After the citys failure to provide leadership and disaster assistance during the Woolsey Fire in November 2018, and their failure to follow through on campaign promises, Cece spearheaded the recall campaign of two City Council members she helped get elected. Tristan found a new job at a pharmaceutical company in the area. His was Tristan Beaudette. She founded the Malibu Global Media Group, 90265 Magazine, and The Local Malibu in 2013. It feels like eight years ago, Pete said about Tristans death. Measure W was the second ballot measure Cece was involved in, and the firstmedia campaign spearheaded by her publicationThe Local Malibu,which included a special edition print publication, and proved to be part of a successful strategy winning the No on W ballot initiative in 2015 with 60% of the vote. Cece Woods, Editor in Chief Activist, Investigative Reporter, Truth seeker. Shed just decided this, she told me. Her thorough and meticulous reporting strategy has resulted in criminal investigations at the local and federal level and continues to develop a solid network of sources, many of whom are stepping forward to fight public corruption and the injustices perpetrated by elected officials whose decision making during these unprecedented times has resulted in economic collapse. Cece Woods The Current Report Editor in Chief Cece Woods started The Local Malibu, an activism based platform in 2014. In October, Spectrum Development, an engineering consultancy, reports a third break-in: Surveillance footage from the site shows a man stealing food while carrying a rifle and wearing what sheriffs deputies call tactical gear. The next day, residents report an ominous massing of SWAT vehicles, patrol cars, and other tactical units near the Spectrum Development offices. Stephenie Glas says, "Hello, Cece" from the grave. She posted about it, and someone she knew in the Malibu community messaged her: Just so you know, four days before, a Tesla was hit at the same time, same place, right outside Malibu Creek State Park. And I'm like, What the fuck? After that, she said, shes going to fly to Asia with her daughters. Erica said she was aware she and Tristan become characters in any number of stories told by other people. From award-winning writing and photography to binge-ready videos to electric live events, GQ meets millions of modern men where they live, creating the moments that create conversations. First Name: Last Name: Email: Cece Woods started her career in publishing in 2013 with the launch of 90265 Magazine. But the story, effectively, is that there is no story. Follow. One day in early April, I visited her there. Law enforcement and the parks system certainly failed to protect the public, and they gave the public no forewarning of the situation that Tristan and his two little girls were walking into, Ericas attorney, Victor George, told me. When I find out some other fucker's lying to me, oh, that's it.. Malibu Daily News Editor in Chief Cece Woods started The Local Malibu, an activism based platform in 2014.The publication was instrumental in the success of two ballot measures, and seating three Malibu City Councilmen in 2016, and the top two vote-getters again in 2020. Rauda is apparently uncooperative. I started 90265 Magazine in May of 2013 followed by The Local . Like Erica, hed grown up in Fresno, California, descended on both sides from longtime residents of the area. But I was too aware., It was a Friday, and Erica had plans to meet one of her sisters, Liz, and her husband, Pete, and their two kids at a nearby Mexican restaurant. The victims daughters, who are unharmed, are collected by the victims wifes brother-in-law, who was camping at an adjacent site with his own two young children, and taken to the Malibu/Lost Hills Sheriffs Station. It would mean that all that chaos, paranoia, and terror added up to just this guy, one haunted guy, who was afraid of people. Nothing was done properly. After decades in the fashion industry, Cece naturally transitioned into Public Relations using her design background to assist clients with their overall branding and visual needs. Rauda, via his public defender, pleads not guilty. He was the type of guy who liked what he liked uncomplicatedly. But he never appears in the small window of the cell in the courtroom: Hes either not there or hidden, in a corner invisible to the courts gallery. Malibu Lagoon Restoration Project, Measure R, Measure W, Malibu Global Media Group, 90265 Magazine, and The Local Malibu, reportage on Malibu Creek State Park Shootings case. banning the use of rodenticides in Malibu. Brissa Bradfield Leaving WICU-TV: Wheres 12News Eries Anchor Going? In June, Erica came down from San Francisco to attend Tristans college graduation in San Diego, on a huge outdoor field on a hot day. And yet in the past year she has had to learn: In situations like this one, people want a story. As for the wife of the man in the tent, she releases a statement: I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my family, friends, and the community at large for the outpouring of love and support over the loss of someone who was beloved to so many. A reward is offered, with funds drawn from the city of Malibu, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors, and the dead mans pharmaceutical company, in the amount of $30,000. The officers there, staring at her like shed somehow become a character on a TV show. You've been in the reading three times. Their second, also a daughter, was born two years later. The manhunt, which begins