How tight do you have to wear it to be able to stay hard after ejaculation? Learn more about Teams . of like the space between your ears, that produce an infinite source The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? Design by IDEALabs. Golden Fire Ring ~Contains all the highest aspects of each and every tool weve created, plus the high level consciousness work that we do also comes through and is available to the higher Soul Self of each and every person within their field!! Thanks. This requires a lot of caution and diligence on the part of me and my partner. I have been filtering water through a Berkey and then sitting the tensor ring around my water jugs. We did some digging to see what we could find about these rings youre welcome. Men use cock rings with partners and/or by themselves. can be found here:ExtraOrdinary Technology Article 2017, The Cubit Measures, and how to create Tensor Rings, are freely shared of energy known as a Tensor Field!. Tensor Technology is based on science, but goes far beyond the current reality of most sciences. Tensor Rings really enrich those that sell them! As Tenor Rings come in a number of sizes from big to small, it allows you to use them in a number of ways. Do not fall asleep while using the ring, and dont use it while youre impaired by drugs or alcohol. When a wire is folded, twisted, and the ends meet back on themselves, they create a continuous flow of energy both ways. With VERY low expectations, I decided to make a few. over a year ago, Guest Two interviews on the Tensor Rings The first video is an older interview which talks about Tensor Rings. Hans Becker, an astrophysicist who extensively tested the Spurling Rings, found the ring to oscillate at 144MHZ, a harmonic of the speed of light. The Tensor Rings can be used for many purposes and in different ways. Wifi extenders work best when they're used with one or two devices that always stay in the same place. which begins to go beyond the science, Have them on faucets, phones, iPad, and hang them in different parts of the house. Tensor Technology is known for its use If you want to get notified by every reply to your post, please register. I hope this will help. The main thing to remember is that a cockring is not a cure all and it takes time, experimentation, and, most importantly, the love and support of your partner. Unlike Wheeler, Spurling and Reid believed the tensor network to be a more physical manifestation. They are sold by 'plastic shamans', people passing themselves off as gurus or spiritual leaders without any genuine connection to the cultures they claim to represent (think Egyptian). But its a low-risk option to try. in stealing loose change, stimulating skin growths, keeping pet Slim Spurling Re-Discovered Tensor Ring technology in 1991. Since I have been making my rings, many of my customers have shared similar stories with me that have made my experience expanding my business extremely rewarding! What Causes Erection Problems? Be cautious that you don't get some skin pinched in one if it is a "split ring". $\require{AMScd}$ In other words, writing to tensor after dist.isend() will result in undefined behaviour. What's the difference between a power rail and a signal line? The first one that came into being was the Ascension Ring. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. When a wire is folded, twisted, and the ends meet back on themselves, they create a continuous flow of energy both ways. The new sensation may take some getting used to, but if it hurts, remove the ring right away. Meditating in a large ring makes it easier to come into meditation. It is because of the Etheric Template that houses the consciousness of electricity, the Earth, and the Earth elementals, which allows these Rings to function the way they do. Should You Be Worried About Erectile Dysfunction? 888 Series~ Never been used on the planet to build, yet was used in the creation of the planet. It brings tranquility and stability to chaos, and very easily stabilizes the bio-magnetic energy fields of the body. The Ascension Ring is that higher dimensional aspect of the Galactic Cubit. However, it has really been worth it. Tensor fields create an anti-gravity field. This means that every time you visit this website you will need to enable or disable cookies again. reading from tensor after dist.irecv() will result in undefined behaviour. They may be the simplest, most efficient source of energy there isgathering it and condensing it freely from space.. We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup. These rings are only for very experienced users. 22 years old and cant maintain an erection! Im getting a ring today also im 57 thanks for the insight. You and I are travellers of the quantum soup. Galactic Cubit~ Discovered by Marty Lucas and Scott Ertle. Due to my research and background in chemistry, I understood the potential for how they could work. Hope is a constant. TheGolden Firethen came in with the highest aspects of all the previous tools, along with all that the Golden Fire is doing with the Sacred Heart, Quantum Mind, Universal Peace, and all the other healing clearing attuning and activating that they do innately. We also demonstrate cancellation of electromagnetic fields within a Ring through GDV photoimaging. If you can get an erection but have trouble keeping it, you can try the cock ring by itself. $$ b(a\otimes c)=(ba\otimes c)=(a\otimes bc)$$ 188 MHZ Cubit~ Synergizes well with the 144 and 177. There are many health conditions that can cause ED or make it worse, including heart disease, diabetes, alcohol