"But that's like you're the bloke, right?" It all started in Lagos. "They're the Weird Sisters," Neville explained. Will Katiya be able to reverse the tides of time and save the Mad Titan from himself? Harry Potter + Avengers Crossover Follow/FavPhoenix By:The Feisty Rogue Suddenly Phoenix shifted from lax to alert and he rose from his seat. But that was over. "We're just happy you found someone, man. Harry gets some power from the Horcruxes, but mostly they seem to alter his perspective slightly, making him ruthlessly pragmatic and motivated by self improvement. (Or, Peter Parker is a college student who just wants a full eight hours of rest. 10. Just, you know, maybe accidental time travel and explosions. I guess because he gave up those names, and Snape was a spy. harry potter absorbs the infinity stones fanfiction. I was going to wait to mention it until later but I registered you as an heir. Seriously what are we calling this pairing? Harry Potter and the Hogwarts Guardians As the assembled Ranger teams sat in Ernie's peaceful outdoor eating area that night- Jason and Tommy magically disguised to prevent anyone mistaking them for their counterparts- all of them enjoyed the first real moment of peace they'd had since arriving in this world, staring out at the city before them . Featuring: A Time Stone in possession of one Nicolas Flamel, who was using it to maintain immortality. But.. what happens when the city she just moved to is under attack by an alien threat? But then a new visitor arrives at Timely - one with too familiar blue eyes Riley Black is on the run. Emerald orbs peered through the thick black, begging you to come. There was at least one set of spells being cast near a defending group, so Tonks probably wasn't the first auror on the scene. "About the same age gap as me and Fleur," Harry shrugged. A super powerful cosmic being. My gran thinks they're too nontraditional, but the real conservatives hate them so she let me go see them once at a festival.". "Blood of the enemy, willingly given, I will resurrect my foe." "Who knows," Rumlow shrugged, straightening the medieval-style outfit he'd stolen off of an honest-to-fashion-gods clothesline. ", He shrugged helplessly, "He's worked here literally his whole life. "More wizards incoming!" And it would have been if she wasn't first in line. 44. M-Morty! The first of the Infinity Gems to appear in the Prime Marvel Universe was the Soul Gem . Now, with the appearance of Thanos, Hela could very well make a . "Honestly, you wouldn't know she's twenty-one," Andromeda said, fondly, as her daughter was suddenly racing Harry out of the kitchen. So anything after the dark world did not happen. "Oh!" "Shouldn't you be worried she's bewitched poor Harry with her elf magic? Now, in the Infinity War sequel, Avengers: Endgame, it's up to Marvel's heroes to reverse . The shaft twisted just far enough that both arrows coming his way managed to swish by, narrowly but completely missing. Harry asked, trying to process being in line for another massive inheritance. When its hero is kidnapped by the Skrulls and wanted dead or alive by the Kree. Her soul was fundamentally different, constantly needing a supply of soul energy, having to feed on a new person every few years to survive. "But I think part of that is that most of their apprentices don't really have enough training." I'm on here!" Only Tonks' was neon green in her excitement. Pre-Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 (Movie) Katiya Henfield thought of herself as nothing more than an ordinary, forgettable girl. Paradise Planet: The Garden. 52. Dr Strange frowned as Harry summoned the infinity stones . The team finds out something that they never would have expected of Tony. No, that one we couldn't really figure out. Not to be confused with Telepathy or Psychokinesis. Connecting the six Soul Gems to a device, they were able to use its beams to absorb the life energy of Galactus and transfer it to a barren planet, giving it life. The team finds out something that they never would have expected of Tony. Now shes in prison, but not for theft the whole missionary team she was a part of has been sent to the Kyln. The One Train on Vanaheim NO, Merge universes! While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. And in the tower of frost and Iron the child of prophecy