based on the information the Authority has been capturing to split the number of households helped across these categories. It is now too late to apply. You have done fantastic work! It will take only 2 minutes to fill in. The Household Support Fund is being classified as Local Welfare Provision (LWP). Households will be awarded an amount that will vary dependent on the make up of the household. For these purposes financial irregularity includes fraud or other impropriety, mismanagement, and the use of grant for purposes other than those for which it was provided. Therefore, Authorities should also use other sources of information to identify vulnerable households, including advice from professionals who come into contact with vulnerable households such as social workers and Supporting Families keyworkers and housing workers. You can apply for it directly through your local authority. Call 01235 750753. We may need the Authority to explain why spend was so low. 48. 103. Total - Table 3 Row 1 column g, Table 4 row 1 column g, Table 5 Row 1 column f and Table 6 column row 1 d are protected and will automatically add up spend across the different headings. Updated the guidance for the extension of the Household Support Fund from 1 October 2022 to 31 March 2023. The Fund can exceptionally and in genuine emergency be used to provide support for historic rent arrears built up prior to an existing benefit claim for households already in receipt of, advertising and publicity to raise awareness of The Fund, income below the thresholds of 7,400 per year for, those with a Limited Capability for Work indicator within the last assessment period, and, those whose award is subject to the benefit cap, those in receipt of the Removal of the Spare Room Subsidy and Local Housing Allowance (available from Autumn 2022), the National Insurance number, names, addresses and contact telephone numbers of those in receipt of Guarantee Credit and/or Savings Credit element of Pension Credit and their appointees if appropriate, as well as for all claimants on income-related, the National Insurance number, names, addresses and contact telephone numbers of customers who are in receipt of, at or below the Free School Meal income threshold, at or below the free prescription income threshold, and, small IT changes, for example, to facilitate. Applicants will need to provide supporting evidence in the form of a bank statement for the last month as well as proof you are in receipt of a . FAQ's - Direct Award Who is eligible for assistance from the Household Support Fund October 2022 - March 2023 Direct Award? The fund is temporarily closed and will reopen on Monday 27 February. Authorities may find this information useful in identifying those most in need. To help us improve GOV.UK, wed like to know more about your visit today. The rules around immigration status have not changed. The Household Support Fund also provides fuel vouchers for those in emergency need and the provision of a boiler repair/replacement service. This funding runs from October to April 2023. 31. Authorities are asked to report and manage spend in relation to all of these areas. Apply for the household support fund. 43. reason for the return (for example, expired voucher), what the original spend was reported against in their. Local Authority (the name of your Authority), LOCAL_AUTHORITY_CODE (the standard lookup code for your authority), TYF_LA_ID_CODE (the Transfer Your File code for your authority), For each postcode sector (POSTCODE_OUTWARD_CODE) in a ward (WARD_NAME), (WARD_CODE), Number of Households in the ward with UC Limited Capability to Work group (HAS_LCW_LATEST_AP), Number of UC households in the Authority without children (HHS_NO_CHILDREN_IN_LA), Number of UC households in the Authority with children (HHS_WITH_CHILDREN_IN_LA), Number of children in the Authority in UC households with children (NO_OF_CHILDREN_IN_LA), Number of UC households without children in the postcode sector that are below the Free School Meal income threshold and free prescription threshold (HHS_NO_CHILDREN_PRESC_OR_FSM), Number of UC households without children in the postcode sector that are below the Free Prescription income threshold (HHS_NO_CHILDREN_PRESC), Number of UC households without children in the postcode sector that are below the Free School meal income threshold (HHS_NO_CHILDREN_FSM), Number of UC households with children in the postcode sector that are below the Free School Meal income threshold and free prescription threshold (HHS_WITH_CHILDREN_PRESC_OR_FSM), Number of UC households with children in the postcode sector that are below the Free Prescription income threshold (HHS_WITH_CHILDREN_PRESC), Number of UC households with children in the postcode sector that are below the Free School meal income threshold (HHS_WITH_CHILDREN_FSM), Number of children in UC households in the postcode sector that are below the Free School Meal income threshold and free prescription threshold (CHILDREN_PRESCRIPTIONS_OR_FSM), Number of children in UC households in the postcode sector that are below the Free Prescription income threshold (CHILDREN_PRESCRIPTION), Number of children in UC households in the postcode sector that are below the Free School meal income threshold (CHILDREN_FSM). emma watson speech ethos pathos logos; gambino crime family current boss; my natural insight login; abbie friedman jim snyder wedding If you're unable to fill in the form online and email it, our Community Hub team can help you complete the . You can change your cookie settings at any time. It is the responsibility of Authorities to provide the MI returns to DWP. Authorities will receive two data shares on a monthly basis: File two - contains aggregate data showing those UC claimants that are: For a full breakdown of the file contents see Local Welfare Provision monthly data share field definitions at Annex B. Every area must operate at least part of their scheme on an application basis. 