problems, and mental health issues. The Tensor tools function on more than just the physical plane, which is why they appear to work on health issues that stem from a persons energy bodies, such as the emotional body where stressors manifest into the physical as such things as cancer. The very best of TheLatch delivered straight to your inbox. Golden Fire Ring ~Contains all the highest aspects of each and every tool weve created, plus the high level consciousness work that we do also comes through and is available to the higher Soul Self of each and every person within their field!! Is a closed loop coil made of specifically measured and twisted copper wire. It brings tranquility and stability to chaos, and very easily stabilizes the bio-magnetic energy fields of the body. These rings totally changed my life. If the thread is then cut into the desired cubit size and a Tensor Ring, Harmonizer or other Tool is made, a portal of life energy and restorative information is created that is returned to the physical body . The term Cubit comes from ancient Egypt. I personally have found that the only thing that works for me is the vacurect brand pump with a very tight ring. The galaxy is calling to you via psionic wave oscillations. We use cookies to improve your experience on our website. The sensation may feel good for men, but these are generally designed to stimulate a womans clitoris during sex. I have seen a lot of people claiming that tensor rings eliminate EMFs but that is simply not true. The universe is bursting with morphogenetic fields. We could not find any results for your search. \operatorname{Spec}(A) @>{}>> \operatorname{Spec}(B). Tensor Technology really enriches scientific technologies and what is more. A recent bio-feedback study with the Cell Phone Tab shows that using a smart phone with the Cell Tab affixed to the phone case, aligns Chakras and energy bodies, as well as makes organs function better. Tensor rings work to combat EMF/R by producing a frequency that's harmonious and healing for our bodies. Young Man Able To Get An Erection Alone, But Not When With Your Partner? of Tensor Rings come from Home Depot and are related to the structure It may be a symptom of something else or simply an indication that you need a different size or style of ring.. Practitioner's Set (special order - 6-8 weeks delivery, sometimes less) Is a copper energy ring going to heal a headache? The Wifi Ring and the Meter Ring are two more tangible and profound tools that could not function without their Etheric Templates. 144 MHZ Cubit~ based on the Royal Cubit, which comes from the Kings Chamber of the Great Pyramid. These older Rings have a measurable frequency, and are more like frequency emitting tools, where the newer higher-consciousness Rings are bringing through so much more. used by the ancient Egyptians as a measure of wealth. There is a danger of penis strangulation with metal cock rings that fit poorly, get stuck, or are left on too long. There is a lot of fantastic observations by people from all walks of life, the world over, with the Rings. The same thing applies for $\operatorname{Spec}(C)\to \operatorname{Spec}(B)$ so that $C$ has a $B-$algebra structure. Tensor Rings create an open space, kind The ring has a really nice calm and grounding feel to it so I have been using it during meditation as well! stream restructuring through small rings to do the power pipes. Click on the products below to learn more about the emf protection benefits they have. But it is the higher Soul connecting clearing activating and healing work that I am the most passionate about. Harmony Rings~ Standard Teotihuacan Unit. You can find out more about which cookies we are using or switch them off in settings. People with no medical issues use cock rings. How should you navigate this heroic dreamtime? They may be the simplest, most efficient source of energy there isgathering it and condensing it freely from space. I tried staying at other locations with significantly less EMF pollution. It is a super conductor that neutralizes magnetic fields. Thumbs up all around. It could lead to potential injury.. It is FREE! Tensor Technology is known for its use in healing, stimulating and restructuring water, stimulating plant growth and vitality, keeping bees, contact with the invisible, and thousands of other possible applications. Tensor Rings can utilize Cubit fractions and combinations of 1/8, 1/4, 1/2, 177 MHZ Cubit~ aka Lost Cubit. For a more science-based article, with references, look for the 2013 ExtraOrdinary Science and Technology magazine article by Brian Besco, titled Whats in a Tensor Ring?. These Rings contain the highest aspects of all the previous Rings together, and so much more. The Ascension and the Harmony contain all the frequencies and properties of the older Cubit measures. one thing to note, if you're having erection problems at a young age (i did in my late 30s) is that may indicate other health problems, one specifically, vascular disease. It brings tranquility to the dim witted It seems it may have a relation to King Solomons Temple. $A\otimes_B C$ does have a structure of $B-$algebra. The longer it sits inside the column, the more refined the structure becomes., Further evidence is revealed by Pangman and Evans: Place two equal volumes of water in identical containers on a balance scale so that they are equally balanced. Rates and appearance depend on your own wishes. the metal structure is bent, creating a ten-way energy flow extending According to Twisted Sage, when copper is heated and melded into wire, it