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Mark Lampley Senior Associate Pastor | Christian Formation and Congregational Care Dottie Arnett SHEEP Director Sarah Ashby Assistant Youth Director Bill Barron Pastor Emeritus Laurette Beekman Parish Nurse He worked as Maintenance General Supervisor, Superintendent of Tools and Manufacturing engineering, and finally Superintendent of Research and Development for high-performance rare-earth magnets. Staff Directory 220 Rock Prairie Rd, College Station, TX 77845 Email Us Contact Us 979-694-7700 .TWFxr5{height:auto!important}. several church choirs. We hope to make a positive impact on our community. He has served on the boards of You are invited and you are welcome. Graduating with a degree in Electrical Engineering from Kettering University (formerly General Motors Institute of Technology), Don was employed by General Motors for thirty-eight years. About Covenant. Cherie grew up as the daughter of Rev. So far, I have been blessed with 10 grandchildren. Born in Pennsylvania, Mike has been sales manager and company owner, working in Des Moines IA, Toledo OH, Greenville SC and elsewhere during a long and successful business career. She handles office operations, event management . Throughout this time I was continually encouraged by my parents in my faith and active participation in our local Church of Scotland congregation, St. Margaret's. He has previously served churches in Hollywood, CA, Fulton, MO, and Durham, NC. Join the team as we partner with one of Covenant's MTW mission partners, Christiana and Julian Russell, by hosting a children's camp in Nassau, Bahamas. Pastor, Covenant Presbyterian Church (PCA), St. Louis, MO. Brian first came to Covenant Presbyterian by way of a friend's invitation. The church has embraced their vision of mission as ministry outreach across the street and across the world. . During the summer, she teaches at Capital University for the Kodly Institute at Capital teaching in the Level III Elementary Track. He grew up in small churches as a double PK (Pastor's Kid), and has always seen the kind of relational ministry of the small church as what we should be striving for, even as a larger church, and that is the tone he tries to set at Covenant. Janice and Don met at Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary where they were married and answered their calls into ministry. 101. Dr. Philip Olson. Both of my sons are now married and members of Reformed Presbyterian Churches in Costa Mesa and Jess Ranch Community Church CA. Sundays at Covenant; Worship Live Stream; Worship Archive; . Seth received his Master's of Divinity from McCormick Seminary and a Master's of Interfaith Action from Claremont Lincoln University. About 4000 Route 202. Janice enjoys sewing, gardening and reading. We don't have all the answers, but seek to discover God's will and ways in our families, community, and across the world. Rev. Staff Members | Covenant Presbyterian Church Staff Members CB Campano, Congregational Care Coordinator CB has been on staff at Covenant since June of 2006. Teaching Elders (TE) have the privilege of primary preaching, teaching, and pastoral opportunities with the church family; and church staff leadership responsibilities. Interim Organist and Pianist [email protected] Katie Poyner. MDiv, Covenant Theological Seminary (PCA). Eating! In higher courts, Teaching and Ruling Elders are also known as Presbyters or Commissioners and share in the governing of the Church. Dori always had a love for working with children, and attended . He graduated from University of Kansas with a BS degree in Education. She enjoys baking, sewing, reading and hiking. She is an avid advocate for utilizing small group Bible studies as a way to reach neighbors and introduce them to the Good News. Katie Wynkoop has been at Covenant since July of 2011. While in college, he met his wife Katherine who is originally from Gulfport, MS. Team Size: 36 people. Rob has been active in numerous Long Beach community organizations. Staff & Elders - Covenant Presbyterian Church Staff & Elders PASTORS Dr. Alec Flynt Senior Pastor Email Alec has been the Senior Pastor of Covenant Presbyterian Church since 2013. Seminary where they were married and answered their calls into ministry who is from! Katie Wynkoop has been active in numerous Long Beach community organizations in higher,! Is an avid advocate for utilizing small group Bible studies as a way to reach neighbors introduce. Master 's of Divinity from McCormick Seminary and a Master 's of Divinity McCormick! Studies as a way to reach neighbors and introduce them to the Good News 10 grandchildren to reach and... 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