But we all know that reality is the furthest thing from a fairytale. His father was Salmon, an Israelite prince. Both Ruth and Naomi, her mother-in-law, have returned to Israel from Moab widowed and forlorn. For example, both belong to the same sex but from different . As women, we can look up to Ruth as an example of goodness and someone worth emulating. Its evident that Naomi understands that God wants her to continue her relationship with Ruth and she expresses these feelings with thanks and recognition. The relationship between Ruth and Naomi is a reflection of the faithful love of God offered to Israel and to us in the gift of covenant. However, Naomi stayed committed to her daughter-in-law and wanted her to follow the God of Israel. Who only wants to go out at night even when there are opportunities to go out during the day. First, Elimelech dies then both Mahlon and Chillion die. In the moments where life feels like its crushing you, start with a little faith. Install Feel The Words on your home screen, and access it just like a regular app. About Us | Contact US | Privacy | Disclaimer | Back to Top. Beloved Lord God, It was Your intention that mankind live in fellowship with You eternally, but in Adam's fall from grace that bond of eternal fellowship was broken and for the first time man was in need of a Redeemer. Ruth laid aside her pain, left her home and family, and turned her face to the future with hope as she journeyed to a new place with her mother-in-law. Lesson 4 - Remaining Humble While Being Favored. Everyone makes mistakes and no one should judge the other for their past actions as a man or woman. Copyright by Michael Bradley and Chris Bradley, When People Let You Down: Dealing with Disappointment. The book of Ruth begins by looking at the life of Naomi. More often than not, youll find that love mirrors our reality in many cases within biblical stories. Just like the Proverbs 31 woman. 4:17). Naomi and her husband decided to move away from Judah to Moab because of a terrible famine that was hurting their family. Memory Work - Luke 1:68; Scripture Reading and Discussion - Leviticus 25:48-49a, Ruth 4:1-17. This in-depth Bible Study will take you verse-by-verse and chapter-by-chapter through the book of Ruth. No machines existed. Every relationship will have its ups and downs because no relationship is perfect. The couples two sons both married when they moved to Moab. Their relationship offers a beautiful model of a good relationship a stunning look at a blending of lives. She admitted that she felt that God had dealt with her bitterly. On the other hand, Ruths husband had died leaving her without children and she was still young. Ruth shows pure, boundless love to her mother-in-law. Both of these women showed faith and clung to the belief that better days were ahead. God doesnt not discriminate and wants His people to have the same viewpoints and understanding. Later we see him ensuring that they have food to eat during their lunch break and he sits and eats with then. The first concerns the happy accident of Ruth's Ruth allowed herself to be loved and led by Naomi. Be Blessed. And yet, his fingerprints are all over the events of Ruth. The book of Ruth is a fascinating tale of romance, intrigue, loss, disobedience, and ultimately of faith. February 10, 2023. A simple Moabite widow becomes an essential character in the powerful story of salvation woven through the Bible. Hopefully the story of Naomi and her daughter-in-law Ruth will hold additional lessons for us as well. Naomi was open with Ruth about the joy, the fear, the pain, and the anguish that came with her faith in God. Their story is found in the Book of Ruth and it not only inspires hope for many, but includes 3 life lessons that can bring us opportunities, help us achieve our goals and live a stable life. which revealed that our heavenly father do not differentiate. And what a bountiful blessing she reaped! Samson's relationship with Delilah is a far cry from Ruth's relationship with Boaz. Boaz was attracted to Ruths character. It was a sacrifice for Ruth to refuse to return to her family. She lost her husband and her two sons. 6: God redeems us from our hopeless situation The story of Boaz and Ruth has a lot of symbolism for us to take note of. Just ensure that like Ruth, you are showing up in faith and doing your work with excellence. He should have already taken her in to provide for her. Love is organic and the Book of Ruth is just one of the best examples to portray these ideal. 4: Boaz accepts and marries Ruth; they become the ancestors of David and Jesus Christ. Sermon by Mr. Ken Frank (dve882). 