15. 95. Authorities could make the entirety of their scheme application based. If your application is rejected you will be given seven days to appeal. Authorities should either gather information or check existing records they hold or have access to, in order to establish whether the household includes a child or a pensioner (as defined below) or a disabled person and complete columns a, b and c accordingly. 97. 107. 78. 54. This will ensure that there is no National Insurance contribution liability payable on any payments by either the citizen, the Authority or employer. For example, some disabled people may have increased utility bills due to the usage of equipment, aids or adaptations associated with their disability. However, families receiving other forms of assistance are not excluded from receiving support through The Fund. Disabled people in particular may be facing acute challenges due to the disproportionate impact that rising costs bring for the additional services they need in order to manage their conditions, remain independent and avoid becoming socially isolated. The Authority must also first consider if the claimant is at statutory risk of homelessness and, therefore, owed a duty of support through the HPG. If we respond requesting further information, you must respond to us within 5 days or your application will be closed. Authorities should make every effort to gather information to establish the household type. The Fund can also be used to support households with the cost of food and water bills, essential costs related to energy, food and water, and with wider essential costs. Paul Maynard Conservative, Blackpool North and Cleveleys 4:00 pm, 1st March 2022. has considered the household support fund. It includes amounts paid by Authorities and by TPOs on behalf of Authorities. Wolverhampton Wanderers FC Julen Lopetegui makes Matheus Cunha prediction and sends 43m Wolves transfer . The original HSF grant ran from 6 October 2021 to 31 March 2022. In exceptional cases of genuine emergency, where existing housing support schemes do not meet this exceptional need, the Fund can be used to support housing costs. thought to be around 200, will be distributed by local authorities to those who are eligible for the funding. 73. When allocating spend and the volume of awards across the eligibility criteria please follow the guidance below. Authorities should have regard to the fact that receipt of any of the above support should not exclude a resident from receiving support through The Fund in principle and households in receipt of support from these schemes may still be in need. Applications will be reviewed within 7-10 working days. Citizens Advice Cornwall. This funding covered the period 6 October 2021 to 31 March 2022 inclusive. What the Household Support Fund is. The Fund can be used to provide support with food, whether in kind or through vouchers or cash. 128. The government guidance states: Authorities should particularly consider how they can support low-income households that cannot increase their income through work, such as pensioners, people with disabilities, unpaid carers and parents of very young children in their area.. The funding has been extended to the end of March 2023. Authorities have the ability to deliver the scheme through a variety of routes including providing vouchers to households, making direct provision of food or goods, or issuing grants to third parties (with the exception of grants for advice provision). Food voucher amounts can vary depending on how many children reside in the household. A single grant payment will be made in arrears on the receipt of a fully completed and verified MI return. 19. Authorities are therefore encouraged to explore ways in which this group may be supported and must record the total value of awards granted to disabled people in their Management Information (MI) returns for this grant (see paragraphs 64-68). If you suspect fraud, you should notify DWP of the: 120. This cell will automatically populate from the total in table 3. The household support fund is a measure that provides households with payments to help with essentials such as food, utilities and clothing. Spend (s) - this is the amount paid/awarded to vulnerable households within the eligibility criteria. The cost is picked up by a TPO, for example, the food bank. City of Wolverhampton Council is providing support to eligible children and young people during the May 2022 half-term holiday week (30 May to 5 June 2022), funded through the Government's Household Support Fund. LA Performance Relationship Managers (PRMs) from DWPs LA Partnership, Engagement and Delivery (LA-PED) division will contact Authorities to provide support and gather information throughout The Fund. Rows 1 and 2 relate to grant awards made by Authorities (including District Councils) directly to vulnerable households, and grant awards to vulnerable households made by TPOs. 68. All rights reserved. The payment, thought to be around 200, will be distributed by local authorities to those who are eligible for the funding. Therefore, this data can be used to help Authorities identify and target those families and individuals to support. Dont worry we wont send you spam or share your email address with anyone. For example, households with children and pensioners; food, energy bills, essentials linked to food and energy bills, wider essentials and (in exceptional circumstances) housing support. Table 4 relates to grant spend, volume of awards made, and households helped in relation to food, energy and water bills, essentials linked to energy and water bills, wider essentials, and (in exceptional circumstances) housing costs. Professional referrals and the housing costs application form will remain open until all the funding has been used. The Household Support Fund was distributed by councils in England to directly help those who needed it most. 421m has been made available to County Councils and Unitary Authorities in England to support those most in need to help with global inflationary challenges and the significantly rising cost of living. 