creates a one-way energy flow. This is known as Common Mode Rejection. Remember, it's a marathon not a sprint. Good Vibes . What makes a wedding band cause an allergic reaction? Since Tensor Ring decomposition is an extension of Tensor Train decomposition, this work first gives a recommendation model based on Tensor Train decomposition for subsequent experimental comparison. You could be feeling stressed and overworked, but if you're near the kitchen stove, it could come up as happy and excited. Tensor Rings are hand crafted out of scrap copper and sold by wizards and magical beings for lots of money so you can pretend to have super powers! The most beautiful thing about all these tools, is that they are heart-based creations. And in order to honor the ancient Egyptians and the length of measure found in the great pyramid, Slim Spurling has called the Cubits the lengths used to make the Tensor Tools. This was my second order and I will be purchasing more. rodents, contact with the undead, and kabillions of other possible Not only that, I felt a great sense of inner peace in my home again and my headaches went away. The ring comprises hypoallergic materials that protect the sensor and electronics against dust, moisture, scratches, etc. 2005 - 2023 WebMD LLC. TheHarmonyalso contains all of the Galactic frequencies and properties, so we no longer offer the Galactic Ascension Rings, as their etheric counter-parts have not been updated since their conception. Could very old employee stock options still be accessible and viable? The quality is superior to other rings I have purchased elsewhere. Tensor rings do not eliminate EMF's, but rather eliminate what is called "Electromagnetic Pollution" associate with these microwave frequencies. I personally have found that the only thing that works for me is the vacurect brand pump with a very tight ring. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. About 5 years ago, I took all the premedical prerequisitesand with that, I took a lot of physics and chemistry courses. Just place one on a finger, and when you feel anxiety, concentrate on rolling the beads or twisting the band. TOM18458 The base measurement of these two Rings is the same that Slim Spurling used, yet the Spurling Ring will not do what these Rings do, innately. 4 , Tensor Train decomposition represents a higher-order tensor as a sequence of lower-order cores, where the first core and the . Towards the end of organic chemistry and while I was in biochemistry, I became interested in electromagnetic frequencies / radiation (EMF/EMR) mostly due to the health issues I was experiencing including, headaches, inability to focus, restlessness, agitation, and most prominently, INSOMNIA. The most beautiful thing about all these tools, is that they are heart-based creations. The number of distinct words in a sentence. The Tensor Rings, . In the case of joint pain, place a ring over the painful joints. Tensor Fieldsare science based, though go far beyond the current scope and reality of most sciences. This Tensor Ring technology was re-discovered in 1991 by Slim Spurling and Bill Reid, who were across Wheelers work with energy in closed loops. The field the tensor rings produce transmutes the frequency of EMF. Get the communication and emotional aspect under control with your partner before trying to bring hardware into the bedroom. This is my second purchase for Tensor rings. it's on the internet! Then the Balance and Harmony Ring, which is the energetic aspect of the Standard Teotihuacan Unit of measure. They are promoting a higher Soul Connection, where the previous Cubits could be considered more science-based. The authors of Dancing with Water (we are featured in the 2nd Edition with the Rings) discuss the molecular structure of water and the resulting coherence in using a Tensor Ring. The Galactic Cubit, aka Ascension Ring, connects with the Soul and the Souls Aspects. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. over a year ago, To test the rings effectiveness I stroked my penis and slipped the ring on. Tensor Rings are truly an integration of Science and Spiritual Technologies. Tensor Fields restructure electromagnetics to where they are beneficial to the human body. When they are made to certain specifications, they amplify subtle energy for a powerful effect on water and living biology. It is made with premium titanium and embed with natural selenite stone, which effectively release powerful mineral elements to your body. Love my ring. This requires open communication. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. Learn more about our use of cookies: Cookie Policy, 6 Eye-Catching Homewares Under $50 (That No One Would Ever Guess Cost So Little), 5 Places With Overwater Bungalows Thatll Have You Convinced Youre in the Maldives, Where Millennials Are Travelling in 2023 (That You Should Definitely Visit, Too), Its Not Just You, the UN Has Said 2023 Will Be a Tough One for Women. I dont know, I feel good around them, she said. Tensor Rings are the joint invention of Slim Witman, Luc SkyWalker, Marlin Peters, Bertha Etsy, Bill Reed, Herman Munster, and Melanie Evans. Brought in by a Master Dowser. It brings tranquility and stability to chaos, and very easily stabilizes the bio-magnetic energy fields of the body. Advertisement. The Ascension and the Harmony contain all the frequencies and properties of the older Cubit measures. Cubits are specific measurement lengths that vibrate at a specific frequency. I actually fought the smart meters on my home. 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