makes a bond not even death can sever and would last lifetimes. Jane Foster Was Always Worthy Of Mjolnir. The Greatest of Teachers 5. "I thought this was the dude compartment," he countered. "Did you?" Hell. Probably wants his tea all special. Harry gained much from his trip today, even more than those Sorcerers thought he did. Quite an impossible feat, when you have a sixth-sense and haunting visions about universal threats every night. by gregoryschoff 59 1 1 Plot: Meet Lloyd Garmadon A.K.A The Green Ninja of The Secret Ninja Force. Of course, when he thought they'd finally climbed through the mountain of presents, Sirius said, "I have two more! That it was a really nice hardbound set of sci-fi novels featuring aliens let Harry know that Tony was not just going to let it go. A crossover of HP/Marvel/DC/Invincible. Why does Loki want you? For years he nurtured this desire, until at the age of 14 he died when an organization had tried to kidnap him from the lab. Auror isn't half as dangerous. But they've got force fields! ____This fic was inspired by Louis Tomlinson's Habit, each title of a chapter is named after lines of the song. Peter gazed at his mentor and gave a weak smile before pulling his hand close. "But no," Harry got back to the question Ron had originally asked, "I don't think Viktor would do anything with Hermione that she wasn't totally comfortable with. They'd thought they'd dodged the Ron/Lavender/Hermione drama for a good long while after the "permanent" pairings were chosen at the end of the previous year. Percy, sitting on the rooftop of his apartment building after Annabeth's death, meets Spider-Man for the first time. Ye all saw me. by. "Took me a while to find someone who could repair it," Sirius explained. At least, Tails would eventually get a family and a bunch of friends, if only he can survive the perils of outer space. Seamus just grinned at the complement. You will not have heard of me, but I have heard many things about the Avengers and your gifts. alternately: Bri and Loki meet, he trains her on magic, he trains her in bed, will they save the day? "It's just he's a dark wizard. 3. Maybe Andi and Ted will know.". I can get dressed faster than you!". "I'm a metamorph. Omnipotence. "You didn't happen to go on a walk in the gardens with someone yourself, did you? ", "One where he lives on Earth," Harry shrugged. "And there will be plenty of time to pick your brain about it so I know what to tell Bonesy and Siri can tell the Wizengamot and mum and dad can prepare a court case about it, but" She stuffed the last bit of her muffin in her mouth and finished her tea before announcing, "It's time to ride brooms! Shares: 301. He wasn't this bad when I was little. My mother made some choices before she passed. 24. ", Sirius frowned and admitted, "I'm usually one to say any hint of purple in your magic is a sign someone's a terrible person but, yeah, he seems like a good kid, and it would suck if you have to put him down someday. 13. "Andi and Ted are around enough that calling her Tonks got confusing, so we compromised. ", "Well," Andromeda corrected, "Severus Snape was spying for Dumbledore. Cloak and Dagger "I thought I told you to stay in your suite.". I_want_to_linger_a_little_longer, Rose_MaryJane, MaddyMay16, COOKIEY_K, idontfeardeath, DoctorBoo, cael233, Morgan1765, Ficloverbookreader, Pairodox, LumeAzure, Mari0211, NotMasonPines, Danna_core, ArwenScamander, spicy_lemon_27, TiredSurviver, Jenihobir, Polaris03, Dayus, CraneTheVillain, PsiRaz, elengel, Agenttigi, Aldenisan, JeyGreyy, Garryl, SurfMantalityGirl, Kaliopes_Gift, Shadow_Crow, Cr1mZon0508, TumblingBackpacks, longtimenospooning, Anubis993, Mrs_Owl, Ropislue, Rubbyl, Bertaluise, jgood27, TengoUnaAdiccionConLosFanfics, Zarander, RandomCC27, drozdoff, Emihytlies, Ashbell87, Sinai, PlatformNineAndThreeQuarters, Justvibingwithmehbooks231, dr4cos, pgarhwal0110, and 426 more users Yes, he would make a greater future. For a moment Harry glanced toward the sea. Please consider turning it on! The Seventh Stone was forgotten, yes. It's one of the reasons dad stayed here. "Yeah. "I'm not sure," his godfather admitted, when Harry asked that question as they were leaving the train station, a few hours later. Especially when we have things like the infinity stones and god like beings on marvels side here. Are the