at rush hour, lasts through most of the day, but the suspect is not found. Over the phone, Tristan would tell Erica about his Ultimate Frisbee team, the Air Squids, and how his teammates called him Morris, after Zack Morris from Saved by the Bell, because he was so clean-cut. He hadnt told her about it in advance. We asked them if they wanted to take pictures. But the work in the lab was cutting-edgetargeted application of pharmaceuticals, using polymers, to help treat various cancersand Tristan took to it with enthusiasm. I dont know. They've got night vision goggles. This guy is not that guy. But it seems like a powerful force, or a powerful trend, in our current society. How to get the kids to school every day? In late 2014, after noticing a void in local investigative journalism with the departure of Surfside News founder Ann Sobel, Woods started The Local. They had all these rocks and stuff and I took this last video, where Tristan was, like, hurling these rocks into the ocean. One by one the children lined up, to hand Tristan object after object. In four short years, The Local has become the most trusted voice in local media. Local news outlets report that sheriff's deputies have responded nine different times to claims of gunfire in the area. But when they awoke in the morning, they found a sizable hole in the back of the car and then, wedged down by the spare tire, what appeared to be a shotgun slug. Her publications highlight the local lifestyle as well as the civic and environmental concerns of Malibu. In 2020, Cecebegan exposing the corruption at LA Metro which has lead to national news coverage including working with officials and watchdog organizations in DC. But it's not going to do anything to bring Tristan back, in any way whatsoever. Did the killing somehow relate to the marijuana grow farms that Mexican cartels were said to cultivate up in the remote reaches of the park? When the case goes to trial, at a date still yet to be determined, the state will finally unveil its theory of the crime. My mother was a sun worshipper. At 22, she said, she married a professional baseball player, and had two children with him. The notice made no mention of Tristan or of Raudas other alleged victims. I mean I don't even know how I'm supposed to feel about it. Its unfortunate, but its the truth., The coverage, Dylan said, has been a nightmare.. If he had been lying down in even a slightly different position, hed likely still be alive. We were sitting at the dining room table in her town house after shed put her daughters to bed. An amateur sleuth, she has investigated and reported on crime stories in her publications. He featured in a publication with a young Woods beside him. Look at most politicians. Look at the CEOs of powerful companies that are involved in terrible tragedies. The New Yorker- Woolsey Fire/ Hollywood Reporter Woolsey Fire/ Hollywood Reporter Malibu Creek State Park Shootings/ L.A. Times Malibu Creek State Park Shootings / L.A. Times Woolsey Fire/CBS L.A. Malibu Creek State Park Shootings. She grew up in Malibu, California, where she still resides. June 22 will mark the one- year anniversary of Tristans death. The exposure of the cover-up in the Malibu Creek State Parks Shootings in 2018,and Ceces investigative reporting, was featured in GQ Magazines June, 2019 story The Unsolved Mystery of the Malibu Creek Murder. She worked as a publicist and was involved in projects like the Malibu Lagoon Restoration Project, Measure R, Measure W, and more. She exposed the counterfeit mask scandal LA Metro and the two-year law enforcement cover-up in the Malibu Creek State Park Shootings. You guys aren't even going to do anything about this. The 90265 Magazine brand has evolved and expanded, providing a platform that offers a behind-the-scenes look at all things fashion, beauty, health and wellness, travel and lifestyle, with an emphasis on sustainability and eco-friendly principals. Whatever the result, its not going to bring Tristan back., And yet the question lingers: Was what happened to Tristan Beaudette preventable? or Who is this person outside of this?, On his worst days, Dylan said, he felt like Tristans death was emblematic of something darker and more systemic that was happening in the world at large. For his senior class picture, he forewent the usual dress shirt and wore, without embarrassment, a full tuxedo. Scott went back to the gate and got them moved, and they pitched camp there, taking turns watching the kids and setting up their two tents. Tristan and Erica went to different schools but met their senior year, when Tristan needed a date to his winter formal. And then the final surreal touch, when the chaplain at the station entered to offer comfort, and his home, not far away, for Erica and her daughters to shower and change while they waited to go back to the campground. And I was like, God, that sucks, you know? Who wants to be an expert on grief, or what it's like to grow up without a father?, Perhaps because of the way shed lost a parent, shed always been given to bad premonitions. Erica collected her daughters from the playground, and we drove to dinner. The publication was instrumental in the success of pro-preservation ballot measures and seating five top vote-getters in the Malibu City Council elections. In early June 2019, Los Angeles County Sheriffs Department lieutenant James Royal sued the LASD and Los Angeles County, alleging that he had twice gone to his superiors prior to Tristans death, beginning in January 2017, and asked to warn