5 Spiritual Lessons from the Book of Ruth. Bethlehem was where Jehovah was worshipped but Moab was a place where heathen, false gods were worshipped. These previews of Christ are a bit of a foreshadowing that falls across Old Testament pages, fully coming to reality in the New Testament with the birth of Jesus. God be thanked for your love to me. Love was different for all of the women involved Ruth, Orpah and Naomi. It is this famine that forces Elimelech to take his wife Naomi and their two sons, Mahlon and Chillion, to leave Bethlehem and live in Moab, a pagan community. A secret relationship is a red flag. And now, my daughter, fear not; I will do to thee all that thou requirest: for all the city of my people doth know that thou art a virtuous woman. (Ruth 2:11, Ruth 3:10,11 KJV). Use our Ruth Bible study guide to discover life transforming lessons on relationships, depression, and providence in this story of love and redemption. There is Always Hope. Be sure to check out The Story of Naomi in the Bible and lessons you can learn. Ruth was the great-grandmother of King David and the daughter-in-law of Naomi. Boaz was considerably older than Ruth. I hear people say, Gods got Made with by India A place where world feel the words. And she took on a religion that she knew very little about just like Abraham. Even though Ruth wasnt a Jew and was a Moabite, God didnt allow those titles to change His love for Ruth. Ruth made the best decision because she decided to hold the family together at all costs. Introduction. It means to refuse to rush or settle with someone who does not meet Gods approval. Things will go faster and will be much better. We also see the freedom in their relationship. relationship between God and his people and vice versa." Without the reality of erotic conjugal love, our knowledge of God's love would be so much the poorer. Well, there is a lot to be said about her. She urges Ruth and Orpah to stay in Moab and find new husbands. Life changing conversations should probably happen when both parties are fully present and engaged. Having this information made all the difference in the world. They see you when youre good and when youre bad. The biblical story of Ruth and Boaz is all of that and more. Ruth 1:3: "Now Elimelek, Naomi's husband, died, and she was left with her two sons. You never know whos watching you and has the power to fulfill Gods plans and blessings. 5) God has a Redeemer in place who can rescue us from the devastation of our own sin. The Book of Ruth provides five lessons on what it's like to be a true leader. God heard her cries and helped her feel complete again. Set in the midst of great hardship and tragic loss, the story focuses on loyalty and faithfulness that starkly contrasts the pagan Moabite . She took action. Every relationship will have its ups and downs because no relationship is perfect. Hebrews 11:1 reminds us that Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. And looking at the book of Ruth, we can see that even when we cant see beyond our pain to his plan, we can have hope that our story isnt over better days are coming. Even though we are basically desolate because of our sinful actions, we will all be forgiven and have the opportunity to make our lives better. The first lesson from the Book of Ruth is that there is always hope. The book of Ruth offers an entirely different perspective on this often maligned relationship. And wasnt she quite the friend to her mother-in-law Naomi? Grief and sorrow do not trump love. When Boaz is introduced in the story, the first thing he does is to greet his workers and servants. In those days when men died before they had children, a male relative was responsible for taking his widow as wife and giving her children who would be considered the child of the deceased. Note that he addressed her as daughter. Love works in mysterious ways. In that society, kinsmen had a duty to make sure that if a relative of theirs died without children, that relatives name would live on. Ruth and Boaz had a child together and he also took care of Naomi. I went out full, and the Lord hath brought me home again empty. (Ruth 1:20,21a KJV). His wife and sons stay on, and the sons marry non-Jewish women - Moabite princesses by the names of Ruth and Orpah. He immediately takes to her and starts to protect her. Naomi even extends thanks and recognition to Ruth for providing her with a beautiful blessing. At the very beginning of the book of Ruth, shes living in Moab, her home nation. The LORD bless you, my daughter, he replied. She was a convert to Judaism and she knew very little about Jewish rules. Lesson no. Just look at the five women mentioned in the genealogy of Jesus: Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, Bathsheba, and Mary. Ruth was a poor, hurting, outcast, widow. And Boaz did not delay in calling a meeting to secure his rights to marry her. Key Words and Historical Background Notes. He brought well-needed solutions. Naomi told her two daughters-in-law to stay in Moab and find new husbands. God doesnt not discriminate and wants His people to have the same viewpoints and understanding. I imagine that they must have prayed for Gods favor. God does not enter into the story with fire or glory. Ruth had no family in Bethlehem so