Asgardians really gods? The Spaces In-Between This is just insurance.". ", "So you just have an old man who hates you living here? They consisted of the Elder Wand, an immensely powerful wand that was considered unbeatable; the Resurrection Stone, a stone which could summon the spirits of the dead, and the Cloak of Invisibility, which, as its name suggests, rendered the . I feel like the Masters got there first, though, you know? Thanos gets mad at kokichi for hiding the infinity stones in his fucking asshole and claps them cheeks out of existence. Castles and Crusades Grindelwald sent curses at the flying projectiles, destroying most and sidestepping the rest. ", "Or if you've used a lot of dark spells," Sirius agreed. She hadn't bothered to change the rest of her body, so that was a weird thing that was going to haunt his dreams for a while. Implied Sexual Content. Morty is doing homework at his desk. Sadly, he went crazy in the same way as my mother after being left alone here with her, and then without her. On Earth, Tony doesn't remember his time in Asgard. Involving curses and booby traps.". The catastrophe on the horizon can be prevented, can't it? The tour was mostly a running litany of the things Sirius had removed : lots of grotesque taxidermy, curio cabinets full of cursed magic items, and furnishings that matched the black decor only because they'd never been cleaned. Fast and Furious Will Harry save the world or will he die trying again? A red-gold glow burst suddenly across the enchanted sky above them as an edge of dazzling sun appeared over the sill of the nearest window. 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Chances are that none of us are going to marry anyone we date in school. He would rule. Powers wise he will have the ability to absorb powers and memories from his hosts but I don't plan to have him really bond with more than a few animals (at least one of those animals will be useful) and Harry, though I might at some point let him jump onto another witch and wizard. They were in a cell structure. "Ah! 15. Like, double dead, since his draugr got eaten by a giant snake. Harry checked. Outside. Im sorry, he whispered, bringing his fingers together. And new friends, like Hermione Granger, and Professor McGonagall, and Professor Quirrell. Tea and Sympathy Looking for a fic where harry has 1 or all of the 6 infinity stones from marvel and uses them. Harry wondered. He traced the branch up and said, "Oh, right, great grandma Dorea." Thanos was an extremely tall, bulky, and muscular male Titan with no hair, small blue eyes, and a disproportionately huge chin. His Benefactor? Liza Brigg's is a 22 year old women with autism that has the unique ability to create creatures from her vast imagination. After Peter Parker disintegrates and turns to dust due to the Snap, he wakes up in his bedroom exactly one week before that day. "Wow! Anal Fisting. But he may be close to ready to start back up again. "But if they keep the two alive with all the trouble they get into". His All-Stone-Snaps overloaded it. But he doubted he really did it. Do you think he's taking advantage of Hermione? +11 more. Relaxing, her face settled back to her own and her hair once again became green spikes. Loki treats you with a surprisingly large amount of respect, which only manages to keep you alert. But now that they knew that their original suspect was famous here "And while we do, you can tell us stories of the Boy-Who-Lived.". He preferred to be called Tony, though, as a nickname. ", "They really are extravagant gifts," Andromeda said with a bit of disapproval. Perseus Jackson son of Poseidon, Bane of Kronus, Bane of Gaia, and etc has been betrayed by Annabeth and a new son of Zeus. "I bet it would come in handy to keep a secret, like being able to turn invisible," he shared, letting his cloak fall over him. It probably came from my dad's side, since nobody else on the Black side had it at least that they ever admitted.". "Huh. With all six Infinity stones, Thanos is in need of agents to do his bidding. A potion called Kopitarization. The Infinity Stones are similar to the Deathly Hallows in Harry Potter, McGuffins - plot devices or desired objects - that made the owner the most powerful wizard in the world, one who could . Harry asked Tonks as he flew back up next to her. Infinity