17. 4. If we respond requesting further information, you must respond to us within 5 days or your application will be closed. 67. This group is not eligible for the means-tested Cost of Living Payments unless they are of State Pension age or eligible for a Disability Cost of Living Payment. In October 2022, DWP will also introduce a further data share for those who are only in receipt of HB. 10. Energy bills may be of particular concern to low income households during the period of The Fund and LAs should prioritise supporting households with the cost of energy. This figure will automatically populate Table 2 row a. These organisations have access to the Household Support Fund and can provide support. Wed like to set additional cookies to understand how you use GOV.UK, remember your settings and improve government services. the total amount you have paid will be the same across the four tables. Dont worry we wont send you spam or share your email address with anyone. The provision of DWP data to Authorities is under the terms of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Department for Work and Pensions and LAs (Access, handling, exchange and protection of DWPs and HM Revenue and Customs data). The Fund is ring-fenced to be spent as detailed in this guidance and the accompanying grant determination. 114. In particular, we encourage. However, when making decisions, Authorities should consider the risks involved. Email: 30 September 2021, the government announced, Mr Sunak announced in the Spring Statement on 23 March an extension to the Household Support Fund extending it to 30 September 2022, My mother has Alzheimer's - these are 10 foods we both eat to protect brain health, Ed Davey: 'We are locked out of my learning disabled son's savings - the Government won't help', 9 retro UK seaside resort towns having a 21st-century renaissance, from Margate to Morecambe, The Spanish town with a unique 'Asnot' festival that mocks Ascot and British culture, I only ever eat British fruit and veg, even in the depths of winter. Administration costs this includes reasonable costs incurred administering The Fund. Services. We are also providing Authorities with details of those in receipt of Guarantee Credit and/or Savings Credit element of Pension Credit and their appointees if appropriate, as well as for all claimants on ESA (IR). For the purpose of The Fund committed spend relates to grant funding that has been spent and delivered to vulnerable households even though the vulnerable household may not have used their grant funding. Staff accessing Searchlight will need to be registered with the Employee Authentication System. Download our Household Support Fund policy for further details. 34. To help us improve GOV.UK, wed like to know more about your visit today. In all cases, Authorities should keep administrative costs to a reasonable level. Where we have identified any third party copyright information you will need to obtain permission from the copyright holders concerned. 38. 27. If you are not a tenant of one of the organisations listed above, then please apply for the Household Support Fund by visiting 56. 44. The Authority must, as appropriate and practical, reference that the grant is funded by the Department for Work and Pensions or the UK Government in any publicity material, including online channels and media releases. Here's how you can too, UK could mass vaccinate chickens to prevent bird flu spreading between humans, Stop blindly believing or dismissing the Covid lab-leak theory - focus on the evidence, The Witch Trials of JK Rowling makes sensible points. Authorities have the flexibility within The Fund to identify which vulnerable households are in most need of support and apply their own discretion when identifying eligibility. Nhn hiu; Sng ch; Kiu dng cng nghip The definition of committed spend for the purpose of The Fund does not affect its accounting treatment in accordance with normal rules. Table 6: Total Value of Awards Split by Access Routes. . It replaced the Covid Local Grant Scheme (CLGS). 101. As more households have been affected by the rising cost of living and energy prices, we have introduced some guidance around support around your first application to help us in reaching as many households as possible. 115. Added guidance on the extension of the Household Support Fund from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024, the grant determination (31/6496), the management information template and guidance on completing the management information template. In this example, spend has been committed by the Authority, support has been provided to a vulnerable household and, therefore, should be included as eligible grant spend. We also use cookies set by other sites to help us deliver content from their services. To ensure that the objectives of The Fund are being met during the course of the grant and reduce administration costs for all concerned, including the need for DWP to recover underspend, grant payment will be made in arrears upon DWP being satisfied with the MI returns. 