Boaz did not have the opportunity to know about her through their eyes. If you are a Bible study teacher, you are free to allow this content to influence the lessons you teach or the sermons you present. The characteristics of Ruth in the Bible makes for an exciting study! One of the most important Naomi and Ruth relationship principles is to trust God. God had an amazing plan for Ruth. Some conversations require perfect timing because of the issue that needs to be discussed. As a widow myself, Im drawn to the story of Ruth again and again. He was not in Gods will. He made a decision that God didnt approve. v 2 - Moab: located east of the Jordan River and the Dead Sea. The book of Ruth is a beautiful piece of sacred literature, applauded by many for its literary excellence. Boaz recognized that Ruth was quite vulnerable. True friendship is self-giving. You have your identity when you find out, not what you can keep your mind on, but what you can't Nineteenth-century American historian Elizabeth Ellet imagines that Ruth's beauty and foreign appearance attracted Boaz's attention.. After completing this lesson, children will learn what it means to be redeemed by Jesus by comparing how Boaz was the kinsman-redeemer for Ruth. So Boaz had to be out there in the rain and sunshine with his workers. However, the contents of this blog post may not be modified, compiled, combined with other content, copied, recorded, synchronized, transmitted, translated, formatted, distributed, publicly displayed, publicly performed, reproduced, given away, used to create derivative works and otherwise used or exploited (including for-profit or commercial gain) without the creators expressed permission. No matter what devastating situation comes into play, love will conquer all because it is ultimately what brings people together. In the Book of Ruth, Orpah and Ruth chose different paths because that was best for them. Neither of them knew how theyd survive. And again, after the night at the threshing floor, he gave barley to take home. There are many things married and single people can learn about in the Book of Ruth. He didnt judge her past and didnt penalize her instead he embraced her past by also providing for Naomi. But when it comes to relationships, its even harder. . Later tragically, Naomis husband and two sons died. She was the same person wherever she went. 4:17). Like Ruth, we also need to work to be women and men of integrity. Boaz saw the beauty in love and accepted Ruth for who she was. Sometimes were afraid that sharing our questions and doubts and disappointments will turn other people away from God, when actually, sharing about our relationship with God openly can bring more intimacy to our relationships and help draw other people to their own faith. The characteristics of Ruth in the Bible also include her being a hard worker, and someone who takes care of those around her. The story of Ruth the Moabite is the unusual biblical tale of the trials faced by two women, touching on profound themes such as grief, familial loyalty, feminine dependence and independence, and . In Boaz, Jesus shows up to redeem, cover, protect, rescue, and restore. Lets look at a few strengths and weaknesses of Ruth in the Bible. Books to Keep You Company When Youre Walking Through Suffering, When All You Want for Christmas is a Baby, When Everything in the World Seems Wrong, Its Worth Keeping House, why God never calls us from something without calling us to something, When Christmas Leaves You Feeling Lost and Disappointed. Ruth abandoned his family and journey with Naomi back home . Boaz redeemed Ruth like Jesus redeemed us. She stepped out and took advantage of what was available to her. Dear Lord, This was to appeal to Boazs nature. The Book of Ruth provides many relationship lessons that perpetuate the meaning of true love. In the end, everyone lived their life and love prevailed. ( Ruth 2:2). Look out for a man who is proud to call you his own. Naomi was essentially empty and devastated after she lost her husband and sons. Ruth and Naomi Relationship Principle #4 Trust God. Whether youre dating or married, your man is flesh and bones. No matter your past, you still have a purpose. . They choose to stay together and forge a union. Make the stories of your life good stories so that even if you die, you will leave a legacy of faith and obedience to God. Ruth soaked up everything Naomi taught her. Boaz therefore went to a meeting in which he was able to win Ruth from that family member. When we are going through some of our toughest struggles, he often brings us to the mindbarthis is where he gives us strength. But thats not what she did. This was a sign of her level of gratitude. They have nothing, so Ruth goes to work in the grain fields so they have enough food to eat. The Book of Ruth provides us with a great story about love. This would mean marrying the widow of the deceased and making children. Love is a very interesting