Stone Bacelet Infinity Stones or Infinity Gems are six immensely powerful fictional gems in Marvel Universe. Five hundred years ago, Loki stormed out of Thor's chambers after finding out he was to get married. "Did you learn how to do that, or cast a ritual, or", "Genetic, sorry. Dean ribbed him. Infinity Stones | Infinity Gems (Marvel) (1054) Angst (201) Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (201) Time Travel (165) Fix-It (122) Infinity Gauntlet (Marvel) (107) Post-Movie: Avengers: Infinity War (2018) (102) Hurt/Comfort (95) Magic (88) Alternate Universe (86) Other tags to exclude More Options Crossovers. Takes place after Secret Wars in the MCU. Book Now. Fanfic /. His name? The solid chest reverberated with a dark laugh that made your blood run cold. Peter (15y/o) will get his powers in 2010. Mortyyyyy braaahhhp Morty: Ughh, R-Rick, I can't keep d-d-doing this, I've, I've, I've gotta finish this assignment Rick: It doesn't matter Morty, there are infinitely many of you, you, you, you can just brahp steal one . amarilo texas best porn actress asian minecraft bedrock anarchy realm codes 2022. how to think straight about psychology 11th edition pdf free "Where did those wizardsit still kills me to say itcome from," Sitwell asked. 269 years he spent in that time loop, trying to delay the end of the world, trying to prevent Dormammu from entering Earth. The Most Haunted House on Vanaheim Pepper had told him about her grandmother, who'd married in from the Blacks. Merlin Reborn (Generic Harry Potter Fanfiction, 600 cp) Limitless potential in all forms of magic that don't require an inborn talent, limitless growth in magic as well. Harry just woke up from his sleep, by loud banging on the cupboard door, oh he wishes he had his family so that he could be loved, but fate has another thing planned for our hero after morning routine that consists of making 'breakfast, for his uncle's family, though his uncle complained about buffoons like his brain is Harry thought. one shouted. "Must have left just after we did," she announced, letting it perch on her broomstick and taking one of the messages attached. Karkaroff seemed to think it might be a trap. What did omnipotence mean, if not the power to make things exactly as he wished them, no matter how complex? Could one with omnipotence not give everyone what they wanted? "Think Harald made it out?" The interesting thing about a city where transportation was mostly walking-based was how packed together everything was. It's why I basically lived with your grandparents for most of my years at Hogwarts.". After Harry Potter got The Infinity Gauntlet with The Blue Space Stone, The Red Reality Stone, The Purple Power Stone, The Orange Soul Stone, The Yellow Mind Stone and T. harry-potter infinity-stones # 7 Lloyd's Adventures of The Nightmar. In this adaptation, the stone had the typical powers ascribed to the legendary stone, giving the . Showcase, promote, sell & share your work with over 61 million members. He cleans a little. Another pretend heir! "We're calling her that instead of Tonks?" From what she'd heard, Harry wasn't necessarily wrong, but she still kind of thought he was underestimating the threat of horrors from beyond compared to the much more defined monsters he had fought. So the other day that photo ( ) was "leaked" and may or may not be legitimate. Will their friendship develop into something more, or will the secrets both have tear them apart? This was a raid for supplies, which could leave the villagers bereft of goods for the just-arrived winter. No, Riley never took to their indoctrination, feigning devotion to survive. Designed by Tabane Shinonono, they possess technology and combat capabilities far more advanced than any other weapon system, thus threatening to destabilize the world. And what chance could one girl have at saving all of infinity? Nice! ", "No comment," Seamus said, realizing he'd been made. Fanfic /. "There's a line between being able to call up dark entities sometimes and actually binding yourself to them. But he was only Lord Voldemort in the beginning. Infinity Gauntlet. 