the public. The department turned the power of the badge against one of its own, McNicholas said. Malibu local and watchdog CeCe Woods from caught wind of the assault and started her own investigation. I still feel like I'm watching myself sometimes, you know?, We arrived at the day care center, and she went in to get the girls while I waited outside with Milo. So they scouted the campground and found another site, which Tristan deemed perfect. The year before, Tristan had grown four or five inches; when he and Erica met, he was still getting used to his weird new body. Tristan wanted two. This is bullshit. I thought maybe they had run into someone, maybe they had some altercation with someone or something. Exclusion is Malibu's founding principle. Were the disappearances of Richardson, Park, and others somehow linked to this new crime? More often than not, there are no consequences. If the city would have done what they needed to do and at least warned their citizens, he could have made a conscious choice to go there or not. There were, like, footprints in the ground, in the dirtthey were walking all over it. In late 2014, after noticing a void in local investigative journalism with the departure of Surfside News founder Ann Sobel, Woods started The Local. Ceces track record and commitment to truth in journalism has inspired other media outlets to share her stories to reach an exponentially larger audience increasing our power to affect change. The first increase in the Malibu City contract with the Los Angeles Sheriffs Department in fifteen years was executed on June 29th, 2021. How to keep the memory of their father alive for them? I wish I could remember his name right now, but he's an actor, Erica said. And then came the long ride north to the Malibu/Lost Hills Sheriffs Station, where her girls were being kept. About anything, really. But it's going to be fine. Cece spent part of her life outside of her hometown, at least in Oregon where her kids grew up. The new regional investigative reporting platform The Current Report is focused on L.A. County politics, exposing public corruption and impacting long-term reform. The reason for the high-profile hand-off? Nearly a year later, Tristan Beaudette was killed. Cece is the mother of twoa daughter, Tatum Hengel, and a son, Travis Hengel. With expansion into regional news with The Current Report platform, Cece grew the 90265 Magazine brand to includeCali Mag, offering a behind-the-scenes, authentic look at the iconic California lifestyle. I remember I would just have conversations with Tristan: Dont you worry about this? Dont you worry about that? He was just always very satisfied with where he was and what he did. Erica was never able to let go in quite the same way. Maybe the man in the tent was a one-off thing. That someone was, in malice, shooting at a campground, or someone was just thinking, Oh, I'm going to do something, I'm just horsing around. Like, basically, that the consequences were irrelevant. But now that what's done is done, I don't know that anything is going to make a difference., She said that the irony was, if people knew what shed actually gone throughthe details of her experience that day were worse, and more surreal, than any theory or fiction a person could possibly come up with. She already knew she was leaving, to go to school at Stanford; Tristan was going to study abroad for a year in Switzerland. I don't knowthe me of a year ago would never have just gotten on a plane with them and just flown somewhere. Somebody knows what they're doing. She went to the woman's gated apartment complex. And he got the short end of the stick for it., She and James Rogers knew each other a bit, she saidMalibu was a small community. There, he said, the first park employee he spoke with told him there was a lot of weird activity in the park and that the rangers had been told not to be there by themselves and to not go there at night. She did not forgive whoever had done it. In 2006, she made the journey back to Malibu permanently, the passion to preserve it was ignited. Not long after, LASD homicide detectives issue a second release, adding that they are aware that there have been other shootings near the location in the past, however, there is no evidence that suggests this incident is related to any prior shootings near the location. Nevertheless, stories begin to trickle out: A man trained as a wildlife biologist was camping in the area in early November 2016 when he was awoken in his hammock by a stinging pain in his right arm. We wouldn't have gone. He didnt overthink things or worry too much. He thought hed been bitten by a rodent or a bat, perhaps, while he slept. They hold a community meeting in August but tell anxious residents that they cant really tell them anythingif the earlier shootings are connected to the death of the man in the tent, the LASD has found no evidence of the fact, according to James Royal, one of the lieutenants leading the meeting. how to add loganair boarding pass to wallet, Said she was aware she and Tristan become characters in any number of stories by! Had two children with him nearly a year later, Tristan Beaudette was killed five! L.A. County politics, exposing public corruption and impacting long-term reform is not found the launch of 90265,!, where she still resides and erica went to the Malibu/Lost Hills Sheriffs Station, where still... Dirtthey were walking all over it grew up she grew up in Malibu, an activism platform... 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