concept. Their choices do not mean that one is better than the other. This kindness is greater than that which you showed earlier: You have not run after the younger men, whether rich or poor. Boaz was driven by authentic love for Ruth just like Jesuss love for us caused him to give up heaven for our sake. 4 They married Moabite women, one named Orpah and the other Ruth. He had not done what he was supposed to do. Naomi therefore had no idea that the hardships she was preparing to endure did not have to be her reality. When the timing is right, the outcome of the conversation is likely to be more favorable. If we were to explore them all, this post would never end. Ruth was a Moabite woman and was considered to be a foreigner in Judah, which was a huge deal in their culture at that time. Remember to thank and recognize your partner each day. Just 10 years later her sons die, too. In the book of Ruth, we see Boaz as a type of Christ hes the redeemer of Ruth. a. Its a popular saying: Im waiting for my Boaz. We dont usually share our unedited feelings and thoughts about God with friends or family members. Ruths story is one that exemplifies the reality that so many of us are thrown at every day death, love, heartache, falling into love and even compassion for others that share love. Our doctrines, practices, policies. In The Midst Of Bad Circumstances, The Lord Is In Control Of Your Life. Ruth was willing to go harvest in the fields daily. Blessings occur seven times in the book of Ruth, from Naomi blessing both her daughters-in-law (1:8) and Boaz (2:19-20), to Boaz's casual blessing of his workers (2:4) and deeper blessing of Ruth (3:10), and climactically to the women blessing the Lord for the birth of the child (4:14). While there are many things to learn from the story of Ruth, here are seven powerful lessons from this tiny book that stood out to me. The Book of Ruth provides many relationship lessons that perpetuate the meaning of true love. Lesson 5 - Willing to Take Advice from Elders. Both Naomi and Ruth experienced a great amount of grief, however both prevail Naomi loses her husband two sons. Everyone experiences grief and sorrow during their lifetime. She is known for her faithfulness, loyalty, virtue, and love. The indescribable passion and struggles that accompany love is displayed in the Book of Ruth and these actions personify our own struggles that we come face-to-face with on a daily basis. All rights reserved. Seek and heed the advice of the righteous. Throughout the Bible, we see previews of Christ. Naomi was from Bethlehem and moved to Moab with her husband Elimelek and two sons, Mahlon and Kilion. Ruth was no Hebrew but God used her to continue the family line through which Jesus would be born. When Ruth gets to Bethlehem, he decided to go to the fields to pick up left over grains for them to grind into flour to use for good. 1. This means she was ready to be taken as his wife and to enter into a relationship of mutual submission and trust. The Book of Ruth relates that Ruth and Orpah, two women of Moab, had married two sons of . Beliefnet is a lifestyle website providing feature editorial content around the topics of inspiration, spirituality, health, wellness, love and family, news and entertainment. Having dedicated herself to the God of Israel, Ruth, in chapter 2, begins to grow in her relationship and dedication to Boaz. He wanted to conduct things in such a way that it was above board and unquestionable. Open your Safari menu and tap "Add to Home Screen". This is an important truth for us today. Id say yes but they were definitely not in her control. This book will fill you to the brim with hope, as you see an imperfect family be used mightily by God. every one on earth will fail. We dont know anything about her beauty but we know her character was admirable. Couples must balance each other and have a forgiving heart. Finding someone to spend the rest of your life with is serious business. Because Ruth was a childless widow of a Hebrew male, she was entitled to remarriage from a member of Mahlons family. Naomi, later on, lost her husband and she was left with her two sons. Your email address will not be published. But it could also mean a term of endearment. . And yet it was that sharing and intimacy that was the foundation of the deep relationship these two women shared. Even though it may not make complete sense during the time its taking place, its important to recognize how God has and continues to change your life on a daily basis with His actions. Boaz is presented as a "man of character" ( Ruth 2:1 ). Boaz was ready to call Ruth his bride and wife just like Jesus calls us his bride. Naomi is the one who sets the tone for her relationship with daughter-in-law Ruth. Once they realize that their significant other doesnt have bad intentions when they make mistakes, theyll discover that their relationship will truly prosper. 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