19. Follows first Avengers' movie cannon. Off with His Head! One could expect that eventually, Stephen would crack. Now he has been able to travel to the space where the other party is with the space shuttle ability of the Infinity Gauntlet. Thanos had no trouble wielding it and using (individual) Infinity Stones because that's what it was designed to do. 58. "Every time I think I understand how it works, I'm wrong. On top of that, he has to deal with Nick Fury's rather bothersome attempts to recruit him.). The wood was jet black, they seemed to have their bristles precisely oriented for aerodynamics, and they featured actual seats and footrests that seemed articulated so they could fold up tight and the broom could still fit into his pouch of holding. And when she realized the importance of the item shes protecting, she had to act fast. Already uncomfortable enough with the limited sharing they'd already done, and not feeling like trying to counsel Ron on his relationship difficulties, the boys just kind of tacitly agreed to change the subject. But he's nice and he's making Hermione happy, so I'm trying not to be hardcore about it or anything. A sleeping potion, called the Draught of Living Death. 2, Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 (Movie) Compliant, Mentioned Stranger Things Kids - Freeform, Ashes Scene in Avengers: Infinity War Part 1. The power to change the past, or to make a greater future. Fanfic /. A normal classroom. They called for the Avengers to help, but they never answered the call. This gate transfers everything from the part of Earth Land where it appeared to its counterpart world called Edolas. He nodded and launched a whip to disarm another of the archers, the man unable to hang onto the bow as Harry moved past at interstate speeds. Ultimate power. Thanos, an evil, purple alien, used that power to destroy half the universe in Avengers: Infinity War. Mazes and Monsters Arts and Crafts The only solace in his suffering was the various anime and manga made available to him between experiments. Now, Harry, I know you don't really play quidditch much, and obviously Dora doesn't but these well, actually, they'd probably be really good sport brooms. Lord of the Dance The Map of the Spirit "And was that Harry Potts? After he started to do workout and exercise, he found that the loading screen to unlock the gift card was slowly increasing. "That's an auror messenger owl," she recognized the red jesses. Cosmic Entities, or Cosmic Beings, are powerful primordial beings. Instead of orderly lines of shields and spears with ranged attackers behind, the marauders had clearly come upon the village unawares. As Harry and Tonks rocketed off to pursue fleeing marauders, back in the town Jasper Sitwell and Brock Rumlow had a hushed conversation. The Deathly Hallows were three highly powerful magical objects supposedly created by Death and given to each of three brothers in the Peverell family. If anythin' happened. Instagram: @mrkrepshusFacebook: Mr. Krepshus Become a Patreon today: https://www.patreon.com/mrkrepshusDonate to my Paypal: https://www.paypal.me/Kristianres. Yes, he would make a greater future. Twisted, evil laughter echoed into the endless air. 11. 9GAG is your best source of FUN! "These things can move!" That universe contains countless Infinity Stones, which get sent to other universes by the Celestials. Once he'd been deemed unfit for the role of Keeper-199999, they'd thrown him aside, cast him away. Things finally look to be settling down.But something is in the air. The Council thinks the Infinity Stones may be the best way to rebalance the Force, no matter how dangerous such a path could be. Anyway! And is he really the bad guy you think he is? In case I don't manage to have kids of my own, I wanted to make sure the Malfoys don't inherit. Bet we can stun a few more before they get into dense woods.". Sirius led him up to a house that nonetheless took up a wide swath of the row it was on, black facade looming implacably across the street. Don't get hurt, or you'll get me fired." 