84. The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) announced a new grant, the Household Support Fund (HSF) to cover the period 1 October 2022 to 31 March 2023. Support which can make a quick but sustainable impact on energy costs is particularly encouraged; for example, insulation of hot water tanks, fitting draft excluders to a door, or replacing inefficient lightbulbs or white goods. This publication is available at The Household Support Fund (HSF) was introduced by the government to help vulnerable households with the soaring cost of living. 21. In accordance with their general legal duties, Authorities must have a clear rationale or documented policy/framework outlining their approach, including how they are defining eligibility and how households access The Fund. Paragraph 65 has been added to clarify reporting requirements when Household Support Fund payments are made instead of a different payment method. The expectation is that The Fund should be used to support households in the most need; particularly those who may not be eligible for the other support government has recently made available but who are neverless in need. 102. For example, for households with children whether a child resides in the household (including being the only member of the household) in order to complete the template as fully as possible. 60. Both an interim and a final MI return will be required and grant payments will be made in respect of the periods 1 October 2022 to 31 December 2022 and 1 October 2022 to 31 March 2023. Total amount provided to vulnerable households this is the total amount of The Fund that has been paid or awarded to vulnerable households. To 745 Manchester residents in real need of Support and advice for Council tenants, private tenants landlords. general living expenses such as groceries, nappies, toiletries and money for pay-as-you-go fuel meters. By doing this you confirm that the Section 151 Officer has agreed the correctness of spend reported. Third party organisations (TPOs) may include but are not limited to: 20. Tables 3 to 6 ask for spend and award volumes to be recorded against four sets of criteria, one for each table. We also require you to copy your Chief Financial Officer/Section 151 Officer into the email, providing this assurance when you return the MI template to DWP. These include for example: 62. household support fund application form wolverhampton. skiddaw from latrigg car park; . Household Support Fund. The fund is available to support both adults (without dependent children) and families with children and will be made available to vulnerable households who need additional financial support during the winter months . For example, any application process should be easy to access and to navigate. The Household Support Fund initially provided financial support to households struggling with the cost of living over the winter period in 2021. The Fund should primarily be used to support energy bills for any form of fuel that is used for the purpose of domestic heating, cooking, or lighting, including oil or portable gas cylinders. the value of awards should be entered in Table 4 row 1 column b because it relates to food excluding, the volume of awards should be included in Table 4 row 2 column b because it relates to food, the number of households helped should be included in Table 4 row 3 (number of households helped) column b because it relates to food, the value of awards should be entered in Table 5 row 1 column a because it relates to vouchers, the volume of awards should be included in Table 5 row 2 column a because it relates to vouchers, the number of households helped should be included in Table 5 row 3 column a because it relates to vouchers, the value of awards should be entered in Table 6 row 1 column b because it relates to proactive support, the volume of awards should be included in Table 6 row 2 column b because it relates to proactive support, the number of households helped should be included in Table 6 row 3 column b because it relates to proactive support, critical data is missing, or the data looks odd, or. 129. Lincolnshire County Council received 5.46m and a further 5.46m during . To apply for help, please submit an application. Further details of how this funding will be shared soon. In line with previous grants the Barnett formula will apply in the usual way for funding for the devolved administrations. Table 5 relates to grant spend, volume of awards made, and households helped in relation to Vouchers, Cash Awards, Third Party Organisations, Tangible Items and Other. 51. As with any welfare payment to vulnerable recipients there is a risk of fraud, as recipients might appear to be eligible when they are not. Although this is considered an extension to the previous two Household Support Fund schemes, it is a new grant subject to its own grant conditions as is set out in the Grant Determination letter. In a further announcement, Mr Sunak announced in the Spring Statement on 23 March an extension to the Household Support Fund extending it to 30 September 2022 with an additional 500 million of funding which will be used by local authorities. Freephone 0800 954 1956 or email If multiple awards are made to the same household throughout the period of The Fund each award should be counted separately. Popular names for this fund also include; Welfare Assistance Scheme. 