39. In this universe Loki, however, dies years before Severus even turns fiveteen. Include crossovers; Exclude . Can you make it back home? 46. "And you're with Lavender," Neville reminded Ron quietly. Is this too much? Are they coming?" Avengers of the Ring by Dr Matthattan is the first in a series of crossovers between the Marvel Cinematic Universe and the films of The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit, which feature various Marvel heroes travelling to Middle-Earth.. Death and Magic blinked before looking down at Fate who was unconscious with a silly smile and a red face with blood leaking out of her nose, Magic glared at the unconscious Fate as Death turned to Harry "Just ignore her, one of the Infinity Stones has been found on a distant world, you are looking for this man, Peter Quill, he goes by Star . "On it," Harry agreed, entering a steep dive on his Firebolt toward a trio of marauders that were making off with a whole skinned and drying cow clearly carried from someone's basement. Eventually his hard work pays off, and he becomes strong enough to handle . He remembered the violence, the carnage, the chaos. she said in his voice. Dark Stone has Chromastone's shape, but his body is pure black. Sounded like maybe the same group that attacked the World Cup.". The Foundations of Knowledge He figures that there's no better place than the city that never sleeps to settle in and forge a new life. A 8 year-old Harry Potter was running as fast as he could, trying to get away from his cousin and his friends who were chasing him with the goal to beat him up. "Let's try to screw up the ones raiding the houses," she ordered as she flew in behind him, letting the portal close at her back. He paced toward the corridor and leaned against the wall with one hand, reminding her of a tiger stalking his prey. You are the Blaze, newest member of the Avengers. Pulling at every surface of your skin. Lock and Key "If I was, it would be wi' someone who's still in the closet, right? Tied to the Tracks "I said they can really move. "These are too much!" Constellations wheel around in Tony's mind at night, illuminating his sleep with the beauty of a supernova, the terrible gaping hunger of black holes, the whimpering cry of a nebula as it births new stars into creation. Book now on Klook to enjoy the best deals! Dungeons and Dragons The power to change the past, or to make a greater future. . That was until the day she was murdered. Let me give you the tour". Dark Stone has the ability to absorb and drain light out of a target. Have you seen them? 50. At least he'd spoiled the three Tonkses as much as Harry. She was born with the innate ability of absorbing souls to live but couldn't control it. Slowly, the world was rebuilt under Stark's guidance. 20. Hyatt Place New Taipei City Xinzhuang. ", "Ron is. What happens when it's revealed Percy Jackson is Athena level smart? what does hong kong flight departure mean shein. One of the boring, stuffy events that Tony absolutely hated, but had to go to every once in a while. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. ", "Ah, double standards," Seamus piled on. ", "That won't be necessary, Kreacher," Sirius interjected as Harry stood uncertain what to do about the unexpected resident. At this time, it was dark and the moon was in the middle of the sky. Harry has an infinity stone. "An incredibly powerful semi-sentient gem that allow manipulation of the universe at a subatomic level. The Lightning Strike. 36. said Harry, dropping one of Tom Riddle Sr's bones into the cauldron. Discover short videos related to harry potter absorbs magic fanfiction on TikTok. Sorry, this work doesn't allow non-Archive users to comment. AN:I don't own Marvel or Harry Potter. 7. Harry Potter/Avengers Crossover, Fem Harry/Tony Stark pairing. The MCU Infinity Stones have played a major role from the very beginning of the franchise, and this is a guide to their origins, powers, and potential future. "Who knows. "Ew. While she fought alongside the Avengers to defeat him . Nearby, a bald, glasses-wearing man with darker skin was gawking at him, standing next to a burly, pale, and dark-haired man. Got it," Dean nodded, and Harry blushed a little. Her eyes widened, "That's why you're asking about Snape and Karkaroff! Get free access to 370 million pieces of art. Users can manipulate the totality of all things from The . Finding Love within everything and a foretold Myth and a legend as old as time cost more then it should have. Wait to mention it until later but I have heard many things about the Avengers and gifts! The role of Keeper-199999, they 'd finally climbed through the mountain of,. Incredibly powerful semi-sentient Gem that allow manipulation of the song no matter how complex the solid chest with. 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