22. You can apply for help from the Household Support Fund by contacting one of the following organisations. Authorities have access to a range of data sources, and checks can be carried out against this data to verify the identity of the recipient. Housing costs. 39. Food. The fund has been extended to 31 March 2023 with an additional 500 million of funding which will be used by local authorities to support vulnerable households. Beyond this, Authorities have discretion to determine the most appropriate Fund for their area, based on their understanding of local need and with due regard to equality considerations. The Household Support Fund provides support to vulnerable Medway households. This funding runs from April to September 2022. Priority is given to supporting Food and Fuel, however other household essentials can be considered. This includes support for single households, families with or without children, older people and disabled people. Authorities are also encouraged to ensure checks are in place to verify the identity of those eligible. Where Shire Counties pass grant allocations to District Councils, District Councils should pass the information relating to columns a, b and c to the County Council/Unitary Authority to collate the information and send one collated template to DWP. Where Authorities proactively identify households, they should consider how they can ensure that they are focusing on those in the most need to prevent escalation of problems. Shown below are some examples of how to complete the template. Cha c sn phm trong gi hng. The additional funding will be used by local authorities to support vulnerable households. Authorities must work collaboratively with District Councils and other organisations in their area who may come into contact with those households who may benefit from this grant. Fraudsters can target funds of this type. We provided financial support to households struggling with the cost of living over the winter period in 2021. If you are eligible, the Revenues and Benefits department will have written to explain the amount of the entitlement and how it will . However, when an LA chooses to use all or part of this funding for an application-based process, they must make sure that this support is clearly advertised to residents. It can also be used to support water bills . 88. Please visit South & East Lincolnshire Council's Partnership Household Support Fund or if you don't digital access call 01529 305825. 45. On 17 November 2022, as part of the Chancellors Autumn Statement, the government announced an additional 1 billion of funding to help households with the cost of essentials. 116. Where a household needs assistance with food, the following amounts will be awarded: Where a household needs assistance with fuel, the following amounts will be awarded: You will need to contact them first. The Household Support Fund cannot be used for advice services, such as those on debt. However, the schemes listed in paragraph 24 do not cover everyone and Authorities should consider prioritising those households, who (for example): This list is not exhaustive and there may additionally be households that are vulnerable to rising costs despite being in receipt of this government support with the cost of living. the value of awards should be entered in Table 3 in spend row 1 column a (households with children), row 1 column b (households with pensioners), row 1 column c (households with a disabled person) and row 1 column d (other households) based on the information the Authority has been capturing to split spend across these categories. Where a homeowner is having difficulty with their mortgage payments, they should contact their lender as soon as possible to discuss their circumstances as lenders will have a set procedure to assist. 55. Apply for help with food . 25. These values should be reported in column c (Third Party Organisations) of Table 5 and column c (Other) of Table 6. Please make sure you have told us about all members of your household on the application form, and details of your household income. Table 4: Total Value of Awards Split by Category. The council decided that 2.2m of the fund would be used to enable the continued provision of food vouchers to eligible children over the Summer holidays. Where a TPO returns unused funding after The Fund has ended the Authority can re-issue any returned funding within a reasonable timeframe, but only under the category that the spend was originally reported against. We use some essential cookies to make this website work. 28. Authorities should ensure that they consider and put in place suitable controls when making use of vouchers as part of The Fund. Paragraphs 17,18, 87 and 88 have been amended/added to provide guidance where an authority receives unspent TPO funding or expired vouchers after submitting their final management information. port of seattle parking promo code; har hamenuchot burial cost; keith lamont robinson. The majority of households in England will receive some form of support from at least one of the above schemes. If the payment is in relation to both food and energy in equal measures put 50% of the award in each of the two categories. An example would be the award of a food voucher on 31 March 2023 to a vulnerable household. As local Welfare Provision ( LWP ) 2021 to 31 March 2022 TPO for. Forms of assistance are not limited to: 20 who are eligible for the extension the... Email advice @ every area must operate at least part of the Household support is. Of criteria, one for each table we provided financial support to households struggling with cost. 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